Caught In The Act

Title: Caught In The Act

Author: Diane

Fandom: One Tree Hill

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: Making out

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a future fic set post-Season 9.

Word Count: 500

Summary: It was late when he entered the house so after carefully closing the front door and locking it, he walked quietly towards the kitchen to see if there were any leftovers from dinner in the oven or fridge. However, he didn't make it as far as the kitchen; having stopped dead in his tracks at the somewhat familiar scene on the couch that greeted him.

Author's Notes: This has been written for Round 3 of Love Bingo.

It was late when he entered the house so after carefully closing the front door and locking it, he walked quietly towards the kitchen to see if there were any leftovers from dinner in the oven or fridge. However, he didn't make it as far as the kitchen; having stopped dead in his tracks at the somewhat familiar scene on the couch that greeted him.

Great, just the image he wanted to see right before he went to sleep.

There was his mom... straddling his dad's lap and the two of them were making out like a couple of horny teenagers at the end of a date.

He was just grateful they were both still dressed.

Coughing to clear his throat, he bit back the laugh that bubbled in his throat at the way his mom suddenly jumped at the sound of his voice and pulled back from his dad.

“H-hey, Jamie...” Haley trailed off, her cheeks a rosy pink color when she turned to face her eldest son. “You're back early.”

Jamie smirked. “It's almost midnight,” he told her. “I think you've somehow lost track of time.”

“Oh God,” she mumbled, burying her face against her husband's shoulder as her blush intensified. She could feel Nathan's chest rumbling beneath her as he tried and failed to hide his amusement at the two of them having been busted yet again.

“What?” Nathan asked when she swatted his shoulder.

“You know what,” she told him.

Jamie watched his parents as they bantered back and forth and he couldn't help smiling. Okay, so he definitely didn't want or need to see them in the midst of a hot and heavy make-out session but there was something about seeing them still as in love with each other as he'd always remembered them to be that gave him a warm comforting feeling deep inside... not that he was about to tell them that, of course.

He continued to watch them and quickly began to feel like an intruder when he saw his dad whisper something into her ear which made her giggle.

“So, any reason why you were waiting up for me?” Jamie queried, cocking an eyebrow in question.

“We're your parents,” Nathan replied, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “We don't need a reason.”

Jamie nodded. “Okay, then.” His smile was a facsimile of his father's. “Well, I'm off to bed,” he announced as he made his way towards the staircase, deciding not to bother with a midnight snack. Just before he disappeared from view, he leaned over the handrail and added, “Just remember, we all have to sit on that couch.”

He chuckled to himself as he first heard his mom's shocked gasp followed by his dad's familiar laugh.

The muffled noises he heard next had him rushing for the sanctuary of his bedroom and the first thing he made sure to grab were his headphones.


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