Reasons Why - Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Seeing the look on her face, Nathan took her hand in his free one and led her over to sit on the couch. Once she was seated, he sat down beside her. He waited patiently for her to say something but she seemed to be struggling to find the words so he spoke instead.

“Why did you hide these, Hales?”

“I don’t know…I--”

“What do you mean you don’t know? There must be a reason why you put them inside that drawer instead of putting it with the other mail I received this morning or telling me they’d arrived.”

Haley slowly nodded but still didn’t say anything. Her mind was a jumble as she tried to put her reasons into words that would make sense. She could feel the threat of tears but the last thing she wanted to do was cry. She needed to stay calm and explain things as rationally as she could.

“Well?” Taking her hand back in his, he stroked his thumb back and forth over her knuckles.

“I don’t think we should go,” she said quietly.

“And why’s that?”

“I, uh, I just don’t think that now’s a good time. Work is so busy and we’ll be going back soon anyway to see the family so I don’t see the point in going there now. Plus, most of the people who’ll probably go to the reunion are ones we didn’t bother keeping in touch with after we all left high school.”

Nathan couldn’t help laughing. “That’s sort of the point of these things, Hales. To find out what everyone’s been up to; who married who, what their careers are, who ended up in jail an--”

“Fine, laugh at me. I don’t care.”

“I’m not laughing at you. I just don’t understand why you don’t want to go back and see everyone.”

“Right, you seem to forget that most of those people only started talking to me after we got together. Before that, I was pretty much invisible to most of them. Oh, and let’s not forget how supportive they were after I came back from the tour.”

He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. “I know, but not everyone was like that and all of that was so long ago. Anyway, there were people that did like and care about you before we even started talking. What about the ones you tutored and stuff?”

“I don’t care, Nathan. If you want to go back and see everyone, then fine. Go but you’ll be going alone.” Pulling her hand out of his, she made to get up off the couch but he grabbed her before she got too far and eased her onto his lap, his arms wrapping around her to hold her in place.

“Let me go!”

“No. How about you tell me the real reason why you don’t want to go to this reunion? I know there’s more to it than you’re telling me and I’m not letting you up until you give me the whole story.”

“Then we’ll be sitting here a long time since there is no other reason.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“That’s your problem,” she told him huffily as she brought her arms up and folded them across her chest as best she could considering her position on his lap.

“It’s not a problem for me,” he whispered huskily against her neck before sucking a patch of skin into his mouth and grazing his teeth against it.

Haley couldn’t help the involuntary little moan that escaped her throat as he nibbled and suckled on her neck and she found herself leaning into his touch rather than moving away from it which is what she felt she should be doing. As she lost herself in the sensations, her arms unfolded and her hand slipped into his and she entwined their fingers. Her other hand slid around his neck and pulled him in even closer and turning her face to the side, she found his lips and kissed him hard. The kiss was warm and wet, their tongues tangling together playfully.

Nathan’s free hand sifted through her long, wavy hair, reveling in its silkiness. Cupping the back of her head, he held her steady as their lips continued devouring each other. Before long, they found themselves lying on the couch; Haley on the bottom with him above her.

His hand slid under her shirt and he cupped her breast over her bra, giving it a light squeeze. While he loved the way she fit his palm perfectly, he was looking forward to the changes her pregnancy would likely bring as it progressed. Breaking the kiss and keeping his eyes trained on her face, he raised himself up slightly so he wasn’t pressing into her too much.

“Tell me the truth, Hales.”

Her eyes flew open and she watched the devious look on his face and she mentally berated herself for having given into his kisses and touches. “I’ve already told you.”

“And I’ve already told you that I don’t believe you. C’mon, you know we don’t keep secrets from each other.”

“Nathan, I--”

Her words were cut off by his lips pressing against hers and kissing her hard. Just as she began responding to him, he pulled away again and kept himself out of her reach when she raised up to kiss him again.

“Nuh huh, you tell me what I want to know and I’ll kiss you.”

“Fine, I didn’t want to kiss you anyway,” she lied as she let her head fall back to rest on the arm of the couch.

“You’re such a liar,” he teased before burying his face in the nook between her neck and shoulder and dropping feather-light kisses there.

Bringing her hand up, she buried her fingers in his thick dark hair and tilted her head to the side to give him better access while ignoring his statement. Maybe if she let him have his way with her it would distract him enough to forget about the reunion. As soon as that thought had entered into her head, he stopped what he was doing and once again raised himself above her, just out of her reach.

“Dammit Nathan! Don’t keep stopping!”

“Aww honey, a little frustrated are we?” he asked when he saw the scowl on her face.

“Shut up and kiss me!” she demanded before her hand cupped the back of his head and pulled him down to her.

Their lips immediately fused together and as much as Nathan was wanting to pull away and question her further, he couldn’t make himself do it. Kissing her was something that sent his mind and body spinning out of control and the feeling was indescribable. His temperature felt like it was skyrocketing and he could literally hear his heart thumping wildly in his chest.

Haley’s tongue slipped into his mouth and she let it glide against his own before she began sucking on the tip of it, savouring his unique taste. She moaned into his mouth when his fingers popped the front opening on her bra and his large, slightly calloused hand cupped and kneaded her breast, tugging on her achingly hard nipple. Managing to pull one of her legs out from underneath him, she hooked it over his waist and pulled him in tighter so he was pressed flush against her.

Breaking the kiss, he whispered harshly, “We need to talk, Hales. I need to know what’s wrong?”

“I-I know,” she told him. “Later…I promise.”

The look in her eyes told him she would tell him the truth and although he would rather her do it now, the feel of her body arching up under his was too good for him to stop what they were doing and so he just nodded his head in agreement before he lowered his head to hers and kissed her again.

She sighed with relief that he was willing to let her tell him in her own time rather than force the issue and wrapping her arms around his neck, she held him tightly to her, their lips slowly devouring each other.

Shoes were toed off and clothes began flying around the living room as they made short work of stripping each other naked. Haley gasped loudly when she felt two of his thick, long fingers entering her slick entrance and she dug her nails into his shoulder. The slow, deep thrusts were setting her entire body on fire and she began moving her hips in time with his movements. His mouth sucking on her breast added to the delicious sensations coursing through her body and with her leg which she had again hooked over his hip, she rubbed against his already sweat-slicked skin.

Opening his eyes, Nathan focused on his wife’s flushed face and he watched the chasing emotions on her pretty features. He licked a path from one breast to the other and lavished it with the same attention while continuing to work her body with his fingers. The tightening of her internal muscles made him aware that her climax wasn’t far away and he increased the pace; loving the way her head fell back even further as she surrendered to what she was feeling. The moment he sensed she was about to come, he removed his fingers from inside of her and bit the inside of his lip to stop himself from chuckling as he watched the frustrated look on her face become even more pointed.

“Nooo! Don’t stop…please Nathan!”

He made a show of bringing his fingers, which were glistening with her essence, up to his mouth and licking them and he felt her shiver beneath him as she watched him through heavy-lidded eyes. Shifting his position a bit, he pressed himself tightly against her and kissed her, sharing her taste with her. He literally felt himself harden even more when she greedily sucked his tongue into her mouth and he couldn’t stop himself from plunging into her hot, silky depths with one hard thrust.

Haley cried out at the sensation of being completely joined with him and her hips bucked wildly as he stroked inside her over and over again. Every nerve felt alive and on edge and her fingernails dug into his shoulders drawing crescent moons on his skin. No matter how many times they did this, and they had done it a lot over the years, there was still a newness about them being together so intimately, almost like it was their first time all over again.

Suckling on the salty skin of her neck, Nathan rhythmically moved his hips in time with Haley’s, changing the angle every few strokes so that his cock made sure to hit every sensitive part of her. The gasps, moans and cries were proof that he was doing just that. He kissed his way up from her neck to her cheek before finally arriving at her plump lips and seizing them in a fiery kiss.

One of his hands was digging into the arm of the couch beside Haley’s head as he fought to keep control while the other palmed one of her breasts, capturing her nipple between the gaps of his fingers and tugging on it.

“God, I love you…” he choked out against her lips when he felt her clench her feminine muscles around him.

“I love you, too…” she told him, her fingers burying themselves in his hair and holding him tightly as their hips moved even more frantically in a natural rhythm. Digging her heels into his ass, she urged him on even more and she felt the faint stirrings of her orgasm beginning in her belly.

Tilting her head to one side, she silently told him what she wanted and he wasn’t about to refuse. His lips, tongue and teeth worked in time with his hips as he suckled hard on her skin and branded her with his mark. Knowing his own orgasm was just within reach, he once again shifted his hips and made sure to rub her clit on each down-stroke and with just a few more thrusts, she screamed out his name as she fell over the edge.

Nathan continued pounding in and out of her as he fought for his own climax and when it hit, he bit into the hollow of her shoulder and sucked hard on her sweaty skin, savouring the tang of salt that resided there.

Their bodies continued moving against each other as they slowly calmed down and recovered. Mouths kissed and licked while their hands wandered everywhere they could reach without having to move too much. The only sounds that could be heard were those of harsh, panting breaths as their overheated bodies started to relax and cool down.

Somehow, he managed to maneuver them so that he was now on the bottom with Haley draped all over him and his arms came around to hold her to him. A thought suddenly occurred to him and he quickly voiced it.

“I didn’t hurt you or the baby, did I?”

Raising her head up from where it rested on his chest, Haley gave him a warm smile and kissed his mouth. “No honeyy, you didn’t. We’re both fine,” she reassured him.

He sighed with relief and returned her kiss. “Good. So, uh, that was pretty…”

She giggled against his lips. “Uh huh, it sure was. I’m guessing the picnic is off today, then?”

Laughing, he replied, “For the moment it is seeing as I can’t move a muscle but maybe we could do it later.”

“Or we could just stay here,” she suggested, slipping a hand between their bodies and stroking his nicely defined abs before moving lower still.

“Mmm, that sounds even better. We could have our picnic in bed if I regain enough energy to get the cooler out of the car.”

“That does sound better,” she agreed.

Burying her face against his neck, she couldn’t help smiling at the fact that she had managed to distract him enough that he was no longer asking questions about the reunion. She just hoped she could keep that up for as long as possible since she was sure that to him her reasons would be pretty lame and he wouldn’t necessarily understand.

“What are you thinking?” His low voice broke into her thoughts.

“I’m just thinking that I can’t wait to do that again,” she told him, giving him a grin, before moving into a straddling position and taking him inside of her body once again.


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