Reasons Why

Title: Reasons Why

Author: Diane

Pairing/Category: Nathan/Haley, AU

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Summary: Can Haley's fears be overcome...

Author’s Note: This is written for Ashley (finn21) as per her request in the latest NH Fic Exchange. The requirements of which are as follows:

Genre: Fluff/Angst (A little of both is always good)

Rating: NC-17

Season/Time frame: AU

Reference to episode: N/A

Must include the phrase: "Tell me that it's alright."

Additional requirements: I'd love to see a grown up version of N/H. I put AU in relation to the time frame because I didn't want to box in the possibilities, although fitting this into what's happened on the show is okay as well. So like I said, I want to see N/H together in an adult relationship. They are living out of Tree Hill, when Haley gets a letter in the mail one day inviting them home for their ten year class reunion. One of them wants to go and one of them doesn't. Do they end up going? Do they not? And if they do, what happens? Who do they see?

Author's Note #2: Thanks to Annie for reading over this for me. Also, this story isn't finished so updates may not be posted as often as I'd like.

Chapter One | Chapter Two