Sweet Dreams

Title: Sweet Dreams

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Summary: Nathan escapes from yet another of The Tim’s parties... Set post-HCYBS but pre-WIAWSNB.

Author’s Note: This fic is Paulina’s Christmas present from me as per her wish list request for a NH ficlet. I hope it’s something along the lines of what you were hoping for and that you like it. *hugs*

Scaling the side of the house, Nathan soon reached his destination and quietly sliding the window open, he crept inside. Ever since he had begun coming over in the middle of the night, she had left her bedside lamp on for him and he couldn’t help smiling at that. It was such a Haley thing to do and it was just another reason why he loved her.

Looking at her as she lay fast asleep, he still couldn’t believe how much his life had changed in such a relatively short period of time and he had her to thank for it. She had quickly become the most important person in his life and he didn’t even want to think about what he would do without her.

Moving further into the room, he removed his sneakers, tucking his socks into them, and left them in the corner where he always put them. He then unzipped and took off his jacket, placing it over the back of her desk chair before pulling off his sweatshirt, leaving him in his white T-shirt. Walking around the bed, he turned off the lamp and then, as carefully as he could so as not to wake her, he climbed into bed and arranged his body so that he was spooning hers. Her soft hair tickled his nose slightly and he couldn’t help burying his face in it and breathing in its clean, fresh scent.

As Nathan made himself a bit more comfortable, his arm came around to wrap around her waist so it was resting on her tummy and he couldn’t resist slipping it under the edge of the tank top she was wearing so he could touch her warm skin. His thumb drew small, lazy circles as he slowly felt himself drift off to sleep.

“Hey you.” Her soft, sleepy voice brought him out of his completely relaxed state and he opened his eyes.

“Hey. I didn’t mean to wake you up, Hales.”

“I know,” she told him as she turned over so she could look at him. “What time is it?”

“I’m not sure. I left the party at about one-thirty so it’s probably a little before two.”

“Another party?”

“Yeah. I keep telling Tim not to throw any more but it’s like talking to a brick wall. In a weird way, it’s sorta funny since he usually does whatever I tell him to.”

Haley couldn’t help laughing at that. “I know. You’re going to have to do something to stop him though because as much as I love you coming over, it’s your apartment and you should be able to sleep there instead of having to sneak out all the time.”

“I will... let’s talk about it in the morning though, okay.”

“Okay.” Reaching out her hand, she gently caressed his cheek and smiled at the way his eyes fluttered shut. “Sweet dreams, Nathan.”

“I’m not feeling tired all of a sudden,” he told her as his eyes reopened.

“Oh really? And why’s that?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. It might have something to do with the fact I’m sharing a bed with my really hot girlfriend,” he teased with his famous smirk firmly in place.

“Nathan,” she admonished, a rosy blush tinting her cheeks.

“What? I am and you are.” Closing the gap between them, he covered her lips with his and kissed her slowly before reluctantly drawing back. His arm once again came around her waist, only this time his fingers played with the silky skin of her back.

Looking into his face, Haley was mesmerized by the darkening of his blue eyes and she felt the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She was still amazed that just one of his kisses could send tingles of electricity shooting through her entire body and she couldn’t resist leaning in for more.

Parting his lips, Nathan felt the tip of her tongue lick the sensitive inside of his bottom lip and his fingers involuntarily tightened around her waist. The whispery little moans she was making as the kiss deepened even further were turning him on even more and he felt the familiar tightening of his pants. Breaking the kiss to breathe in some air and to try and calm himself down, he nuzzled his nose in the nook between her neck and shoulder as he fought for some semblance of control.

Shifting slightly so she could lie on her back, Haley managed to pull him so he was resting half on top of her and she couldn’t help but love the feel of his body pressed against hers. One hand stroked the back of his neck while the other slipped under his T-shirt to touch his heated skin.

“This is nice,” she whispered more to herself than to him.

“Yeah, it is.” He moved over a little and propped himself up on his elbow, resting his head on his hand, so he could look into her face and he smiled at her. Not his trademark smirk or the cheeky smile he gave to others, but a real honest-to-goodness smile. A smile that only she ever had the privilege of seeing. The smile only got wider when she blushed again.

“You’re making fun of me,” she said pouting her lips and he shook his head.

“No, I’m not. I just think it’s cute that all I have to do is smile at you and I can get you to blush.”


He cut her off by kissing her again. His tongue traced around her lips before he suckled her bottom lip into his mouth and nibbled on it with his teeth. Bringing his free hand up to her face, he cupped her cheek in his palm and stroked his thumb back and forth over her cheekbone. He loved the breathy sigh she released into his mouth as a result of his ministrations.

The feel of her fingernails raking across the back of his neck was sending shivers up and down his spine as well as causing a certain part of his anatomy to press even harder against the fly of his pants. He knew that he needed to calm things down before they got a little too carried away so he gently broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers as their heavy breathing slowly returned to normal.

“Th-that was...”

“Yeah, I know.” He smiled down at her, taking note of her kiss-swollen lips which he was proud to be the cause of.

“Why did you stop?” she asked, her eyes flitting from his eyes to his lips and back again.

“Because I didn’t want to push things. I like kissing you, Hales... I more than like it, but I don’t want to go too far.” Fearful that he was too heavy, he moved over again so he was resting beside her rather than on top of her again.

Upon hearing his words, Haley turned her head slightly so she could press her lips against his. She held them there for a long moment before moving back and resting her head against her pillow, a dreamy smile on her face. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. Besides, knowing your parents are just down the hall kinda puts a guy off trying anything.”

She giggled. “I guess it’s a good job I didn’t tell you they’re out of town then and won’t be back until Monday.”

“Damn it,” he teased, his smirk back in place. “Where have they gone?”

“To visit my Aunt Marie. She’s the one I was telling you about who broke her leg recently.”


“Anyway, they’re spending the weekend with her and my Uncle so it’s just little old me here all alone. Whatever will I do to pass the time?”

“You’re evil, you know that.”

“Who me?”

Nathan’s hands flew to her waist and he started tickling her, something he knew she couldn’t stand.

“Noooo! Nathan, stop it! Pleeeeease!”

Knowing when to draw the line, he stopped the tickle torture and rubbed his hands over the affected areas to soothe her and he inwardly groaned at the way she seemed to melt into his touch. God, she definitely shouldn’t have told him that her parents weren’t at home, he thought to himself.

“So, I guess we should get some sleep, huh?”

“Yeah,” he replied, trying not to think about the sudden husky tone to his voice.

Leaning in, Haley kissed him soundly once more before turning over so her back was to his chest and she felt him scoot closer to her just as she shifted towards him, her feet coming to rest on his legs. His arm again came around her waist and this time she took his hand in hers and interlaced their fingers. “I love you,” she said quietly and she smiled when she felt his cheek come to rest against hers for a moment.

“I love you too, Hales.” Kissing her cheek, he then moved his head back onto his pillow and it wasn’t long before the young couple were fast asleep, dreaming of each other.


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