Especially For You

Title: Especially For You

Author: Diane

Pairing: Lucas/Taylor

Prompt: Ring

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: None as it's AU. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Lucas’ eyes are drawn to it from the moment she enters the bedroom which is saying something considering she’s wearing the tiniest pair of panties he’s ever seen along with a matching bra, her cleavage threatening to spill out over the cups any second now.

Author's Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme - stories mustn't be longer than the length of a LJ comment ie. 4,300 characters - on my personal journal and this has been written in response to Haley's request.

Lucas’ eyes are drawn to it from the moment she enters the bedroom which is saying something considering she’s wearing the tiniest pair of panties he’s ever seen along with a matching bra, her cleavage threatening to spill out over the cups any second now. Glancing down, he notices she’s also wearing a pair of towering high heels which make her legs look even longer than usual, giving the illusion that they could wrap around him twice.

“Mmm, I think you like it,” the blonde states, a teasing smile tugging at her lips as she looks at the bulge tenting the front of his boxers, her fingers idly caressing the custom made belly button ring that’s dangling from her tummy.

“I love it… I love all of it,” Lucas tells her, looking her up and down before his attention once more returns to the deep blue – Ravens blue, he thinks to himself - jewel encrusted ‘L’ that’s sparkling in the candlelit room. Taking a step forward, he cups the back of her neck beneath her hair and directs her face towards his, the tip of his tongue tracing around her full lips before plunging inside to tangle with her own. He slides his free hand between their bodies and fingers the delicate piece of jewellery, moving them lower still a moment later to stroke her through her black and pink panties. Smirking against her mouth, he tugs at the little bows on either side of her hips, feeling the silky fabric give way. “Spread your legs,” he commands and he kisses her again when she complies, slowly dragging the material away when it clings to her wetness.

Taylor wraps her arms around her boyfriend’s neck as she returns his kiss, her tongue curling around his and drawing it into her mouth, sucking on the appendage and mimicking what she later intends to do to another part of his body. Her nipples are aching and she’s desperate to feel Lucas’ mouth on them. Actually, she’s desperate to feel his mouth all over her and pulling back from him, she intertwines their fingers and leads him over to their bed. Climbing up onto it, she lies back against a mountain of pillows and, once comfortable, she parts her legs and runs a finger along her slippery folds, bringing the digit up to her mouth a few seconds later. As she sucks on it, her eyes are trained on his baby blues and she chuckles in spite of herself at the hot, hungry look she sees in them. Crooking her finger, she gestures for him to come closer and she laughs out loud when he practically pounces on her. Her laughter soon turns into a series of long, drawn out moans when he buries his head between her thighs and teases her mercilessly with his wickedly talented tongue.

Running her fingers through his short blonde locks, keeping him firmly in place, she glances down at the expensive belly button ring she’d recently had made especially for him and smiles to herself. Best money she’s ever spent.


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