Collide - Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Saturday morning dawned bright and early. Always an early riser, Haley was up and showered by seven-thirty but whereas she was usually also dressed, this morning was an altogether different story.

She had no idea what to wear.

The weekends more often than not saw her lazing around the apartment in her comfy sweats, particularly if she was going to be cleaning, or jeans if she was going grocery shopping.

She knew they were only going apartment hunting and that it would probably be best to be comfortable but it didn't mean she couldn't be stylish at the same time.

Going through her closet, she selected a yellow sun-dress and held it up for a moment before hanging it on the rail again. Her eyes settled on a purple and white floral print dress which was one of her favorites and she picked it up and held it against her body; looking at her reflection in the full length mirror fixed to the inside of the door.

"Okay if I come in?" Lindsey asked, lightly rapping her knuckles on the partially opened door to Haley's room.

"Sure, especially if that cup of coffee you're holding is for me," she replied.

"It is," the blonde replied, smiling. "You do know he's not picking you up for a few hours yet, right?"

Haley blushed. "Yeah, I know. I just... I can't decide what to wear. I know we're only going apartment hunting but—"

"You still want to look nice for him?"

She nodded, her rosy blush deepening.

"Since you don't know how many apartments he's got lined up to look at, I'd say comfort is key. Think back to what it was like when you were looking for somewhere to live."

Haley remembered it only too well. Her feet were killing her by the end of each day and she'd been so thankful that she had worn her comfiest shoes. "You're right."

"I know," Lindsey said, her lips quirking upwards. "My suggestion would be those new jeans you bought a couple of weeks ago and your fitted black sweater. It dips just low enough in front to give him a glimpse of your goodies an—"


"What? I saw that dreamy smile on your face when you got in the other night from your date or non-date or whatever... so don't even try and tell me you're not interested in him like that."

"I-I didn't say that."

"Good 'cause I wouldn't believe you even if you did," Lindsey teased.

Haley ducked her head, trying to hide her still blushing face from her friend. "Okay, so... uh, shoes. Sneakers, boots or—"

"What about your Chucks?"

"Yes! Why didn't I think of those?"

"Hmm, probably because all you're able to think about right now is Mr Scott."

"Shut up," Haley retorted, laughing. Bringing the mug she was holding up to her lips, she took a long sip of her coffee.

"Okay, so now we've got your outfit ready you can take it easy and relax. To be honest, I'm surprised you didn't do this when you got home after your date," she teased.

"I'm not that bad."

"I'm just kidding, Hales. I've got to say though, I'm looking forward to meeting the guy who's got you all tied in knots."

"He hasn't got me all tied in knots."

"Whatever you say, babe, whatever you say," Lindsey said, smirking at her friend and roommate before she turned and left the room. "Enjoy apartment hunting," she called out before then adding, "Choose something you like, too 'cause you never know... you might end up sharing it with him."

"Whatever," she mumbled as she tried to quell the girlish giggle she felt bubbling up in her throat at the other woman's words.

* * * * *

"Wow! If all of the other apartments you looked at were like this one and you didn't like them, then there is seriously something wrong with you," Haley told Nathan, playfully bumping into his side as they entered the living room.

"Believe me, I wish all those others looked like this."

The first apartment they were being shown that morning was light, airy and spacious. It had two bedrooms, one large bathroom as well as an en suite, and was located in a mid-rise building which held forty other units. The location was ideal for him, being that it was only about half-an-hour away from his office.

"If you'll follow me, we have the kitchen through here..." Penny, the realtor, told them as she led the way. "This unit was recently renovated so everything is brand new. You've got a dishwasher and a washing machine," she said, gesturing to the appliances, "although there's also an on-site laundry in the basement."

"Great," Nathan said. "What about parking facilities?"

"There's no underground parking but there is an allocated parking lot for residents at the rear of the building."

He nodded. The place seemed to have everything he needed and the more he saw, the more he liked it. "What do you think, Hales?" he asked several minutes later when they were alone in the master bedroom looking out of the window at the beautiful view of the city.

"I love it," she replied, beaming up at him. "Do you want to keep looking or—"

"I don't think I'm going to find better than this place," he interjected.

"Me either," she agreed.

"Okay, then." Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her into him and kissed the top of her head. "I think you must be my good luck charm or something."

Haley felt her cheeks heat up. "Uh huh... well, don't forget you owe me dinner and a movie."

"I haven't forgotten," he told her. "Are you free tonight?"

"Yes," she said, nodding. "We can do it another night though if you've already got plans."

"I haven't."

Before he had a chance to say anything else, Penny walked into the room. "So, Mr Scott, what do you think?"

Looking down at the young woman he was still hugging, he smiled at her before turning to face the older woman. "I'm going to take it."

* * * * *

"You're going to need some furniture," Haley said before placing her straw between her lips and sucking up a mouthful of her chocolate milkshake.

Nathan nodded. Setting his cheeseburger down, he wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. "Yeah. By the way, have I told you yet how much I hate shopping?"

Chuckling, she shook her head. "Now why doesn't that surprise me. Would you like some help?" she asked even though she was already pretty sure of his answer.

"Yes, thank you," he said, smiling gratefully. "You're a lifesaver."

After they had completed all of the paperwork back at the real estate agent's office, Nathan had offered to buy Haley lunch and she had taken him to her favorite burger restaurant. They were sitting across from each other in one of the corner booths.

Twirling her straw around in her glass, she smiled at him. Back in high school, she'd often felt shy and awkward around him but now... she was surprised by how comfortable she felt in his presence.

"You okay?" Nathan asked.

"Uh huh... So when do you want to start shopping for furniture?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Whenever's convenient for you."

Glancing at her watch, she saw it was only a little past one. "What about now? I mean, with the larger items like a couch and a bed you're going to have to wait a little while for them to be delivered so it'd make sense to buy those first."

"Yeah," he agreed. "I can keep living at the hotel for another couple of weeks while I wait." Placing his hand over the back of hers which was resting on the table, he said, "Thanks for all of this, Hales. I really appreciate you helping me out."

"There's no need to thank me but you're welcome. I'm happy to help." Turning her hand over, she laced her fingers with his and gave them a light squeeze. Something in the air seemed to shift around them and Haley sensed she wasn't the only one to feel it. Reluctantly releasing his hand, she coughed to clear her throat.

"I'm not keeping you from anything, am I?" Nathan asked her. "I mean, if you've got something else you need to be doing we could do this another time or I could even go online and do it."

"No, no, it's fine. If I wasn't here with you I'd just be cleaning the apartment or watching TV. I'm enjoying myself, I promise."

"Okay, I was just making sure," he said, smiling at her before he picked up the rest of his burger and took a bite out of it.

The half-smile he flashed her made her feel giddy and in an attempt to stop herself from saying something stupid, she quickly popped her straw into her mouth and finished off the rest of her drink.

* * * * *

October 26, 2010

The days since their reunion seemed to fly by and before Haley knew it, three weeks had passed. They saw each other practically every other day and were spending most of their free time together. Nathan's new apartment was now fully furnished and he had finally moved out of the hotel he had been staying in while he found a permanent place to live so, naturally, they were hanging out there. To celebrate his first night in his new home, he had cooked for her and as she had watched him, she had been more than a little surprised at the kitchen skills he demonstrated.

Tonight, she was cooking for him at his apartment and she was making her mother's recipe for macaroni and cheese which had been her favorite meal ever since she was a little girl. Opening the oven door, she slipped on the padded mitts she had made him buy during one of their shopping trips and removed the glass dish from inside it. Carefully placing it down onto the counter, she used a large metal spoon to scoop up some of the baked pasta onto each of the plates she had already set out.

"That looks and smells so good," Nathan told her as he retrieved a bottle of wine from the fridge and went about opening it.

"Thanks," she replied, feeling that familiar warmth running through her again.

Picking up the two plates, she carried them over to the dining table which was situated by one of the apartment's large windows and set them down on the place-mats. The view of the sun setting over the city was beautiful and she stood there for a moment drinking it in.

"It's so beautiful," she whispered.

"Yeah," Nathan said. Instead of looking out of the window, he was looking at her and he couldn't help smiling when she caught him staring and that rosy blush infused her cheeks again. Putting down the bottle he was holding onto the table, he walked over to where she was standing and took her hands in both of his. His thumbs brushed back and forth over her knuckles.


His gaze flitted from her expressive, chocolate brown eyes to her glossy lips and back again. Lowering his head, he pressed his mouth against hers in a tender kiss before retreating and holding his breath as he waited to see what her reaction would be.

"Was that just a thank you kiss?" Haley asked, her voice quiet and the question hesitant.

"No. It was more like an 'I've been dying to do that to you for weeks' kiss," he told her.


Nathan watched her face for any clue as to how she was feeling. Right now, he couldn't tell and he was beginning to think he'd made a mistake. "I'm sor—"

"Don't apologize," she quickly cut in, placing her fingertips against his lips. Pushing herself up onto her toes, she moved her hand to the back of his head and held him still as she nuzzled her nose against his before taking the initiative this time and fusing her mouth with his.

Releasing the hand he was still holding, he banded his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer so their fronts were pressed together. He moaned into her mouth as the kiss became even more heated and he felt her tongue tangle with his own. He knew if he wasn't careful he could lose himself in her and just as the thought entered his mind those memories which were always so close to the surface suddenly reared their ugly head and had him pulling back.


He forced himself to smile at her and do his best to reassure her that nothing was wrong. "Uh... the food's getting cold," he said.

"I don't mind," she retorted. "We can reheat it in the microwave."

"Right... I'm actually pretty hungry though."

"Oh, okay," she said, trying to hide the confusion and disappointment she felt. Her arms, which were twined around his neck, slid down his chest and she released him and then took a step back.

Pulling out one of the chairs, he helped her sit down before walking around the table to sit opposite her. "This looks really great."

"Yeah," she mumbled, unfolding her napkin and laying it across her lap. "Is everything okay?" she asked when the silence became too much to bear.

"Everything's fine," he answered, nodding his head. Picking up his fork, he scooped up some of the cheesy pasta and popped it into his mouth, effectively cutting off the conversation.

"Okay." Haley watched him for a few seconds before she picked up her own cutlery and began eating. While they did talk during the meal, the quiet moments felt a little suffocating and she couldn't help sensing that something wasn't quite right but after he had told her everything was fine, she didn't want to ask him again.

Maybe he regretted the kiss, she thought to herself as she sipped her wine. It could be that he'd gotten caught up in the moment and then when she'd kissed him back he realized he'd made a mistake.



"I was just asking if you were free on Saturday. I thought we could maybe try out that new Japanese restaurant." Cocking his head to the side, he asked, "Are you okay?"

The irony of his question didn't escape her. "I'm fine," she told him, echoing his own earlier response. "I can't do it this Saturday; I've got plans with Lindsey and a couple of our friends. We could do it one night during the week if you want."


The subsequent silence seemed even more stifling and Haley couldn't wait for the night to come to an end. As much as she'd loved kissing him, she was kind of wishing she could go back in time and stop it from having happened. It had changed everything and, sadly, not for the better.

"You're not eating," Nathan observed. He'd been watching her for a while and it hadn't escaped his notice that she'd just been pushing her food around on the plate without taking more than a few bites of it.

"I guess I'm not that hungry," she said, setting her fork down. Pushing her chair back, she got up from the table and made her way into the kitchen carrying her plate.


Haley bit back her sigh as she put down her plate onto the granite countertop. Turning, she was startled to see that he had gotten up and followed her. "I'm just going to tidy up in here and then I'll be out of your hair."

"What are you talking about? I don't want you to go, Hales." He reached out to take her hand but she took a step back from him.

"I just think it's better if I go home."

Inwardly cursing himself, Nathan ran a hand through his hair. He knew he was going to screw things up with her but he hadn't expected it to happen so damn soon. "I'm sorry about before, okay. I shouldn't hav—"

"Kissed me?" she finished for him.

"What? No… no, I wasn't going to say that."

"It's okay, Nathan. Maybe we should just be friends and not complicate matters by making it more than that."

When she tried to move past him he grabbed her by the wrist and stilled her. Before she could say anything, his lips were on hers and he was kissing her hard. The hand holding onto her arm released its hold on her and he wrapped it around her waist while the fingers of his other one threaded through her silky hair.

"I wasn't sorry for kissing you before and I'm not sorry for kissing you now," he told her, his breathing heavy.

Her heart was racing wildly and her lips were still tingling from the after-effects of his kiss. The feel of his slightly calloused thumb rubbing along her cheekbone wasn't helping matters either. "Oh."

Nathan chuckled. "Is that all you've got to say?"

"You've kind of rendered me speechless here," she replied, knowing full well she was probably blushing again. She didn't think she'd ever grow out of that annoying trait.

"Is that so?"

The smirk he flashed her made her stomach somersault. "You're too cocky for your own good, you know that?"

He shrugged, the smirk deepening. "That's not the first time you've told me that." Kissing her again, he said, "I'm sorry about before. Not about kissing you… just the part about pulling away and making things feel awkward afterwards. I didn't mean to do that."

"Then why?"

"I guess I got scared," he admitted. "I just don't want to screw things up between us. I don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to relationships." If only she knew the truth of that statement, he thought to himself.

"You won't," Haley said. "I like being with you, Nathan… and I want us to keep seeing each other."

"I want that, too." Brushing his lips over hers, he rested his forehead against hers.

"We can take things slow. I mean, it's not even a month yet since we bumped into each other," she reminded him.

"It feels like longer."

"Is that good or bad?" she asked teasingly.

"Good, definitely good. I just meant it feels natural and effortless, you know."

"Yeah, I know and I completely agree with you." Playing with his fingers, she wondered whether to ask him the question on her mind.

"So, uh, is this... I mean, are we dating?"

A burst of relieved laughter filled the air. "I was just going to ask you the same thing," Haley told him.

"I guess great minds really do think alike," he said, laughing along with her. "So, are we?"

"Yes," she stated. A split second later, Nathan's mouth was on hers and he was kissing her long and slow, melting her into a puddle of mush. "I take it you're happy," she quipped, her breathing ragged.

"I'm ecstatic," he murmured, just as breathless as she was. His smile grew even wider as he ducked his head and stole another kiss.

Chapter Three

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