
Title: Fetish

Author: Diane

Pairing: Logan/Veronica

Prompt: Leather pants

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: I've set this sometime during early S3 so everything up to and including that to be on the safe side. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: “I think it would’ve looked weird with both of us wearing leather pants.”

Author's Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme - stories mustn't be longer than the length of a LJ comment ie. 4,300 characters - on my personal journal and this has been written in response to the request I was given by Mercedes.

“I’m fucking boiling in these!”

“Are you still complaining?” Veronica said, looking up at her boyfriend and giving him a pointed look before returning her gaze to the spot behind him where the target they were following was currently flirting with the female bartender. The two of them were tucked away in a quiet corner; her back against the wall while Logan’s front was pressing into her.

“I don’t see why you couldn’t have worn them,” Logan grumbled.

“I think it would’ve looked weird with both of us wearing leather pants.”

“It’s a fetish club, babe. Considering what some of these people are wearing, I don’t think we’d have stood out all that much,” he told her, gesturing to a woman who at that moment walked past them dressed from head to toe in leather, her face the only part of her body that was visible.

“Whatever, smartass,” she replied, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Anyway, I think they look good on you.” Slipping a hand between them, she kept her eyes fixed on his as she cupped him through the buttery soft leather; her smirk deepening at the surprised look he now wore.


“Shh,” she whispered. Forgetting all about tonight’s assignment and the guy they were tailing, Veronica held her breath as she lowered the zipper of his tight pants, sliding her fingers inside to wrap around his thick, hard length. “No underwear, huh?”

“Are you kidding me? I could barely get them on as it is without wearing boxers under them.”

“Mmm, they are a tight fit,” she mused, slowly pumping his cock; again, keeping her gaze locked with his as she did so.

“I know something else that’s a tight fit,” Logan teased, chuckling at the blush that tinted her cheeks. Lowering his head, he brushed his lips over hers once, twice before sealing his mouth against hers and kissing her hard, his tongue tangling wetly with hers as soon as she’d granted him access.

Veronica couldn’t believe she was being so bold as to give her boyfriend a hand-job in a crowded club... a crowded fetish club at that but the sight of him in those form-fitting leather pants just did something to her and there was no way she’d be able to wait until they got back to the Neptune Grand to take advantage of him.

She gasped into his mouth when a moment later she felt his fingers trailing up the inside of her thigh before they gently stroked her through her thin cotton panties. “Logan...”

“I want you so fucking much,” he whispered, his voice thick with lust.

“I do, too but—”

“Not here, right?”

“Sorry,” she mumbled.

“Hey, don’t be,” he said immediately reassuring her. “Besides, there’s no way I’m going to be able to fasten these damn pants again so we might as well get out of here now before I get arrested for indecent exposure or something.”

Veronica laughed at that. “Somehow, I don’t think that’d happen in a place like this,” she said, remembering a guy they’d spotted when they first arrived who was wearing some kind of leather mankini thing which left very little to the imagination.

Reluctantly removing her hand from his still throbbing erection, Logan carefully tucked himself back into his pants and zipped them up as far as they would go, grateful that he’d chosen to wear a long shirt which offered him some coverage at least.

“Sorry for starting something I couldn’t... uh... finish,” she said, looking up at him from under her lashes.

“I’m not,” he said, giving her a lopsided grin before leaning into her and kissing that secret little place behind her ear which always had her trembling. “C’mon, it’s not every day a sexy blonde feels me up in a fetish club and the fact she just happens to be my very hot girlfriend makes it all the more wicked.”

“Let’s get out of here!” she stated a second later, folding her hand into Logan’s and practically dragging him towards the exit. He’d barely touched her and yet she was already trembling with need for him.

“What about the guy we’re watc—”

“Guess we’ll just have to come back tomorrow night,” she interrupted, throwing him a smile over her shoulder as they both quickened their pace.


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