Time - Chapter One

Chapter One

Haley was almost at the front door before he caught her by the wrist and turned her around, pinning her back up against it.

“Nathan honey, please don’t do this.”

“C’mon, stay here. You know you want to,” he murmured against her lips before kissing her slowly. Hearing her moan made him smile and he kissed her harder. He ran a hand down her bare arm and upon reaching her hand, he interlocked their fingers.

Somewhat reluctantly, Haley broke the kiss and breathed in some much needed air. His kisses always managed to leave her breathless. Reaching up, she cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand. “I can’t. I wish I could though, you know that.”

Nathan did know but it didn’t make him feel any better, not when it meant he would wake up alone yet again. “Haley...”

“I know,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly to her. He bowed his head and buried it in the nook between her neck and shoulder, taking a moment to inhale her unique scent. They just stood there holding each other for a few moments before he pulled back so he could look into her eyes.

“I need you here with me,” he told her adamantly. “I’m so sick of not being with you, of waking up here alone.”

“Shhh...it’s okay baby,” she soothed. “I hate being away from you too but I don’t think we should rush this, that’s all.”

“Okay? How can this be okay? We hardly see each other at school and then we both have our jobs, and the time we do spend together just goes so fast.”

“I...I didn’t mean it like that. I know it sucks that we can’t spend enough time alone together but...”

“But nothing, Hales.” He interrupted. “It’s been more than a month and I miss you. If it wasn’t for our tutoring sessions we’d be spending even less time alone together. I thought when you came over tonight that you’d be staying over but now you’re telling me you have to leave.”

Haley lowered her face and closed her eyes as she felt the sting of tears. “I’m sorry...I, uh, I shouldn’t have come over...”

“Why did you then?” Nathan regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth and he quickly folded her into a hug. “Don’t answer that. I didn’t mean to say that. I’m glad you came over, I’m always happy to see you, you know that. And besides, this is your home now too so you should come over whenever you want to.”

Biting her lip to stop herself from crying, she wrapped her arms around his waist and held him just as tightly as he was holding her. “I know. It’s just that I wanted to bring you some home cooked food so you didn’t have to eat more of that junk you’ve been eating lately.”

He dropped a kiss onto the top of her head. “Thank you.”

Tilting her face up, she gave him a crooked smile. “You’re welcome.” Placing a hand behind his neck, she pressed down so that their lips met and they shared a long lingering kiss.

Nathan broke the kiss, planting light butterfly kisses all over her face before moving down to kiss the smooth skin of her throat. Finally, he latched onto her neck and started sucking, determined to leave his mark.

“Oh, oh god...Nathan...” Haley mumbled. Her hands flew to his head to hold him in place and she ran her fingers through his hair. She felt as if she was floating on air as he switched sides and started kissing and sucking the other side of her neck.

“I love you, Haley.” He whispered into her ear and then gently nibbled on the lobe.

“I love you too,” she said as one of her hands stroked over his naked back, marveling at how soft his skin was.

He had just gotten back from basketball practice and was taking a shower when Haley had arrived at the apartment having just finished work. She was dropping off some food for him but as soon as she had seen him in just a pair of worn sweats and nothing else, she had jumped into his arms and they had ended up on the floor of the living room involved in a very hot and heavy make-out session.

“Stay with me...please. I want to be with you tonight...I need it...need to be buried deep inside you.” As Nathan said the words, he ground his hips against hers so she could feel his arousal pressing into her.

“I...I want to but I can’t.”

Her words felt like a bucket of cold water being poured over him and he groaned aloud. Leaning his forehead against her shoulder, he took deep breaths trying to calm his body down.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she started to cry.

“Please don’t cry and you don’t need to apologise. Look, let me get dressed and I’ll walk you home. It’s probably for the best if you go now because I can’t guarantee I’ll let you leave otherwise,” he teased trying to lighten the mood. The last thing he wanted to do was make her cry no matter how frustrating their situation.

“You’re not mad at me?”

Wiping away her tears with his thumbs, he smiled and shook his head. “No, I’m not mad. Not at you anyway. I just hate this situation we’re in and I just want it to be over. I want you with me every night, all night.”

“I want that too.”

Nathan gave her one last kiss before he released her from his embrace and he walked away to go and get dressed.

While he was getting dressed, Haley waited by the door nibbling on a fingernail. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed with him and never leave. A thought suddenly popped into her head and she smiled as she made up her mind what she wanted to do. She quietly locked the door and quickly pulled her blue tank top over her head. Unzipping her jeans, she pushed them down her legs, stopping for a moment to slip her sandals off, and she then stepped out of her jeans, kicking them away.

“So, I was thinking we could, uh...” Nathan trailed off as he took in the vision in front of him. Haley stood before him clad in only her matching pale blue bra and panties. “Wha...what are you doing?”

“Um, I...er...I changed my mind. You’re right Nate, I should be with you. We’ve hardly spent a moment together since our wedding night and that’s wrong. We should be together.”

“I shouldn’t be pushing you, Hales. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this.”

“I want to do this,” she said as she sauntered towards him. His gaze wandered all over her body and she couldn’t help shivering. As soon as she was in touching distance, he reached out and pulled her flush against his body. “I need to be with you too, ” she added.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he once again buried his face in her neck as he held her as close as possible. Raising his head so he could look into her eyes, he smirked. “I wish you’d told me before I got dressed.”

“I don’t mind, it just means I get to unwrap you,” she teased.

“I can’t wait,” he said before capturing her lips with his and kissing her long and hard.

“I want to make love to you.” She panted as they broke the kiss.

“God, I want that too.” Taking her hand in his, he led her into their bedroom and gently picking her up, he placed her in the center of their bed. Crawling on top of her, he started kissing her again only this time he brought his hands into play and softly caressed her face, working his way down her body.

Haley was lost in a whirlwind of sensations as Nathan’s lips and hands worshipped her. Suddenly, she thought of something and turning her face to the side, she broke their kiss.

“Wait! You have to stop.”

Holding himself up on his forearms, he looked at her somewhat confused. “What’s wrong? Have you changed your mind?”

Kissing the tip of his nose, she shook her head. “No, of course I haven’t. I just have to call home and tell them I’m staying over at someone’s house. They’ll freak otherwise.”

He nodded. “Okay. Where’s your cell phone?”

“In my bag on the couch.”

Getting up from the bed, he quickly went into the living room and grabbed her bag, bringing it to her. He sat beside her on the bed as she phoned home and spoke to one of her siblings, telling them she was staying over at a friend’s and that if they needed her, they should call her on her cell. She thought about saying she was staying with either Peyton or Brooke but she didn’t want to take advantage and put them in an awkward position too often.

After ending the call, Haley placed her phone on the nightstand and then turned to face her husband. “So, it looks as if I’m all yours for the night. What do you want to do? Watch a movie? Go out for some food?” She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.

“Very funny,” he told her as he launched himself on her and started tickling her. “You’re a real laugh-a-minute, Mrs Scott.”

“Stop it...Nathan...please...stop!” Tears of laughter were trickling down her face.

He chuckled at her as he ceased his tickle torture. “I think you know what I want to do.”

“Hmm, well I think you might just have to show me, Mr Scott.”

“With pleasure,” he replied as he gently lowered himself so he was pressing her body into the mattress with his own.

Time was a precious commodity and the newlyweds were determined not to waste a moment of it.

Chapter Two

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