Morning Pick-Me-Up

Title: Morning Pick-Me-Up

Author: Diane

Pairing: Buffy/Angel

Category: PWP, AU

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Angel discovers a perfect way to start the day!

Author’s Note: Everyone’s human in this story.

The shrill beeping of the alarm clock woke Angel up and after hitting it forcefully to turn it off, he sat up in bed and ran a hand over his face before stretching his arms above his head. Not for the first time, he cursed himself for having set the alarm yet again having forgotten that the following day was a Saturday and so he could have a lie in.

Throwing back the covers, he got out of bed and picking up his boxers from the floor, he slipped then on and then went in search of coffee. It didn’t matter what day it was, he couldn’t get going until he’d had at least one cup of strong java. Going into the kitchen, he headed over to the percolator and after filling the jug with water and adding his favourite coffee to the machine, he switched it on.

While he waited, he once again stretched his arms above his head as he tried to wake himself up. Knowing he had some time before the coffee would be ready, he decided to take a quick shower. As he walked towards the bathroom, he was still so fuzzy with sleep that he didn’t hear the water running and it was only when he had opened the door and was hit by a cloud of steam that he realised he’d forgotten about his current houseguest.

Angel stood rooted to the spot as his eyes focused on the curvy figure standing in his shower and he couldn’t help mentally patting himself on the back for having decided to go for a clear glass cubicle instead of a frosted glass one. Her back was to him but he wasn’t complaining. The view he was getting of her pert little ass was worth it and his eyes were transfixed on the small butterfly tattoo she had on her right cheek.

When she turned and was facing him, he held his breath ready for her tirade at him having walked in on her but it never came. Looking at her face he saw the reason why. Her eyes were shut as she tilted her head back to wet her long hair under the strong spray of water.

His eyes wandered up and down her body several times making sure he got a good look. Her breasts were high and full and he knew they’d fit perfectly into his palms. Her tummy was flat and her hips were beautifully curved. He could just imagine gripping them tightly as he thrust into her either against a wall or took her from behind. Letting his eyes glance lower, he was surprised to see that her mound was completely hairless and he inwardly groaned. He could only imagine how smooth she would feel against his lips and tongue.

Realising where his thoughts were going, he knew he needed to get out of there before he did something he would later regret. Okay, he knew he wouldn’t regret it but he knew it would cause problems between him and her brother. If he only knew what he was doing now he’d kick his ass.

Turning around to leave, he had only taken a couple of steps when he heard her tiny moans echo around the room. Once again, he stood frozen to the spot and when her voice got slightly louder, his eyebrows rose in surprise. Was he really hearing her moaning his name? Slowly, he turned around to face her again and his mouth dropped open as he saw the vision before him.

The front of her body was still facing him and he saw that her eyes were still tightly closed but now she was leaning with her back against one of the cubicle’s tiled walls. Her right leg was raised and resting on the in-built tiled seat while her right arm was braced on the wall beside her. The fingers of her left hand were frantically rubbing her pussy as she obviously fought to achieve an orgasm.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing. His cock, which had been rock hard from the second he’d first seen her in his shower, got even harder if that was possible and he desperately wanted to touch himself. The only thing stopping him from doing that was the fear that she’d suddenly open her eyes and scream at him to get out. That fear slowly dissipated though when he heard her clearly shout his name and he somehow in that moment knew that this wasn’t the first time she had done this while thinking of him. His lips curled up into a smirk and then a full blown smile at that.

His eyes were concentrating on her face and he loved how beautiful she looked in the throes of passion. Her skin was flushed and she was biting her bottom lip, something he felt she might be doing to stop herself from shouting out again. Letting his eyes move further down, he took in her hard, rosy-tipped nipples which were just begging to be sucked on and he found himself licking his lips. Finally, his eyes landed on her fingers and he saw that instead of just rubbing, she was now plunging two fingers into herself while her thumb circled her clit.

Despite knowing he should get the hell out of there before he was busted, he couldn’t seem to move. He was holding his breath as he waited for her to finally cum. Letting his eyes flicker up to her flushed face, he saw that her eyes were even more tightly squeezed shut and there was a small drop of blood on her bottom lip from where she had bitten through the skin. The frustration was clearly etched on her face. His eyes travelled down to her fingers again and he saw that she had added another one and it still obviously wasn’t enough.

Without thinking about what he was doing, he pulled off his boxers and curled a hand around his shaft, stroking up and down a couple of times and spreading the precum that had gathered at the tip. Almost in a daze, he walked forward and quietly slid open the shower door before stepping in. He moved in close to her and let his cock brush against her stomach and he watched as her eyes flew open. Before she could say a word, he lowered his head to hers and seized her lips in a hard bruising kiss.

As he kissed her, he slid a hand between them and removed her fingers from her body before replacing them with two of his own. The moan she released into his mouth reverberated throughout his body and he was sure he heard his teeth rattle.

Breaking the kiss to breath in some much needed air, she released another loud moan as she felt his slightly calloused thumb rubbing circles on her throbbing clit. His long fingers were plunging in and out of her and although she knew her orgasm was finally in reach, she didn’t want to cum that way…not anymore. Placing a hand on his wrist, she stilled his movements and tried to tell him what she wanted with her eyes which were slowly trailing down his chest and abs until they reached his cock which, she had to admit, was extremely impressive. She knew he’d be big but she hadn’t anticipated that it would be this big, not that she was complaining.

When her eyes met his again, she saw him smirking and placing a hand on each of his shoulders, she leaned up and captured his mouth with her own. She nibbled and sucked on his lips before letting her tongue slip inside to glide against his. So lost was she in the kiss that she almost missed the fact that he had wrapped his arms around her waist and was lifting her up. Her legs automatically wrapped around his hips and she felt his cock brush against where she needed him most. His strong body was pressing her up against the shower wall and god, it felt so good.

Finally feeling him poised at her entrance, she opened her eyes and saw him watching her as they still continued to kiss.

Breaking the kiss, he looked at her for a moment longer before commanding, “Keep your eyes open.”

She couldn’t help but moan at the huskiness of his voice and all she could do was nod. A second later, she screamed in ecstasy when he finally pushed inside of her in one hard thrust. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as he began a series of hard and fast strokes, determined to help her finally achieve that elusive orgasm that he had watched her fighting for just a few minutes ago.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she savoured the way the base of his cock hit her clit with each down-stroke. When she felt his lips on her neck, she tilted her head to the side to give him better access and the feel of his teeth nipping sharply at her skin was driving her insane. The combination of his cock deep inside her, his teeth grazing her neck and his fingers pinching one of her nipples was something she didn’t think she would ever get enough of. She could feel the strong muscles of his ass flexing under her heels which were pressing into him and it just felt so erotic.

“Ohhh… Oh god…Angel…yes…yes…right there…”

Hearing his name on her lips and feeling her little feet digging into his ass spurred him on and he began thrusting into her tight wet heat even faster and harder than before. God, she felt incredible. If he’d have known she’d be this good, he would have done it a long time ago. He felt his balls start to tighten and he knew he was close to the edge and wanting her to join him when he fell over it, he began grinding the base of his cock against her clit and he felt her response all the way to his toes.

“Oh… Ohmigod! Yes! Yesssss!” She screamed so loudly when she finally came that she was sure that the whole building must have heard.

Feeling her pussy tighten and clench around him as she climaxed brought on his own orgasm and he emptied himself inside of her. He continued to slide in and out of her body until he finally softened and slipped out.

They stayed pressed against each other, their breathing coming in pants as they let their bodies recover from the intense feelings they had just experienced.

Starting to feel more than a little embarrassed about what had just happened between her and her brother’s best friend, she began to turn from him but he stilled her movements.


“Don’t Angel. I don’t want to hear you tell me this was a mist--”

He cut off her words with a scorching kiss which lasted for several moments and he only broke it when the need for air was starting to become a real issue. “I wasn’t going to say that.”

“Sure you weren’t. I know you and I know how your mind works. You’re already thinking of Wesley and what he’s going to say if he finds out. Well don’t worry, he won’t. This can be our dirty little secret.” Buffy could feel tears prickling behind her eyelids and she squeezed them shut in an attempt to stop them falling.

“I can assure you that your brother is the last thing on my mind right now. And what happened between us wasn’t dirty. It felt incredible,” he told her with a genuine smile etched onto his face.

“Really?” she asked shyly and she watched him nod his head.

“Yeah, really. Look, the water is starting to go cold so let’s finish up in here and we can talk about it afterwards.”

“Okay.” Turning her upper body, she reached up and grabbed her shower gel off the shelf and squeezing some into her hands, she began lathering her body with it. She gasped when she felt Angel’s hands slip around her and work the lather into her skin, paying special attention to her breasts. Turning around to face him, she rubbed her own soapy hands on his chest before letting them trail down his toned stomach before finally arriving at his cock which was once again standing at full attention.

Wrapping his hand around hers which was stroking him up and down, he showed her how he liked to be touched and a minute or two later he removed his hand so she was once again doing it alone. Leaning back against the tiled wall behind him, he closed his eyes as he felt her small hand sliding up and down his cock but they flew open a second later when he felt her take him into her mouth.

“Fuck! B-Buffy, that feels so good…you feel so good,” he told her as his hands tangled into the wet strands of her hair. He tried hard not to thrust into her mouth but he couldn’t help it. Her tongue licked up and down the length of him before suckling the head and then sliding her lips down as far as she could take him into her mouth. The feel of her teeth grazing his hard flesh combined with her fingernails trailing up and down his thighs was his undoing though and the second time she did it he came without warning, pouring his seed down her throat. Looking down at her, he half expected her to spit the cum out of her mouth but she didn’t and that alone was enough to get him hard again. God, he couldn’t remember anything feeling half as good as this.

Taking his offered hand, Buffy let him pull her to her feet and she was surprised when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. Her arms wrapped around his neck, the fingers of one hand burying themselves into his thick hair as she kissed him back just as hard.

The water suddenly starting to grow even colder broke them out of their kiss and made them laugh.

“C’mon, let’s try once more to finish up in here,” she teased.

A few minutes later they were all done and she turned off the shower. Sliding the door open, Angel stepped out and grabbed a towel off the warming rail and after shaking it out, he wrapped it around her body. Grabbing another one, he wrapped it around his waist before taking her hand in his and leading her out of the steamed up bathroom.

Buffy expected him to leave her at her bedroom door but he didn’t. Instead, he pulled her past it and led her into his own bedroom.


He didn’t answer her. Opening her towel, he proceeded to gently pat her body dry with it and she stared at him in awe.

“You are so beautiful,” he finally told her and he watched her cheeks pink in what he assumed to be embarrassment at his compliment.

At that moment, she looked all of her nineteen years and he was reminded of the fact that he was a good eight years older than her. While he knew he should care, right now he didn’t give a fuck and he knew that wouldn’t change. He’d always felt an attraction to his best friend’s little sister but had managed to keep it hidden…until today. He knew that he would never be sorry for having crossed the line this morning.

“S-So are you,” she replied in a quiet voice. “I’ve always thought so.”

His fingers lightly brushed her collarbone as she stood before him, looking up at him with those beautifully clear green eyes. “Is that so?” he teased.

She nodded shyly. “I’ve wanted to be with you for so long but I-I…”


“I never thought I stood a chance. I’m so different to the women you normally date and…”

“Yeah, you are,” he said cutting her off. “But that’s a good thing. You’re so good…so innocent…”

“Not that innocent,” she chipped in and he laughed.

“You’re innocent to me and I’ve always liked that about you.” Cupping her cheek in his palm, he added, “I’ve always liked you, Buffy. And I don’t mean just because you’re Wesley’s little sister. I mean, I’ve always been attracted to you.”

Buffy’s eyes widened at hearing him say that. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I am. I could never do anything about it before though because you were so much younger than me. That’s still true but…”

“But now it’s not illegal?”

Angel smiled. “There is that but it was more that I didn’t know how you felt. There were times I got the feeling that you might have had a crush on me but I didn’t know for sure.”

“It started out as a crush,” she admitted. “But it’s so much more than that, Angel. For the past three years you’re all I’ve been able to think about. I never thought I stood a chance though so that’s why I dated Pike. He was a nice guy but deep down he knew I wasn’t…” she trailed off, not wanting to reveal more than she already had. Unfortunately for her, Angel wasn’t about to give up.

“Wasn’t what?”

Taking the towel from his hands, Buffy covered herself with it. “Nothing. Listen, I’m just gonna go and get dressed. I’m starting to feel cold and…”

He grabbed her wrist before she could move further away from him. “No, don’t go.” Satisfied that she wasn’t going to leave, he released her hand and going over to his closet, he removed a sweatshirt from it before walking back to her and handing the garment to her. Despite what had just happened between them, he averted his eyes while she slipped it on over her head and smoothed it out. When he took in her appearance, he couldn’t get over how hot she looked wearing something of his.

Taking a deep breath, Buffy said, “I think we should just forget what just happened between us.”

“Is that what you want?” he asked, looking at her sharply. He couldn’t understand why she was suddenly saying this after what they’d just shared.

“I-I…I think it’s for the best,” she said before finally admitting, “I just don’t want to cause a problem between you and my brother.”

“You won’t. Look, I’m not going to lie and say that Wes won’t be pissed when he finds out about us but…”

“Wait! What are you suggesting?”

Inching closer to her, he took her hands in his and rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles. “What happened in the shower…it meant something to me. It was more than just sex and…”


Grabbing a handful of her sweatshirt, he pulled her flush against him before wrapping his arms around her waist. “Yes Buffy. I knew I’d be crossing a line but I didn’t care. I couldn’t stop myself from joining you in there and I’m not sorry. I’ll never be sorry.”

“I won’t either,” she told him as her arms twined around his neck. Raising up on her tiptoes, she leaned in and whispered into his ear. “You were amazing.”

His lips curled up in a smirk and he rubbed his cheek against hers. “You were too. Your pussy was so tight…so wet…it felt incredible.”

“Angel!” Her cheeks flushed and she buried her face in his shoulder.

He laughed at her response but his voice was husky when he whispered, “I can’t wait to taste you.”

Buffy felt herself grow even more wet than she already was at hearing his words. She’d never had anyone do that to her and her body tightened with anticipation.

He noticed her body’s reaction and his embrace tightened. “Will it be your first time?”

“Um…yeah,” she replied shyly.

“We don’t have to, Buffy. I’d never push you into anything, you know that.”

“I know and I want to do it … I want you to be first for that too.”

Angel was just about to kiss her when her words registered and he froze. “What do you mean ‘for that too’?”

She mentally berated herself for having let that slip. Letting her eyes meet his, she bit her lip before finally starting to speak. “In the, uh, shower when we…um…” She didn’t know what to call it. Was it just a fuck or did they actually make love?

He sensed what she was struggling with so he cut in. “We made love, Buffy.” The smile she gave him warmed his heart and he lowered his head and kissed her mouth softly.

“It was my first time. I-I’d never done that before with anyone.”

“But I thought you and…”

“No. I didn’t do anything with Pike except kiss. The real reason I broke up with him was because he was spreading rumours about me having gone further than that with him. He kept pressuring me so I finally ended it. I was never in love with him and I think deep down he knew that.”

“Oh. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He silently cursed himself for having pushed inside her so roughly.

She shook her head. “No, you didn’t.” The confused look on his face was adorable and she had a feeling she knew what that was about. “My hymen was broken a couple of years or so ago through horse riding which apparently is pretty common. That coupled with the use of my vibrator definitely eased the way,” she replied with a giggle.

Angel’s eyes grew wide at hearing her mention a vibrator. A smile crept onto his lips as he said, “I think you’re going to have to introduce me to your friend.”

“Definitely.” Tilting her head back, she met his lips and they shared a sizzling kiss which quickly grew in intensity.

Before she knew it, he had stripped the sweatshirt off her and thrown his own towel to the floor before carrying her over to his bed and gently laying her down upon it. His body blanketed hers and after drawing back from her, he peppered her face, neck and breasts with kisses before travelling lower and doing the same to her stomach.

Buffy was shivering with anticipation and looking down at him where his head rested between her thighs, she nervously waited for him to make his next move. The first swipe of his tongue along her slit had her hips raising up off the bed and she then felt his large hands holding them down. As he lapped at her juices and fucked her with his tongue, she felt herself break out in a sweat as she grinded her lower body against his mouth. The way he was making her feel was indescribable and she lost count of the number of times he made her cum.

From his position, Angel watched her sweat-slicked body rise and fall with each breath she took as she calmed down from her multiple orgasms and he couldn’t help smiling like the cat who’d caught the proverbial canary. Sliding up her body, he kissed each of her breasts in turn before covering her mouth with his and kissing her slow and deep. When she sucked on his tongue he felt his cock leap in response.

Panting into his mouth, Buffy let her hands wander all over his body, savouring the feel of his hard muscles and soft skin. Slipping a hand between them, she grasped his cock and led it once again to her pussy, eager to have him fill her once again.

Angel was just about to thrust inside again when he remembered something. “I’d better grab a condom, Buffy. I know we were a little careless before an…”

“I’m on the Pill…for my cycle,” she was quick to add.

Resting his weight on his forearms, he smiled down at her. “I should probably still…”

“No. I like…um…”

“What?” He asked when he saw her cheeks redden with a rosy blush.

“I like feeling you…uh…without anything between us.”

Lowering his head, he kissed her hungrily before plunging deep inside her in one hard stroke. His eyes were fixed on hers as he slid in and out of her. Her sharp little nipples were grazing his chest, creating a wonderful friction that complimented the feel of her tight little pussy surrounding his cock like a velvet glove.

Buffy’s hands wandered all over her lover’s shoulders and back before coming up to tangle and grip his hair. Tilting her hips up slightly, she felt him sink even further into her and she moaned at the sensation. The feel of his balls slapping against her and the base of his cock grinding against her clit were sending her body soaring and it didn’t take long for the sensations to overwhelm her to the point of orgasm. Her legs tightened around him as she rode it out but when she felt him suddenly stiffen before cumming inside her, it triggered off another strong climax which had her panting even harder.

Completely exhausted, Angel collapsed on top of her before rolling onto his side and pulling her into his arms. Their breathing was laboured but after a little while it returned to normal.

“I think we’re gonna need another shower,” she said a few moments later in a playful voice.

“Hmm mm, me too. We need to let the hot water tank fill up again though so I think we’ve got time to, uh, play some more.”

Lifting her head from where it rested on his chest, she smiled up at him. “I think you’re right.”

“I’m always right.”

“Oh really? Were you right when you told Wes you didn’t want me staying with you while mine and Willow’s apartment was being renovated?”

“Okay fine, you got me there.” Tightening his arms around her waist, he looked into her eyes. “I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

“Looks like you got me there ‘cos you were right about that. You couldn’t keep your hands off me.”

“I know. And I’m not going to be able to stop myself from doing it now we’ve been together.”

Sliding up his body, she kissed his lips. “Good because I know I’m not going to be able to stop either.”

They snuggled together in a comfortable silence until Buffy could smell something. “Is that coffee I can smell?”

Angel laughed. “Yeah. I put some on before I came into the bathroom.”

“I know you like it strong but that’s going to taste pretty damn bad if you ask me.”

“Well as long as I’ve got you, my little morning pick-me-up, I’ve got a feeling I won’t be needing caffeine to wake me up.”

Buffy smiled at hearing those words and she kissed him again. “I’m glad because caffeine’s not good for you.”

Sliding his hands over her hips and down to her butt, he gave it a squeeze. “Just as well that you are then because you’re one addiction I’m not giving up.”

They both laughed at his cheesy line but silently both knew they felt exactly the same and that this was just the beginning of something great for the both of them.


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