New layout!

Post date: Nov 16, 2012 3:59:01 PM

A couple of people have recently mentioned that this site's previous layout was a bit too bright for them and so, with that in mind, I thought maybe it was time for a change.

Surprisingly, Google Sites doesn't seem to have that many "dark" layouts available and the one I've chosen seemed to be the best of the bunch plus it features my favourite colour... blue.

The only downside to changing the layout is that I seem to be unable to change the font colour for my 'Contact Me' box so it's now black text on a dark background. I've tried changing it through the html code but that hasn't worked so if anyone reading this knows how to do it, please let me know.

Feel free to let me know what you think about the new layout and if there's anything missing on the site that you'd particularly like to see included.

Thanks for reading.

Diane x