This Way To Hell - Chapter One

Chapter One

“We… we can’t do this here,” Lindsay whispered breathlessly in between the hot, hungry kisses her boyfriend was currently bestowing upon her. She knew she should be pushing him away but instead of doing just that, her hand curled around his neck, pulling him further forward so that their bodies were pressed even more tightly together and he was effectively sandwiching her up against her locker. A moan escaped her lips when she felt his slightly calloused fingers trailing up the inside of her thigh and she didn’t know whether to rejoice in the fact she’d chosen to wear a skirt today or to curse it.

She’d felt his heated gaze on her all morning and he’d taken every opportunity to brush against her in the lab which hadn’t helped matters. The blood in her veins was sizzling to the point where she was feeling feverish and, needing to calm herself down before she ended up jumping his bones, she took off for the locker room for a quiet moment.

She just hadn’t banked on him following her in there. Although with the way he was making her feel, maybe on some level that’s exactly what she’d been banking on and so he was really only doing what she wanted.

“Why not?” His moist, hot breath puffed against the shell of her ear, bringing her out of her thoughts and causing her to shiver in his arms.


“C’mon, Montana… no one’s around an—”

“We’re supposed to be working,” she interrupted.

“We’re taking our lunch break,” he quipped, nuzzling his face in the nook between her neck and shoulder, his stubble grazing along her skin in the process as he breathed in her familiar scent.

“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Her breathing was already ragged, a combination of the arousal that was already pooling low in her belly mixed in with the fact that anyone could walk in on them in such a compromising position. She could feel every single inch of him pressing against her and she knew she wasn’t going to win the battle, although she wasn’t about to let him know that. Where would the fun be in that?

“It's what we’re calling it.” Before she could say another word, Danny sealed his mouth over hers and kissed her hard, his tongue slipping between her lips to tangle wetly with her own. The hand he had under her skirt continued its journey north and he swallowed the delicious little noises she started making when he caressed her through the silk of her underwear.

“God… Danny… we can’t…” The way she was undulating her hips against him told a different story and he couldn’t help smirking.

“No one’s around,” he told her, the huskiness of his voice making his accent thicker.

“Yeah, now there isn’t but I guarantee you someone will walk in here right when…” Lindsay’s words trailed off and her eyes fluttered shut when Danny’s fingers added a little more pressure, her teeth biting into her bottom lip to keep from making any more noise.

“When what?” he teased.

“W-when we’re in the middle of… something.”

Kissing his way along her cheek, he whispered into her ear, “C’mon.”

“What? Where?”

“You’ll see.” Lacing their fingers together, he led her towards the women’s bathroom which was situated across from the row of lockers.

“You can’t be serious!” Lindsay said, continue to follow him.

“Oh, I’m very serious. We’ll be guaranteed some privacy in there, Linds.

“Is that so? What about when we’re, uh… done?”

His smirk deepened. “Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“Danny, I don’t know about thi—”

Lindsay’s words were cut off when he suddenly whirled around and captured her lips causing her to stumble backwards with the intensity of his kiss; her hands immediately grabbing his biceps to steady herself. She moaned into his mouth, sucking on his tongue as her fingers threaded through his hair.

“I want you,” Danny told her, his voice nothing but a hoarse whisper.

“I want you, too.” Taking a deep breath, she quickly glanced around them before checking her wristwatch.

He had a pretty good idea of where her thoughts had gone and he bit back the smile he could feel forming on his face. A moment later, he was the one being dragged towards the bathroom and, this time, he couldn’t stop from smiling.

“Yeah, I don’t think you’ll be smiling if we get caught,” Lindsay retorted, throwing him a look over her shoulder.

“Oh, I think it’ll be worth it,” he said, winking at her. “Actually, I know it will.”

She blushed at his words and the devilish little smile he was giving her made her stomach flip flop. The man was just too sexy for his own good, she thought to herself as she pulled him into the bathroom. She was so going to hell for this.

Chapter Two

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