
Title: Sway

Author: Diane

Pairing: Michael/Maria

Rating: Teen

Prompt(s): Dancing, chocolate

Requested by: Mel

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set sometime during Season 1.

Summary: Why did Liz get the perfect boyfriend who bought her flowers and held doors open for her while she had to make do with a guy who couldn’t be more inconsiderate of her feelings if he tried.

Her elbows resting on the counter, Maria released a heavy sigh as she thought of her best friend who, at that very moment, was out on another date with Max. It wasn’t fair! Why did Liz get the perfect boyfriend who bought her flowers and held doors open for her while she had to make do with a guy who couldn’t be more inconsiderate of her feelings if he tried.

Michael watched her from across the empty café, a half-smile playing on his lips. He’d finished cleaning up the kitchen and had just been about to see if Maria was done, too so they could lock up when he’d heard her wistful sighs. He didn’t need to be a mind-reader to know what she was thinking about. He knew she wished they could be more like Max and Liz but he didn’t want that. Those two were so nauseating together and he wouldn’t trade what he and Maria had for anything. He loved their fire and snark and there was something about seeing her all riled up that made his blood sizzle in his veins.

An idea suddenly popped into his head and his smile widened as he put his plan into action.

Hey now, all you sinners

Put your lights on

Put your lights on

Hey now, all you lovers

Put your lights on

Put your lights on

Maria looked around as the familiar song filled the air and her heart skipped a beat as her on/off boyfriend slowly approached her. “Michael…”

He didn’t say a word. Instead, he leaned down and rested his forehead against hers, their eyes locking on one another and holding steady for a long moment before the temptation grew too strong to ignore and he found her lips.

She moaned at the initial contact, her arms sliding up his chest to twine around his neck. When he slipped his tongue into her mouth, she could taste the chocolate she’d seen him eating earlier along with the spiciness of the Tabasco he’d sprinkled onto it.

As they kissed, their bodies began swaying in time to the music and as Maria lost herself in the feel and taste of him, all she could think was that, for her, this was perfection. Not hearts and flowers but sweet and spicy passion.


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