Proving A Point

Title: Proving A Point

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set after 5.06 “Don’t Dream It’s Over” so let’s say everything up to and including that episode to be on the safe side. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: As he approached their bedroom, his anger dissipated the second he saw Haley walking towards him dressed in her favourite blue silk robe, her new brunette hairstyle reminding him again of how she’d looked back in high school when she’d first started tutoring him.

Author’s Notes: This has been written especially for Ulle at her request (details below) and is a “Get well soon” gift from me. I hope this is the sort of thing you were hoping for and that you enjoy it! Feel better soon, hon!

Prompt: Season 5 after episode 6 fic. Rough sex against the wall that connects with Carrie's, because Nathan's pissed she'd think he'd want her more than his wife and he's going to prove a point.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Nathan could feel the blood boiling in his veins as he again remembered her words and her blatant insinuation that he could want her more than his own wife. Who the fuck did she think she was to pass judgement on his and Haley’s relationship? Sure, things had been strained between them in recent months but they were starting to get back on track and the last thing they needed was for this little bitch to cause them any trouble. They’d had enough of that to last them a lifetime.

As he approached their bedroom, his anger dissipated the second he saw Haley walking towards him dressed in her favourite blue silk robe, her new brunette hairstyle reminding him again of how she’d looked back in high school when she’d first started tutoring him.

“Nathan, I—”

Sealing his mouth firmly over hers, he interrupted whatever she’d been about to say. When she parted her lips, he took full advantage of it and slipped his tongue between them, curling it around her own and drawing the appendage into his own mouth and sucking on it. His hands roamed all over her, desperate to feel her bare skin beneath his fingers. Untying her belt, he could tell from touch alone that she was wearing her pale blue nightgown with the white lace trim which was one of his many favourites and which held some great memories for the both of them. The fact she was wearing it tonight made him wonder if she’d been coming to find him for the same purpose that he’d been looking for her.

“You feel so fucking good, baby,” he whispered huskily into her ear, licking the shell of it before kissing his way down to her neck, sucking on her delicate skin, determined to mark her. The fingers of one hand trailed up her inner thigh, drawing lazy patterns as they inched higher while his other hand kneaded her butt.

“God… Nathan…” Haley panted breathlessly. “We… we can’t… not here.”

Pulling back from her slightly, he felt himself harden even more as he took in her beautiful kiss-swollen lips and the way her eyes had darkened from their usual deep chocolate brown to almost black, a sure sign of her arousal. An idea suddenly popped into his head which had him grinning from ear to ear. Wrapping his fingers around Haley’s wrist, he bypassed their bedroom and headed towards the guestroom at the end of the hall, the guestroom which just so happened to be next door to her room. If she thought he wanted her instead of his gorgeous wife, she was about to find out just how wrong she was.

“Why are we coming in here?” Haley asked, tilting her head and regarding him curiously as he closed and locked the door behind them.

“We don’t want to wake Jamie up,” he replied, pushing her up against the nearest wall, adding, “You know how loud you can get.”

She blushed at his words. “You can talk,” she mumbled.

“Yeah, I can,” he agreed, his smirk deepening. Sliding her robe off her shoulders and down her arms, he let the silk garment fall to the ground before he began working on stripping her of her nightgown. “No panties, Mrs Scott? How scandalous!” Oh yeah, it would definitely seem his girl had had the same idea as him tonight.

“I know,” Haley said, rubbing her thighs together to try and alleviate the pressure she could already feel building with the anticipation of what was about to happen. God, she loved it when he took charge like this. She watched with hungry eyes as he removed his shirt, revealing his toned body, before quickly unzipping his pants and pushing them, along with his boxers, down to his knees.

A gasp tore from her throat when Nathan suddenly picked her up and began sliding his cock along her wet pussy, making sure to rub against her clit as he did so. “Yesss…”

“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, baby!”

Her breath hitched in her throat at his heated words and before she could utter a single syllable, he thrust into her. “Nathan!” she cried out, her pelvic muscles immediately clenching around his erection.

“You like that, huh?”

“Uh huh,” she whispered.

“Louder...” he commanded. “Say it louder.”

“Yes, I like it! I love it,” she said in a stronger voice, complying with his demand, her eyes falling shut when he began sliding in and out of her, creating a delicious friction that made her shiver with delight.

One of his hands cupped her breast, tugging on her diamond hard nipple and he was rewarded with a deep moan. He repeated the action before switching to her other breast and doing the same thing to it.

Haley gripped his shoulders as she rocked her hips against his, moaning loudly when he raised her up higher and changed the angle slightly so that the base of his cock rubbed against her throbbing clit. A little niggle in the back of her mind reminded her that maybe this was too much for him given how he was still using crutches but she was too mindless in her pleasure to stop him. They’d only just started becoming intimate again and this was another sign that things were returning to normal for them as a couple.

Combing her fingers through his newly shorn hair, she said, “I love that you cut your hair.”

He smirked against her throat. “You didn’t like the mullet?”

“No… well, not as much as I love this look on you. It suits you so much better.”

Picking up the pace, he slammed his cock into her repeatedly, loving the way her eyes fluttered closed as the sensations grew too strong for her. “Open your eyes, Hales,” he ordered. “I wanna see you.”

Doing as he wanted, she opened them, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she saw the intense way he was looking at her.

“Squeeze me,” he instructed this time and his eyes almost crossed when she immediately complied. “Fuck! You’re so tight, baby,” he said loudly, wanting the occupant of the next room to hear him nice and clear.

Without waiting to be told, she squeezed her feminine muscles around him again, her giggles at his expletive turning to another long drawn out moan when he held still on his next down-stroke and ground against her clit.


“I love it when you scream my name,” he told her, seizing her lips in a dirty, visceral kiss; tongues tangling wetly and teeth clacking, the sounds of harsh, heavy breathing filling the air. “You know what else I love?”

“What?” Haley replied when she’d caught her breath.

“You. I love every single thing about you, baby.”

“I love you, too,” she choked out as she cupped the back of his head and drew him towards her for another kiss.

Nathan could feel the telltale tingle in the base of his spine signalling that he was close to the end and wanting her to tumble into the abyss with him, he once again sped things up. Kneading her breasts in turn, he tugged at her nipples while furiously sucking on her collarbone.

She could feel the tight coil in her belly quickly unravelling and it was only a few seconds later that she screamed his name as she suddenly climaxed around him, her body jerking with the intensity of it.

The sensation of her pussy contracting and releasing around his cock as she came down from her orgasm was his undoing and he followed close behind, spilling his warm seed deep inside of her as he shouted her name; his palm slamming against the wall he was pressing Haley up against, again wanting the person in the next room to hear just what effect his incredibly sexy wife had on him.

They stayed like that for several moments, sharing soft kisses as their breathing slowly returned to some semblance of normal.

Nathan was still semi-hard and he chuckled when she again flexed her internal muscles around him. “Keep doing that and I can promise you won’t be getting a wink of sleep tonight.”

“You really promise?” she teased, repeating her previous action.

Lowering his head, he kissed her, tickling the roof of her mouth with his tongue. “Oh, I definitely promise, Hales.” Reluctantly withdrawing from her tight clutch, he bent down and scooped up her robe, helping her slip it back on before pulling up his pants and boxers, leaving them unzipped. “C’mon,” he said after unlocking and opening the door, not even bothering to glance at the door of the next room. Taking her hand in his, he interlaced their fingers and led her out of the guestroom and back to their own bedroom.

Once inside, Haley said, “You want to tell me what that was all about?”

Closing the short distance between them, he shrugged his shoulders. “Just proving a point.”

She had a feeling she knew what point he was making and to whom, and a warmth spread through her at the clear and concise way he’d chosen to make it. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down for another heady kiss. “I think you proved your point perfectly, honey.”

“You know what,” he said, flashing her his trademark smirk, “I think I did, too.”


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