Alone At Last

Title: Alone At Last

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set at the end of ‘Between Order and Randomness'. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: What may have happened upon Nathan and Haley’s return to the apartment after their pier walk.

Author’s Note: This is written for all my pals over at Joie’s board at FF and especially for Pat (M J 23) who suggested I write something to follow up that scene.

* * *

Hand in hand, Nathan and Haley walked back home from the pier, occasionally stopping along the way when the urge to kiss became too strong to ignore. She wasn’t usually one for PDA’s but seeing as it was dark out and there didn’t seem to be too many people around, she didn’t mind indulging in the slightest. Besides, they were married which, she thought to herself, allowed them to publicly declare their love for each other.

Reaching their front door, he released her hand only so retrieve his set of keys from his pocket and unlock the door. Pushing the door open, he stepped aside and let Haley enter first. Not for the first time in the last couple of days, he wished that they still had the apartment to themselves and he quietly sighed as he closed the door behind him.

“Taylor, we’re home.” Haley called out as she removed her jacket and kicked off her shoes. “Maybe she’s gone out,” she said to Nathan when she didn’t receive any response from her sister.

“Or maybe she’s just gone,” he suggested hopefully.

She laughed. “We wouldn’t be that lucky.” Glancing around the kitchen and living room, she looked for any sign of a note and as she did so, she noticed the red light flashing on the answering machine. Walking over to it, she pressed the necessary buttons to rewind and then play the message.

“Hey, it’s me. Just to let you know I’m gonna be staying with a friend tonight so don’t wait up. I’ll see you two lovebirds in the morning.”

“There’s our answer,” Nathan said coming up behind Haley and slipping his arms around her waist.

“Uh huh.” Turning around in his arms, she smiled up at him. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

“What’s that?” Lowering his head, he covered her lips with his and kissed her softly.

“It looks like we’ve got the apartment to ourselves for the night,” she told him after he’d broken the kiss and was resting his forehead against hers.

“Hmm, so it does.” His lips curved up into his usual smirk before he once again kissed her lips. As the kiss grew in intensity, his hands squeezed her ass, pressing her even closer to his body and he moaned into her mouth when he felt her fingernails lightly scratching the back of his neck.

Holding her hips, he picked her up which caused her to automatically wrap her legs around his waist and he then carried her over to the counter. After placing her down on top of it, he rested his hands on her thighs and gently rubbed them up and down a few times.

“So, uh, what do you want to do? I could make us something to eat and then we could watch a movie or…”

“Or we could just have an early night,” he told her, giving her a wink.

His grin must have been infectious because she couldn’t stop the smile spreading over her face. “Now you come to mention it, I am feeling pretty tired. I think an early night sounds great.”

He frowned for a second at her words. “You know I don’t mean for us to go to sleep, right?”

“Really? Why, Nathan, you do surprise me,” she teased.

“Hey, I’m just making sure we’re on the same page.”

Placing her hands on each of his shoulders, she leaned forward and nibbled on his lower lip. “Honey, just so you know, when it comes to you I’m always on the same page.” A second later she squealed when he suddenly pulled her off the counter, picked her up and carried her into their bedroom before dropping her on their bed and causing her to bounce.

Getting up on her knees, she moved forward so she was kneeling in front of where he was standing. “Now, isn’t this lucky. On the night we just so happen to have the apartment to ourselves again, you’re wearing your uniform.”

“Damn lucky,” he replied, his voice heavily laden with lust as he remembered what happened the last time he wore it home for her. He watched her place her fingers on the zipper and slowly pull it down. They then worked together to remove his arms from the coverall’s sleeves before pulling his T-shirt up and over his head.

Haley smiled when his chest came into view and she trailed her fingers up and down his warm skin, liking the fact that he shivered at the contact. Placing her hand over his heart, she felt the beating of the organ beneath her palm and she remembered the time at school when he had taken her hand and done the same thing telling her that she made his heart race.

Nathan watched her for a moment before covering her hand with his. “I love you, you know that.”

“I know, and I love you too.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled herself up so that she was still kneeling but her upper body was pressed tightly against his. Their lips met in a sizzling kiss which soon had them panting into each other’s mouths.

Breaking the kiss to breath in some air, he buried his face in the nook between her neck and shoulder and peppered her exposed skin with butterfly kisses. “I should take a shower,” he told her.

“Why? I like you all hot and sweaty after a shift at the garage,” she informed him.

“Oh, is that so?”

“Uh huh... a shower does sound good though. I’m sure I still smell like burgers and fries from the café.”

“You feel like sharing?” Nathan raised an eyebrow as he waited for her to answer him.

“Maybe. What’s in it for me?”

“I’ll wash your hair for you,” he offered knowing she seemed to like it when he did it for her.

“You gotta deal then, Mister.” Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she jumped off the end of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

Toeing off his shoes and then pulling off his socks, he ran after her and laughed. “Hey, wait up!” Arriving in the bathroom, he was just in time to see her shimmying out of her pants, her dark pink tank top already having been removed. He stood in the doorway and admired the view of her standing before him in just her pale pink bra and matching panties and he couldn’t resist giving her a wolf whistle.

“Nathan!” she admonished, a light blush tainting her cheeks.

Pushing himself off the doorjamb he was resting against, he walked towards her and pulled her into his embrace. “What? Can’t I appreciate my very hot, very sexy wife?” He smiled when she giggled nervously.

“Stop it.”

“Make me,” he dared and a second later her lips were crushed against his as she stopped him talking with her tried and tested method.

As the kiss grew, Nathan’s hands slid around to her back and he unfastened her bra before sliding the straps down her arms and pulling the garment off completely. Inching forward, he pressed their chests together and he groaned at the feel of her nipples grazing his skin. Feeling her shiver in his arms, he stepped back slightly. “C’mon, let’s get under the hot water before you catch cold.”

Dropping another kiss onto his lips, she nodded. “Okay.” Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties, she slipped them down her thighs and then kicked them off when they reached her feet. While she did that and then turned the shower on, he unzipped his coveralls the rest of the way and pulled them off before removing his boxers.

Making sure the temperature was right, Haley then stepped under the hot water and let it rain down on her. Tilting her head backwards, she let it soak through and wet her hair completely. A moment later, Nathan stepped into the shower cubicle and slid the door shut behind him.

Taking his hand in hers, she pulled him under the water so he could get wet too and while he did that, she grabbed a washcloth and the bottle of shower gel from the shelf. Squeezing some onto the cloth, she lathered it up before slowly running it along each of his arms and then washing his chest and stomach.

Leaning back against the tiled wall, Nathan watched her through heavy lidded eyes and savoured the feel of her taking care of him. He noticed the blush pinking her skin as she ventured further south and he had to bite his lip to stop from smiling. It didn’t seem to matter how many times they’d showered together or just seen each other naked, she always blushed and he couldn’t help loving it. Her innocence was one of the things he loved about her.

In an attempt to make her feel more comfortable, he said, “How about I wash your hair for you now?”

Haley shook her head as her eyes met his. “I’m not done yet.” She gave him a playful smile as she knelt down in front of him and began running the washcloth over his legs, working upwards to his thighs.

Their eyes held for a long moment before he had no choice but to close them when her hand, which she had wrapped around a certain part of his anatomy, began to stroke him up and down. This was far from being the first time she had ever done this to him, but her newfound confidence in what she was doing helped make the experience that much more comfortable and, therefore, special for the both of them. He was more than a little grateful to her for having made the effort to learn what he liked and how he liked to be touched and he had been sure to reward her generously.

The fingers of one hand tangled in the wet strands of her hair, the need to touch her becoming too strong an instinct to ignore. Looking down at her, he caught her gaze as she smiled up at him and his eyes almost crossed when her hot mouth began suckling on the tip of his erection. Her tongue swirled around and around before slowly releasing it and licking up and down the length of his shaft. The feel of her fingernails raking up and down his thighs was slowly driving him insane and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he reached the end of his tether.

“H-Hales… you… oh… you gotta stop…”

She ignored him as she continued her ministrations but when a few minutes later she sensed he was close, she stopped what she was doing and smirked up at him. Holding on to one of the walls, she carefully stood up and grabbing her coconut and almond shampoo off the shelf, she held it out to him.

“You can wash my hair now,” she calmly told him while trying to not burst out laughing at the incredulous look on his face.

“You did not just do that.”

“Mmm, I think I just did,” she said, squealing a second later and dropping the shampoo bottle when he suddenly made his move and had her pinned to the opposite wall of the shower. His lips seized hers and he kissed her hard and deep, his tongue thrusting deep inside of mouth.

Haley’s fingers buried themselves in his thick, wet hair as she held him tightly to her. The entire length of his body was pressed against hers and she could feel every inch of him. When the need for air became an issue, she broke the kiss, her breath coming in heavy pants as her head tilted to one side. Nathan took quick advantage of that and firmly attached his lips to her neck, nibbling on the sensitive skin there. As he did so, his hands roamed over her body, starting from her hips and working their way upwards, paying special attention to her breasts before once again sliding downwards.

Placing his hands on each side of her waist, he suddenly hoisted her up and her legs once again wrapped around his hips. Gazing into her eyes, he smiled as he waited for her approval. It was something he did without question, always wanting to make sure she was ready for him.

Having Nathan holding her up meant she was at eye level with him and she returned his smile. “I’m always ready for you,” she told him, answering his silent question and moving her head forward slightly, she pressed her lips to his and kissed him gently, tugging on his lower lip upon her retreat.

“Just making sure,” he said quietly, almost shyly even.

They continued to stare into each other’s eyes for a moment longer before the need to join their bodies took over and became too strong an impulse to ignore. Slipping a hand between them, Haley took him in hand and led him to her entrance and a short moment later she gasped when she felt him gently push inside. Trying to keep her eyes open became an impossible feat as the sensations coursing through her body built to a crescendo. Her legs involuntarily tightened around him as he thrust in and out of her body while her fingers both gripped and then massaged his shoulders.

Nathan kissed her hungrily before his lips moved across to her cheek and then down to her neck. With the way her internal muscles were contracting around him, he knew it wouldn’t take much more for him to fall over the edge and so shifting his position slightly, he made sure to hit that little bundle of nerve endings on every down-stroke. He knew from the way she was moaning and mumbling incoherent words that she was almost there.

“N-Nathan… ohhh… please…”

He knew exactly what she was asking for and so he quickened his pace while at the same time bringing a hand up to knead one of her breasts knowing that the added stimulation would help.

The feel of him filling her coupled with his teeth grazing her neck and his large hand firmly massaging her breast had her moaning even louder and the moment he pinched her nipple, her climax hit her full force and she actually screamed. His lips quickly covered hers to try and muffle the sounds as he continued to pump inside her and a few moments later his own orgasm hit.

They clung to each other under the thankfully still hot water and let it wash over them as their breathing slowly returned to normal. When he slipped out of her she hissed at the loss of him and she blushed at the intense way he was watching her. At the exact moment he lowered his head, she tilted hers up to meet his kiss. Her hand came up to stroke over his cheek and she smiled when he leaned into her touch.

“You still feel up to washing my hair for me or are you too tired now?” she teased and then yelped when he pinched her side.

“Come here, you,” he said as he bent down and picked up the shampoo bottle. As he did that, she stood under the hot water and made sure her hair was completely soaked. Turning so her back was to his front, she sighed when she felt his hands applying the shampoo to her hair and then working it into a lather. His fingers felt like magic as they massaged her scalp and she sighed again.

“Good?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“Great,” she replied.

After spending a few more minutes massaging her hair and scalp, he then placed his hands on her shoulders and gently directed her under the shower head so he could rinse off the suds.

Haley smiled to herself at his carefulness in making sure the soap didn’t go anywhere near her eyes. Before she knew it, he was squeezing the excess moisture out of her hair before adding some of her conditioner and working that through. Once again, he spent some time massaging it into her scalp and his fingers felt so good.

Knowing that she liked to keep the conditioner on her hair for a few minutes, he turned her around to face him and ducking his head, he kissed her while they waited. Breaking the kiss, he rubbed his nose against hers and smirked at her.


“Nothing.” Drawing back from her, he reached for his own shampoo and quickly washed his hair. He felt her hands join his and so he moved his and lowered his head slightly so she could reach easier. After his hair was rinsed, he pulled her under the spray again and rinsed the conditioner from hers.

“I’m guessing we should finish up quickly before the water goes cold,” Haley suggested when they were finished rinsing and he nodded his agreement.

They had only just finished when they felt the cooler water starting to come through the showerhead. Turning the water off, Nathan slid the cubicle door open and grabbed a couple of towels off the towel rail, handing one of them to Haley.

Wrapping the towels around themselves, they then stepped out of the cubicle and she quickly grabbed another towel and wrapped her hair in it. Taking her hand in his, he led her back to their bedroom where they then began drying themselves off.

After dressing in a pair of shorts and a white wife-beater, he went over to the dresser and picked up Haley’s comb before going over to the bed and taking a seat on it as he waited for her to finish pulling on her pajama bottoms and tank top.

Picking their wet towels up off the floor, Haley took them into the bathroom and hung them up on the towel rail to dry before coming back into the bedroom to see her husband smirking at her. Sauntering over to him, she kissed the smirk off his lips and pulled back from him before he could deepen the kiss even further.

Lifting up the hem of her tank top, he kissed her tummy before placing his hands on her hips and turning her so her back was to him and reaching up with the comb, he gently ran it through the damp strands of her hair, separating them. When he was done, he turned her slightly and pulled her onto his lap so she was sitting sideways on him.

“So, what do you feel like doing now?” she asked before peppering his face with kisses while she waited for his answer.

“I don’t know about you Hales, but I’m starving,” he told her.

“Mmm, me too. C’mon, let’s see what I can find in the fridge and…” Before she could move off his lap, he had tightened his hold and leaning forward so his mouth was by her ear, he whispered hotly into it. “I didn’t mean that kind of hungry.”

“You do surprise me.” Turning her head slightly, she captured his mouth with hers and they shared yet another sizzling kiss. “Well, that’s gonna have to wait because I’m hungry for actual food. I haven’t eaten since lunchtime and I’m pretty sure my stomach is starting to think my throat has been cut.”

Nathan laughed and keeping a hold of her, he managed to push himself up off the bed with her in his arms and he carried her into the kitchen, once again placing her on the counter. “Okay fine, it’ll just give us an excuse to burn those calories off later,” he teased, his trademark smirk fully in place again.

“As if you need an excuse,” she teased back.

“True. So, what can I get for you?”

Jumping down off the counter, she walked over to where he was standing by the fridge and wrapped her arms around his middle. “How ‘bout we order a pizza? Might as well consume some actual calories for us to burn off.”

If possible, his smirk grew even wider upon hearing her words. “I like your way of thinking, Mrs Scott, especially as we can take advantage of the time we have to wait for it to get here.”

“Hmm, whatever will we do while we’re waiting?” she mused, knowing full well that his eyes were on her.

“Come here and I’ll show you.”

“Nuh huh. You phone the order in and then you can show me. I’m starving and you’re not going to distract me.”

He laughed knowing she had a point. “Fine, you win,” he said while walking over to the phone.

Once the all important pizza order had been placed, Nathan went about showing her exactly how they could pass the time.


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