Sweet Like Chocolate

Title: Sweet Like Chocolate

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set post-Season Four so everything up to and including it. The story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature!

Summary: She had a tiny smudge of chocolate just under her bottom lip and he was desperately trying to stop himself from leaning forward and licking it off for her.

Author's Notes: This has been written for the “I’m Hungry For You” Challenge at nhlovenest. It’s also dedicated to a few of the girls—namely, Caroline, Doreen, Elise, Kylie, Lyn and Viv—on my Flist for a variety of reasons. I hope you like it! *hugs*

“Hales, you nearly ready?”

Haley smiled at her reflection as she applied a slick of raspberry flavoured gloss over her lipstick. “Almost,” she called out. “Just give me a couple more minutes.”

In the living room of their two bedroom apartment, Nathan waited impatiently for her to finish getting ready. Holding his eight-month-old son against his chest, he bounced the little boy gently, loving the tuneful giggles he received in response to his actions. “You want to go see what’s taking mommy so long?” he asked him, beginning to walk towards the bedroom. Entering the room, his breath caught in his throat when he saw her standing in front of him.

“What do you think?” Haley asked, giving her boys a little twirl.

“Wow! You look amazing,” he replied, his eyes roaming all over her. The dusky rose coloured, knee-length dress clung to her every curve and showed off her slender, toned legs while its plunging V neckline treated him to a terrific view of her cleavage. Her hair, which was now a rich chestnut colour, was tumbling down her back and shoulders in loose curls, a matching rose coloured scarf woven through her shiny locks. Closing the short distance between them, he lowered his head to hers and kissed her softly.

“Thank you,” she whispered, smiling shyly at him before taking their son from his arms and cuddling him close, breathing in his natural baby scent. “And what do you think, sweetie? Does mommy look nice?” Her reply was a series of gurgles and she laughed along with him, rubbing her nose against his.

Nathan couldn’t tear his eyes away from them and his heart seemed to swell inside of his chest. Coughing to clear his throat, he said, “Luke should be here soon.”

Nodding at him, she asked, “Did you write the numb—”

“Yes, I wrote the number of the restaurant down,” he interrupted in a teasing tone. “It’s on the pad right next to the phone and I’ve also stuck it onto the fridge. You know, just in case a sudden breeze causes the page on the pad to flip over and he can’t find it in a hurry.”

“Very funny, smart a-s-s,” she said, spelling out the word before poking her tongue out at him. Turning her face to look at her son who had already been bathed and changed into his basketball adorned pyjamas, she mused, “I wonder what story Uncle Luke will be reading you tonight,” Going into the living room, she lowered James onto the baby mat which was scattered with a selection of his toys and she smiled as she watched him crawl over to where his favourite stuffed giraffe was lying.

“He’s getting so big,” Nathan observed as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin resting on the top of her head.

“I know,” she replied, leaning into him, her hands overlapping his where they rested on her stomach. “He’ll be starting school before we know it.”

He laughed. “I think we’ve got a little way to go before then. Let’s get the walking, talking and potty-training out the way first.”

“Are you sure you want to go out tonight, Nathan? Maybe we could stay in and play wi—”

“You don’t want to play with me?” he whispered into her ear and he smirked when he felt her shiver against him. Turning her in his arms, he caught her mouth and kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding past her lips to tangle with hers. “C’mon, Hales… It’s been a while since we had a night out with it just being us. I don’t think Jamie will mind hanging out with Luke for a few hours.”

Cupping his face between her palms, Haley brought his head down for another kiss and it was only the sudden knocking on the door that had her drawing back from him. “Okay,” she choked out breathlessly. “You win.”

“I always do,” he said, giving her a smirk. “You say goodbye to Jamie while I get the door.”

Kneeling on the floor, she scooped James up into her arms and smothered his pudgy little cheeks with kisses. “Bye, baby. Mommy loves you and will see you soon. You be a good boy for your Uncle Luke, okay.” As she cradled him against her, she wondered if there would ever be a time when she’d be fine about leaving him, even if it was just for a few hours.

* * * * *

Nathan couldn’t hear his eyes away from Haley’s mouth as she bit into the chocolate dipped strawberry, her eyes closed in total enjoyment which was combined with a happy sigh. She had a tiny smudge of chocolate just under her bottom lip and he was desperately trying to stop himself from leaning forward and licking it off for her. If it wasn’t for the fondue set’s burner situated between them on the table, he was pretty sure he’d have done it already.

“Uh…Hales, you’ve got a bit of chocolate just…” He let his words trail off, gesturing to the spot with his finger. When she took his finger in her hand and had him remove the drop of chocolate marking her skin, his pants grew tighter at the sudden skin on skin contact. As if he wasn’t already turned on enough just from watching her eat the chocolate dipped fruit and marshmallows she had selected for her dessert. That didn’t even come close though to the sinful look she was now giving him as she parted her lips and sucked his finger into her mouth.

Haley smiled seductively, watching a whole range of emotions play out on her husband’s face. Actually, she couldn’t believe how bold she was being, doing this in a public place but they were in a secluded corner of the restaurant and the soft, romantic lighting seemed to almost give an illusion of them being completely alone. Not to mention that they only had eyes for each other and weren’t taking any notice of the other patrons dining around them.

Removing his finger from her mouth, she picked up her long-handled fondue fork and speared another strawberry, dipping it into the pot of melted chocolate. Instead of bringing it to her own mouth though, she offered it to Nathan and she bit back a moan as she watched him bite into the juicy berry. They needed to get out of here. Now!

Nathan seemed to read her mind as he asked, “You ready to get out of here?”

She quickly nodded her head and watched as Nathan gestured to their waiter for the check. As they waited, she removed one of her shoes and slowly slid her foot up his leg as she picked up another piece of fruit, this time a cube of pineapple, and popped it into her mouth, keeping her eyes trained on his as she chewed it. The hungry look he was giving her was making her feel hot all over and picking up her glass of water, she took a long sip of the chilled liquid in an attempt to cool herself down.

He smirked at her as he signed the credit card slip. “You okay?”

“Uh huh.”

Within a few minutes, they were standing outside the restaurant in the cool night air, their hands intertwined as they walked to where their car was parked. They hadn’t taken more than ten steps when Nathan pulled Haley into an alleyway and backed her up against a brick wall. His lips were immediately on hers, kissing her hard while his tongue explored her mouth thoroughly, the taste of rich chocolate and sweet fruit reminding him of how hot she’d looked eating her dessert. God! She even made eating look sexy.

Breaking the kiss to breathe in some air, his mouth rested by her ear as he spoke in hushed tones. “You ordered the chocolate fondue on purpose, didn’t you?”

Turning her head slightly to the side so she could see his face, she smiled at him, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “Now why would I have done that, honey?”

His eyes were drawn once more to her mouth when she licked her lips. “You’re evil, you know that.”

Haley’s hand cupped the back of his neck as she drew him in for another kiss and she moaned deep into his mouth when she felt his large hand come up to cup her breast. “L-Let’s go home,” she urged, suddenly realising they were outside where anyone using the alleyway as a shortcut could see them.

Nathan was just about to nod his head in agreement when he remembered something. “Crap!”


“Luke’s at home and you know he’ll probably want to hang out for a while before he heads back to his place.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I knew I should’ve asked if we could have taken Jamie to his place instead of him coming over to us. At least then we could’ve had an hour or so to ourselves before we picked him up.”

Cupping her face between his palms, he rested his forehead against hers and joked, “You don’t suppose Luke would let us use his place.”

She laughed, shaking her head. “Somehow I doubt it.”

He kissed her softly, loving the feel of her petite body flush against his own. “I, uh, have got one suggestion…”

She arched one eyebrow as she asked, “What is it?”

“The car. I mean, the windows are tinted and we could park somewhere dark and—”

“Okay,” she responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down so she could kiss him again.


“Hell yes. I want to be with you, Nathan, and as much as I love Lucas, I really don’t feel up to chatting about our night with him when all I want to do is have my wicked way with you.”

His lips sought her mouth again and the kiss was filled with longing and desperation. Taking her hand in his, they quickly made their way to the car, a destination already in his mind of where they could park for ultimate privacy.

* * * * *

Haley giggled as she clambered into the backseat, the baby’s car seat having already been removed. “Did you have this in mind for tonight?”

Smirking at her, he answered, “Not exactly, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to be prepared. You know, just in case.”

Nathan followed Haley into the cramped backseat and took a seat beside her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her onto his lap and she shifted around until she was straddling his thighs. She pressed her mouth against his when he began stroking her bare thighs, his hands moving higher and higher and causing her dress to bunch up around her waist. As they kissed, her fingers began working on the buttons of his dress shirt and she moaned appreciatively at the first contact of her hands on the warm skin of his chest.

Her moan turned into a loud gasp when he started stroking her through her underwear which was already damp with evidence of her arousal. The kiss grew hotter, wetter as their tongues tangled and duelled together playfully. Breaking the kiss for a moment, she said, “Unzip me,” before resuming the kiss.

He didn’t need telling twice and his hands moved from their position on her hips up to the middle of her back and he quickly lowered the zipper. Drawing back from her, his eyes watched hungrily as Haley made fast work of pulling her arms out of the dress’s cap sleeves and letting the top half of the garment pool around her waist. Her bare breasts were in front of his face and pulling her in closer to his body, he took a plump, aroused nipple into his mouth and suckled it.

She gripped his hair as his mouth lavished attention on her breasts, her fingernails raking across his scalp and down the back of his neck. Her body felt aflame as he worked her to a fever pitch and sliding a hand between them, she managed to unbuckle and unzip his pants in what seemed like record time. Lowering her head so her mouth rested by his ear, she whispered, “I need you now, Nathan.”

There was something about her taking control like this that was sending his blood pressure soaring sky high and with a little bit of maneuvering, they managed to pull down his pants and boxers and remove her underwear. He nearly swallowed his tongue when her slim fingers wrapped around his cock and she teased herself with it. “C’mon, Hales, do it.” He was practically begging but he didn’t care.

Rising up on her knees, Haley placed him at her entrance and slowly lowering herself down, she took him in, inch by glorious inch, until he was embedded deep inside of her. She deliberately clenched her internal muscles around him and she couldn’t help giggling at the look on his face. She repeated the action a few times, making sure to squeeze around him on each down-stroke, almost as if she was trying to keep him from withdrawing from her.

Nathan could feel what little control he had left slipping away from him with every clench of her sheath and, in an attempt to gain the upper hand, he somehow was able to change their positions so that Haley was now lying across the backseat with him on top of her. Sliding his fingers up her thigh, he hooked her leg over his hip and began pounding into her. He watched as her fingers scrambled around for something to hold onto and in the end she reached behind her and held on tightly to the rear seat belt.

“Harder!” she urged, her breathing heavy and ragged. Her free hand splayed across his back, holding him against her as their lower bodies ground furiously together. “I-I’m so close…” she told him and swore loudly when he doubled his efforts into bringing her even closer to the edge.

Pressing his thumb against her mouth, he watched as her tongue snaked out and wrapped around it, her saliva making it glisten in the dark, confined space. His eyes stayed fixed on hers as he began strumming her clit with his thumb and covering her mouth with his, he swallowed her loud cries as she suddenly climaxed around him. Wanting to prolong the sensations for as long as possible, he kneaded her breasts in turn before tugging on the sensitive, diamond-hard nipples. As his own orgasm struck, he felt her thighs tighten around him, her lips forming an ‘o’ shape and he knew she’d climaxed again. If he’d had the energy, he would’ve laughed, or at the very least smirked, in smug satisfaction.

“You okay?” he asked a few moments later when he’d finally regained the ability to string words together.

“God, yes!” Haley’s hands wandered underneath his opened shirt which they hadn’t bothered removing in their haste.

This time, he managed to smirk as he pressed his mouth against hers and kissed her, nipping gently at her bottom lip with his teeth before reluctantly pulling away. “When we can afford it, we definitely have to get a car with more room in the backseat.”

“Definitely,” she agreed, keeping her eyes open as she sucked on his tongue. “Mmm. You taste like strawberries and chocolate.”

“So do you.”

They shared a smile as they broke apart and began getting dressed; sharing the occasional kiss as they did so.

“You do realise Luke’s gonna know what we’ve been up to,” Nathan pointed out.

“I know so how about I run in and go straight to see Jamie while you talk to him. He knows how I get when I’ve gone out and left him for a few hours so—”

“So he won’t suspect anything. Nice work, Hales.”

“Thank you, thank you very much,” she drawled in her best Elvis impersonation causing her husband to burst out laughing.

He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her as he watched her run her fingers through her hair to try and repair the, uh, damage his hands had done in the throes of passion. He loved threading his fingers through her silky, long tresses as they made love. God, he wanted her again and—”

“Down, boy!”


“I know where your mind’s going and it ain’t gonna happen. Not until we get home anyway.”

Nathan shook his head and chuckled at how easily she could read him and he smiled in appreciation as he watched her climb back into the front seat of their car, the bottom half of her dress flipping up and giving him a glimpse of her panties. He was hard again already and he only hoped that his brother wasn’t in a chatty mood when they arrived back home.

“So, I’ve got a question for you,” Haley said as they began their journey home.

“Oh yeah, and what might that be?” he asked, giving her a quick glance before returning his eyes to the road.

“How do you feel about investing in a fondue set or, you know, one of those little chocolate fountains?”

Suddenly remembering the way she’d been biting into the chocolate covered fruit and the little noises she’d made… Giving her the smile he reserved only for her, he told her, “We’ll go shopping tomorrow.”


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