Good Morning

Title: Good Morning

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Summary: Breakfast in bed Naley style

Author’s Note: This is a short little ficlet I was inspired to write after seeing all those lovely screencaps from the S2 promos where Nathan and Haley are in bed. Hope you like it and I’d love to know what you think. :)

The sunlight filtered through the window blinds creating shapes and patterns on the wall and Nathan blinked as his eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness. Raising his arms above his head, he stretched and yawned quietly as he started to wake more fully.

Turning his head to the side, he smiled as he saw the beautiful sight in front of him. Haley’s auburn locks were fanned out across her pillow and her head was turned towards him so he could look at her face. Her long eyelashes rested against her porcelain skin and her lips were slightly parted. Watching her, he couldn’t resist leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her mouth. She stirred slightly but didn’t wake up. As he continued to look at her, an idea popped into his head and he slipped out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible so he didn’t wake her. Going into the bathroom, he used the facilities and brushed his teeth before making his way to the kitchen.

Nathan put some bread into the toaster and while he waited for it, he walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed the orange juice. As he poured some into two glasses, he was glad that they had gone grocery shopping the previous day. It was funny, as a kid he’d hated going grocery shopping whenever his mom or dad had dragged him along with them, but he really liked doing something that he’d considered so mundane with Haley. He laughed to himself as he thought about all the things he loved doing with her. She just seemed to make everything so special regardless of what it was.

When everything was ready, he carried the breakfast tray as he walked back to their bedroom and placed it on the nightstand. He then climbed back into bed and lay on his side watching her as he decided the best way of waking her up. While he had been gone, Haley must have stretched as one of her arms was now bent at the elbow, resting on the pillow behind her head while the sheet covering her had slipped down. Nathan couldn’t help smiling as he saw the cream silk nightgown she was wearing. It was the one he had bought her on their very first date all those months ago. The nightgown wasn’t particularly revealing but it fit her perfectly and she looked incredible in it.

Lowering his head, he covered her lips with his and kissed her gently. As he patiently waited for her to wake up, he sucked first her top lip and then her bottom lip into his mouth. He didn’t have to wait long before he felt her begin to respond and he smiled against her mouth as she kissed him back.

Haley reluctantly broke the kiss so she could breathe in some much needed air and as she caught her breath, she smiled back at him. “Good morning.”

“Yeah, it definitely is.” He replied with his usual smirk before leaning down and kissing her again.

When he moved his lips to nibble on her neck, Haley moaned at the shivers he was causing to run up and down her spine. “Nathan...” she mumbled as she felt her heart race in her chest. Her arms automatically came up to wrap around his neck and pull him down on top of her. She loved the way his body fit hers perfectly and the way he felt pushing her further down into the comfortable mattress beneath her.

“God I love you...” he told her between kisses.

“Mmm, I love you too.” The fingernails of one hand scratched lightly up and down his naked back, something she knew he enjoyed by the noises he made whenever she did it.

Raising up on his forearms, he looked down at her kiss swollen lips and couldn’t help feeling proud of the fact that he was responsible. Tracing her lips with the tip of his tongue, he held back and watched as she pushed herself up so she could seize his lips. He moved back a little more so he was just out of her reach and he couldn’t help chuckling.

“Nathannnn,” she whined.

“Aww honey, you look so cute when you pout,” he told her. Giving her another quick kiss, he pushed himself up and moved back to his side of the bed. “I made you breakfast in bed,” he said as he intertwined his hand with hers.

Haley looked at him with a big smile on her face. “Really? That’s so sweet.” Her thumb rubbed back and forth across his knuckles.

Nathan felt shy all of a sudden and he quickly added, “It’s just toast so...uh...”

“There’s nothing wrong with toast. I love toast,” she said sitting up in bed.

“Yeah, I know.” Releasing her hand and maneuvering himself, he carefully picked up the tray after leaving the glasses of juice on the nightstand and placed it on the bed between them.

“Ooh, you’ve given me cherry jam. I didn’t think we had any more of this and I was sure I forgot to pick some up yesterday.”

“Yeah, we didn’t. I remembered when I passed the aisle while you were getting the cereal. I know it’s your favourite.”

“It is, but my family think I’m weird for liking it. They like all the normal flavours like strawberry, raspberry and blueberry but I just have this thing for anything cherry.” Nathan smiled at her as she took a bite of it.

“That tastes sooo good,” she said after swallowing. Opening her eyes, she was just about to ask for something to drink when she saw him holding a glass of juice out for her and her heart swelled with love. It was the little things he did for her that made it clear just how much he loved her and helped push away any occasional doubts.

“So, what are we doing today?” He asked before taking a drink of his own juice.

“Well, I thought we could clean the apartment seeing as we both have the day off.”

It was now Nathan’s turn to pout and whine and Haley couldn’t help but laugh at how cute he looked. “Hales, c’mon you don’t mean that. It’s a beautiful sunny day and you want to spend it here cleaning?”

Moving towards him, she kissed his pouting lips and then rested her forehead against his. “I just don’t want your mom, or my parents for that matter, coming over and seeing the apartment all messy. I want us to prove their objections wrong by showing them we’re mature enough to be living together and taking care of where we live. I know a clean apartment isn’t going to suddenly make them be okay about us being married but... Look, it won’t take long and as soon as we’re done, we can go and do something fun. I promise.”

Placing his empty glass on the tray in front of them, Nathan brought his hand up to cup her cheek in his palm. “I thought your parents were okay about us...”

“They are for the most part,” she interrupted before adding, “but they still have their reservations. Come on, neither of us are slobs so it’ll probably take us around an hour or so to have the apartment spotless. After that, we’ll do whatever you want to do.” She said, trying to appease him.

Nathan raised his eyebrows and his lips curled up in a half-smirk. “Oh really? Whatever I want to do. Hmm, I’m going to have to think about this carefully.”

“You do that,” she replied before finishing off her toast.

As soon as they’d finished their breakfast, he picked up the tray and moved it once again to the nightstand so it was out of the way. Turning back to his wife, he pounced and started tickling her which made her cry out with laughter.

“Nooo Nathan, stop it! You know...h-how ticklish...uh...I am.” She panted breathlessly.

Ceasing the tickle torture, he once again rested above her and looked down at her beautiful smiling face. When her left hand came up to cradle his cheek, he turned his face to the side and kissed her wedding ring before lowering his head to kiss her passionately. Breaking the kiss before she was willing to let him go, he teased her by saying, “So, I guess we’d better get up and start cleaning, huh?”

As he slowly began to move off her, Haley’s arms came up and held him tightly to her. “Uh, I guess there’s plenty of time to do that...later,” she said with a giggle before pulling him down on top of her.


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