
Title: Choices

Author: Diane

Entry: 03

Fandom: Roswell

Pairing: Michael/Maria

Rating: Adult Rated

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set sometime during Season 3. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Word Count: 2,104

Summary: “But I'd hoped you'd give me your expert opinion since you love superheroes so much.” With that, she undid the belt and removed the coat, letting it fall to the floor.

Author's Notes: This has been written for The October Writing Challenge.

“Oh good, you're already home,” Maria exclaimed as she let herself into her boyfriend's apartment and laid a garment bag over the back of an armchair. “I need a favor.”

Michael groaned under his breath. While he was more than happy to see her, the last thing he wanted to do was to get up from his comfy couch which he'd only five minutes ago collapsed onto after arriving home from working a double-shift at the Crashdown. “It's late, Maria. Can't it wait until tomorrow?”

She shook her head. “No. I need your help in making a decision since the party is this coming weekend and—”

“What party?” Michael asked, frowning.

“Seriously?” She sighed heavily. “I'm talking about the Heroes and Villains fundraiser that's being held in the school gym on Saturday night.”

“Oh that. I thought you didn't want to go.”

“A girl can change her mind,” Maria replied.

He did his best to bite back the smirk he felt creeping onto his lips. He knew all too well how a girl – his girl, in particular – could change her mind. “So, what's the favor?”

She smiled, happy to have gotten her own way. Hitting him up when he was exhausted was a tried and tested method of getting him to agree to almost anything. “I want you to choose my costume for me.”

This time, Michael didn't care if she heard his groan. “Seriously? Can't you get Liz or Isabel to help with that.”

“I guess I could,” she mused, her fingers toying with the belt of the long raincoat she wore. “But I'd hoped you'd give me your expert opinion since you love superheroes so much.” With that, she undid the belt and removed the coat, letting it fall to the floor.

His mouth dropped open and all he could do was stare at her as she stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. “Holy fuck!”

“Do you like it?”

The Supergirl costume fit her like a second skin. The blue top half of the outfit featuring the famous red and yellow 'S' logo was so tight her breasts were threatening to pop out of its scooped neckline while the red skirt with its gold belt skimmed the tops of her thighs and, as she turned slightly, it flared out. The costume was completed by a pair of red and gold boots.

“So?” Maria prompted when he still hadn't said anything.


“Do you like it?”

“Yeah,” he drawled, his voice a husky whisper. “Though, I'm not sure whoever's chaperoning the fundraiser will let you in once they see how short and tight your costume is.”

“Are you complaining... about it being short and tight, I mean?”

“No,” he said, laughing.

“So, this gets a thumbs up, then?” Maria asked, running her palms down her front while keeping her gaze fixed on Michael's.

Smirking, he glanced down at his tented crotch before meeting her gaze again and replying, “It gets more than a thumbs up.”

She felt her temperature spike as she saw the obvious evidence of his arousal. “Do you, uh, want to see the next costume?”


“Okay, just give me a few minutes.” Picking up her bag, she hurried out of the room and headed for his bedroom to get changed.

Michael had to admit that he felt a lot more energized than when he'd first arrived home and he tapped his fingers on the arm of the couch as he impatiently waited for his girlfriend to re-emerge. Closing his eyes, his mind conjured up images of her clad in a wide variety of superhero outfits... all of them leaving very little to the imagination.

When, a short while later, Maria walked back into the room he felt himself harden even more. When he'd been thinking about the various outfits he'd like to see her in, this one hadn't registered at all so it was quite the surprise.

“What do you think?” she asked, giving him a twirl. She'd almost picked up the Batgirl costume but that had seemed a little obvious so she'd opted for sexy Robin instead.

“I think you look fucking hot,” he told her. The red and yellow trimmed corset top was just as tight as what she'd previously been wearing but this one showed off a helluva lot more cleavage. The green skirt was short and had suspenders hanging from the hem which clipped onto her black thigh-high stockings. The ensemble was finished off with a yellow cape, an eye mask and a pair of high heels.

Michael was practically devouring her with his hungry gaze and it was taking everything in her not to jump him on the couch.

“C'mere,” he said, beckoning to her.

Maria shook her head. “Not yet. I have one more outfit to show you. After that... we can play.”

He grinned wolfishly at her. “Hurry up and show me, then.”

She laughed as she, once more, left the room; walking as fast as she could on the precariously high heels that encased her feet.

When several minutes had passed and she hadn't returned, he was just about to call out to her when an idea popped into his head. Pushing himself up off the couch, he headed for his bedroom and stood transfixed in the doorway. Maria had her back to him and was bent over at the waist as she zipped up a red leather platform boot. The bottom half of her red, blue and black costume had ridden up and he was being treated to an awesome view of her pert bare ass. Either she was going commando or she was wearing the tiniest thong she owned.

Michael coughed to clear his throat which made her straighten her back and spin around to face him. “What are you doing back here?”

From the rear, he hadn't been too sure of which superhero her costume mimicked this time but he smirked as he saw the black spider design etched upon the front of the dress. “Spider Girl, huh?”

“Well, since I know how much you love Spider-Man,” she said, closing the short gap between them and sliding her arms up his chest to twine around his neck, “I thought you might enjoy me wearing this.”

“Mm, I do,” he replied. Cupping her hips over the silky fabric of her outfit, he pulled her in tight against him as he ducked his head and brushed his lips over hers.

“Which one should I wear?” she asked breathlessly.

“I'm liking this one,” he said, omitting to tell her that his choice was mainly due to the fact that although the Spider Girl costume made her look hot as sin and was just as short as the others, out of the three she'd tried on it was the one which covered the most skin. “Just do me a favor... don't bend over.”

Maria giggled against his lips. “Don't worry, honey. I'll be wearing boy shorts underneath it, not a thong.”

Michael shook his head, his lips curved upwards into a half-smile. “I still don't want you bending over.”

She gasped when he slipped his hands beneath the hem of her dress and palmed the cheeks of her ass. Pressing down on the back of his head, she directed his face to hers and she kissed him hotly; sliding her tongue between his parted lips to tangle wetly with his own. She felt her zipper slowly being lowered and she aided the removal of her costume by pulling her arms out its sleeves. Within seconds, she was standing before him in just her thong and calf-length boots; the same ones that had ended up at the back of his closet from the last time she'd worn them for him.

He stripped out of his own clothes in what felt like record time and he was just about to pull her back into his embrace when she pushed him backwards until he fell onto his bed. He watched with rapt attention as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the black scrap of lace she called underwear and slowly slid the fabric down her slender thighs. Propping his arms behind his head, he grinned when she turned and bent over at the waist to remove her boots, throwing him a sultry smile from over her shoulder.

“You're a minx, Maria Deluca,” he said a few moments later when she climbed astride his lap and leaned forward so that every gorgeous inch of her rubbed against him. His hands rested on her hips before moving up to massage her breasts.

“I love it when you do that,” she told him, her moans growing louder when Michael suddenly sat up and sucked her right nipple into the heated cavern of his mouth. Her fingers raked through his shaggy hair and cupping the back of his head, she held him firmly in place. As he switched to her other breast, she began rocking her hips, grinding herself against him.

Lying back down again, Michael gripped her hips and slowly slid her back and forth so that her wet heat rubbed along the underside of his shaft. He swallowed thickly when she wrapped her delicate fingers around his cock and pulled it away from where it rested against his belly. He watched as she raised up higher on her knees and placed him at her entrance. Before he could utter a single word, she lowered herself onto him, her fingernails curling into his pectoral muscles.

He caressed the tops of her thighs and then her stomach as she started to ride him, his eyes drinking her in and paying particular attention to how her breasts bounced with each and every movement. Keeping his gaze locked on hers, he reached out and began to repeatedly flick his thumb over her hard little clit. Her response to that was to pick up the pace. He could practically feel her impending orgasm and so he rubbed her clit faster and harder causing her gasps and moans to become even louder.

Leaning forward, Maria captured his lips in a sizzling kiss and she mewled into his mouth when the change in angle had his pubic bone pressing deliciously against the sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. One of his hands was tangled in her hair while the other rested in the small of her back, holding her in place as he thrust his hips up to meet her every down-stroke.

“You feel so damn good, baby,” Michael murmured before seizing her lips again.

Several moments later, she tore her mouth away from his and cried Michael's name as her body violently climaxed. He didn't give her a chance to calm down as he flipped them both over so that he was now on top. Hooking her thighs over his forearms, he pushed her knees back so he could slide even deeper into her.

“Fuck!” Maria fisted the pillow either side of her head as he pounded into her and set every one of her nerve endings alight.

Burying his face in the crook of her shoulder, he bit into her skin with blunt teeth as his entire body seized up and he exploded deep inside of her. Collapsing in a boneless heap, he continued rocking his hips into hers while little electrical charges seemed to shoot up and down his spine.

“That felt amazing,” she whispered after several minutes had passed. Her heart was still racing wildly and her body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat as was Michael's.

“Yeah, it was,” he replied, tucking a damp errant curl behind her ear. Releasing her legs which were still pushed back, he slowly withdrew from her tight clutch and rolled over, bringing her with him and tucking her into his side. He managed to snag the corner of the comforter that was hanging half off the bed and he pulled it over them both.

Maria glanced at his face and saw the familiar smirk gracing his handsome features. “What?” she inquired.

“What?” he countered, feigning ignorance.

“Uh huh,” she said, clicking her tongue. “What's got you smirking?”

“Oh, I'm just wondering how I can get you to keep the Spider Girl costume... permanently.”


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