Breaking The Rules

art created by me

Title: Breaking The Rules

Author: Diane

Fandom: One Tree Hill

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Word Count: 14,547

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Rating: Adult Rated

Spoilers/Warnings: None as it's AU. Things to keep in mind though: Nathan and Lucas aren't related. Nathan is the son of Keith and Deb Scott while Lucas Roe is Dan and Karen's son. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Beta: Jen

Summary: The pain struck as soon as Haley James opened her eyes and her hand quickly moved to press against her forehead in an attempt to alleviate the pressure she felt there. Looking up at the unfamiliar ceiling had her frowning and gently turning her head to one side, what she saw made her breath catch in her throat. Her free hand slowly lifted the sheet covering her and what she had already guessed to be the case was confirmed for her: she was completely naked underneath it.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for The Het Big/Little Bang Challenge 2012. Thank you to irony_rocks and her co-mods for all of their hard work in putting it all together and congratulations to everyone involved in making this latest challenge another success.

A massive thank you goes to the wonderful Jen for all of her reassurances and also for beta-ing this for me. You're an absolute star! *hugs*

For those of you reading the story, I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to let me know what you think.

Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two

Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five

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