Top That

Title: Top That

Author: Diane

Pairing/Category: Nathan/Haley, AU

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Summary: “I think this is definitely the yardstick by which I’ll be measuring all future birthdays.”

Warning: This story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature

Author’s Note: This is a sequel to my recent story, ‘Crash Into You’ and, once again, it’s dedicated to the lovely Kylie as a thank you for all of her help. Hope you like it! It's also my entry for 'The And Many More...' Birthday Challenge at dareyouto_write.

Sensing her presence in the room, Nathan looked up from his position on the bed and seeing her standing across from him in the doorway of the adjacent en suite bathroom, he felt all the blood in his body rushing to a certain part of his anatomy. His mouth dropped open as his eyes took in every gorgeous inch of her as she began to saunter over to him.

The midnight blue, silk nightie she was wearing clung to every delicious curve of her body, dipping low enough in front to give slightly more than a teasing eyeful while the hem skimmed her thighs and displayed her slender legs to their full advantage.

“Happy Birthday, Nathan,” Haley whispered seductively as she climbed onto the foot of the bed and slowly approached him on her knees.

“I-Is that…I mean, are you my gift?”

“Why?” she teased, adding, “Will you be disappointed if I say yes?”

“Hell no!”

Giggling, she replied, “That’s good to know,” before throwing one of her legs across his thighs so that she was straddling him. Her hands cradled his face tenderly as she leaned forward and covered his mouth with her own.

Nathan’s hands gripped her waist as he lost himself in the feel of her soft, plump lips kissing him, her tongue snaking inside to tangle playfully with his. God, he didn’t know what it was about this woman but he couldn’t get enough of her and he didn’t think he ever would.

One of his hands slid from its place on her hip to caress her silky smooth thigh, working his way up and pushing the delicate fabric of her nightie further upwards. His eyebrows lifted in surprise when all he encountered was soft skin with no barriers and opening his eyes, he saw her eyes were already open and watching him.



“Yeah,” he whispered huskily. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

Blushing, she looked down only for him to place the knuckle of his forefinger beneath her chin to return her gaze to meet his. “Nathan, I--”

“I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone,” he told her earnestly. His fingers trailed over her delicate cheekbone before cupping her cheek in his palm and drawing her in for another kiss.

Haley kissed him back hard, sucking on his tongue before letting her own tongue explore every hidden crevice of his mouth. In the six months that she and Nathan had been dating, things had been explosive to say the least. Their first date which had occurred on the same day that they had met due to a fender bender had ended up with them sharing one of the hottest sexual encounters of both of their lives and it had been a sign of things to come.

Ever since then, they were rarely apart and the feelings they had for one another just seemed to get stronger with each passing day.

“You look beautiful,” he told her, his lips dropping open-mouthed kisses along her jaw-line before latching onto her neck and sucking a patch of skin into his mouth, determined to leave his mark.

“Thank you, you’re looking pretty damn gorgeous yourself.”

“I know,” he said, giving her his patented smirk which turned into a grin when he heard her laughter fill the air.

“You’re so full of yourself, you know that?”

Moving his mouth to her ear, he whispered, “You’re going to be full of me in a minute.”

“Nathan!” she exclaimed, swatting his arm.

He caught her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. His blue eyes had darkened to almost black and Haley shivered at what she knew that to mean. The lust and sexual tension crackled around them like static electricity and closing the gap between them, she seized his lips and kissed him hard.

Nathan released her hand from his so that he could touch her and he made short work of sliding the silky fabric up her body, revealing every glorious inch of her skin to his gaze. He could literally stare at her for hours, clothed or unclothed, given how incredible her body was. The image he had of her that very first day they met was permanently embedded in his mind and he would be eternally grateful that he had had the guts to ask her out on a date. To think he could have missed out on being with the most amazing person he had ever met was definitely a scary thought.

Breaking the kiss, Haley let him pull the nightie over her head and she immediately fused her lips with his once again, not giving the slightest thought to where the brand new item she had purchased for tonight ended up. She moaned into his mouth when his hands softly caressed her breasts, tugging on her sensitive nipples before moving around to her back and kneading her ass, pulling her in closer to his body.

Without moving away from him, she managed to pull the covers away so that she was straddling his naked waist and she felt his hardness press against her. Undulating her hips, she rocked herself against him, her head tipping back as she savoured the sensations coursing through her.

Wrapping her fingers around his erection, she stroked him up and down, her thumb collecting the precum that was leaking from the tip and using it to aid her movements. She watched the chasing expressions on his face and the way he bit his lip as he fought against his impending climax. Taking mercy on the birthday boy, she gently eased his cock away from his belly and angled it towards her. Raising up on her knees, she shuffled forward a little and slowly sank down upon him, taking him in inch by inch, gasping when he was fully sheathed inside of her.

Nathan placed his hands on her hips and aided her movements, trying to get her to speed up when she moved too slowly for his liking but she wasn’t having any of it. She deliberately clenched her internal muscles around him and giggled breathlessly when he moaned loudly.

“Do that again!” he commanded and he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip when she did as requested. Pulling her forward, he felt himself slide in even further which elicited a gasp from her and he smirked against her lips. He pressed down on her hips as he thrust up into her and he had to close his eyes as the sensations became almost too much to bear. Seriously, he had never experienced anything this intense with anyone else and he doubted he ever would.

Haley James was definitely the one for him.

Trailing a hand along her cheek, he pressed his thumb against her lips and he had to take a long, deep breath when she sucked the digit into the heated depths of her mouth. When it was nice and wet thanks to her tongue swirling around it several times, he ran it down her body, between her breasts and lower still until he arrived at her clitoris whereupon he rubbed the sensitive little nub with a circular motion.

“Oh… Oh god… Nathan…”

He pressed a little harder and he literally felt the tremors wracking her body as she came apart and tipping her backwards so that he was now on top, he thrust into her repeatedly as he fought to climax along with her which he managed to do a few deep strokes later. Her legs were tightly wrapped around him as he continued to move inside of her, the heels of her feet pressing into his butt as she urged him on. When the second climax hit a short moment later, she bit his shoulder which had him swooping in and taking her lips in a dirty, hungry kiss despite the need for oxygen right then.

Several long minutes later when they had both managed to catch their breaths, Nathan whispered into her ear, “I think this is definitely the yardstick by which I’ll be measuring all future birthdays.”

“Mmm, that’s good to know,” she murmured sleepily, her hands lazily rubbing his back as she held him close to her.

* * * * *

Some time later, as the young couple were tangled together continuing to enjoy the afterglow of their intense lovemaking, Nathan broke the silence.

“Move in with me.”

“What?” Haley asked, her head lifting up from where it rested on his chest so she could look at him.

“Move in with me,” he repeated.

“I…I can’t, Nathan.”

“Why not? Give me one good reason why you can’t?”

“It’s too soon. We’ve only been dating for six months and…”

“And so far we’ve hardly spent a night apart from each other. I’m either at your place or you’re either here with me.”

“I know, but it’s still too soon for us to even consider living together.”

“I don’t get why, Hales. Like I said, we spend practically ever night together and on the rare occasions when we don’t, we spend hours talking on the phone. I don’t know about you but that says something to me.”

Haley released a quiet sigh. “I-It says something to me, too but… It just feels too soon. I like things as they are right now and I don’t want to spoil them.”

“Spoil them how? And if you mention once more about it being too soon--”

“You’ll do what?” she asked, a teasing lilt to her voice. Inching closer to him, she flicked her tongue over his bottom lip and retreated as she waited for his answer.

“You’ll see,” he replied, a smirk gracing his lips.

“Mmm, promises promises. How about you show me?”

“Say you’ll move in with me first.”

“Nathan, I--”

Before she could say anything else, he flipped them over so that he was on top of her and he pressed his lips urgently to hers, kissing her hard. One of his hands tangled in her thick, honey blonde hair while the other cupped and kneaded her breast, pinching her nipple which earned him a loud gasp. He rocked his hips against hers, sliding his hardened length along her slick folds and he smirked against her lips when she wrapped her legs around him and tilted her pelvis back in an attempt to get him to slide inside of her.

“Nuh huh,” he teased. “Tell me what I want to hear and I’ll give you what you want.”

“You’re such a bastard,” she told him, a smirk pulling at her lips, before pushing herself up and sealing her mouth over his. The kiss was hot and heavy and lasted for what felt like an eternity before the need for air became too strong to ignore and she tore her mouth away, her breath coming in heavy pants.

Nathan laughed. “Like that’s the first time I’ve been called that.” Inching down slightly, he began kissing her throat and neck before moving further south and latching onto her nipple.

Sighing with pleasure, Haley threaded her fingers through his hair and held him tightly to her as he worshipped her with his lips, tongue and teeth. “God… That feels so good…”

Raising his head, he looked at her and said, “Just think, if we move in together we could do this all the time.”

“Nathan, c’mon--”

“I love you, Haley, and I want us to live together. Is that so wrong?”

She cupped his cheek in her palm and shook her head, saying, “No, it’s not wrong at all.”

“Then let’s do it.”

“What…what if it doesn’t work out?”

“What if it does?” he countered.

She smiled shyly at him and when he moved slowly towards her for a kiss, she instinctively parted her lips and welcomed his tongue into her mouth. “I love you,” she whispered a few moments later when he drew back from her, his forehead resting against hers.

“So, is that a yes?” Nathan held his breath as he waited for her answer and despite the smile that remained on her face, he still wasn’t sure what she was going to say.

“Yes,” she finally said a couple of seconds later and she felt her heart grow lighter in her chest at the big smile he was giving her. In that exact moment she knew she had made the right decision. Sometimes you just needed to take a chance and hope for the best.

“This has got to be the best birthday ever!” he exclaimed before covering her mouth with his and kissing her passionately, his tongue flicking over the sensitive skin of the inside of her bottom lip.

“Well if that’s true, who knows how I’ll be able to top it for you next year.”

Flipping them over so that Haley was straddling his hips, he stroked his hands up and down her body as his eyes fixed on hers. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll think of something,” he told her, pulling her down for a sizzling hot kiss.

He already had a few ideas for how they could celebrate her upcoming birthday and he had a feeling it was going to top this one by a long shot.


Sequel : Making It Official

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