Worth The Wait

Title: Worth The Wait

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: Unmarried

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set sometime during late Season 1 so everything up to and including the rest of the season to be on the safe side. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: As she got closer to his bedroom, she heard noises coming from behind the door which was slightly ajar and with her curiosity getting the better of her, she peered through the gap, her breath catching in her throat at the vision that greeted her.

Author’s Notes: Here’s that fic we were talking about the other night, Dawnie, and I hope it’s the sort of thing you were hoping it’d be. ;)

This has been written especially for Porn Battle VIII.

Haley was almost halfway home before she realised she’d forgotten her keys on Nathan’s coffee table and releasing a heavy sigh, she turned around and started making her way back to his apartment. If it wasn’t for her parents visiting her brother for the weekend, she would have just picked her keys up tomorrow.

Upon arriving at her boyfriend’s door, she knocked lightly, shifting from foot to foot as she waited for him to open it. Through the blinds she could see that the lights were still on and figuring that maybe he was in the bathroom, she turned the handle and pushed open the door, quietly crossing the threshold and smiling when she saw her keychain where she’d dropped it a few hours ago. Closing the door behind her, she went over to the table and picked them up, slipping them into her jacket pocket so she wouldn’t forget them again.

Even though they’d already said goodnight several times before she’d finally dragged herself away, Haley couldn’t resist seeing Nathan again and as she walked towards the back of the apartment, she shook her head, smiling at her silliness. She definitely had it bad for her oh-so-gorgeous boyfriend.

As she got closer to his bedroom, she heard noises coming from behind the door which was slightly ajar and with her curiosity getting the better of her, she peered through the gap, her breath catching in her throat at the vision that greeted her.

Propped up against his pillows, Nathan lay naked in the centre of his bed, his eyes squeezed shut while his fingers were wrapped around his erection, stroking it up and down.

Haley was transfixed by the scene playing out in front of her and she bit her lip to try and keep from moaning. Their earlier intense make-out session had left her hot and aching, desperately craving something that deep down she knew she wasn’t quite ready for. She’d felt Nathan’s arousal pressing into her as he’d kissed her, his hands wandering everywhere they could reach, both over and under her T-shirt, working her into a frenzy.

Looking at him now, it was obvious she’d left him just as worked up and she felt a pang of guilt for it. She knew he was experienced – hell, the whole school knew it – but he’d never pressured her into doing more than she was ready for and she loved him all the more for it. He was always making sure she was enjoying what he was doing to her and she knew it wouldn’t be long before her no sex before marriage stance flew out of the window, especially since saying goodnight at the end of each date was getting harder and harder to do.

Pressing her lips together, Haley managed to suppress the giggle she felt bubbling up at her choice of words and her laughter died away altogether when her gaze once again landed on what his hands were doing to his cock. Judging by the pace he was using, he was obviously wanting to savour things and she felt beads of sweat break out on her forehead as she continued to watch. After a few moments, she somehow managed to tear her eyes away and she took in his gorgeous chest and abs; unconsciously licking her lips when she saw the way the muscles in his right arm flexed as he continued touching himself.

Haley knew she should just turn around and leave before he caught her spying on him but something was keeping her there. Instead of leaving, she found herself taking a deep breath and slowly pushing his door open, silently hoping and praying he wouldn’t shout at her for invading his privacy.

Nathan’s eyes threatened to bug right out of his head when he saw his girlfriend enter his bedroom and he was sure he must be hallucinating. There was no way Haley was walking towards him with a look of pure, unadulterated lust written across her beautiful face. Closing his eyes, he opened them a few seconds later, sure that the image would have disappeared but no, there she was.

Realising that he was lying there completely naked, he reached for the comforter but her hand on his stilled his movements.

“Please don’t,” she whispered.


Lowering her head, Haley covered his mouth with her own and kissed him hard, her tongue teasing the seam of his lips until he parted for them for her and granted her access. Without breaking the kiss, she toed off her sandals, hitched up her knee-length denim skirt and climbed onto the bed and straddled his waist, one hand resting on his shoulder while the other slipped between their bodies, her fingers palming the underside of his cock.

“Fuck!” Nathan mumbled, his voice nothing more than a strangled moan as he felt her touching his throbbing arousal.

“Not yet,” she teased, nuzzling her nose against his. Drawing back from him, she felt her blood sizzle at the passion radiating in his eyes and despite the heat, she shivered.

“Take off your shirt.”


“Just your shirt,” he said reassuringly before quickly adding, “Well, that and your bra.”

She hesitated for a moment before her intense need for him threatened to consume her entire being. Fingering the hem of her shirt, she pulled it up and over her head, throwing it aside and she chuckled in the back of her throat when she suddenly felt Nathan’s fingers on the front clasp of her lacy white bra.

“You’re so impatient!”

“What can I say? Knowing you were watching me jerk off gets me hot.”

Haley’s mouth dropped open in shock at his words before she started laughing again. He always knew just how to lighten the mood and make her feel better and less self-conscious.

“Touch me again, Hales.”

His words made the warmth she felt pooling low in her belly grow even hotter. “Show me,” she whispered.

Licking a path around her full lips, Nathan took her hand in his and directed it to his groin; wrapping their joined fingers around his hardened length, sliding them up and down at a torturously slow pace. “Just like that…” he told her.

“Does it feel good?”

“God, yes… So damn good, baby.” His free hand roamed up and down her bare back, enjoying the feel of her silky smooth skin beneath his touch before moving it around to her front and cupping her breast in his palm; tugging her diamond hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

Lowering his head, he kissed her other breast, lavishing it with his undivided attention.

“Nathan!” Her fingernails curved into his shoulder as she gyrated her hips against him, her movements on his cock never ceasing.

He could feel the telltale tingle in the base of his spine and he knew it wasn’t going to take much more to throw him over the edge. “I’m so close, Hales.”

Sealing her mouth over his, Haley quickened her pace and pumped him harder; her thumb swiping over the sensitive head and collecting the precum pooling there, using it to aid her ministrations.

Wanting to make her feel as good as she was making him feel, Nathan slipped his hand beneath her skirt and traced patterns into her inner thigh before sliding higher still and caressing her through her damp cotton panties.

“Ohhh…” she panted, rocking her hips against his hand, moaning even louder when he pulled her underwear aside and she felt his palm add direct pressure to her overly sensitive clit. “Nathan…”

“You’re so beautiful,” he said softly, his eyes boring into her deep chocolate pools. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” she said, gasping when a moment later the sensations grew too strong and she tumbled headfirst into the abyss; his name falling from her lips.

Watching her come apart was Nathan’s undoing and he followed close behind, spilling himself all over her hand as he cried out her name. His breathing was harsh and ragged as he somehow managed to lean over to his nightstand and grab some tissues.

Haley could feel herself blushing as she took the tissues from him and cleaned up. Looking behind her, she saw her T-shirt on the floor and she suddenly wished she hadn’t thrown it so far.

He could see her nerves kick in and without missing a beat, he leaned in and seized her lips in a hot, hungry kiss; pouring into it everything he felt for her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her down on top of him, their chests pressed tightly together, before he rolled them over so he was now on top.

“Nathan, I—”

“You were amazing,” he said against her lips before kissing her again.

“You were pretty amazing, too.” When he simply smirked in response, she swatted his shoulder.


Trailing her fingers across the back of his neck, she drew him in for another kiss. “Better?”

“Much.” Kissing her again, he smiled down at her. “Stay with me tonight.”

“I-I don’t know, Nathan.”

“Please?” he said, giving her his best puppy dog impression. “Just to sleep.”

“Sleep, huh?”

“Yeah… although I won’t object if you want to take advantage of me again,” he teased.

She giggled at that. “Good to know.”

“So you’ll stay?”

Haley nodded shyly. “Yes.”

Grinning, he kissed her, loving the tiny moans that he elicited from her. Moving off of her, he grabbed his boxers from the end of the bed and pulled them on before scooping her T-shirt up off of the floor and handing it to her. “I’ll just go and turn the lights off and lock up so you can use the bathroom first if you want.”

Putting her T-shirt back on, Haley got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom, grabbing the blue button down shirt Nathan had been wearing earlier from the chair in the corner of his room. Closing the door behind her, she looked at her reflection in the mirror and a slow smile stretched across her face as she stripped out of her clothes, laying them on the counter before slipping on her boyfriend’s shirt, his familiar scent tickling her senses as she did so.

Tonight had definitely taken an unexpected turn but she wasn’t sorry.

How could she be when it had felt so perfect and Nathan had made her feel so special and so desired.

She was still tingling and she knew it was only a matter of time before they took that final step and made love, and while she knew it wasn’t going to be happening tonight or even in the next few days, the anticipation of it was making her body thrum and, if anything, the wait would add to the excitement.

As she exited the bathroom and her gaze met his as he sat on the corner of his bed, she had a pretty strong feeling that Nathan wouldn’t be waiting for too much longer.


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