The Birthday Girl - Chapter Two

Chapter Two

“Honey, I’m home,” Nathan jokingly called out when he arrived back at the apartment just under an hour later.

“I’ll be out in a sec,” Haley replied.

Going into the kitchen, he began unpacking the bags of take-out he’d picked up on his way back, taking the tiramisu out and putting it into the fridge. As he did so, he saw the beautifully laid table Haley had prepared while he had taken Jamie to Luke’s. The fresh daisies he and their son had given her as one of her presents were carefully arranged in a vase which served as the centrepiece.

“Hales?” he called out to her several moments later when she still hadn’t come out of their bedroom. His mouth opened to say something else but all words and thought evaporated when she suddenly appeared in front of him.

The black lace camisole she wore barely skimmed the tops of her thighs and had a deep V-neck which displayed her, um, assets perfectly. When she twirled in front of him, he saw the back of the garment matched the front with its deeply plunging V-shape. Her hair was a tumble of wild curls framing her face and flowing over her back and shoulders while her make-up was light and natural. Black strappy heels encased her feet, making her legs look longer and the whole effect was…well, fucking awesome to put it bluntly. All the teasing, flirty banter coupled with the stolen kisses and touches they’d been sharing throughout the day had made him so hard but that didn’t even compare to how he was feeling right now.

Closing the short distance between them, Nathan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight, his lips seizing hers in a fiery kiss. He moaned into her mouth when her fingernails lightly scraped across his scalp and down the back of his neck and letting his hands wander south, he slowly inched up her camisole so he could find out just what she was wearing beneath it. His fingers encountered bare skin and giving her beautifully rounded butt a gentle squeeze, he broke the kiss and smirked at her.

“I thought it’d save on time,” she whispered and brushing her nose against his, her lips curved upwards into a saucy smile.

“Good thinking,” he told her. “So, uh, you want to have dinner first or—”

Haley cut him off by slanting her mouth over his and kissing him hard. As carefully as she could considering the high heels she was wearing, she started walking backwards, taking Nathan with her as she led the way to their bedroom. She yelped with surprise when he suddenly picked her up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around him, gripping him between her thighs as he made the trip that much faster.

Laying her down on top of their bed, Nathan leaned over her, his lips kissing across her cheek until his mouth was right by her ear. “You look so damn good, Hales… You’re so fucking hot…”

“God, Nathan…” His words combined with the husky tone he was using were setting her whole body ablaze and, in her desperation to feel his naked skin against hers, her fingers began quickly unbuttoning his shirt before moving lower to work on his pants. She gasped loudly when she felt his long, dextrous fingers slip-slide along her wet folds, his thumb lightly stroking her clit. The torturously slow pace was driving her wild and she found herself undulating her hips in time to his movements, trying to get him to speed things up.

“We’ve got all night,” he coaxed, his mouth latching on to the smooth column of her neck and sucking hard at the base of it, determined to leave his mark.

“Not if Jamie drives Lucas crazy and he decides to drop him back here,” she pointed out.

“He’d better not!” Nathan said, propping himself up above her and bracing his weight on his free arm.

“You know what a tearaway he can be.”

“Who, Luke?”

“Very funny.” Covering his hand which was still between her legs, she urged him on, clenching her internal muscles around his digits and loving the growl that resonated from within him at that little trick. “C’mon, Nathan… It’s been building all day,” she stated, her voice low and sultry. “I know you want it as much as I do.”

If Haley wasn’t so turned on, she would’ve done a victory dance when he finally gave in and sped up his movements. Her body was so taught with sexual tension that it only took a few fast hard thrusts of his fingers before she careened over the edge and exploded around him. Before she had a chance to calm down, her body reignited when she felt a lapping sensation at her core and opening her eyes which had fallen shut as she’d climaxed, her gaze locked on Nathan’s as he licked her towards another fantastic orgasm. Her fingers buried in his thick hair as she held him tightly to her, savouring the feel of his late-in-the-day stubble tickling the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

“Feel good?” Nathan asked, the rumbling of his words sending delicious vibrations through her and he felt her body tremble in response. Even though they were married with a kid, there was something almost illicit about what they were doing and he wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that he was practically fully dressed while Haley was wearing just her sexy camisole and high heels.

“Uh huh…” she gasped, rocking her lower body against his face, not wanting him to stop for a second.

While she recovered from her second orgasm, Nathan slowly kissed his way up her body, pushing the lace camisole further upwards as he did so until he’d bared her breasts to his hungry gaze. Keeping his eyes firmly fixed on hers, he suckled one hard little nipple into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth before repeating the action with the other one.

Haley bit into her bottom lip as he repeatedly worked her breasts over with his lips, tongue and teeth and the sensations grew so strong she had no choice but to close her eyes. Her hands wandered all over him and she pushed his already unbuttoned shirt off of his shoulders so she could explore his warm skin unhindered. Her fingernails created crescent moons on his biceps and her hold on him tightened when he sucked particularly hard on her collarbone as he began moving upwards again.

“You’re so beautiful… I can’t believe your mine sometimes…” he whispered against the delicate skin of her throat before kissing up it until he’d once again reached her lips. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, Nathan… I am yours and you’re mine,” she told him, her voice steady and firm. Wanting to get back to the playful atmosphere and not have things be too serious, she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and tugged on it with her teeth before releasing it with a pop and saying, “Now, take the rest of your clothes off before I do it for you.”

Nathan laughed and burying his face in the hollow of her neck, he blew raspberries against her skin. “Yes, Ma’am.” Pushing himself off of her, he stood up and quickly stripped off what remained of his clothing and then made to climb on top of her.

“Wait! Can you take off my shoes?” Haley asked, nodding her head towards her feet.

“Sure.” Running his hands up and down her slender, toned legs, he took hold of the foot closest to him and made short work of removing them before doing the same to the other one. He climbed on top of her, loving the feel of her almost nude body beneath his and grabbing the hem of her camisole, he removed it completely, tossing the garment over the side of the bed.

Rolling around in their large bed, Nathan let her rest on top of him for a few moments before her teasing touches became too much to bear and he flipped them over, taking control. He kissed her hard, plunging his tongue deep inside her mouth and mimicking what his lower body would soon be doing to her. His hands cupped and kneaded her breasts, tugging on the sensitive nubs of flesh that topped them and resulting in him drawing the most erotic sounds out of her.

One of Haley’s hands trailed down from its place on his shoulder, lovingly caressing his chest, abs and lower stomach as it did so before wrapping around the hard, throbbing length that was pressed against her. The kiss they were currently embroiled in become even hotter, their tongues tangling furiously for dominance as her fingers stroked him up and down, collecting the precum that was already leaking from the tip and using the moisture to aid her ministrations.

He growled deep in the back of his throat which reverberated through her as the kiss continued. They only parted when the need for air became too urgent to ignore and they panted heavily as they sucked in large lungfuls of air. Burying his face into the side of her neck, Nathan breathed in her unique scent as his hips began a slow grind against hers, his cock sliding along her slick folds, the base of it bumping her clit on each upstroke.

Haley dug her fingernails into his shoulders as the sensations became almost too strong to bear and wrapping her legs even tighter around his hips, she tipped her pelvis back slightly to encourage him to finally enter her. She was desperate to feel him inside of her and she thought she’d go insane if he made her wait any longer.

“Nathan… Please!” she pleaded.

Knowing how close he was to the edge, Nathan wrapped his hand around hers which was still stroking his cock and he placed himself at her entrance. Covering her mouth with his own, he kissed her oh-so-slowly as he pushed inside her, loving the tight, wet heat that suddenly surrounded him.

Their movements were unhurried…languid as they savoured the feel of each other and the knowledge that there wouldn’t be any interruptions. There wouldn’t be the sound of tiny feet running towards them and their bedroom door suddenly being flung open as a warm little body tried to climb into bed with them. Jamie hadn’t quite caught the hang of knocking before entering his parents’ bedroom despite their eagerness for him to pick it up.

Haley clutched at Nathan’s biceps, her hips grinding against his and meeting him thrust for thrust. Tipping her head back into the pillows, she nipped at his throat, sucking on his Adam’s apple before grazing the bump with her teeth. The heels of her feet dug into the small of his back as she spurred him on. Moving her lips to his ear, she told him how he made her feel, how much she loved him, how much she loved the sensation of him deep inside of her.

Nathan’s breathing became even more ragged as he listened to the descriptive words she was whispering into his ear, telling him in great detail how he made her feel when he was making love to her. Turning his head slightly to the side, he captured her mouth and kissed her, pouring everything he felt for her into it and telling her without words that he felt the exact same way about her as she did about him.

Feeling the telltale tingle in his lower spine, he sped up the movement of his hips, thrusting into her even harder and making sure to grind against her clit in an attempt to get her to climax with him. Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers as he continued rocking into her and sliding his hand between their sweat-slick bodies, he began rubbing her clit with the slightly calloused pad of his thumb.

Tightening her thighs around him, Haley gasped loudly as the tight coil in her belly finally snapped and she squeezed her feminine muscles around him as her body seemed to shatter into another bone-meltingly powerful orgasm. White noise rushed through her ears while a multitude of stars burst behind her eyelids.

She could feel the tension in Nathan’s body as he hurtled towards his own climax and forcing her eyes open, she watched as every emotion played across his handsome face until he finally seized up, holding still as he came inside her. When his arms gave out and he collapsed on top of her, she savoured the feel of him pressed flush against her, her hands wandering all over his skin, her fingers gliding along due to the perspiration their activities had caused.

Loosening her legs from around him, Haley ran her toes along one muscular calf and she felt rather than heard his chuckle.

“Give me a few minutes, babe,” Nathan mumbled against her shoulder where his face was currently resting.

“I’m just rubbing your leg,” she said, running her fingers along the back of his neck.

“Believe me, where you’re concerned, even that gets me going,” he told her. His mouth began kissing a trail from her shoulder, taking the time to suckle on her collarbone before working his way upwards until he’d again arrived at her lips.

“I thought you said you needed a few minutes,” Haley said, giggling when she felt him grow hard against her stomach. “Seems like you’re fully recharged.”

Pressing open-mouthed kisses along her jaw-line, Nathan joined in with her laughter as he rocked his hips against hers; his reward a loud moan that seemed to come from the very depths of her soul. Reaching down, he ran a hand down the long length of her leg, bringing it high across his hip and opening her up even wider. He slid home effortlessly and his eyes practically rolled into the back of his head at the way she was writhing beneath him, her fingertips digging into his back as she met each stroke and her muscles clenching rhythmically around his cock as she tried to keep him inside of her as he withdrew.

“Fuck!” he groaned when she suddenly began rotating her hips in a circular motion, creating a new sensation. “Don’t stop!”

Reaching a hand behind her head, Haley gripped one of the wooden slats of the headboard, needing something solid to hang on to as Nathan pounded into her relentlessly. Her voice got louder and louder and she couldn’t contain her scream when she suddenly, and without warning, climaxed again. Using the headboard for leverage, she thrust against him hard, trying to coax him into his next orgasm and she succeeded when a few seconds later he spilled himself deep within her, her name falling from his lips.

After several minutes had passed and both of them had managed to catch their breaths, Nathan rolled off of her and wrapping an arm around her waist, pulled her closer to him so she was tucked up against him, her head resting on his chest.

“This is definitely going down as one of the best birthdays ever!” Haley exclaimed, tilting her head up and looking at her husband with a big smile on her face.

“I’ll say.” Lowering his head just as she pushed herself up his body, they shared a long, leisurely kiss; Haley’s fingers drawing lazy patterns on his chest. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with for mine.”

“Mmm, I’ll have to get my thinking cap on, then.” Snuggling back into him, she asked, “So, you worked up enough of an appetite for dinner?”

“Uh huh, I’m starving.”

“C’mon, let’s go and eat.” Getting out of bed, Haley went to grab her robe when Nathan stopped her. “What?”

“Wear what you had on when I first came home.”

Blushing, she nodded her head and went over to pick up the camisole from where it had fallen on the floor and slipped it on over her head. “You want me to wear the shoes, too?”

“Nah, just that will do,” he told her, pulling on his boxers before walking over to where she was standing. Drawing her in closer, he kissed her hungrily, his fingers lacing together with hers.

Hand in hand, they left their bedroom and headed towards the kitchen and Haley laughed when she saw all the food he had brought home. “You think that’s enough?” she teased.

“I figured I’d get extra so we’d have some for tomorrow which means no cooking and which also means we get to fool around for longer before Jamie gets back home.”

Cupping his face between her palms, she smiled and said, “You’re too good for me, you know that?”

“You’re too good for me,” he said, his tone having turned serious.

She shook her head and amended, “We’re good for each other.”

“Yeah, we are.”

Pulling him down to her, Haley kissed him softly before reluctantly retreating. “C’mon, let’s eat so we can get to burning off all these calories.”

Nathan laughed as he watched her begin piling food onto her plate. “Looks like I’m in for a long night.”

“You complaining?” she asked, pausing in what she was doing and looking up at him.

“What do you think?” he replied, one eyebrow raised and a smirk tugging at his lips.

Handing him a plate of food, Haley grinned as she watched him start eating. Oh, he was definitely right in thinking it was going to be a long night, she thought to herself as she joined him in eating. And she couldn’t wait to get started.


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