Distractions - Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Walking through the park hand-in-hand, Haley looked up at her boyfriend as she nibbled on the corner of her cherry flavoured ice lolly and she felt herself grow warm at the way his tongue snaked out to lick up a drop of melting strawberry ice cream from his own cone. Damn!

Suddenly, all she wanted to do was go to his apartment and pick up from where they’d left off yesterday before her mother’s phone call had interrupted them. All night she’d tossed and turned, remembering how good his hands had felt on her naked skin and imagining what might have happened if they hadn’t had to stop. When Nathan had picked her up for their date, she hadn’t been able to stop blushing as a whole myriad of thoughts ran through her mind.



“Are you okay?”

Nodding her head, Haley replied, “Yeah, I’m fine. I just…I didn’t get much sleep last night.” As she said the words, she felt her skin grow warm again.

“Yeah, me either,” Nathan confessed, his fingers squeezing gently around hers.

Blue eyes met brown as their gazes locked for a long moment and pushing herself up onto her toes, she took the initiative and kissed him. His lips were cold and tasted like strawberries and she couldn’t help smiling against his mouth.

“What was that for?” he asked, smiling back at her.

“Do I need a reason to kiss you?” she teased.

“No, but I’m just curious.”

“There’s no reason but…I guess I feel better knowing you didn’t, um, get much sleep last night either.”

It was his turn to tease her when he asked, “What do you think kept me awake, then?”

Lowering her eyes, she looked at his long fingers which was probably the wrong thing to do since she was again reminded of just how talented they were when touching her. “Nathan…” Instead of finishing what she had been about to say, she busied herself with eating her ice lolly which was quickly melting.

Tilting her face up with his thumb and forefinger which he placed under her chin, Nathan smiled warmly at Haley, doing his best to reassure her and make her feel comfortable. Leaning in closer to her, he covered her mouth with his own and kissed her softly, his tongue slipping between her lips to glide alongside hers. Suddenly feeling something wet on his fingers, he reluctantly drew back and saw that his ice cream had melted and was dripping down the wafer cone onto his fingers.

Haley laughed. “And I thought I was the messiest ice cream eater.”

“Nope, I’ve stolen your crown,” he joked.

Fishing into her jacket pocket, she removed some paper napkins she’d remembered to bring with her and handed them to Nathan so he could clean up.

He handed his cone over to her so his hands were free and after throwing them into a nearby trash can, he walked back over to Haley and saw her licking up the melted drops of ice cream. “Hey, you’ve got your own!”

“I know, but I wanted some of yours,” she told him, sticking her tongue out before bursting out laughing, Nathan joining in with her.

“Can I have a lick of yours?” he asked.

Still laughing, she shook her head. “No.”

“No? I paid for those so I think it’s only fair I get a lick of yours since you’ve licked mine.” Seeing Haley’s cheeks turn crimson, his lips curved up into a smirk at the words he’d just spoken. Talk about a double-meaning!

Instead of acknowledging what he’d just said, Haley handed over her ice lolly and she watched with rapt fascination when Nathan began licking all over the cherry flavoured frozen treat. If she was feeling warm before, it was nothing to how she was feeling now and she bit back the moan she could sense was on the tip of her tongue. She eventually tore her eyes away from him and brought the strawberry cone she was still holding up to her mouth and captured the drips that were threatening to fall. It’s coolness was doing nothing to dampen the heat coursing through her entire body.

“Do you want to go and see a movie later?” Nathan’s voice broke into her thoughts a few minutes later.

“Not really.”

He nodded his head, feeling relieved at her answer. A movie wasn’t how he wanted to spend his evening either. “Okay. What do you feel like doing?” The telltale blush was back on her face and he bit his bottom lip to stop himself from smirking. He had a pretty good idea what Haley wanted to do and they were definitely on the same page.

“Uh, whatever you feel like doing,” Haley finally replied. Finally finishing the ice cream cone she’d stolen from him, she wiped her fingers on another paper napkin.

“You’ve missed a bit,” he told her as he lowered his head and licked at the corner of her mouth.

Her breath caught in her throat at the sudden gesture and moving her head just a fraction she pressed her lips against his and kissed him. Cherry and strawberry flavours exploded on their tongues as they tangled playfully together and wrapping her arms around his neck, she moaned into his mouth.

“Do you, uh, want to come home with me?” Nathan whispered into her ear as his fingers played with the ends of her hair.

“Yes,” she whispered back before adding, “Now.”

Lacing their fingers together, he had the biggest smile on his face as he led her in the direction of his apartment.

* * * * *

As soon as he closed the front door behind them, Nathan had her pinned up against it, their bodies pressed together as they kissed hungrily. Haley’s hands were in his hair, her blunt fingernails raking along his scalp and down the back of his neck while his were cupping her hips, pulling her in even closer to his body.

Breaking the kiss several long minutes later, he leaned his forehead against hers as he began walking them backwards towards his couch but she stopped him and guided him in a slightly different direction.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded her head as she replied, “Yes. I want this, Nathan… I want you.”

“I want you, too.”

Resuming walking, they were soon in his bedroom and the air seemed even more electrically charged than it had when they had first arrived not ten minutes before.

Nathan released her from his embrace and watched her kick off her sandals before climbing onto his bed. It reminded him of when they’d been at her house yesterday but he knew this was going to be different. His felt nervous which seemed weird considering it wasn’t like this was his first time but he knew that, in a way, it was his first time. Everything before Haley had just been sex, no feelings or emotions involved. With Haley, nothing but feelings and emotions were involved and it made a world of difference.

“Are you okay?” Haley asked, her eyes watching him closely as he continued to stand in front of her, rooted to the spot. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

“I’m more than okay,” he told her, giving her what he hoped was an encouraging smile. “I kinda zoned out there for a second. Sorry.”

“W-We don’t have to do this if you don’t wa—”

“I do!” he quickly interrupted. Kicking off his own shoes, he pulled his sweatshirt off over his head, throwing it in the direction of the armchair in the corner of the room, which left him in just his blue T-shirt and jeans. He climbed up onto his bed, laying down beside her, his fingers intertwining with hers while his thumb rubbed little circles over the back of her hand. “I really do, Hales. I-I just…I feel nervous,” he admitted.

Haley’s eyes widened upon hearing his admission. She hadn’t expected him to say anything like that. “Really?”

“Yeah. I know I have this reputation but…” he trailed off.

“If you tell me none of it’s true, I won’t believe you,” she quipped which helped lighten the mood.

“Very funny.” His free hand began tickling her sides which had her squirming.

“No tickling! Y-You know I’m ticklish!”

“Why else do you think I’m doing it,” he teased but he complied with her request and stopped the tickle torture.

“Why are you nervous?” Haley asked, curious to know the answer.

Nathan was quiet for a moment before finally responding. “Because it’s you, Hales. I don’t want to hurt you and I’m nervous and…scared that I’ll do something wrong and that you’ll run away from me.” The words tumbled out and he kept his gaze fixed on the white stitching of his dark blue comforter. “It’s not about sex with you… It never has been and that’s a first for me.

"I know I came after you for the wrong reasons in the beginning but that pretty much changed when you turned the tables on me and listed all the rules for you helping tutor me. You’re the first girl who ever called me on my BS and I liked it. I liked you and then it became more than like… A lot more.”

Haley felt like she was floating on air as she listened to him and reaching out her hand, she cupped his cheek in her palm and ran her thumb along his cheekbone. Sliding her hand to the back of his head, she brought his face closer to hers and she smiled against his lips when they finally touched.

The kiss was soft and tender yet intensely passionate; Nathan’s words adding fuel to the fire that was already sizzling between them.

Rolling her onto her back, Nathan’s body covered Haley’s, his forearms either side of her head which was resting on his pillow. “I love you,” he told her, gently rubbing his nose against hers.

“I love you, too.” Her fingers idly played with the hair at the nape of his neck as she looked into his baby blue eyes. The fingers of her free hand slid beneath his T-shirt and stroked over the smooth, warm skin of his back. “Can we do what we did yesterday and just, um, take it from there?” He nodded eagerly which made her giggle.

“I guess you want me to take my T-shirt off, huh?”

“Only if you feel comfortable,” she told him in a mock-serious voice. Her eyes watched with avid interest as he pushed himself up into a kneeling position astride her legs and stripped off his T-shirt. God, she loved his body! Those firm, sculpted muscles honed from long hours playing basketball…

“Your turn,” Nathan told her as he watched her face once again flush with colour at having been caught checking him out.

Her fingers went to the hem of her yellow T-shirt which had a small black bar code in the centre with ‘Individual’ written beneath it. Oh yeah, his girl was definitely individual and one of a kind, he thought to himself with a smile.

The white, lace-trimmed bra she was wearing looked great with her lightly tanned skin and he noted it fastened from the front. Nice! Seeing her fingers go towards the clasp, he said, “Leave it on for now.”

She nodded shyly and she sucked in a breath when Nathan took one of her hands in his own and brought it to his chest, placing her palm in the centre. She could feel his heart beating wildly beneath it and she knew her own heart was racing just as fast with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Leaning forward, he covered her body with his, his mouth seeking hers and kissing her with every ounce of feeling he had for her. The tiny mewls of pleasure she began making as he kissed his way down her throat and neck were turning him on even more, making him harder than he already was. His fingers threaded through her rich, auburn hair before slowly trailing down her soft, silky skin; his palm covering her right breast and giving it a gentle squeeze over the delicate fabric of her bra. Her hands caressing all over his back and shoulders felt so damn good and he loved how when the pleasure he was lavishing on her with his lips and tongue became too strong, she would curl her fingernails into his shoulders.

Haley felt like she was overdosing on pleasure. Nothing had ever felt this good! Ever since she’d started dating Nathan, her dreams had certainly taken on a new tone but she found she always woke up before things really got going which left her feeling more than a little frustrated.

She could feel him pressed hard against her and while she couldn’t help feeling nervous about what was going to be taking place between them, she loved that she had this effect on him. The way he kissed her—devoured her was more like it—told her without words just how much he wanted her and it was a heady feeling. She couldn’t ever imagine feeling this way about anyone else.

Impatient to feel his hands on her bare skin, she slid her hand between them and popped the clasp on her bra, the cups pinging apart which made her laugh into his mouth.

“In a hurry?” Nathan asked, his eyebrow raised in question while a smirk tugged at his lips.

“Maybe,” she replied, pushing herself up so she could kiss his mouth again. Taking his hand which was resting on her stomach, she brought it up so that he was cupping her bare breast and she sighed at the first contact of their skin touching without any barriers.

“You feel so good, baby,” he whispered into her ear before his teeth nibbled its lobe. He nearly swallowed his tongue when a few moments later he felt her begin unbuckling his belt and shifting slightly so he could look into her face, he watched her closely for any sign that she wasn’t ready to take things further. Before he could say a word, she’d unzipped him and her hand was slipping inside his boxers to wrap around him.

“I-Is this okay?”

“Uh huh,” Nathan managed to choke out. He’d dreamt about this moment but the reality was far, far better than his dreams. Her innocent touches were threatening to send him over the edge much too soon for his liking so, covering her hand with his, he stilled her movements, keeping a smile on his face to reassure her that nothing was wrong.

Kissing her mouth softly, he drew away far too soon for her liking if the little pout on her lips was anything to go by and he chuckled. He began kissing a path down her neck and along her collarbone, all the time inching further south until his lips were hovering above her breast. With his eyes fixed on hers, he sucked her plump, aroused nipple into his mouth, grazing the little nub of sensitive flesh with his teeth and immediately receiving a deep moan from her.

Haley’s hands flew to his head, holding him still and in place as he kissed, nibbled and sucked on her breast before he switched to the other one to bestow the same attention upon it. Her legs were tightly wrapped around his hips causing the black, A-line skirt she was wearing to ride further up her thighs. She splayed her fingers in the centre of his back while her other hand slipped between them and again delved inside his jeans to wrap around his length. When he bucked into her hand, she couldn’t help but feel proud that she’d caused that reaction in him.

Her entire body felt overly sensitive to everything he was doing to her and she sucked in a breath when she felt his hand leave her breast and slide down her body to caress her upper thigh. A moan tore from her throat when his fingers wandered to the front of her panties and began stroking her through the damp cotton.

“Is this okay?” Nathan asked as he moved up her body so he was looking directly down into her face. While he waited for her reply, he pressed open-mouthed kisses along her throat and jaw before seizing her lips in a voracious kiss which had her toes curling into the back of his jean-clad thighs.

Taking his face between her palms, Haley held him steady as she kissed him back. She revelled in the feel of his naked chest pressed against her own, the friction of them rubbing together sending mini-shockwaves through her nipples directly to her core. She had always thought she would be scared when the time came for her to lose her virginity and while she was still feeling apprehensive and a little nervous, she also felt excited at being so connected to Nathan. The sensations he was eliciting within her were making her feel so…free and alive and she loved it. She loved him.

“I love you,” she whispered and she felt even more reassured at his smile which she could feel against her lips.

“I love you, too.” His fingers wandered everywhere they could reach; stroking and lightly caressing over her warm, flushed skin. He couldn’t stop kissing her and a little voice somewhere in the far reaches of his mind whispered that he could kiss her forever and he wouldn’t mind at all. “Do you still want t—”

“Yes,” she told him. “Do you have, um, protection?”

He nodded his head in reply and confessed, “I bought them last week…you know, just in case. I wasn’t expecting us to—”

“I know,” she interrupted, stroking his hair away from his forehead. She was almost tempted to tell him about the condoms she’d recently bought and which were tucked away at the back of her desk drawer.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down so he was pressed flush against her and she moaned into his mouth when his large, slightly calloused hand began massaging her breast. The knowledge of what they were going to be doing made her body tremble with the anticipation of it all.

As before, Nathan let his hand wander down her body until he again slipped it beneath her skirt which, by now, was bunched up around her waist. He touched her through the damp material, all the while keeping his gaze focused on her pretty face. Her eyes had fluttered closed and her plump lips had formed a graceful ‘o’ as her hips moved in time with his movements. Without missing a beat, he moved her panties to the side and stroked his fingers along her now bare, wet folds. His thumb circled her clit in fast circles while his index and middle fingers slid back and forth before he gently eased them inside of her.

“Ohhhh…” Haley’s hips moved faster and faster as she felt the tight knot in her belly threaten to snap any second.

“Does it feel good?” he asked, his voice a husky whisper as he watched the almost serious look on her face as she fought to reach her peak.

“Uh huh,” she nodded frantically, her hips rocking furiously against Nathan’s hand. Bending her arm at the elbow and reaching behind her, she grabbed at the headboard, needing to use something as leverage.

“Do you need more?” Lowering his head, he lightly kissed her lips, laughing against them when she pushed upwards to get him to kiss her more fully.

“More?” she panted, the curiosity evident in her tone.

Giving her a smirk, he kissed his way down her body, pausing at her breasts to suck on her nipples before moving further south. He tongued her belly button, loving the sound of her laughter mixed in with her heightened state of arousal. Shifting his position so he was lying on his stomach, his face level with the apex of her thighs, he added a third finger inside of her just as he leaned forward and swiped the flat of his tongue along her clit which had Haley bucking her hips.

“Oh god! Do that again! Please!” she begged and then cooed with satisfaction when Nathan repeated the action. A few moments later, he removed his fingers which had Haley voicing her objections.

“No! Don’t go!”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured her and hooking his thumbs into the sides of her panties, he drew them down her hips and thighs. Once they’d cleared her ankles, he tossed them over the side of the bed and then made fast work of ridding her of her skirt before returning to what he’d been doing before. His free hand stroked her lower stomach, loving the feel of her fluttering muscles beneath her skin. His cock was rock hard and he rubbed it against his bed to try and alleviate the pressure.

The noises Haley was making were only serving to turn him on even more and he could sense she was on the verge of climaxing. Her movements were becoming even more erratic as she moved her hips in time with his fingers and lowering his head, he suckled her clit into his mouth and grazed his teeth against it and that seemed to push her over the edge. His name fell repeatedly from her lips as her sheath tightened and pulsed around his digits. Just the thought of how she’d feel around another part of his anatomy almost made him climax.

Nathan kissed his way up her sweat-slick body until his face was directly over hers and he smiled down at her. “How do you feel?” he asked, eager to know her answer.

Blushing but returning his smile, she replied, “I can’t put it into words… You’ve somehow done what no one else has ever managed to.”

“Oh yeah, and what’s that?”

“Rendered me speechless,” she teased. Her fingers massaged over the rounded tops of his shoulders and along his biceps. “How about we see if I can do the same to you?”

“We don’t have to… I mean, if you don’t want to tonight or—”



“You’re rambling.”

“Looks like you’ve rubbed off on me then, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah.” The teasing tone left her voice as she watched her own hands roam all over his upper body and then begin to take a downward path. “I’m feeling a little underdressed here…”

“We don’t want that.” Moving off of her, he pulled off his socks and then removed his pants and boxers before climbing back onto the bed. His erection was curved up against his belly and he held his breath when Haley’s fingers reached out and circled the head before sliding them down his shaft. He couldn’t hold back the moan when her hand moved lower still and she cupped his balls, rolling them gently in her palm. It wasn’t going to take much for him to come and he just hoped he didn’t embarrass himself in front of her.

“Where are the, uh, condoms?” Haley’s voice broke into his thoughts a moment later.

“In my nightstand,” Nathan choked out and leaning forward, he managed to open the drawer and find them without too much effort. Ripping open the cellophane wrapping, he opened the box and removed one of the foil wrapped discs. He could feel Haley watching him and his body grew even hotter, pushing him even closer to the edge. Tearing open the foil wrapper, he rolled the latex down his erection before moving back into his original position. “Are you su—”

“I’m positive,” she told him, although she was sure he could tell how nervous she still was.

“I’ll go slow,” he promised. Kissing her mouth, he could feel himself getting lost in the feel of her warm, pliant body pressed flush against his; her legs were wrapped around his waist while her fingers were holding onto his biceps. Taking himself in hand, he stroked his cock along her wet heat, loving the sounds that action alone immediately caused her to make. His eyes hungrily roamed all over her, taking in the way she looked; her hair fanned out on his pillows, her eyes locked on his face, watching him just as intently as he was watching her, her breasts high and firm, the nipples topping them a rosy red due to a combination of her arousal and his mouth…


As gently as he could, Nathan began sliding inside of her a little at a time, retreating before he got too far and then repeating the motion. He wanted to make this as good for her as he possibly could. It wasn’t long before she was writhing beneath him, begging him to push further inside. Lowering his head to hers, he covered her mouth and kissed her long and slow just as he began rubbing her clit with his thumb. When he could sense her just about to orgasm, he pushed inside her the rest of the way.

Haley cried out at the feel of him pushing deep inside of her and she took a few long, deep breaths as Nathan held still, letting her become accustomed to the unfamiliar sensation. She could feel him all around her…his body…his scent…the taste of him on her lips. Her senses seemed heightened somehow and she couldn’t get enough of him.

She gasped when he suddenly began moving, thrusting in and out of her at a leisurely pace before picking up speed. Rubbing the back of his calves with her toes, she then squeezed her thighs around his hips. She soon found his rhythm and began meeting him thrust for thrust, rocking her hips in time with his. When she cried out this time, it was in utter bliss caused by a slight shift in position which meant his pubic bone was now rubbing against her clit on each down-stroke.

“I’m so close,” he said in a lust-heavy voice.

“Me too,” she told him, her hips pumping even faster to meet his furious pace. As soon as the words had left her lips, her body began convulsing as her second orgasm ripped through her body.

It only took a few more thrusts before Nathan climaxed, too and he buried his face against her neck as his hips continued moving against hers, albeit at a much slower pace now.

He knew he needed to move and get rid of the condom but he longed to stay in the warm cradle of her body, not wanting this moment to end. After a few minutes had passed, he pushed himself up onto his forearms and he couldn’t help but smile at the look of total happiness on his girlfriend’s face. Her skin was flushed pink but she wore the biggest smile on her face and had her eyes been open, he was sure they’d be twinkling.

“I can see that smug look on your face without even opening my eyes,” Haley told him, her tone light and playful.

“Is that so?”

“Uh huh,” she replied, opening her eyes and grinning at him.

They lay there for a moment just looking at each other before Nathan broke the silence and said, “I, uh, need to move and get rid of the…”

“Oh, okay.” She released a tiny hiss when he slid out of her and she felt a stab of disappointment at them now being separated. While his back was to her, she quickly moved and got under the covers but managed to appreciate the view of his naked backside as he walked towards the en suite bathroom. When he returned, she averted her eyes and just as he was about to climb under the covers to join her, he paused causing her to ask, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I was just wondering if you were hungry or if you wanted a drink or something.”

“Now you mention it, I am feeling a bit hungry. What do you suggest?”

“How ‘bout I surprise you?”

Returning his smirk with one of her own, she nodded. “Okay.” She watched him pull on his discarded boxers and then head out of the room. Laying in his bed, she closed her eyes and stretched, feeling the strain and pull of previously unused muscles. No doubt she’d be aching tomorrow. Hearing Nathan’s footsteps, she opened her eyes and giggled at what he was holding in his hand. “Ice cream?”

“Well, it is sort of responsible for us ending up here,” he said, handing over the pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, which he knew was a particular favourite of hers, and a couple of spoons. While she busied herself with removing the lid, he slipped off his boxers and climbed into bed beside her, making himself comfortable.

Swallowing her first bite of the cool, creamy dessert, Haley snuggled into his side. “Thank you, Nathan.”

“For the ice cream?”

She shook her head. “No, for making my first time so perfect. It means a lot.”

“You mean a lot to me,” Nathan told her before seeking her lips and kissing her gently.

When the kiss eventually broke, she nuzzled her cheek against his chest and savoured the feel of him. Scooping up some ice cream with her spoon, she offered it to him and seeing the way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the mouthful, she felt a warm glow wash over her.

“Do you feel tired?” he asked her, his blue eyes crinkled with amusement.

“Why? What do you have in mind?”

Running his finger through the ice cream, he brought it to her lips and he felt himself grow hard again when her tongue wrapped around the digit and sucked it into her mouth.

“No, I’m not tired at all,” Haley told him, her teeth biting into her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing before she added, “And it’s just as well my parents think I’m sleeping over at a friend’s house, isn’t it?” The slow, sexy smile he gave her in return made her insides melt.

It looked like it was going to be a long night.


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