Permanent Marker

Title: Permanent Marker

Author: Diane

Prompt: 042 - Fetish

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing, especially the dialogue that I’ve used in this which is from episode 1.20 ‘What Is And What Should Never Be’.

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a future fic set post Season 5 so everything up to and including what we’ve seen so far. Story contains scenes and language of a strong sexual nature.

Summary: Nathan was suddenly transported back several years to a time when she’d looked at him the exact same way.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for both The "Don't say I never gave you anything" Challenge at nhlovenest and theechochorus, and is dedicated to the lovely Denise as a belated birthday present. Hope you like it. *hugs* A big thank you goes to the fabulous Lori for helping me out with this. You rock, girlie! *hugs*

Having just returned from his morning run, Nathan was just about to go into the kitchen and grab himself a drink when he suddenly stopped and leaned against the doorjamb, taking in the sight before him. He watched with hungry eyes as his wife’s shirt inched its way north as she reached up into one of the cupboards. What with the shirt rising and the low slung jeans she was wearing, he was being treated to a great view of her lower back and his eyes immediately latched onto those two digits she’d had indelibly marked onto her creamy skin.

He remembered the first time he saw the tattoo of his jersey number… It had definitely shocked and confused him that she’d done something so permanent at such a young age and, of course, he’d been a total ass to her when he’d informed her he’d seen it, using the subject to bring up the big bad sex issue. He’d already realised he’d fallen head over heels in love with her, although he hadn’t yet told her and the fact she’d done something so… huge, it had pretty much confirmed for him that she’d felt the exact same way which in itself was scary as hell.

Everything before Haley had been all parties, games and drama which had gotten to be so damn tiring and while he’d felt… a little off balance with all these feelings, he’d found he was more scared of not being with her.

When she turned around a moment later, he smirked at her as a rosy blush tinted her cheeks.

“What?” she asked, looking up at him from under her lashes.

Nathan was suddenly transported back several years to a time when she’d looked at him the exact same way. She’d just carried up a couple of bags of food for the party they were hosting that night at his apartment – their ‘take-back-the-party-party’ – and he’d paused the video game he and Tim had been playing to go and see her.

His smirk deepened as he spoke, “You’re just lucky my Mom and Jamie are here ‘cause I’ve got a thing for girls named Haley James Scott.”

Haley laughed as she also remembered that day which felt like a lifetime ago now. “Really? Well, you’re lucky they’re here, too,” she teased back. Taking a few steps towards him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushing herself up onto her toes, she pressed her mouth against his. She shivered when she felt his fingertips tracing over and around her tattoo and parting her lips, she welcomed his tongue inside, curling her own around it.

The distant sound of someone clearing their throat had them reluctantly drawing back from one another and Haley could feel her face heat up even more when she saw Deb standing beside them.

“Uh, sorry for interrupting,” the older woman said, trying to stop herself from laughing. “I just wanted to tell you I’m off to run some errands. Is there anything either of you need while I’m out?”

Haley was just about to say no when Nathan beat her to it. “Actually, do you think you could take Jamie with you?”


Looking at his wife, he gave her a heated look which seemed to be having its desired effect given how she was suddenly biting her lip.

“Sure.” The urge to laugh was even stronger now. “I’ll make sure we’re gone as long as possible,” Deb couldn’t help teasing the young couple.

Haley buried her face against Nathan’s chest as her mother-in-law left. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“What? She’s going out anyway so we might as well take advantage of it,” he quipped before ducking his head to steal another kiss.

“Momma… Daddy!” Jamie’s voice piped up a few minutes later.

Nathan groaned against Haley’s mouth at the interruption. Pulling away, he crouched down in front of their son and ruffled the little boy’s hair. “Hey, buddy. You going out with Nanny Deb?”

“Uh huh. Can she buy me some ice cream while we’re out?”

“I don’t see why not… Just one scoop though,” Haley said, smiling down at him.

“Okay,” he agreed, although he was already working on how to convince his grandma he should have an extra one.

“C’mon, Jamie, let’s get going,” Deb said as she entered the kitchen and glancing over at her son and daughter-in-law, she added, “You two be good now.”

Haley’s blush was back in full force as the blonde’s words registered and she inwardly cringed. She was going to kill Nathan for being so obvious!

“See you later, Mom… Much later,” he mumbled the last part under his breath. “Bye, Jamie. Be good for Nanny Deb.”

“I will,” he said, waving to his parents as he left the house with his grandmother.

As soon as the front door had closed, Haley moved away from Nathan. “I’d better get started on that list of chores I made.” She yelped when he hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her in flush against his body.

“Chores, huh? I don’t think so,” he told her, his lips mere millimetres away from hers.

“Nathan…” Her breathing was already ragged, her body tingling with anticipation.

“Let’s go upstairs,” he whispered.

“Don’t think you’re getting into bed all sweaty from your run,” she told him, her nose scrunched up.

“Hmm, looks like I need to take a shower first, then… You wanna join me?”

“Yes,” she half-moaned. Her mind was already picturing him all naked and wet… the soap suds sliding down his muscular body. Before she could say another word, Nathan had picked her up in a fireman’s lift and was taking the stairs two at a time. “Nathan!” she exclaimed before she broke out into a fit of giggles.

“We’re kind of on the clock here, Hales…” he reminded her. As soon as they were in the bathroom he locked the door, wanting to make sure they weren’t interrupted. Toeing off his sneakers and socks, he stripped off his clothes and watched intently as Haley did the same. God, he couldn’t get enough of her beautiful, curvy body.

She could feel him staring at her and she trembled. Inching past him, she stepped into the glass shower cubicle and turned on the water, testing its temperature with her hand and adjusting it slightly before stepping under the powerful spray. The intensity of his gaze was pushing her towards the edge and he hadn’t even touched her yet.

Joining her inside the cubicle, Nathan closed the door behind him and taking a step closer, he pressed his body against hers, his hands wrapping around her waist and his fingers drawing lazy circles around her tattoo.

“I think you have a fetish for that part of my body,” she told him, her own hands gliding along his broad shoulders.

“I’ve got a fetish for every part of your body,” he stated before lowering his head and covering her mouth with his own. It was only a desperate need for air that had him drawing back from her long minutes later and even then he didn’t completely pull away, instead kissing a fiery trail down her throat and neck, sucking on the base of it, determined to mark her.

Slipping a hand between them, Haley wrapped her fingers around his thick, hard length, pumping him in her fist. When he slid his own digits along her slippery wet folds, she fused her lips to his and kissed him frantically.

“You’re so fucking sexy…” he murmured against her mouth before diving back in for more.

“N-Nathan… Please…” She sighed with disappointment when he suddenly withdrew his fingers and before she knew what was happening, he’d turned her so that her front was facing the tiled wall. Her excitement only grew when he rubbed his cock between her legs while nuzzling his nose into the back of her neck. Turning her head to the side, she found his lips and they shared a sizzling kiss before he retreated and began kissing his way down her spine until he arrived at her lower back where the dark blue ‘23’ tattoo was located.

She felt him kneel behind her and, without a second thought, she eagerly spread her legs to give him greater access. Her fingertips curled against the cool tiled wall as Nathan buried his face between her thighs, pleasuring her in the most intimate way possible. His hands ran up and down her legs and over her ass before one snaked around to her front so he could caress her clit.

Reaching behind her, Haley squeezed and kneaded his shoulder in time with his ministrations. “Oh God… Nathan…” She rocked her hips against his face as he continued licking and sucking her. The tight coil in her belly was threatening to snap any time now and as soon as she felt his middle and pointer fingers enter her, she exploded around him.

Nathan felt himself grow even harder as her sheath tightened and fluttered around his tongue as he licked her through her first orgasm. The urge to touch himself was so strong but he knew if he did, it’d be all over for him in seconds and he wanted to come inside of her rather than over his own hand.

His legs felt shaky as he stood up and, as he did so, he couldn’t resist licking around her tattoo… Haley was so right when she said he had a fetish for that particular area of her body. Whenever it was in view, he felt so incredibly turned on and couldn’t seem to focus on anything else.

“Did that feel good?” he whispered into her ear as he pressed his front against her back, his arms wrapping around her waist to pull her further into him; one hand lovingly caressing her lower stomach.

“Yessss,” she hissed when he began strumming her throbbing clit with his thumb. Dropping her head back to rest on his shoulder, she sighed with blissful pleasure as he slipped a long finger back inside her. She tightened around him, moaning in the back of her throat when he released a deep growl. “Kiss me,” she demanded and she cooed happily when he immediately complied.

The kiss was dirty, hot and all consuming… their tongues tangling together as they battled for dominance. Haley gasped into his mouth when Nathan suddenly thrust up into her; his arms which were banded around her middle being the only reason she hadn’t fallen forward.

“Harder…” she begged.

Releasing his arms from around her, Nathan gripped her hips and he nearly choked on his breath when she leaned forward, her palms flat against the wall as he pounded into her repeatedly, her own hips bucking back against him to meet his every stroke. “Fuck!”

“I-I’m so close…” she mumbled, her hips picking up the pace in an attempt to coax her second orgasm closer. A loud moan tore from her throat when his hands began cupping her firm breasts, his fingers pinching her diamond hard nipples in time with his thrusts.

“Rub your clit,” he ordered, his mouth right by her ear; his moist, hot breath puffing against her skin.

Doing as requested, she rubbed the sensitive bundle of nerves, her body immediately shuddering as she began to climax with all the stimulation her body was receiving. She could sense Nathan was close to the end as well and she rhythmically clenched and released her feminine muscles to try and bring him closer yet. It seemed to do the trick as with just a few more thrusts he held still and emptied himself deep inside of her.

Their bodies eventually stilled and slowly withdrawing from her, Nathan carefully turned her around and as soon as she was facing him, he seized her lips in an intense kiss which seemed to go on forever. His hands threaded through her dark, silky hair which had started growing out. The water raining down on them was, thankfully, still hot and pulling her under the powerful spray, he let his hands roam all over her before they came to rest on her lower back.

“I can’t believe how much of an aphrodisiac that tattoo is,” Haley said, shaking her head as she laughed.

“Are you complaining?” he asked, his nose rubbing against hers.

“Hell no!”

He laughed at her response. “I guess we’d better finish up in here since they’ll probably be back soon.”

“Yeah.” Popping another kiss onto his lips, she grabbed her shower puff and lathered it up with her raspberry scented body wash as Nathan picked up his own shower gel. As she ran the shower puff over her skin, she mused, “If you got a tattoo, I wonder if it’d be as big an aphrodisiac for me as mine is for you.”

“You want me to get a tattoo?”

“I didn’t say that… I’m just wondering if you did get one whether it’d be as big a turn on for me.”

“Okay…” He smirked. “What sort of tattoo should I choose if I did decide to get one?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “It’d be up to you.”

Cradling her cheek in his palm, he ran his thumb along her cheekbone as he looked into her rich, chocolate brown eyes. “Well, seeing as you got my jersey number, I think it’s only right that I get something of yours tattooed on my skin.”

Shivering at his words, Haley found herself nodding in agreement. Her eyes fluttered closed when he closed the small gap between them and kissed her long and slow. “God, the way you look at me sometimes,” she whispered when she how intently he was watching her and cupping the back of his head, she pulled him down for another kiss.

Bending over, he picked up her shower puff which she’d dropped and brushing his lips over hers, he said, “We can talk about the tattoo later tonight… in bed.”

“Okay,” she agreed, her body already heating up again at the images his words suddenly conjured up.

Seeing the glazed look in her eyes, Nathan had a pretty good idea of what she was thinking about and he couldn’t help smirking.

Just under thirty minutes later, they were sitting on the couch in their living room, Haley’s feet resting in his lap as they relaxed and read different sections of the newspaper.

“Momma… Daddy… We’re back!” Jamie announced as he raced into the house.

“We see that,” Haley said, her mouth dropping open when she saw the state of her son. “What happened?”

“I’m sorry we’re back so soon,” Deb said as she entered the room. “His ice cream scoop fell off the cone and went all down his shirt so I thought I’d better bring him back to get him cleaned up.”

“You’re about as messy an ice cream eater as your mom,” Nathan teased Jamie.

“Hey, I object to that,” Haley said before she, too was laughing along with her boys.

“C’mon, Jamie, let’s go and get you cleaned up,” Deb said.

“It’s okay, Deb, I’ll do it,” the brunette offered. “Let’s go, Jimmy-Jam.” Taking his little hand in hers, they made their way upstairs.

“Momma, why is your hair wet? It was dry before I went out with Nanny Deb.”

“Oh, uh…”

“Your Mom got a little… dirty while you were gone,” Nathan called out, his eyes meeting his wife’s as she froze on the stairs.

“Did you make a mess with your ice cream, too?”

“We’ll talk about it upstairs,” Haley said, giving her husband a pointed look before she started moving again.

He shook his head as he carried on laughing, wondering just how she was going to talk her way out of that one with their inquisitive son.

“You’re terrible, you know that?” Deb said as she watched him.

“Yeah, not the first time I’ve heard that.”

And he had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last either.


Sequel : Teacher's Pet

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