First Time, First Love - Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

If anything, the sexual tension in the car had risen several notches on the drive home. Both Nathan and Haley were engrossed in their own thoughts as they each wondered what the next few hours had in store for them and, as a result, the ride to the beach house was made in relative silence. When they finally reached their destination, he quickly got out of the car and then went to help her do the same. He seemed to forget that her legs were shorter than hers as he all but dragged her up to the house.

Once they had crossed the threshold, they looked at each other for the first time since leaving the cabin and the atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Haley, for the second time that night, felt goose bumps breaking out all over her skin and she licked her suddenly too dry lips. The next thing she knew, Nathan had pulled her to him and he was licking her lips for her before parting them and slipping his tongue into her mouth.

As he kissed her, he debated whether he could make it up the stairs to his bedroom. That thought went out the window the moment she grabbed his ass and pulled him even further into her body. Without breaking the kiss, he started to maneuver them over to the couch which wasn’t too far from where they were already standing.

The feel of his erection pressing into her stomach had Haley smiling against his lips. It was reassuring to know that she had this effect on him. Her hips began a slow grind against his and she desperately craved something... something she couldn’t yet name. She looped her arms around his neck and when he hoisted her up, her legs automatically wrapped around his hips and he carried her over to the nearest wall, pressing her up against it.

When Haley broke the kiss a few moments later, they stared into each other’s eyes and releasing her hold around his neck, she moved her hands down to the hem of her T-shirt and quickly pulled it up and over her head.

Seeing her naked breasts had Nathan grinding his hips into hers that little bit more and lowering his head to hers, he kissed the top of each one before again seizing her mouth in a deeply passionate kiss.

The hold he had on her waist tightened and as his tongue plunged in and out of her mouth, he found himself desperately wanting to mimic that movement with their lower bodies. What he wouldn’t give to feel her tight, wet heat surrounding him. Suddenly feeling Haley’s fingers on his belt as she began unfastening it, he realised he had to stop her. Things were going too far too fast and if he wasn’t careful, they would be escalating even more. So, placing a hand over hers, he stilled her actions.

Tearing his mouth away from hers, he watched as her breathing slowly evened out and returned to normal. When she opened her eyes to look at him, he saw that they were even more luminous than usual and her full lips were that little bit more swollen than they usually appeared.

Shivering under his intense regard, Haley tilted her head to the side and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Lowering his own eyes, he replied, “We have to stop. It’s starting to get late and, uh, I’m sure your parents are wondering where you are.” As the words left his mouth, he wondered if they sounded as feeble to her as they did to him.

She moved her hand which was resting on his shoulder to the back of his neck and she stroked it over the skin there knowing it was a sensitive area for him. “No, they’re not. I don’t have a curfew anymore and besides, I called to let them know I’d be later than usual.” Pulling him forward, she sucked on his bottom lip before repeating the action with the top one. The hand which had been working on his belt now moved up a little to caress his tummy and she couldn’t help smiling when he moaned into her mouth.

Nathan got so lost in the sensations that he totally missed her undoing his pants and it was only when her hand touched his cock that he came back to himself and realised what was happening. Moving quickly, he broke the kiss and removed her hand from him. He gently unhooked her legs from his waist so she was standing again and turning his back on her, he tucked himself back into his pants.

Biting her lip, tears filled Haley’s eyes as she watched him with his back to her and she couldn’t understand what was happening. She blinked a couple of times to try and clear her vision and when a couple of tears did fall, she swiped at them angrily with the back of her hand.

When he turned back to face her, he couldn’t fail to see that she was crying and he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. “Haley...”

“Why are you suddenly being like this? D-Did I do something wrong?”

“No! No, of course you didn’t. It’s just that... it’s getting late and I don’t want you getting into any trouble.”

“I’ve already told you, Nathan, I’m not going to get into any trouble with my parents for being out late so why don’t you just tell me the truth? I’m a big girl now so I think I can take it.” Traces of anger were clearly audible in her voice as she fought to understand what the problem was.

Walking over to the couch, Nathan sat down and covered his face with his hands. “This whole thing is so screwed up,” he told her. “What did we think we were doing?”

Picking her T-shirt up off the floor, Haley quickly pulled it on before going over to him and taking a seat beside him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“Don’t,” he said, removing his hands from his face. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. It’s my fault, I should have known that agreeing to this would have things getting out of control.”

Turning sharply to look at him, she asked, “What do you mean?”

Realising that he was in danger of revealing his changing feelings towards her, he just shook his head. “Nothing. I mean, Lucas is my brother as well as your best friend and if he finds out about this, well I know it will affect things between all of us. I’m keeping something from him... we both are.”

“Why don’t you stop lying and tell me the truth? You knew from the very beginning that this could affect yours and Luke’s relationship but you didn’t let that stop you from eventually agreeing to help me.”

Nathan’s frustration began turning into anger. “I am telling you the truth, Haley. I was wrong to accept, I know that now. But it’s not too late to stop this before it gets even more complicated.”

“How is it complicated?” she asked, knowing full well that things had become complicated, for her at least, because of her feelings for him which had only grown stronger the more time they had spent together.

The only excuse he could think of without revealing the truth to her was his brother but that just sounded lame and so he didn’t say anything except for, “It just is.”

“Whatever,” she replied getting up from the couch and walking over to the front door. Her hand was on the door handle when she turned back to look at him. “I guess this is it then, huh?”

Looking at her petite form, Nathan felt like his heart was shattering into a million pieces. He had never felt this way before about any of the girls he had dated and he couldn’t understand how the one person to make him feel like this was a girl he had always considered a little sister. “Haley...”

Putting on a brave front, she smiled at him. “It’s been fun, Nathan. I’ve really learnt a lot from you so thanks, you know, for everything. I-I’m not sure if I’ll be seeing you before I leave for college so I’ll say goodbye now.” Feeling like she was about to burst into tears, she quickly turned the handle and opened the door.

“Wait!” Nathan called out as he got up from his seat and practically ran after her. The door had already closed by the time he reached it and yanking it open, he saw her running away from the house, her auburn hair flying behind her in the light breeze. Digging into his pocket, he found his car keys and getting into the vehicle, he gunned the engine and took off after her. There was no way he was letting her walk all the way home from the beach house.

Winding down the passenger window, he called out to her. “Haley, get in the car. I’m not letting you walk home.”

She stopped and turned to face him, a look of total despair on her face. “Go away! I’m not going anywhere with you. Ever!”

“Please, Hales, just get in. I promise I won’t say a word. Just let me drive you home.”

Suddenly seeming to realise just how long it would take her to get home if she walked as well as the fact that it was pretty dark now, she sighed before getting in.

“Fine, you can take me home. But I’m not talking to you and I don’t want you talking to me. Oh, and you don’t get to call me ‘Hales’, not anymore.” She knew she sounded like a child but right now she didn’t give a damn. All she wanted was to get home and curl into bed where she could cry in private.

The heavy feeling in Nathan’s chest seemed to get even heavier but he nodded his consent to her request. The silence on the drive to her house was deafening and it was only broken by the little whimpers she was making. He knew she was trying not to cry in front of him but it didn’t look like she was having much success. He desperately wanted to say something and several times he opened his mouth but the words wouldn’t come. Right now he knew she wouldn’t want to hear anything he had to say and he just hoped that he would have a chance to make it right before she left for college.

A short while later they arrived in Haley’s street and as he often did, he parked a few houses up from hers. Once again, his mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he fought to say something, anything to explain what had happened at the beach house. Instead, he just stared at his hands which continued to grip the steering wheel.

Haley waited in the hope that he would say something to her but it soon became clear that he didn’t intend to say a word. “I need my stuff from the trunk,” she told him in a quiet voice and she watched him get out of the car to retrieve them for her. Releasing a deep sigh, she followed suit a minute later.

“Here you go,” he said as he handed the bag to her and for a brief moment their fingers brushed against each other. His fingers literally itched for him to pull her to him but he ignored the feeling and shoved his hands into his pockets.

“Thanks,” she said quietly before adding, “Take care.” Giving him one final look, she turned and ran down the street to her house and so never heard Nathan’s words to her.

“You too, Hales.”

* * * * *

Even though it wasn’t that late when she arrived home, Haley was grateful that the house was silent and her parents weren’t in the living room where no doubt they would have bombarded her with questions as to how her day had been. Quietly going upstairs to her room, she took a quick shower before climbing into bed. Unfortunately, sleep didn’t come easily and she tossed and turned for some time as her thoughts were dominated by what had happened just a few hours ago.

Deciding to give up on sleep for the time being, she reached over to her nightstand and switched on her lamp before lifting up a corner of her mattress and removing a photograph. It was another of her most cherished possessions and had been for several years. As she stared at it, she once again felt tears prickling behind her eyelids.

The photograph had been taken a couple of summers ago in the Scotts’ swimming pool. It had been a very hot day and Haley, together with Peyton and Brooke, had been invited to hang out with Lucas and his family at the house. Nathan had been there, busy swimming laps in the pool while she had surreptitiously watched him from behind her sunglasses. When he’d almost reached the side where she was standing, he’d called out to her and she walked closer to the edge so she could hear what he wanted. Unbeknownst to her, Lucas had come up behind her and he pushed her in. Thankfully she had already changed and was wearing her bathing costume. When she had come back up to the top, Nathan had wrapped his arms around her from behind and it was at that moment that Peyton had snapped a picture of them.

To everyone else, the picture was sweet and innocent but it was a whole different story for Haley, feeling his hard body behind her and having his large hands resting on her tummy. Now, she had even more vivid details to add to that memory.

The tears she had been suppressing started to fall in earnest and after tucking the photo back into its hiding place, she buried her face into her pillow and cried.

* * * * *

Nathan and Haley managed to avoid each other for the next week. She kept herself busy with her shifts at the café while he stayed at home playing video games or shooting some hoops with his brother down at the Rivercourt.

Each time Lucas had suggested going to the café, he had managed to get out of it but he knew it was only a matter of time before he became more suspicious as to his real reasons for not wanting to go there. He was dreading him mentioning it to their mother who no doubt would bring it up in front of Karen and then he’d have both of them hassling him.

Tonight was the night he was supposed to be going to the club with his brother and the girls and he had no idea how he was going to get out of this one. It was one thing getting out of going to the café but he knew it would be practically impossible to find a way of getting out of driving them to and from the club. Maybe he could pretend he wasn’t feeling well, he thought to himself.

The thing was that deep down he really wanted to see Haley again but he was more than a little scared that he would somehow screw things up with her even more. If he didn’t see her tonight, then chances were he wouldn’t be seeing her before he left to go back to school what with his flight leaving at six o’clock the next evening. Giving himself a mental shake, he got up off his bed and decided to get ready. He had to see her because he couldn’t leave things the way they were. She meant too much to him for him to do that.

* * * * *

The ring of the doorbell had Haley giving herself one final look in the mirror before she quickly made her way downstairs to meet her friends. Initially the plan had been for them all to get ready at her house but as she had taken on a last minute shift at the café, Brooke had decided that Peyton should get ready at her house and that the boys would pick them up before coming to collect her a little later.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she saw that her father had already opened the door and Brooke and Peyton were standing in the hallway waiting for her and she smiled back at them.

“Haley, you look beautiful,” Peyton told her as she looked her up and down.

“Thanks, Pey, so do you. Actually, you both look gorgeous,” she replied as she took in both girls’ appearances.

The shopping trip they had made a few weeks ago had not been in vain for any of the girls. Haley was wearing her new lemon and black lace, strapless corset style top which she had teamed with a knee-length, black skirt. Her comfortable black heeled boots and three-quarter length black jacket completed the outfit. She had decided to wear her hair down except for pulling up the sides and fastening them with small butterfly clips.

Peyton was wearing a pair of black pants and a tiger print tank top while Brooke had decided on a short, red, halter-neck dress which showed off lots of leg and cleavage.

“C’mon then, girlies, let’s get this show on the road,” Brooke said as she grabbed her friends’ hands and led them towards the front door. “Bye, Mr James, don’t wait up.”

He laughed as he watched the trio leave the house before he went back into the living room to finish reading his newspaper.

Once outside, Haley saw a cab waiting at the kerb and she looked at each of the girls in turn. “I thought the guys were driving us there.”

“Apparently, they’re going to be late. Lucas phoned me about an hour ago and said that something had come up but he’ll meet us there and he’ll be driving us home,” Peyton said.

“Oh, right. Is, uh, Nathan not coming?”

“I’m not sure, he didn’t say. Oh well, I’m sure Lucas won’t mind dancing with us three fine ladies.”

Haley couldn’t help laughing at the brunette’s teasing and while she felt a small pang of sadness at possibly not seeing Nathan tonight, she knew that she’d have a great time hanging out with her friends.

* * * * *

“Could it be something you ate?” Lucas asked his brother who was dressed up for a night out but was laying sprawled out on his bed.

“I don’t know. All I know is that I came over all funny when I was taking a shower. I-I just feel really sick.” Nathan wasn’t lying. As he had started to get ready, he had come over all dizzy and had only just made it to the toilet where he threw up everything he’d eaten that day.

“I feel bad about leaving you here on your own when you don’t feel well but—”

“No, it’s okay,” he interrupted. “You go and keep an eye on the girls and make sure they get home safely. If I feel better later, I’ll come down there and find you.”

“If you’re sure. I’ll keep my phone on so call me if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Luke,” he said giving him a half-smirk. “You’ll make somebody a great wife someday.”

“Funny, real funny. See you later.”

Nathan gave him a nod as he watched him leave. He desperately hoped he’d feel better soon so that he could go and see her.

* * * * *

On the outside, Haley was having a great time but on the inside she wasn’t enjoying herself at all. She’d been miserable the entire week when things could have been so very different had they not ended the way they had with Nathan.

Sitting at the table she and her friends had chosen, she watched as Brooke and Peyton danced with Lucas and as she did so, her mind wandered to Nathan yet again. She wondered how he was feeling and whether he needed anything. Without realising it, she had taken her cell phone out of her purse and she was on the verge of dialling his number.

“Uh... hi.” A voice cut into her thoughts and looking up, she saw a tall blonde guy smiling down at her and she couldn’t help smiling back at him.

“Hi,” she replied shyly.

“I’m Nick. I was just wondering if you’re here with someone ‘cause if you’re not, I’d really like to dance with you.”

Reaching out her hand, Haley placed it into his outstretched one and shook it. “I’m Haley and no, I’m not here with anyone. Well, except for my friends that is.”

“So, would you like to dance?” Nick asked tugging lightly on her hand which was still in his.

Popping her phone back into her purse, she pushed her thoughts of Nathan to the back of her mind. “You know what? I’d love to,” she told him letting him pull her up from her seat and lead her out onto the dance floor.

* * * * *

A couple of hours after his brother had left, Nathan had started to feel better. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he made sure he still looked presentable and deciding he looked okay, he grabbed his wallet and keys and left the house.

He felt nervous as he entered the club and his eyes scanned the place looking for a particular auburn haired beauty. He couldn’t see her but he had found the others and he made his way over to their table.

“Hey, guys,” he said greeting them.

“Hey, you made it. How are you feeling, little bro?”

“Much better, thanks. And if you keep up with that little bro crap, you’ll be finding out just how much better I’m feeling,” he teased. As he chatted to the group, his eyes kept searching for her but he still couldn’t see her. “So, where’s Haley?” he finally asked, trying to keep his voice light and neutral.

Peyton pointed to the middle of the dance floor. “There she is.”

Nathan clenched his hands into fists as he watched her dancing with another guy. “Who’s he? I thought she said this was going to be a strictly girls night out.”

“His name is Nick and he seems really nice,” Peyton informed him.

“Oh yeah, he’s a total hottie. I don’t blame her for breaking our rule,” Brooke chipped in with a smirk. “I’d have done it in a heartbeat.”

“I know you would,” Lucas said teasingly.

Nathan couldn’t take his eyes off the scene in front of him. One of Nick’s hands was practically on Haley’s ass while the other was running up and down her back. He could feel the blood boiling in his veins and when the couple turned, he saw that her hands were wrapped around his neck, her fingers idly playing with the hair at the nape. All he could think about in that second was that she always did that to him.

Suddenly feeling sick again, he said, “I’m gonna go and get a drink,” before quickly making his way to the bar. After ordering a soda, he went and stood in the shadows of the club where he could observe Haley without being seen by her or any of the others. He watched as she and Nick danced to both fast and slow songs and he cursed under his breath each time another slow one started playing. Watching another guy hold her so closely made his heart ache and he desperately wished he could touch her once more.

* * * * *

As Haley danced with Nick, she felt a shiver run up and down her spine and it reminded her of how she felt whenever Nathan would look at her. Turning in Nick’s arms, she scanned the crowd but couldn’t see him, not that she was really expecting to. As far as she knew, he was probably fast asleep at home. But then again, he could have been lying about not feeling well. Maybe he just didn’t want to see her again. Just the thought that that might be the case made her hurt all over.

“Hey, babe, what’s wrong?”

She couldn’t help cringing at Nick’s sugary sweet tone. He was a nice guy and she was enjoying dancing with him but that was it as far as she was concerned. Maybe it was wrong and unfair, but she couldn’t help comparing him to Nathan and he just didn’t even come close.

“Nothing’s wrong,” she said turning to look at him. “I’m just gonna go and use the ladies’ room.”

He nodded at her. “Okay, hurry back.” He winked at her and she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Giving him what she hoped looked like a genuine smile, she made her way through the throng of people on the dance floor.

Suddenly, a hand shot out and wrapped around her wrist, pulling her into a dark, secluded corner of the club and she opened her mouth to scream. Before she could do so, a hand covered her mouth and a familiar voice spoke to her.

“Shhh. It’s okay, it’s me.”

“Nathan? What... what are you doing?” As her eyes got used to the darkness, she saw that her guess was right and she also couldn’t fail to see the blatant lust in his eyes.

Nathan looked her up and down taking in her revealing outfit. His eyes lingered on her breasts, which were heaving with each breath she took and he realised that her fear at being pulled into a dark corner was probably the reason. His hand was still holding her wrist and raising it above her head, he held it against the wall before doing the same with the other one. Her breasts had already been threatening to spill out of the corset but the pull of her arms above her head was making the possibility of it happening even more likely.

“Nathan?” Haley repeated, her voice sounding huskier as she watched him watching her. He shifted his position so that he was holding both her wrists with one hand and with his free hand, he cupped one of her breasts before massaging it roughly through the fabric. She gasped at the feel of his hand touching her and desperately wished he’d pull down her top so she could feel his slightly calloused skin on her bare flesh. Her eyes fluttered shut as she savoured his touch and she couldn’t help moaning at its loss. A second later she moaned again but for a different reason when she felt him lift her up against the wall she had already been leaning on. Automatically her legs wrapped around his waist and a moment later he had released her hands so that he could wrap both of his arms around her waist. Her hands went around his neck to hold him tightly to her and she buried her face into the nook between his neck and shoulder.

They held each other for a little while before they drew back to look at one another. Their eyes drank each other in and almost in slow motion, they leaned forward and shared a soft kiss which went on for a while. Their tongues played together while their lips devoured each other.

As the kiss calmed down, Nathan whispered in Haley’s ear, “I’ve missed you.”

Her arms held him tighter as she whispered back, “I’ve missed you, too.”

Suddenly realising where they were, Nathan lowered her back to the floor and he watched as she straightened her top. Seeing her all flushed with her obvious excitement, he smiled. “You look beautiful.”

Haley blushed at his compliment. “Uh, thanks. So, um, what are you doing here? I thought you weren’t feeling well?”

“I wasn’t but I started to feel better a little while ago so I thought I’d come down here and make sure everything was okay. That no one was bothering you.”

“Wait a second! You came here to check up on me?”

“Haley, it’s not like that. It’s just that... Look, I know what guys can be like and—”

“Why, because you’re just like them? Is that it?”

“That’s not fair.”

“So why did you sneak up on me like that? Pulling me into a dark corner where no one can see us together?”

Nathan looked down at the floor which gave her all the answer she needed. “You saw me here with Nick, didn’t you? You saw us together and got all jealous so you dragged me into a dark corner where no one would see us.”

“Jealous? Of him? Yeah, right. Why would I be jealous when I was the one to teach you all you know? Tell him I said he’s welcome.”

She looked at him questioningly. “What?”

“Well, he’s bound to want to thank me once he’s been with you.”

Her hand shot out and slapped him hard across the face. “You bastard! I hate you!” she screamed before running past him and going to the ladies’ room.

Nathan felt sick at what he’d said the moment the words had left his mouth and walking forwards, he banged his head against the wall a few times. If things were bad before, they were a million times worse now.

Chapter Thirteen

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