All I Want Is You

Title: All I Want Is You

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set during the college years between Seasons 4 and 5. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Letting herself into the apartment, the first thing that caught Haley's eye was a row of rose petals leading a path towards the living room and a smile crept onto her lips. Closing the door and locking it, she kicked off her shoes and removed her jacket, hanging it on the coat-stand before following the path of ruby red petals. The tiredness of the long day she'd endured was slowly evaporating and being replaced with anticipation as she pondered just what her husband might have in store for them.

Author's Notes: A little Valentine's Day ficlet written especially for those of you who continue to read my stories. Thanks so much for sticking by me for all these years. It really means a lot and is very much appreciated!

While Nathan always intended on doing something special to celebrate Valentine's Day, the idea he settled upon came about when he learned that Lucas was going to be spending the night at Lindsey's place which meant he and Haley would have the apartment to themselves.

The Gods must have been looking down on him favorably that day because as well as Lucas being away, his business studies class had ended twenty minutes early and with there being no basketball practice that afternoon, he'd been able to pick Jamie up from daycare that little bit sooner.

After making a quick stop at the grocery store and Haley's favorite bakery, they had gone home and spent the afternoon together.

Some time later while Jamie played with his toys, the TV on in the background, Nathan made a start on dinner. He wasn't the greatest in the kitchen but he was learning and felt that he was slowly improving... though his offerings were nowhere near as good as his wife's. Tonight, he was making her favorite dish and was following Lydia's recipe to the letter, wanting it to be as perfect as possible. The table was already set and once he'd popped the mac and cheese into the oven all he needed to do was bath and put Jamie to bed.

He could only hope the toddler would be out like a light as soon as his little head hit his pillow.

* * * * *

Letting herself into the apartment, the first thing that caught Haley's eye was a row of rose petals leading a path towards the living room and a smile crept onto her lips. Closing the door and locking it, she kicked off her shoes and removed her jacket, hanging it on the coat-stand before following the path of ruby red petals. The tiredness of the long day she'd endured was slowly evaporating and being replaced with anticipation as she pondered just what her husband might have in store for them.

“Nathan, I'm home,” she called out. Her heart swelled as she took in the perfectly laid table with the dainty tea lights floating in a bowl of water in the center of it.

Coming out of the kitchen holding a glass of white wine and a hand-tied bouquet of purple wild flowers, Nathan smiled at her as he closed the short distance between them and handed both items to her. “Happy Valentine's Day, Hales.”

“Thanks, baby,” she replied, beaming as she took the offerings from him. Placing her glass onto the nearby table, she held the flowers in the crook of her arm so she could curl her fingers around the back of his neck. “Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.” Pushing herself up onto her toes, she brushed her mouth against his; instantly parting her lips when his tongue pressed against their seam.

“Dinner's almost ready,” he told her long minutes later when they finally separated.

“Okay. I'll just go and wash up. I take it Jamie's already in bed asleep?”

He nodded. “Uh huh. All the playing we did this afternoon wore him out and, at one point, I thought he was going to fall asleep in the bath.”

Leaning into Nathan, she playfully nibbled his earlobe. “Hmm, let's hope he sleeps through the night so we can take full advantage of Luke's absence.”

Nathan flashed her his familiar smirk. “I like the way you think,” he said, swatting her on the butt when she turned to leave the room. He felt his pants tighten at the naughty smile that graced her lips when she glanced back at him from over her shoulder.

Having not seen Jamie since she dropped him off at daycare that morning, Haley entered his bedroom and carefully took a seat beside him on his bed. She lovingly brushed her fingers over his soft hair and then leaned forward to press a gentle kiss onto his chubby little cheek. “I love you, little man,” she whispered, breathing in his unique scent. She watched him sleep for a few more minutes before she stood up and left the room, pulling the door closed but leaving it slightly ajar.

Back in the kitchen, Nathan had just taken the food out of the oven and was spooning some onto his and Haley's plates. When he picked them up and carried them to the dining table, his mouth dropped open when he saw Haley standing in front of him wearing one of his white button-down shirts and, he guessed, nothing beneath it. The fabric stopped mid-thigh and was thin enough that he could just about see the tan circles of her aureoles through it. Her dark hair, which had been in a messy bun, now tumbled around her shoulders.

“You look incredible,” he told her. Setting the plates he still held down onto the table, he walked over to her and cupped her face in his palms, tilting it back slightly as he lowered his head and fused their lips together.

Haley slipped her hands beneath the T-shirt Nathan wore and she let them roam over his lower back before sliding them around to his front, letting her fingertips graze along his abs. “I want you so much,” she whispered after they had broken apart when the need for air had become too strong to ignore.

Hearing those words from her never failed to make his heart beat in double-time. “I want you, too, baby.” He kissed her again and again, his hands slowly raising the shirt above her ass and he smirked when he encountered nothing but bare skin, proving that he'd guessed right about her being naked underneath it. “No panties, huh?”

Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink in response. Taking a step back, she kept her gaze locked on his as her fingers toyed with the first button on the shirt. Popping it, she worked on the second and then the third.

“What about dinner?” Nathan asked, his tongue snaking out to lick at his suddenly dry lips.

“We can heat it up later,” Haley told him. “I promise, your hard work won't be going to waste.”

Right now, food was the last thing on his mind. He swallowed thickly as he watched the white shirt slip down Haley's arms and then practically float to the floor. Grabbing the hem of his T-shirt, he pulled it up and over his head, throwing it aside before stripping out of his jeans and boxers.

Haley pulled the fleecy throw blanket off the back of the couch and spread it out onto the floor.

“Here?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

Crossing over to him, she twined her arms around his neck and pressed her body flush against him. “I told you,” she teased, “we need to take full advantage of Luke's absence.”

Laughing, Nathan sealed his mouth over hers and kissed her hard before lowering them both onto the blanket. Shifting onto his back, he helped her straddle his waist and he growled in the back of his throat when she began sliding her slippery wet folds back and forth along the underside of his throbbing cock.

“God, I love it when you make those growly sounds,” she murmured. “It's so sexy.”

Palming her breasts, he tugged on her engorged nipples using the v of his fingers. With the way she was undulating on top of him, he knew he wasn't going to last very long. “Take me inside,” he commanded.

Rising up onto her knees, Haley wrapped her fingers around his thick shaft and gently eased his cock away from where it curved against his belly; placing the head at her entrance. A second later, she sank down and felt the familiar stretch and pull as he slowly filled her to the hilt.

As much as she wanted to ride him hard and fast, she forced herself to take her time and savor every single sensation coursing through her entire being. Nathan was touching her everywhere he could reach... paying particular attention to her breasts and her butt; squeezing the latter in time to each clench of her pelvic muscles around his hard length.

When, a few minutes later, he began rubbing her clit, her body jolted as waves of electric pleasure rolled through her. “I-I'm so close,” she warned him.

Holding her tightly in place, Nathan thrust his hips upwards, pushing his cock deeper into her and, within seconds, she was gasping his name as her orgasm struck and sent her sky-rocketing.

The exquisite sensation of Haley coming around and all over him soon brought on his own climax and flipping her over so that he was now on top, he thrust even deeper into her and it only took a few more strokes for him to explode and fill her with his warm seed.

Haley caressed his back and shoulders as they continued to lay tangled together on the floor while they each caught their breath. “Hi,” she said, smiling shyly at him after he had raised his head from where it rested in the crook of her neck to look at her.

“Hi,” he echoed. Kissing her softly, he nuzzled his nose against hers. “That wasn't quite how I expected our Valentine's night to go.”

“No? You weren't expecting us to make love?”

“Oh, I was definitely hoping we'd be doing that,” he told her. “It's just... I wanted to pamper you a little bit first. You do so much for me and Jamie and I... I wanted to show you how grateful I am for everything you do... to show you how much I love you.”

Haley's eyes glittered with tears as she listened to her husband. “I already know that.” Softly stroking his cheek, she raised her head off the floor and tenderly kissed him. “So, what did you have planned?”

“Dinner and dessert was first on the menu... I got us cupcakes from that bakery you like so much; then I was going to run you a bath and let you have a nice, long soak and that was going to be followed by a massage.”

“Mm, that sounds perfect though there's a good chance I would've fallen asleep on you during the massage,” she quipped.

“I guess it's a good thing that you jumped my bones before we got started, then.”

“Ha ha,” she replied, poking her tongue out at him. “What did you have in mind for after the massage?”

Nathan wriggled his eyebrows at her. “I think you know.”

“I'm not sure I do so maybe you should show me... you know, just so it's crystal clear,” she teased.

Kissing his way along her cheek to her ear, his warm breath puffed against her skin when he spoke. “You're a minx, Haley James.”

Haley giggled. “I guess you bring out the bad girl in me.”

Brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face, he smiled down at her. “I love you, Hales. So much.”

Her heart slammed against her ribcage. “I love you, too, Nathan.” Curling her wrist behind his neck, she drew him down for a long, lingering kiss.

“Do you want your gift now?” he asked her several moments later.

“I thought we agreed that we wouldn't buy each other gifts this year since money is pretty tight.”

“I know but I couldn't not get you anything. I didn't spend any money though so I didn't totally break the agreement.”

“Do you have to move to get it?” Haley asked.

“Yeah, it's hidden under your napkin on the table.”

“I'll get it later then 'cause, right now, I have plans for you, Mr Scott, and they don't include moving from this very spot.”

“Wow, who are you and what have you done with my wife?” he joked, knowing how impatient she could be when it came to gifts and opening them.

“Very funny,” she replied, tightening her legs around his hips. “How about you just tell me what you got for me and I'll act all surprised when I open it later?”

Being reluctant himself to move from his position, Nathan nodded his agreement to her suggestion. “Okay. I printed off some home-made coupons for things you'd enjoy such as foot rubs, massages, breakfast in bed, etc. There are a few blank ones so you can write in something particular that you'd like me to do for you.”

“I love it,” Haley told him, pressing a kiss onto his cheek. “Thank you, baby.”

“You're welcome. So, did you get me anything?”


When they had made their agreement not to buy each other gifts for Valentine's Day, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Haley would still get him something. She loved giving gifts and enjoyed seeing the expression on the recipients' faces as they opened them.

“What is it? Oh, and before you ask, I won't be letting you up either so you can just tell me.”

“I have no intention of getting up any time soon though this floor is starting to hurt my back so we may have to move over to the couch.”

Gently rolling them over again, Nathan took the bottom and let Haley rest on top of him. “So, what did you get me?”

“It's, uh, a photo of you and Jamie. I was messing around with the camera one day when we were all at the park and I managed to capture this moment between you both that just... melted my heart.” She recalled watching Nathan and Jamie as they played together in the sandpit of the local park and the way their little boy looked up at his daddy... his eyes twinkling while a big smile lit up his face, she couldn't help but record it for prosperity.


“Sorry, I kind of zoned out for a second. Anyway, I printed out the photo and put it into an old frame I found.”

“I can't wait to see it,” he told her. “Thank you.”

“You're more than welcome.”

Ducking his head, Nathan began kissing a path down her throat and grazed the blunt edge of his teeth along the base of her neck before sucking a patch of her delicate skin into his mouth. “So, are you feeling hungry yet?” he paused to ask.

Haley bit her lip as she felt him harden against her. “Mm-hmm,” she replied, her voice not much more than a breathless whisper, “I'm hungry all right... just not for food.”


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