Encore To The Encore

Title: Encore To The Encore

Author: Diane

Fandom: One Tree Hill

Characters: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: 14 - Home

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a follow on from episode 6.10 ‘Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous’ so you might want to watch it before reading this. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Ever since the first time she’d performed for him at the café in the early days of their relationship, he’d loved hearing her sing and that hadn’t changed to this day.

Author’s Notes: This has been written as part of my fanfic table for 25fluffyfics and is dedicated to Jessica and Kelly. I hope this is the sort of thing you were both hoping for.

While Nathan was blowing out the candles in the living room, Haley was upstairs lighting some that she’d placed all around their bedroom, wanting to create the same ambience for him as he had done for her. Surveying her handiwork with a smile gracing her lips, she picked up the scrap of fabric she’d specifically selected from the dresser and headed into the en suite bathroom to change.

Upon entering the bedroom, Nathan’s lips curved upwards into his trademark smirk as he took in the soft glow of the candlelight. Oh, it would seem he was definitely going to be experiencing the encore to the encore, he thought to himself as he kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt up and over his head, balling it up and tossing it towards the armchair in the corner of the room. He quickly stripped off the rest of his clothing until he was down to his charcoal grey boxer briefs.

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, he impatiently called out, “Hales?”

“I’ll be out in a few minutes,” she replied.

As he waited, he couldn’t help still feeling guilty that he’d missed seeing Haley perform at the concert tonight. Ever since the first time she’d performed for him at the café in the early days of their relationship, he’d loved hearing her sing and that hadn’t changed to this day. Her voice was so soothing and he remembered all the times she’d sung to Jamie when he was little and how it always helped to settle him. It still did, he recalled, thinking of recent events and the nightmares the little boy had had as a result and how as soon as Haley had started singing to him, he would instantly relax against her and fall back to sleep.

The sound of the bathroom door opening had Nathan glancing up and his breath caught in his throat at the sight that greeted him. She was wearing the ivory coloured, silk and lace babydoll nightie that she knew was a particular favourite of his. The delicate fabric skimmed the top of her thighs and as she slowly approached him, her hips sashaying from side to side as she did so, he saw she was wearing the matching panties thanks to the outfit’s little side split.

Pushing himself up from the bed, he held out his hand for her and when she took it, he interlaced their fingers, squeezing them gently. “You look gorgeous,” he told her, his eyes meeting hers for a long moment before his gaze lowered slightly and fixated upon her full, plump lips.

“You’re not looking so bad yourself,” Haley teased as she took a step closer and pressed her body into his. Her arms circled his neck and pushing herself up onto her tiptoes, she licked a path around his lips with the tip of her tongue. She moaned when Nathan slanted his head and deepened the kiss, his tongue plunging into her mouth to tangle with her own. One of his hands cradled the side of her head while the other was slowly massaging her behind over the silky fabric.

Her nipples were rubbing against the lacy cups of her nightie as she writhed against her husband and the friction was driving her crazy, making her entire body tingle and the feel of his hard length pressing into her was only adding to the delicious sensations coursing through her.

Burying her fingers in his thick hair, she scraped her fingernails against his scalp and down the back of his neck, loving the way he shivered at her touch. It was such a heady feeling knowing she wielded as much power over him as he did with her.

“I want you so much,” he whispered huskily, his lips kissing their way down the slender column of her throat and neck, spending long minutes lavishing her baby soft skin with his undivided attention before moving lower still and peppering hot, open-mouthed kisses from one shoulder to the other.

“I want you, too,” she whispered back, savouring the feel of his wickedly talented mouth. She gasped when he suckled her right nipple through the silk fabric and her fingers curled into his bicep. “Nathan…”

Nathan’s forefinger slipped beneath the spaghetti strap of her nightie and he slowly inched it down her shoulder. His eyes were focused on hers the entire time and he watched as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. “As much as I love seeing this on you, I think it’d look much better on the floor.”

She couldn’t help laughing at his cheesy line and she shook her head before covering his mouth with hers. “I think these would look better on the floor, too,” she said, sliding her finger into the waistband of his boxers and pinging the elastic against his skin.

“All in good time,” he said, smirking at her as he eased the other strap down. He watched mesmerized as Haley took a small step backwards, sliding her arms out of the thin straps before doing a sexy little shimmy that had the garment falling to the floor, leaving her standing before him in the tiny pair of matching panties. His mouth felt bone dry as his eyes roamed all over her, taking in every delectable curve of her body.

“Your turn,” she stated, her voice low with a husky tone to it.

Slipping his thumbs into the waistband, Nathan quickly stripped off his underwear, standing unabashedly nude in front of her; his erection throbbing even more at the way her eyes were appraising him. He could see the love and lust shining in them and stepping forward, he pulled her into his arms and seized her lips. The kiss was filled with raw, unadulterated passion and the sounds coming from her were making his blood sizzle in his veins.

As he kissed her, he palmed her breast, tugging on her diamond hard nipple which had her gasping into his mouth. While he bestowed the same attention on its twin, he tugged on her panties with his free hand and without breaking the kiss, they worked together to slide them down and off of her body.

His fingers slowly trailed up her inner thighs and as soon as he reached their apex and began stroking her intimately, she cried out in pleasure. Her breathing grew erratic as she clutched him tightly to her, her hips undulating in time with his deliberately slow movements.

“Nathannnn… please…”

“Please what?” he asked, that familiar smirk of his still firmly in place.


The sensation of her fingernails digging into his upper arm added to the pleasure he was feeling and that only escalated when she wrapped her fingers of her other hand around his cock and began pumping him in her fist. “Fuck!”

“That good, huh?”

“Good doesn’t even come close to describing it, baby,” Nathan told her, curling his tongue around hers and drawing it into his mouth to suck on. He could feel himself already careening towards the edge and placing a hand over hers, he reluctantly stilled her movements. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he lifted her up and carried her the short distance to the bed, gently laying her down in the centre of it before climbing on top of her.

Haley’s arms twined around his neck, her fingers idly playing with the short hair at the nape as she savoured the feel of his lean, hard body pressing her further down into the soft mattress. She couldn’t contain her moans as their kisses grew more demanding… more urgent and hooking her legs over his hips, she pulled him in even closer, desperate to feel every inch of him against her.

When Nathan eventually broke the kiss, they both breathed in much needed air, taking the opportunity to fill their lungs before he dived back into the maelstrom. Shifting his position slightly, he kissed his way south; brushing soft kisses over her shoulders before moving lower and tracing the tip of his tongue around her nipple, making sure to avoid the sensitive little nub.

“Please…” she begged, feeling her nipples tighten with anticipation and an almost frantic need to feel the hot cavern of his mouth surrounding her flesh.

Glancing up at her from his position, he gave her a slow, sexy smile before capturing her nipple between his lips and sucking on it.

She cupped the back of his head, holding him in place just in case he decided to torture her again by stopping. Her hips rocked against him as he continued worshipping her breasts with his lips, tongue and teeth and slipping a hand between them, she caressed the underside of his cock, loving the strangled moan he made at that little action. His cerulean eyes had darkened to the colour of midnight, a sure sign of his arousal, and she trembled in response.

Nathan kept his focus on Haley’s flushed face as he shifted lower still, his lips grazing lightly over her stomach, his tongue circling her belly button. The giggle she released made him chuckle against her tummy and he repeated the motion.


“What?” he asked, his tone innocent despite the not-at-all innocent expression on his face.

Pushing herself up onto her elbows, she opened her mouth to reply but no words came out other than a long, drawn out moan when he suddenly swiped the flat of his tongue along her seam, the tip of it flicking over her clit.

“You were saying?” he teased, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of hunger and amusement.

“D-don’t stop,” she pleaded, her arms giving out.

He watched her chest heave with every breath she took and he smiled in blatant satisfaction that just a single touch from him could have such an effect on her. Parting her legs a little wider, Nathan made himself comfortable between them. One hand curled around her thigh while he used the fingers of his other one to part her lower lips and leaning in, he lapped at her wet, swollen flesh.

Haley was practically sobbing with pleasure as he licked and sucked on her and when he slipped two of his fingers inside and crooked them forward, touching her most sensitive spot, she exploded in an earth shattering climax, her back arching up off of the bed as the overload of pleasure almost overwhelmed her with its intensity.

The seductive fluttering of her sheath around his digits had him on the brink of his own orgasm and he rubbed himself against the mattress trying to alleviate the throbbing in his groin.

When the ability to speak had returned, Haley smiled shyly at him. “C’mere.” Holding out her arms to him, she watched as he crawled up her body, dropping kisses all along her sweat-slick skin as he did so. When his lips hovered over hers mere seconds later, she cupped the side of his face in her palm before sliding it around to the back of his head and drawing him closer. The kiss was long and languorous… their tongues exploring and savouring the familiar taste of each other.

Nipping his bottom lip with her teeth, she kissed along his cheek until her mouth was right by his ear and wrapping her fingers around his cock, she stroked him lightly and placed him at her entrance. “I want you inside me.”

Her words had him even harder if that were at all possible and fusing his mouth to hers, he pushed forward and entered her in one quick thrust, holding still once he was fully embedded inside of her to savour that initial moment of being so intimately joined.

The feel of her feminine muscles clenching around him spurred him into action and despite wanting to make it last as long as possible, he could already feel that telltale tingle in the base of his spine and so sped up his movements.

Haley’s right hand was splayed in the centre of his back while the fingers of her left one were buried in his hair; gripping and releasing the strands in time with the thrusting of his hips. Tipping her pelvis back a little, she cooed happily when she felt him slide even deeper inside, rubbing those little areas that were so very responsive. She could feel her next orgasm fast approaching and she wanted to feel him come with her at the exact same time.

The heels of her feet pressing into his firm ass urged him to increase his pace and he seemed more than willing to comply with her silent request. Her nipples were scraping deliciously against the sculpted planes of his chest and the electric current that seemed to run through her entire being was driving her wild. Bucking her hips, she met him thrust for thrust, her lips never leaving his as they virtually devoured one another.

“Haley… I-I’m so close,” he panted, his breath puffing against her skin as he buried his face against her neck and breathed in her familiar scent.

Raking her nails down his back and clasping him tightly, she gasped as he shifted his position and the change in angle meant that the base of his cock exerted additional pressure onto her clit on each down-stroke. “Uh huh… me, too,” she mumbled breathlessly.

A few short minutes later, Nathan felt her body arch up into his as Haley hit her crescendo and flew over the edge into oblivion, her arms and legs tightening around him as did her pelvic muscles which were coaxing him even closer to his own climax. The sensation of her hot breath against his ear combined with the even hotter words she was whispering into it… it didn’t take much more to propel him towards his own state of mind-numbing bliss.

Collapsing on top of her, his breathing was ragged as he fought to get it back under some semblance of control. Her wandering hands weren’t helping the situation and when he’d gained enough strength, he pushed himself up onto his forearms and looked down into her smiling face, noting the rosy blush that coloured her skin. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips before retreating. “You need to stop that,” he said, smiling back at her.

“Why?” she teased, adding, “Don’t tell me I’ve worn you out already?”

“No,’ he answered with a chuckle, ‘but I thought you might want to rest a bit before I continue making up for not being at the concert.”

Stroking her thumb along his cheekbone, she shook her head. “There’s nothing to make up for, baby.”

“So you don’t want to, uh… carry on where we left off?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.

“I didn’t say that,” she told him, looking up at him shyly from under her lashes, her toes trailing up and down his calf. He was still nestled inside of her and she shivered when she felt him harden. Drawing his face towards her, she brushed her lips over his, sighing when he deepened the kiss. Her fingers kneaded and massaged his shoulders and when the kiss ended long moments later, she nuzzled her nose against his as she caught her breath.

“I wish I’d been there tonight, Hales… I should’ve been there,” Nathan said, twirling a lock of her glossy hair around his finger.

“I know you do and I wish you were there, too but I felt better knowing you were here relaxing and resting your back. After what happened at your last Slamball game…” Haley looked away from him for a moment as her mind took her back to the exact moment he’d went flying through the glass. “It just brought it all back, you know,” she continued, her voice not much more than a whisper.

“I’m sor—”

“No,” she instantly interrupted, placing a finger against his lips. “What happened the other night wasn’t your fault so there’s nothing to apologise for but for my own piece of mind I just needed to know you were taking it easy at home.”

“You’re always taking care of me and I love you for it,” he told her, lowering his head and pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “God, I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kissing her once more, he carefully rolled onto his back, bringing her with him so that she was draped all over him and helping her sit up and straddle his waist, he smirked up at her, loving how she looked with her tousled hair and kiss-swollen lips. “Now, how ‘bout an encore to the encore to the encore?”

She laughed at his play on the words she’d used on him earlier. “Mmm, that sounds perfect,” she replied, leaning forward and capturing his lips, instantly getting lost in the taste and feel of him.

As amazing as it had felt being back on stage and performing to a large audience, it couldn’t compare to how Nathan and Jamie made her feel and, like she’d told Derek, the cheers from the crowd couldn’t take the place of her family. More importantly, she didn’t want them to.


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