
Title: Overwhelmed

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Prompts: Dreams, shower

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an AU-ish version of late Season 1. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: The door was slightly ajar and she could hear the sound of running water. Haley's teeth sunk into her bottom lip and her eyes fluttered closed as she pictured him all glistening wet and soapy in the shower.

Author's Notes: This has been written for Porn Battle XII (The Dirty Dozen).

Slipping into his apartment, Haley James quietly closed the door and locked it. She wasn't supposed to be here... not tonight, but when she'd awoken from the delicious dream she had been in the middle of desperately craving his touch, she was pulling her coat on over her pyjamas before she realised what she was doing and sneaking out of her house.

Removing said coat and laying it over the arm of the couch, she began carefully making her way to his bedroom when she spotted the light emanating from the bathroom and it drew her towards it like a moth to a flame. The door was slightly ajar and she could hear the sound of running water. Haley's teeth sunk into her bottom lip and her eyes fluttered closed as she pictured him all glistening wet and soapy in the shower.

She knew she should probably turn around and go home but instead of doing that, she found herself slowly moving forward until she reached the door; her hand hovering on the handle before she then pushed it further open.

Staring at the shower stall, she was somehow able to make out his muscular form through the steamed up glass and she wondered how much of that was due to her over-active imagination.

Without thinking about what she was doing, Haley toed off her sneakers and then stripped out of her sleepwear; folding the items and placing them on the counter. Taking the few steps it took her to reach the stall, she briefly hesitated before gently sliding back the door and stepping inside.

Feeling the sudden rush of cool air on his skin, Nathan squeezed the water out of his eyes and whirled around to see what had caused it and his eyes widened at the sight of his girlfriend... his very naked girlfriend standing right in front of him. “Haley... wha—”

Before he could finish what he was about to say, Haley pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and sealed her mouth over his, effectively cutting him off. Her fingers gripped his wet hair, holding him in place, as she all but devoured him. She moaned when, a split-second later, he pulled her flush against him and she felt his erection pressing into her stomach. Before she knew what was happening, Nathan had lifted her off of her feet and had turned them so he could press her up against a tiled wall. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she crossed her ankles behind him and gently pressed her heels into his butt, silently urging him on. The sensation of his thick, hard length sliding along her wet folds was already driving her crazy and when he made sure to bump her clit on every upstroke, the faint stirrings of her orgasm began gathering pace in the pit of her belly.

“What are you doing here, Hales?” Nathan asked, his breathing already harsh and ragged. “I thought you said you wanted us to have an evening apart.”

“I-I know,” she choked out, remembering what she'd told him at school earlier that day. Lately, everything had felt so overwhelming. Between school, tutoring, working at the café, spending time with Nathan as well as with her friends... she'd started to feel like she was losing herself and she'd stupidly thought that them spending a little time apart from each other would help the situation.

It hadn't helped at all. All she had done all night was think about him and contemplate coming over. Somehow, she'd managed to stop herself but when she'd awoken from her dream... her body aching and wanting... she hadn't been able to resist it any longer.


Smiling shyly at him, she replied, “It was a stupid idea.”


The cocky smirk gracing his handsome face made her blush and she felt herself becoming even more aroused. “Nathan...”

“I missed you, too, baby,” he whispered before fusing his lips to hers and kissing her long and slow.

Haley's hands wandered all over his firm back and shoulders as the hot water rained down over them both. She held her breath in anticipation when she felt his cock at her entrance and she then released it as a loud gasp when he thrust inside of her in one deep stroke; holding still for a long moment once he was fully embedded so they could both savour the sensation of being so intimately joined.

“You feel so fucking good,” he whispered against her throat as he kissed his way down to her neck.

She couldn't speak so, instead, she tightened her hold on him; trying to let him know without words that she felt the exact same way about him. All of her senses were on high alert... all she could see, hear, touch, taste and smell was Nathan and yet that still didn't seem to be enough. Her body craved more of him.

“Oh God,” she moaned when he tugged on her sensitive little nipple, sending shockwaves directly to her clit and making the tiny bundle of nerves throb. “Nathan... please...”

“Please what?”

“Please don't stop,” she begged.

Grinding his pelvic bone against her clit, he murmured huskily into her ear, “I've got no intention of stopping, babe.”

His heated words combined with his self-assured tone made her shiver all over and the only thought in her head right now was the wish that being overwhelmed could always feel this perfect!


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