Young Hearts

Title: Young Hearts

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an extension to the final NH scene in episode 7.07 ‘I And Love And You’ so it might help to watch it before reading this. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Hearing the residual melancholy in his voice, Haley felt a strong urge to try and help him feel better and when she remembered what she’d said to him earlier, a plan started forming in her mind. “I’ve got an idea,” she said teasingly.

Author’s Notes: A huge thank you goes to Kristen for all of her help and hand-holding with this latest piece. As I told you earlier, you’re a diamond! *hugs*

Curled up together in the wicker armchair, the cool night air washing over them, Nathan felt at peace for the first time in weeks and the weight that had been pressing down on his shoulders and on his heart had finally lifted. For a while there he really thought it was never going to happen.

As much as he still hated Dan, he once again had something to be grateful to him for, a fact that didn’t particularly sit right with him. After all, this was the man who’d murdered his own brother in cold blood and then tried to pin it on a messed up teenager. How could he ever forgive and forget something so huge? While he would be eternally thankful to him for having saved his wife and son from their crazy ex-nanny and for helping save his marriage and, in turn, his career and reputation from Renee’s false accusations, he couldn’t just sweep aside everything else – all the bad stuff Dan had done over the years – because of it.

“Hey, you okay?”

Haley’s gentle, soothing voice cut into his thoughts and smiling down at her, he nodded. “Yeah. Just thinking about Dan,” he told her.

“He came through for us again, didn’t he?”

“He did,” Nathan confirmed. “But it doesn’t change what he’s done in the past… to all of us.”

Cupping the side of his face in her palm, she ran her thumb back and forth along his cheekbone. “I know.” Threading her fingers through his hair, she drew his head down as she moved forward, their lips instantly meeting. The kiss was soft and slow, both of them savouring the taste and feel of each other, their tongues tangling playfully.

Hearing the residual melancholy in his voice, Haley felt a strong urge to try and help him feel better and when she remembered what she’d said to him earlier, a plan started forming in her mind. “I’ve got an idea,” she said teasingly.

“Really? And what might that be, my beautiful wife?” he asked, using the same words he’d uttered a short while ago, smiling at the rosy blush that tinted her skin.

Haley pressed a kiss to his jaw before untangling herself from his embrace and getting up from the chair, chuckling at the pout he now wore due to their sudden lack of proximity. “Remember how I said we sometimes forget that we’re both still young?”

“Uh huh. Why don’t you come back over here and we can talk about it in detail?” Nathan suggested, patting his lap.

Shaking her head, she flashed him a smirk as she reached behind her and began lowering the zipper of her blue and black dress. “I’ve got a better idea,” she said mischievously, slipping her arms out of the garment’s straps before crooking her pointer finger and beckoning him towards her.

While Nathan couldn’t help being a little surprised at her actions, he didn’t need any further encouragement and was out of the chair in a flash. “What did you have in mind?” he asked, watching with rapt attention as her dress fell to the ground and her matching dark blue bra and panty set came into view. His fingers tingled in anticipation and he unconsciously licked his lips.

“C’mere,” she said, wanting him closer still and when he was within touching distance, she popped the unopened buttons on his polo shirt before pushing it up his torso. A giggle burst from her when he grabbed the hem and stripped it off himself.

Framing Haley’s face with his hands, he lowered his head and kissed her hotly, the quiet moans emanating from her turning him on and spurring him into action. His fingers grazed over the swell of each of her breasts as their kisses intensified and he smirked against her lips when her hold on him immediately tightened.

“Let’s go inside,” he whispered huskily, brushing his lips over hers before resting their foreheads together, taking a moment to catch his breath.

“No…” Keeping her gaze locked on his, Haley toed off her shoes before pushing herself up onto her tiptoes. “Let’s stay out here.”

Cocking an eyebrow at that, Nathan asked, “Are you sure?”

Instead of answering him verbally, her fingers went to his belt and she pulled the leather strap through the buckle before popping the button on his jeans and then slowly inching his zipper down.

“I’ll take that as yes,” he quipped, seizing her lips in a ravenous kiss. He growled in the back of his throat when her tongue curled around his and coaxed it into her own mouth. God, his girl could kiss and then some!

The cool breeze on her warm, flushed skin felt amazing and wrapping her arms around Nathan’s neck, she pressed her body more firmly against him. Trailing one hand down his perfectly toned chest and sculpted abs, she followed the trail of fine hair leading south and curled her fingers around his erection, swallowing the sounds he was making.

Doing something like this was pretty out of character for her but, right now, she didn’t care about anything other than being with her husband… especially now that this huge weight had been lifted off both of their shoulders.

Releasing the clasp of her bra, Nathan peeled the scrap of satin and lace away, not caring in the slightest where it fell. Kissing his way from her lips down to her neck, he sucked on her skin, grazing his teeth along it as he cupped and kneaded her full, firm breasts.

“I need you now,” Haley whimpered, her fingers curling around his biceps, holding on in an attempt to keep her upright when her legs threatened to buckle beneath her. It amazed her that even after all these years together he still had the ability to make her weak in the knees with a flash of his sexy smirk and those all consuming, drugging kisses which made her stomach flip flop in much the same way as they did back when they’d been teenagers.

Kicking off his shoes and removing his socks, Nathan shucked out of his jeans, leaving him clad in just his black boxer briefs. Cradling the side of her face, he kissed her long and slow, sucking on her bottom lip before releasing it with a pop a couple of seconds later.

Haley yelped when, without warning, he suddenly scooped her up into his arms bridegroom-style and jumped into the pool with her. “Nathan!” she shrieked, screwing her eyes shut and holding her breath as she braced herself for hitting the water.

When they resurfaced, Nathan laughed as he ran a hand through his soaked hair. “Got you screaming my name already, huh?”

“I can’t believe you did that,” she said, joining in with his laughter and brushing away the wet strands of hair that were clinging to her face. At least their pool was heated which was something, she mused to herself.

Swimming over to her, he banded his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against him, letting her feel every inch of him. Their laughter died away as their gazes locked on each other. Instinctively, their faces began inching forwards and they both moaned when their lips finally connected.

Placing her hands on Nathan’s shoulders, Haley jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing their lower bodies into closer contact. “Oh God…” she murmured, feeling his thick, hard length pressing against her core through his boxers and her panties. Dipping her fingers beneath the waistband of his underwear, she once again wrapped them around his cock, fisting him in her palm as their mouths met repeatedly, their tongues exploring.

“Hales… You’ve gotta stop,” he pleaded, already feeling so close to the edge thanks to her wickedly talented touch.

Seeing the look of pleasure/pain etched on his face, she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip, the anticipation of their imminent coupling making her feel almost lightheaded. Placing her hand on the back of his head, she kissed him forcefully, sucking and nibbling on his lips. She couldn’t contain her sounds of pleasure when he pulled her panties aside and began caressing her wet pussy, his thumb rubbing her clit in maddeningly slow circles.

“Do you know how fucking hot you look right now, baby?” he asked, his mouth latching onto the sensitive spot behind her ear as he dipped two fingers inside her molten heat.

“Nathan… please…”

“Please what?” Without pausing his ministrations, Nathan managed to swim them into the deeper end of the pool and he gently pushed her up against the tiled wall, obscuring her from view should his sister-in-law happen to come outside or look out of the window.

“I need you… now,” Haley told him, placing her hand on his wrist and stilling his movements even if it was the last thing she wanted to do.

Reluctantly removing his digits from the tight clutch of her body, he pushed his boxer briefs down past his hips and he couldn’t resist teasing her a little by sliding his cock between her legs, grinding his pelvis against hers and adding pressure to the sensitized bundle of nerve endings at the apex of her thighs.


Smirking at her, he licked a path around her lips before saying, “If you insist.” Without further preamble, he plunged inside of her in one hard stroke, holding still once he was fully embedded within her and rotating his hips slightly to make the sensations even stronger. His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head when Haley began squeezing and releasing her feminine muscles around his shaft. It didn’t matter that she did this practically every time they made love, it always had this strong of an effect upon him and he couldn’t get enough of it.

“Like that?” she asked, sucking his bottom lip between her teeth and tugging on it.

“Fuck, yes!” Boosting her up in his arms, his mouth latched onto one of her nipples and he sucked it hard before switching to its twin and repeating the action. Haley’s fingernails were raking along his scalp, something she knew he liked, and he felt it coax him even closer to his climax. He could tell from the hitch in her breathing that she was also pretty close to the end and he doubled his efforts, wanting them to come together.

His mouth right by her ear, he whispered a whole plethora of naughty things into it, telling her exactly how she made him feel and how much he loved making her come apart in his arms.

“I love you,” Haley told him, clenching her pelvic muscles around him on his every upstroke, trying to stop him from withdrawing which she knew added extra pressure on his cock and always made his orgasms that little bit more explosive than they were already.

“I love you, too, Hales.” Gripping her hips, Nathan helped her pick up the pace as he sped up his movements, frantically plunging in and out of her, grinding the base of his cock against her clit.

Mere seconds later, they both cried out as their orgasms rushed through them, white noise filling their ears as they collapsed against each other. Haley’s arms wrapped around him as he further pressed her against the cool tile which felt good against her feverishly hot skin. Tiny shivers ran through her when she felt him pressing butterfly kisses along her shoulder. Lightly stroking the nape of his neck, she quietly asked, “How’re you feeling?” Feeling his smile against her skin, she knew he was going to have a smartass answer and she bit back the giggle she could already feel bubbling up.


Reaching around him, she pinched his butt and didn’t even attempt to contain her laughter at his yelp.

“Ow! You’re gonna pay for that, babe.”

Disentangling herself from him, Haley began swimming away from him, knowing she didn’t have a hope in hell of getting too far. She squealed when she felt his fingers wrap around her ankle and he began pulling her back towards him. “Nathan!”

Enfolding her in his embrace once more, Nathan held her tightly, picking her up again so that her legs were hooked around his hips. Kissing her again, he lifted his feet off of the bottom of the pool so that they were further submerged in the water. “You ready to get out of here?” he asked her several minutes later, nuzzling his nose against hers as he waited for her reply.

She shook her head. “Let’s stay out here a little while longer.” Tilting her head back, her hair floating behind her, she gazed up at the stars decorating the sky like tiny jewels.

“Okay,” he replied, kissing down her throat, his arms holding her tightly to him as they treaded water.

When they felt the first spots of rain a short while later, they shared a tender smile, their fingers intertwining as they both suddenly felt cleansed of the past few weeks and the nightmare that had engulfed them.

Without saying a word, they came together again, the rain showering down upon them as they did so helping them feel refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to pick up the pieces and move forward together.


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