Standing Together

Title: Standing Together

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an episode extension which follows on from 8.02 “I Can't See You, But I Know You're There” so it'd probably help to watch that first.

Summary: The house was in complete darkness save for the sliver of moonlight coming in through the patio doors which, he noticed, were partially opened. As he came closer, Nathan's breath caught in his throat as he saw Haley standing by the swimming pool, her arms wrapped around herself.

Author's Notes: A massive thank you goes to the lovely Kristen for her help and reassurance. Thanks, sweets!

Shifting over onto his side, his hand coming into contact with the cool cotton sheet instead of Haley's warm body, Nathan's eyes slowly opened as he became fully aware that she wasn't lying next to him. After the distressing events of the past eleven hours or so, he hadn't expected to get any sleep but he realised he must've finally dozed off because he definitely hadn't heard her get up and leave. Glancing across at the clock situated on her nightstand, the bright red LED lights told him it was only 3:47.

Pushing back the comforter, he climbed out of bed and seeing her grey robe laying across the armchair in the corner of the room, he picked it up as he went to find her; quickly popping his head around Jamie's bedroom door to make sure he was okay and fast asleep which he, thankfully, was.

The house was in complete darkness save for the sliver of moonlight coming in through the patio doors which, he noticed, were partially opened. As he came closer, Nathan's breath caught in his throat as he saw Haley standing by the swimming pool, her arms wrapped around herself. He was suddenly transported back a couple of months when he'd come rushing home after hearing the messages she'd left on her mom's cell phone and discovered her at the bottom of the pool. Even though they'd talked about the events of that night, there were still times when he'd wake up in a cold sweat as he remembered finding her like that.

Opening the door further, he stepped outside to join her, the chilly night air creating goosebumps on his bare forearms. “Haley?”

Upon hearing her husband's voice, Haley wiped away her tears before slowly turning to face him. Seeing the pained expression he wore, she had a fairly good idea of what he was probably thinking and she shook her head. “I just... I needed some air. I promise.”

“I know.” Deep down inside, Nathan knew this wasn't like before but he couldn't help worrying that what had happened to Clay and Quinn could be a major setback in her recovery. Having said that, he'd found some comfort and reassurance when earlier that evening in the hospital's chapel she'd said she needed him. Last time, she'd pretty much held him at a distance while pretending she was fine and coping with everything.

He saw her shiver and he quickly wrapped the thin robe he was holding around her before enfolding her in his embrace, rubbing his hands up and down her back to try and warm her up even further. “How 'bout we go inside and I'll make us a hot drink?”

“In a few minutes,” Haley whispered, banding her arms around his waist and resting her head on his T-shirt clad chest.

As he held her, Nathan felt strong waves of guilt wash over him. He'd stopped off at Clay's place on the way to training camp and instead of leaving like he did when he hadn't received any response, he should've taken a look around. He felt sick to his stomach at the knowledge that the whole time his best friend and his sister-in-law had been lying there bleeding and unconscious, and the feeling only intensified at the fact Haley had been the one to discover them.

“It should've been me who found them,” he stated quietly a moment later.

Lifting her head off of his chest, Haley looked up at him and her heart broke when she saw his tear-filled eyes. “Nathan, no.”

“I was there but I didn't take the time to look around and make sure everything was okay. God, Haley... After everything you've been through lately, you shouldn't have had to see something like that and especially not on your own.”

Cupping his face between her palms, she kept her gaze locked on his as she spoke. “We weren't to know, baby. How could we? We could play the “should've, would've, could've” game all night but it won't achieve anything except for driving ourselves completely insane.”


“No buts,” she interrupted, rubbing her thumb back and forth along his cheekbone. Like Nathan was doing now, she'd beaten herself up earlier, too for basically the same reasons and even though she knew Brooke was right in what she'd said at the hospital, it had taken hearing Nathan echoing her own guilty thoughts to realise neither of them were at fault. They just needed to be grateful that she'd found them when she did.

Lowering his head, he kissed her softly, hovering his mouth over hers for a moment before stealing one more kiss. “I love you, Hales, and I'm here for you. I just... I need you to know that.”

“I do know that and I'm here for you, too, okay.” Pushing herself up onto her toes, she nuzzled her nose against his in a soft Eskimo kiss. Wrapping her arms around him, she burrowed into him as she whispered, “I'm so glad you're home.”

Threading his fingers through her silky blonde hair, Nathan directed her gaze up to his. “There's nowhere else I'd be.”

Haley slipped her hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Let's go inside and have that hot drink now.”

“Sure,” he agreed, letting her lead him back into the house and towards the kitchen.

The days, weeks and months ahead would no doubt be a testing time for all of them but as long as they were together, that was the main thing.


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