Only You

Title: Only You

Author: Diane

Pairing: Logan/Veronica

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers: Everything up to and including 2x15. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Neptune High’s Senior Prom, along with some friendly interference, helps bring together a certain couple…

Author’s Note: This is my entry for the ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ challenge at loveathons. Many thanks to Brynne for her brilliant suggestion regarding the partnering up of the two main characters and for her help and beta-ing skills. *hugs*

From his seat at their table, Logan observed his fellow classmates but, no matter how hard he tried to stop himself from doing it, he just couldn’t tear his eyes away from a certain petite blonde who at that very moment was dancing with her date to some cheesy song the DJ was playing.

Seeing this guy’s hands roaming all over her back which was left bare from the cut of her halter-neck dress had the jealousy surging through his veins and his hands kept clenching into fists, particularly when he noticed this Danny guy stroking his fingers up and down her skin.

“Havin’ fun?”

Turning to his own date, Logan gave her a sarcastic smile and replied, “Bundles.”

Jackie Cook laughed, shaking her head which caused her curls to bounce. “So I see.” Taking a seat beside him, she said, “Why don’t you go over there and cut in? I won’t mind.”

“Thanks but no. I’m not in the mood to get shot down tonight.” Picking up his cup, he downed his fruit punch which, unfortunately, hadn’t been spiked with something alcoholic and, not for the first time that evening, he wished he’d remembered to bring his hip flask.

“I’ve got a feeling you wouldn’t be. Look, I thought you two were friends again and…”

“We are,” he interrupted. “And I don’t want to ruin that. After everything that’s happened, I…I’d rather have her in my life as my friend than have her not be in it at all.”

Jackie smiled at him sympathetically. “I can understand that, Logan, but why does being with her as a boyfriend mean that you can’t still be friends with her?”

Logan laughed dryly. “Right. ‘Cos we made such a good job of it before.”

“A lot’s happened since then and I know for a fact that she…”

“Don’t, please Jackie. Anyway, she’s leaving for college soon and long distance relationships rarely, if ever, work so--”

“She’s going to Hearst, you know that.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know where I’m going to be.”

Cocking her head to the side, she regarded him curiously. “And where are you going to be? I thought you were taking a year out before deciding what you wanted to do.”

“Yeah, I am. I figured I might do some travelling, get out of Neptune for a while and just breathe in some different air. These past couple of years…well, they’ve felt pretty suffocating at times.”

Picking up her own cup, Jackie took a sip of her own drink before pushing herself to ask the question she had been curious to know the answer to for a while now. “Are you ever going to tell her?”

“Tell her what?”

“That you got into Hearst as well?”

Logan’s eyes which were once again fixed on his ex-girlfriend quickly flew to look at Jackie. “What… H-How do you know about that?”

“I have my sources,” she sing-songed. “So, are you gonna tell her?”

“What’s the point? I’m not going… I’ve decided to take some time out and--”

“And what? Try to forget her? You know as well as I do that’s not going to happen. Not when you’re still head over heels in love with her.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Jackie.”

“Oh really? So I guess I’ve imagined all those longing looks you’ve been shooting her for the past few months and which you’ve been doing all night.”

“Guess so,” he mumbled.

Seeing the slump in his shoulders, Jackie couldn’t help feel sorry for him. So much had happened to him in such a relatively short space of time, she decided in that moment she would at least try to make things better for him. Glancing over at the dance floor, she scanned the crowd until her eyes landed on the object of her date’s affections and even in the darkened room lit only by the flashing of strobe lights, she could see how the smile never quite reached Veronica’s eyes. That made her decision final and while she knew things could backfire, she had a strong feeling that things couldn’t get any worse than they already were.

“She loves you too, Logan.”

He scoffed. “I think you’re confusing me with my best friend,” he paused for a long moment before adding in a quieter voice, “You know, I think if it wasn’t for her dad, she would have gone with him and the baby.”

“I don’t believe that for a second. Look, I might not know a lot about what things were like when Lilly was alive and the four of you were always together, but I’ve got a feeling Veronica knew her relationship with Duncan was over before he left town.”

Ignoring what he had just heard, he pushed his chair back and stood up. “I’m gonna go and get another drink. Do you want anything?”

Quietly sighing to herself, Jackie shook her head. “No thanks.”

Logan nodded and with a final glance over to the dance floor, he turned on his heels and made his way towards the bar. Once there and seeing the line of people waiting to be served, he detoured and made his way outside the Neptune Grand where their Senior Prom was being held.

Leaning his back against the wall around the corner, he breathed in the cool night air and chuckled to himself at the fact that just a few weeks ago he could have avoided it all and just gone upstairs to his suite but he no longer had a key now he had bought his beach house. He remembered Veronica helping him look for a place and the fun they’d had that day as they had traipsed around numerous places before he had found the house that he felt at home in. Deep down, he knew the main reason he had bought it was for the fact it was just under forty minutes away from where she would be attending college.

Applying to Hearst had been a spur of the moment thing, particularly since he had made the decision not to attend college this year. He figured that after everything that had happened, having some time away would be beneficial but he couldn’t resist the temptation to at least see if he could get into the same school as her. Of course, maybe the Echolls name was the reason for his acceptance but he hoped it wasn’t.

After Dr. Griffith had come forward and confessed to lying in his witness statement and after Thumper had been charged with Felix’s murder as a result of Logan, Weevil and Veronica’s efforts to find the real culprit, Logan had worked hard to show that he was determined to change for the better. Hurting Hannah had never been his intention but hurt her he had and it was something he still felt guilty about. That was another reason why he wanted to make changes to his life and be a better person. That and the fact that he in no way, shape or form wanted any more comparisons being made between him and Aaron.

Getting his wallet out of the back pocket of his dress pants, he opened it up and pulled out a photo of him and Veronica taken in the early days of their relationship; after it had been made public but before the situation with the PCH’ers had occurred.

He remembered how he and Veronica had gone into one of those photo booths and she had sat on his lap while they pulled different poses at the camera. In this particular photo, she had her arm slung around his neck while her nose was pressed against his and her lips were curved up in a big smile. Looking at the smile that was on his own face in the picture, he couldn’t remember having ever smiled like that, even during the time he had been with Lilly.

Gazing at it for a couple more minutes, he then gently eased the photo back into place inside his wallet before putting it back into his pocket. He stood there unsure of what to do. A part of him just wanted to ditch the whole thing and go home but he knew it wasn’t fair to Jackie who had somehow managed to talk him into accompanying her since Wallace had already asked Jane to be his date and she’d heard that Veronica was going with one of his basketball team-mates.

Logan had wanted to ask Veronica to be his date from the moment the Prom details had been announced but he couldn’t seem to bring himself to do it. Their newly repaired friendship was too important for him to risk but, if he was being totally honest, he knew the real reason was that he was scared of her saying no even though he had sometimes gotten the impression that she was waiting for him to ask. He’d put that down to his wishful thinking more than anything though.

Giving himself a mental shake, he shoved his hands into his pockets and made his way back inside the hotel, nodding to a few of his fellow classmates as he did so. He wondered if Jackie would mind if he cut out of there early instead of taking the limo back with her and the rest of their group. The last thing he wanted was to see Veronica and her date all snugly, although that hadn’t exactly been the case on the ride to the hotel, he recalled.

“Hey, there you are,” Veronica said, smiling at him as she walked closer to him.

“Yeah, here I am. Were you looking for me?”

“Uh huh. I wondered if you wanted to dance.”

Logan’s eyes took her in and he felt that familiar sharpness in his chest. She looked even more gorgeous tonight than she usually did and that was saying something. Her hair was pinned up into an elegant twist which showed off the delicate column of her neck and two tiny emerald studs sparkled from her ears. Her halter-style, v-necked gown started off black at the top but turned into a deep forest green as it descended to its ankle length and the colour complimented her eyes and skin tone perfectly. He could see a light layer of glitter shimmering on her skin and it drew his eyes to her cleavage which the dress was displaying beautifully.

“So, do you?”

Her voice broke into his thoughts and he coughed to clear his throat, knowing if he spoke it would betray the lust he felt for her.

“Uh…I’m not really in a dancing mood. Sorry.” He saw the disappointment in her eyes and he mentally kicked himself for putting it there yet again. Almost as an afterthought, he asked, “Where’s your date?”

Veronica shrugged. “I have no idea. He went to get me a drink and I haven’t seen him since. I’m guessing he’s either with his buddies or he hooked up with someone. It’s no big deal, I know he only asked me as a favour to Wallace.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.”

She laughed. “It is because I just asked Wallace and made him tell me the truth.”

“Poor Wallace,” he teased, giving her a smirk. “I’m glad I wasn’t in his shoes for the interrogation.”

“Very funny,” she said, punching his arm.

“Resorting to violence now, are we?” Rubbing his arm, he quipped, “No wonder your date’s disappeared.”

Speaking of disappeared, where’s Jackie?”

It was Logan’s turn to shrug. “I don’t know. Actually, I sort of did the same thing as Danny boy. I told her I was getting a drink but I headed out to get some fresh air.”

Placing her hand on his forearm, she asked, “Are you okay?”

Smiling at her, he nodded. “Yeah.”


His eyes held hers for a long moment before they both looked away and focused on anything but each other.

“You sure I can’t tempt you into just one dance?”

Seeing the hopeful look in her eyes and knowing that once they graduated and she left for college he most likely wouldn’t be seeing her for a long while, he nodded. “Okay, you’ve managed to twist my arm.”

His breath caught in his throat and his heart started beating double-time when he felt her small hand slide into his own and instinctively their fingers intertwined. When they had reached the dance floor, they stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before Veronica stepped in front of him and slid her arms up around his neck. Another second passed before Logan wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close to his body. He had no idea what song was playing as they swayed to the slow beat and lowering his head slightly, he breathed in the fresh, clean fragrance of her shampoo which had always reminded him of apple candy.

As he held her tightly, Logan silently prayed that the song could play forever. Unfortunately, forever came far too soon and before they knew it the song had ended and a faster track was now playing. Reluctantly, he released her from his arms and fixed a smile onto his face.

“There ya go, Miss Mars, one dance. And hey, I didn’t even step on your toes.”

Veronica grinned at him as her hands moved from their place around the back of his neck to his shoulders. “I wasn’t expecting you to…” She paused before adding cheekily, “…since I know you used to dance with your mom.”

“How’d you know about that?”

“Now you know I never reveal my sources.”

They stood there in a semi-awkward silence for a moment but their gazes never wavered away from each other’s. Logan was the one to finally speak.

“I, uh, I’d better go and find Jackie. I mean, she is my date after all.”

“Yeah. I guess I should go and find Danny and see what he’s up to. I’ll…um…see you later.”

“Yeah, see you later.”

Veronica stayed where she was and watched her ex-boyfriend walk away from her. Her heart, which during their dance had felt light, now felt heavy in her chest and she sighed loudly.

“Hey Vee, how’s it going?”

Turning to face her best friend, the blonde smiled. “Not bad,” she lied. “How about you? Having fun with Jane?”

Wallace nodded. “Yeah… Well, we were but she’s not feeling all that great so we’re gonna cut out of here early and take a cab.”

“Oh, that’s a shame. What’s wrong with her?”

Shrugging, he replied, “I’m not sure. She just said she didn’t feel well and asked if I could take her home.”

“Maybe she wants to get you all alone,” Veronica teased, causing her best friend to laugh.

“You never know and let’s face it, who could blame her?”

“Wow, you know, I’m suddenly having trouble breathing. I think your ego is sucking all the air out of this room.”

“Ha, you’re so funny.”

“I know,” she said, giving him a wink. “Tell Jane I hope she feels better soon and I’ll talk to you later, okay.”

“Sure.” Giving her a quick hug and a wave, he headed towards the ballroom’s exit and catching Jackie’s eye, he winked at her knowingly before going to meet his date.

* * * * *

Catching a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, Logan wandered over to her and took a seat beside her. “Still can’t find your date, huh?”

Veronica turned to him and nodded. “Yep.”

“I might be able to help you there.”

She regarded him curiously. “Oh, and how’s that?”

“Because he left with my date.”

Her mouth dropped open in surprise and she said, “What?”

“Yeah, apparently he was coming back to find you and he crashed into Jackie and she twisted her ankle or something so he’s taken her home.”

“Who told you that?”

“Jackie. She called my cell a few minutes ago to let me know.”

“What’s that smirk on your face for?” she asked.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit convenient that my date and your date have gone off together leaving us both dateless?”

“You think we’ve been set up?”

“You tell me, Ronnie. After all, you’re the PI.”

Giving him a smirk of her own, she replied, “Granted, it does smell a bit fishy.”

“Is that a technical term?” he asked, chuckling.

“Of course.”

“So, I guess it’s you, me, Wallace and Jane on the ride back home, then.”

“What about Mac and Cassidy?”

“They left ages ago. I thought you knew that.”

“Nope. Those two just can’t keep their hands off each other, can they?”

He laughed. “It would seem that way.”

“It’s kinda cute,” Veronica mused quietly.

Logan watched her carefully, noticing the way her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. His fingers were literally burning to touch her, but to stop himself he gripped the table hard, causing his knuckles to turn white.

“Can I get you a drink?” he asked a moment later, breaking the silence.

“It’s okay, Logan. You don’t have to have an excuse to disappear.”


“Well, Danny told me he was getting us drinks and then I never saw him again so I’m guessing it’s the same with you. I’m sure there are other people you’d prefer to hang out with.”

Shaking his head from side to side, he stared at her incredulously. “Are you kidding me? You know me better than that, Veronica. If I didn’t want to be with you I wouldn’t be, but…”

“But what?”

“Nothing. Just forget it.”

He made to get up out of his seat but she stopped him by placing her hand over his which was still gripping the table. His fingers immediately relaxed at her gentle touch and it took a real effort for him not to turn his hand over and interlace their fingers.


“If you must know, you’re the only person I wanted to hang out with tonight.” His eyes left hers and looked at anything that wasn’t her but finally he had to know what the expression on her face was and he met her gaze once more. The soft smile on her face had him releasing the breath he hadn’t realised he had been holding.

“Same goes for me,” Veronica admitted. “I was sort of hoping you might ask me to Prom but when you didn’t, I…I figured I was the last person you wanted to take.”

Turning his hand over, he did what he had wanted to do from the first moment her skin touched his and he laced their fingers together, rubbing his thumb back and forth along the side of her hand.

“You’re the only person I wanted to take, Ronnie.”

“I don’t understand… Why didn’t you ask me to go with you, then?”

Logan paused for a long moment, wondering how much he should reveal to her. In the past, he would have just thrown a snarky comment at her to at least try to throw her off the truth but that hadn’t been the case for a while now. Finally, he decided that he needed to be straight with her. “Because I didn’t know if you wanted to go with me and…I didn’t want to hear you say no. Things have been really good between us this past few months since the murder charge was dropped and I guess I didn’t want to spoil things.” He paused for a long minute before continuing.

“Us being friends again…it’s meant so much to me and maybe I was scared that me asking you to be my date at the Prom would be too much and that you’d start avoiding me once you’d said no.”

Giving his hand a squeeze, she smiled at him. “Just for the record, I wouldn’t have said no. I know I could’ve asked you to be my date, but I guess I didn’t for the same reasons that you didn’t ask me.”

They sat there smiling at each other for several long minutes but this time the silence was a much more comfortable one.

“Do you want to get out of here?” Veronica asked and she grinned when he nodded his head in reply.

“Sure. Do you want to round up Wallace and Jane or--”

“They’ve already gone,” she informed him. “Apparently, it would seem Jane wasn’t feeling well and Wallace took her home in a cab.”

“Riiight. Do you believe that?”

“About as much as I believe Jackie twisted her ankle,” she said, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

“You think Mac and Beaver were in on it, too?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. Those two have turned into little horndogs so I think they could be an exception.”

“True,” he said, laughing along with her before adding, “So, it would seem that we’ve got the limo to ourselves.”

“Uh huh.”

Pushing his chair back, Logan got up and held his hand out for her to take which she did a moment later.

“What time’s your dad expecting you home?”

“He’s not,” she replied and seeing the expression on his face, she giggled. “I told him that I wasn’t sure what was happening after the Prom but that I’d be crashing with at least one of the gang.”

“He just doesn’t know which one, huh?”

“Exactly and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

As they walked out of the ballroom, he whispered, “I doubt he’d be happy knowing you were with me.”

Veronica stopped walking and tugging on his arm, she made him stop, too. “I heard that and it’s not true. I know things have been a little…difficult in the past but that’s over now. He likes you and he knows you wouldn’t hurt me.”

“That’s not what he thought before.”

“Like I said, that’s all in the past. He hasn’t objected once to me hanging out with you these past few months and, believe me, he’d have let me know if he had.”

“Ronnie, I--”

“Do you want me to call him and let him know I’m with you? ‘Cos I will. If it makes you feel better I’ll do it.”

Logan shook his head. “Nah, it’s okay. I believe you.”

“Good. Anyway, you’ve been over to the apartment when he’s been there and nothing’s happened.”

“Yeah but I figured maybe he was holding back for your benefit.”

“Now when has he ever held back from anything?”

He smirked. “You’ve got a point there.”

“Of course I have. Now c’mon, let’s get out of here,” she said, tugging on his hand which was safely ensconced in hers.

“Impatient, are we?”

“Maybe,” she teased, although a light blush was staining her cheeks. Butterflies were flapping wildly in her stomach, betraying her nervousness but she wouldn’t give this up for anything.

Once outside and spotting their limo driver, Logan started to lead her over to the vehicle but before they had reached it, he paused in his footsteps and looked down into Veronica’s face.

“We have a lot to talk about,” he stated.

“I know but we’ve got time.”

“Have we?”

“Yeah.” Bringing a hand up to his face, she cupped his cheek in her palm and rubbed her thumb over his cheekbone. “We’ve got the whole summer to talk… Oh, and for me to convince you into taking up your place at Hearst.”

“H-How do you know about that?”

“Like I said to you earlier tonight, I never reveal my sources.”

Veronica suddenly noticed that a few of their classmates who were also standing around outside the hotel were looking over at them and not wanting to give them a free show, she lowered her hand from Logan’s face and taking his hand once again, it was her turn to lead him over to the limo that had brought them to the Prom. The driver opened the door for them and she quickly scooted in, hearing Logan tell the older man the address for him to take them to.

While waiting for him to get in, she made sure the screen separating them from the driver was raised and as soon as Logan had climbed in and closed the door behind him, she grabbed him, pulling him on top of her and she pressed her lips against his urgently.


“No! We’ve waited long enough.” Her lips fused with his once again and this time Logan didn’t object in the slightest. His lips parted beneath hers and when she slipped her tongue past them, he sucked on it, savouring her unique and familiar flavour.

Sighing into his mouth, Veronica’s hands began pushing at his jacket and breaking the kiss for a brief moment, Logan aided her removal of it. Her slim fingers made quick work of unbuttoning his white dress shirt and that, too soon went the same way of his jacket, ending up being tossed onto the carpeted floor of the expensive vehicle.

It was his turn to moan and sigh when he felt her hands stroking and caressing his bare chest before they slid further south and landed on his belt which she soon had unbuckled. He couldn’t help thinking that this was all moving way too fast but he couldn’t bring himself to stop it. A part of him couldn’t help thinking that if he halted her actions, that that would be it and they’d end up even further apart than they had been before.

“Logan? What… What’s wrong?”

Glancing out of the window, he focused on the scenery they were driving past before he turned to look at her. “Are you sure about this because…” His words trailed off as he fought a wave of anxiety that suddenly washed over him.

“Because what?” Veronica prompted.

“Because I don’t think I can let you go again,” he confessed quietly, his gaze locked on hers.

Climbing onto his lap and straddling him, she cupped his face between her palms before she captured his lips with hers and kissed him hotly, her tongue slipping into his mouth to tangle with his. “I don’t want you to let me go. I’ve missed you so much, Logan… I know we’ve made mistakes but we’ve got a chance to put them right and… I don’t know about you, but I want to take it. I want to be with you.” Keeping her eyes open, she kissed him again before resting her forehead against his and saying, “Only you.”

Logan’s mouth slanted over hers and he kissed Veronica with every fibre of his being and with every little bit of the passion he felt for her. The air around them positively crackled with unbridled lust as they each gave in to all of the feelings they had been suppressing for so many months. His fingers caressed the nape of her neck until he found the clasp of her halter-neck and he hesitated for a split-second before finally releasing it and, ever so slowly, he peeled away the fabric, revealing her naked breasts to his hungry gaze.

“God…you’re so beautiful,” he whispered huskily as his hands came up to cup and knead the soft, plump mounds. He smiled against her lips at the tiny moan that escaped her throat at his actions. His mouth latched onto the delicate skin of her neck and he suckled it for a moment before moving down and peppering kisses all over her shoulders and collarbone until his mouth found one of her breasts and he took it into his mouth.

Veronica’s teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she revelled in the feel of his hot mouth sucking on her sensitive skin. Clutching the back of his head, she held him firmly to her, not wanting him to stop what he was doing. She could feel his erection pressing into her centre and without even thinking about it, she began to grind her lower body against it, feeling herself grow even wetter as a result.

A cry of disappointment left her lips when he moved his head away from her chest but she cooed happily when she felt him latch onto her other breast and begin suckling on the nipple. Her fingers ran through his hair, scratching along his scalp as she lost herself in the delicious sensations his mouth was causing within her.

As Logan kissed and suckled on her flushed skin, his hands gripped her hips and held her firmly against him, his own hips thrusting upwards to meet with her downward motions. Even through his pants and her underwear, he could feel her heat and he couldn’t wait to be buried deep inside her. Just the thought of it threatened to push him over the edge.

One of his hands lowered and began sliding underneath the long skirt of her dress, gliding against the softness of her thigh as he moved even higher. He felt Veronica shift her stance slightly, parting her legs wider and allowing him greater access. The hand that was resting on her hip moved upwards and cupped the back of her neck, drawing her down to him so he could seize her lips.

He felt her gasp into his mouth when his fingers brushed against the centre of her satin panties which he noticed were damp with the evidence of her arousal. He caressed her with gentle strokes but it wasn’t long before he was using more pressure.


“Please what?” he choked out, his breath coming in harsh pants.


Hooking her panties to the side, Logan touched her wet, bare flesh; his fingers sliding along her lower lips while his thumb circled the sensitive bundle of nerve endings. Hearing Veronica’s moans growing steadily louder and knowing they would be louder still shortly, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her hard and deep before he slid two fingers deep inside of her. He felt himself grow even harder at the tightness that was surrounding his digits, envisioning just how good she would feel around his cock.

Veronica’s hands gripped Logan’s shoulders as she thrust her hips against his hand. Her body felt incredibly warm and she could literally feel tiny beads of perspiration breaking out on her forehead as her body reacted to what he was doing to her…with her.

“You feel so good, baby… So tight and wet…” he whispered, his hot breath caressing her ear which caused her to shiver.

“Oh god!” His words caused her tummy to flip upside down and she could feel the first stirrings of her orgasm beginning low in her belly. She began moving faster in an effort to achieve her climax and lowering her head to his, she suckled on his bottom lip before thrusting her tongue inside his mouth.

One of her hands ran all over the hard, toned planes of his chest before wandering further south and unzipping his pants. Her hand delved inside and she stroked him through his silk boxers, earning her a deep, earthy growl from her companion which caused her to smile against his lips.

“You like that, huh?”

“Uh huh…”

Kissing a path from his lips and making her way across his cheek to his ear, she whispered into it, “I want to feel you inside me…”

Logan felt his temperature spike even more at her words and then at her actions when she tightened her feminine muscles around his fingers which were still sliding in and out of her.

“W-We can’t…I don’t--”

Veronica froze. “You don’t want to be with me?”

“What? No!” Realising what his words must have sounded like, he quickly tried to reassure her. “I’m sorry, Ronnie, I didn’t mean it like that. I just…I don’t want our first time to be in the back of a limo… I want it—I want it to be special for you…for both of us.”

Her body instantly relaxed at hearing his words and leaning her forehead against his, she said, “Logan, it doesn’t matter where we are…it’s always gonna be special. I want to be with you and I-I don’t want to wait.”

“Me either but…”

“But what?”

Releasing a heavy sigh, Logan replied, “I haven’t got anything with me. You know, protection.”

Veronica thought for a moment. “You’ve been careful with the others you’ve been with, right?”

“Veronica, I--”

“Right?” she prompted.

“Yeah, always.”

“Well, since I’m on the pill I think we should be okay.”

“You’re on the…”

“Yeah.” Not wanting him to think the reason for it was due to a particular person, she rubbed her thumb along his cheekbone and added, “I’ve only been on it for about a month.”

Logan felt his heart thumping wildly in his chest as he listened to what she was saying and he found himself whispering, “Why?”

She smiled at him shyly before telling him the reason behind her decision. “Because I knew this was going to happen with us at some point and I didn’t want us to be caught unprepared.”

“You knew, huh?”

“Yeah.” Their lips met in a scorching hot kiss, their tongues tangling wetly as they poured everything into it. “I love you,” Veronica told him honestly a moment later when she had caught her breath. The smile he gave her made her insides melt and she kissed him again.

“I love you, too,” he told her, hugging her tightly to him with his free hand. “We still have so much to talk about.”

“I know and we will. Right now though, I need you to start moving those magic fingers of yours,” she quipped while a light blush once again crept onto her cheeks and upper chest. A hiss tore from her throat when he did just as she requested and the exquisite pleasure once again started to build.

Sucking a patch of her sweat-slicked skin into his mouth, he grazed his teeth against it, loving the response he got from her as a result. He could feel that her climax was fast approaching and he reluctantly removed his fingers from her.

“Logan…no! Don’t stop!”

“Shhh, it’s okay.” Lifting his hips, he managed to push his pants and boxers down as far as he could, freeing his erection which brushed against her bare thigh. It was his turn to moan when he felt her fingers wrap around his throbbing length and begin stroking it up and down, spreading the precum that had gathered at the head. “Oh god!”

Raising herself up on her knees, Veronica scooted forward so she was hovering directly over his cock and with her hand still wrapped around it, she brought it to her entrance.

“A-Are you sure?” Logan managed to choke out, wanting to make sure she wouldn’t regret it afterwards.

Nodding, she replied, “I’m positive. Are you sure?”

“Do you even have to ask?” he said, playfully smirking at her.

Turning his head to the side, he looked out of the window and saw they weren’t too far from his place. “We don’t have a lot of time…”

“We’ve got all night to make up for it,” she said, leaning forward and rubbing her nose against his before kissing his lips chastely, pulling back before he had a chance to deepen the kiss.


With his hands on her hips, he guided her down onto his cock and he held his breath until she was fully seated on him. The feeling of her surrounding him was indescribable and, not for the first time that night, he had the urge to pinch himself to make sure this was really happening and wasn’t a figment of his overactive imagination.

As Veronica began to move on him, he raised his hips and met each of her slow and steady thrusts. One of his hands slid upwards and cupped her breasts in turn; kneading and massaging them before tugging on her hard little nipples. Each of her gasps, moans and sighs was turning him on even more and he started increasing the pace of their movements.

Her eyes were fixed on his face as she moved faster and faster and that elusive orgasm was so close she could almost taste it. Leaning forward, her lips met his and they shared an intensely passionate kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. She bit her lip hard when his thumb begin drawing lazy circles on her clit.

“Harder, Logan… Please…”

Complying with her wishes, Logan circled her clit harder while she grinded away on top of him, her perky breasts bouncing with each of their thrusts. He desperately wanted to strip her dress from her completely so he could see her in all her beautiful naked glory but knowing they would be arriving at his place soon, he knew they needed to be able to put themselves back together quickly which was the only reason why her dress wasn’t already on the limo’s floor.

His own climax was within reach and his pace increased even further. Lowering his head, he captured a pebbled nipple between his lips, sucking on it furiously while his cock continued plunging in and out of her and as his thumb added slightly more pressure to her clit.

Veronica bit into his shoulder at the exact moment her climax hit in an attempt to muffle her cries of pleasure. She sucked hard on his sweaty flesh, tasting the salty tang of his skin. A few moments later she felt his cock pulse before she felt a wet warmth spread inside of her and his head slumped against her chest.

Several moments passed before either of them could speak but they were more than content to just hold each other while their overheated and satisfied bodies calmed down enough for them to move.

“Wow!” Veronica exclaimed when she eventually found the strength to speak.

“You can say that again,” Logan stated, his large hands stroking up and down her back.

“Okay… Wow!”

He laughed. “That was pretty damn amazing.”

“Yeah, it was.” Her fingers trailed over his jaw line before she tipped his head back slightly so she could press her lips against his. This kiss was softer than some of their others but still had that underlying passion that always seemed to be present where they were concerned.

“I guess we should make ourselves look pretty again… We haven’t got long before we’ll be at my place.”

“Okay,” she said, giving him a small nod but before she could move off him, he stilled her movements.

“Let me.” Sliding the fabric that had pooled at her waist up her body, he dropped a kiss onto the top of each breast before securing the halter’s clasp behind her neck.

“I wish I didn’t have to move,” she confessed shyly.

“I wish you didn’t either but it’s just for a while. Like you said before, we’ve got all night and there won’t be any more interruptions.”

Helping her climb off him, Logan couldn’t quite contain the hiss that escaped his mouth when his cock slipped from inside of her. He quickly pulled his boxers and pants back on and did them up, just as he felt the limousine pull to a stop.

Looking at his girlfriend, he knew it was pretty damn obvious what they had been up to and there was no way to hide it. Running his hands through his hair, he smiled as he watched Veronica patting her own hair which, he noticed, had somehow managed to withstand their backseat adventures.

A few minutes after the limousine’s driver had used the vehicle’s intercom system to inform them of their arrival at their destination, he opened the door and patiently waited for them to vacate it.

Knowing how she must look, Veronica held onto Logan’s hand and stayed right beside him, refusing to meet the older man’s eyes.

“Ronnie, why don’t you go ahead and let yourself in while I settle up here,” Logan said, handing over his keys.

She quickly nodded and made her way towards the house, grateful that her boyfriend was able to sense her discomfort.

Meanwhile over at the car, Logan was about to pull out his wallet when the driver shook his head.

“It’s all been taken care of, Sir.”


“Miss Cook took care of things and settled the matter of my tip,” he informed him. “She requested that I took the scenic route when I drove you and your companion back.”

Logan had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing out loud. Instead, he simply nodded. “Right. Uh, night then.”

“Goodnight Sir.”

Logan didn’t stick around. Shoving his hands into his pants’ pockets, he sauntered up the path leading to his front door, knowing that he owed Jackie big for helping reunite him with the love of his life.

But for now, that could wait. Seeing his girlfriend standing in the doorway waiting for him, he smiled. Oh yeah, they could wait until much, much later because right now he had far more important things to take care of.


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