Nothing Else Matters

Title: Nothing Else Matters

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set post-Season 4 so everything up to and including it.

Summary: This time it was Haley's turn to watch the pair and her heart melted at the sight.

Author's Notes: This has been written in honour of the Joy 300th Thread over on the OTH Fanforum board.

Haley's heart swelled in her chest, a soft smile illuminating her face, as she looked down at her son who was sleeping soundly in his crib. He was so beautiful, his features so much like Nathan's and, it seemed, with a temperament to match. At just ten months old he could be as stubborn as his father when he wanted to be and she had a feeling that wasn't going to change as he got older. No doubt he'd be flashing those big beautiful blue eyes of his and copying his daddy's smirk which would most likely have her giving in to him. Although, having said that, she could be pretty strict when she needed to be, not to mention persuasive. Just ask Nathan. She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing too loudly and waking Jamie up from his nap since the last thing she wanted was for him to be all niggly and grumpy.

"What are you laughing at?" Nathan's voice broke into her thoughts.

Turning to look at him as he entered the room, she gestured for him to keep his voice down. "Just thinking about how alike the two of you are," she whispered.

"Is that so?" Coming up behind her, he pressed his chest to her back, wrapping his arms around her and lowering his head so he could rest his chin on her shoulder and also watch their sleeping baby boy.

"Uh huh. I just know he's going to take after you with that smirk and those twinkling blue eyes whenever he wants to get his own way."

Nathan chuckled knowing just how true that statement would probably be in the years to come. "Yeah, I think you might be right."

"I just need to stay strong and not give in," Haley told him, her fingers lightly caressing the backs of his hands which were resting on her stomach.

"Really? Just like how you stay strong with me, huh?"

Turning around so she was facing him, she idly played with the hair at the nape of his neck and tilted her head to one side. "I do stay strong," she told him, fighting the urge to smile.

"Whatever you say, Hales." Before she could reply, he took her mouth in a sinfully hot kiss, his tongue immediately seeking entrance which, it would seem, she was only too happy to grant.

Haley's hands wandered from his neck to his shoulders before moving lower still and pressing her palms against his hips, pulling him in even closer to her body. She gasped into his mouth when she discovered that somewhere along the way he'd managed to unfasten her bra but she wasn't about to complain. The feel of his slightly calloused fingers touching her suddenly feverishly hot skin was too good to object to. A few moments later, she felt him tugging her forward and she reluctantly drew back from him. "What?"

"Let's go to our bedroom."

She literally felt her skin flush with colour when she realised they were still in their son's bedroom. "I, uh, guess we got a little carried away."

Nodding his head in agreement, he replied in a husky whisper, "Yeah."

His lust-heavy voice sent a delicious tingle up and down her spine and, interlacing her fingers with his, she began to lead him out of the room and towards their bedroom next door. Just as her foot was about to cross the threshold, a cry emanated from the crib and they both stopped in their tracks.

"Damn, he's got good timing."

Seeing the almost crestfallen expression on her husband's face, Haley couldn't hold back her laughter and pushing up onto her tiptoes, she pressed her lips against his before going over to the crib and looking down at Jamie who was now wide awake, gurgling and kicking his little legs in the air. Reaching in, she picked him up gently and rocked him in her arms, kissing the top of his head. "Hey, baby, did you enjoy your little nap?"

From his position by the door, Nathan smiled at her interaction with their son and closing the short distance between them, he rubbed his hand in circles over the baby's back. "You could've given us another half an hour, buddy," he teased as his eyes met Haley's.


"What? I'm just kidding." Taking Jamie from her, he cuddled him close and breathed in his unique baby smell as he went and sat down in the cushioned rocking chair by the window. "You know Daddy's kidding, right, Jamie?"

"Dada," Jamie responded, grabbing a fistful of his father's shirt in his little fist.

This time it was Haley's turn to watch the pair and her heart melted at the sight. For all of Nathan's worries and insecurities over becoming a father, she couldn't fault him and it was a joy to watch them together. Kneeling beside them, she tickled their son's tummy and they laughed at his giggles and happy, smiling face.

“He sounds just like you when he laughs,” he told her.

Kissing his cheek and then her son’s, she smiled warmly at them both. Life wasn't always going to be a bed of roses but as long as she had her boys, that was more than enough.

Nothing else mattered.


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