Another Step Forward

Title: Another Step Forward

Author: Diane

Fandom: One Tree Hill

Characters: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: 20 - Protection

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This story is a sequel to ‘Moving Forward’. It’s set after episode 1x19 'How Can You Be Sure' but before 1x22 'The Games That Play Us' and is a sort of AU scenario compared to what we got in those in between episodes. To be on the safe side, I’m rating this as ‘Adult’ as it does contain stronger scenes and language of a sexual nature than its predecessor.

Summary: She couldn’t remember a time she had felt more nervous and she knew the longer she stayed in the bathroom, the more nervous she would feel so, taking one last deep breath, she reached out her hand and turned the door handle.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for my fanfic table at 25fluffyfics. As mentioned above, this is a sequel and as it continues from where the other one left off, it will help to read the other story first.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Haley took long, deep breaths as she fought to calm herself down. The flirty banter of less than ten minutes ago had seemingly evaporated as she’d changed out of her clothes and into Nathan’s borrowed button-down shirt. The garment was swimming on her, covering her just past her thighs and she’d had to roll up the sleeves a little as they were hanging over her hands.

She couldn’t remember a time she had felt more nervous and she knew the longer she stayed in the bathroom, the more nervous she would feel so, taking one last deep breath, she reached out her hand and turned the door handle.

Nathan had already gotten changed and was already under the covers by the time Haley came out and his breath caught in his throat as his eyes took her in. His shirt looked awesome on her and as his gaze lowered to her chest, not missing the tantalizing line of her cleavage, he felt his heart rate speed up at seeing the slightly darker circles of her aureoles through the thin, pale blue fabric.

Chewing on her bottom lip, Haley slowly advanced towards him, her mind working overtime as she wondered what, if anything, he was wearing beneath the covers. She released a quiet sigh of relief when he pulled the covers back for her and she saw the flash of his blue plaid boxers.

“You okay?” Nathan asked, not really understanding why he felt so nervous all of a sudden.

“Uh huh,” she replied, making herself comfortable in his large bed. Turning over onto her side, she propped herself up on her elbow, her head resting in her hand. “Do you feel tired?” Her voice had a teasing lilt to it and she bit her lip to stop herself from laughing out loud.

“Not even close,” he told her, shifting over onto his side so that he was facing her. His fingers trailed over her cheek before cupping it in his palm and drawing her in for a kiss. Her soft, pliant lips yielded beneath his, moving in sync with him as he practically devoured her, pouring everything he felt for her into that one kiss. The breathy sighs and moans he was being rewarded with were sending his senses into a tailspin and moving his hand from where it was cupping the back of her head to her waist, he held her tightly to him as he maneuvered her over onto her back before covering her with his own body.

Haley ran her hands all over his back and shoulders, her blunt fingernails digging into his skin when his lips found that sensitive spot just behind her ear. She could feel his hardness pressing into her and despite the resultant blush that warmed her cheeks, she felt proud that she could have that effect on him.

Nathan moaned against her neck when one of Haley’s hands slipped between them and began stroking his stomach, playing with the fine trail of hair that led beneath his boxers. He held his breath to see if she’d go any further… While he didn’t want her to feel pressured into doing anything she wasn’t ready for, he desperately wanted to feel her delicate fingers touching him.

She toyed with his waistband, wanting to delve beneath the soft cotton but feeling apprehensive at the same time.

“Hales… You don’t have to d—”

His words were cut off when her hand suddenly slipped beneath the elastic and her fingers wrapped around his hardened length. A deep groan tore from his throat as she slowly began pumping him up and down and his fingers gripped the pillow beside her head. Fuck! What she was doing felt so damn good!

“I-Is this okay?” Haley asked nervously.

“Uh huh,” he managed to choke out. His eyes were squeezed shut as his hips thrust forward into her hand. “Don’t stop… Please…”

She felt her temperature spike at his pleading and, without thinking about what she was doing, she speeded up her movements.

“Ohhh… God, yes!” Bracing his weight on his arms, Nathan lowered his head and covered her lips with his own, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Their kisses were frenzied… frantic… their need to devour each other overwhelming in its intensity.

“Nathan…” she moaned, the fingers of her free hand holding on tightly to his bicep. She felt hot and achy all over… Her nipples were diamond hard and were throbbing as was another part of her body. “Touch me,” she whispered against his lips seconds later when they’d broken the kiss to breathe in much needed air.

“Where?” he asked, wanting to make sure they were on the same page, although the fact she was still stroking his dick kind of clued him in that they were.

“Anywhere,” Haley told him, her toes rubbing up and down his bare leg.

Rubbing his nose against hers, he smiled at her and said, “Okay.” His fingers slowly unbuttoned her shirt and his smile grew wider when her bare breasts came into view. Pushing the sides of the shirt further apart to give himself better access, he covered one of the soft mounds with his hand, loving the feel of her warm flesh, her hard nipple grazing along the centre of his palm.

Her eyes fluttered shut as he touched her… His large hand covering her whole breast, kneading it gently. When he tugged and pinched her sensitive nipple, she felt a jolt of pure lust shoot directly to her core. A few moments later, she felt the bed shift and opening her eyes, she saw his intense gaze locked on her as he parted his lips and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

She gasped and moaned as he continued to suck, lick and gently bite her breasts in turn and releasing her hold on his erection, she gripped his shoulders. His skin felt hot to the touch which, for some reason, made her feel even hotter still. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip as her hips began undulating against his.

“N-Nathan… I… I—”

“What?” he asked before licking a hot stripe between the valley of her breasts and then taking her mouth in a scorching hot kiss.

“I need more,” Haley mumbled when she’d caught her breath.

“How much more? I need to know we’re on the same page, Hales, ‘cause the last thing I want is for you to regret anything we do,” Nathan told her, his fingers caressing her cheek.

“I won’t,” she replied, covering his hand with her own and giving it a little squeeze. “I… I know I’m not ready to, um, go all the way…” Her skin flushed pink as she spoke and her eyes darted away from his.

“I know,” he said before suggesting, “How about we just keep doing what we’re doing and see what happens?”

Moving her hand to the back of his head, Haley directed his mouth back to hers. “Okay,” she whispered before taking his lower lip between her teeth and tugging on it gently.

Slanting his mouth over hers, Nathan deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue inside to tangle playfully with her own. Her taste was intoxicating and he couldn’t seem to get enough of it. His hands wandered all over her upper body, pushing the fabric of her shirt down and off her shoulders, lifting her up slightly so he could get rid of it completely. Their bodies were pressed tightly together and he loved the gentle scrape of her nipples rubbing against his chest.

Haley’s arms and legs were wrapped around him, holding him closely to her, her fingers threading through his thick, dark hair. When his hand slipped between them and he began caressing her through her panties, she gasped and her body shivered with a combination of arousal and anticipation of what he would do next.

“Is this okay?” he murmured into her hear, his breath moist against her skin.

She couldn’t even speak so instead nodded her head and ground her hips into his hand, hoping that was answer enough for him which it seemed to be given the slight added pressure he was now using. When his mouth trailed down her neck and latched onto her pulse, she moaned breathlessly and placing both hands either side of his head, she pulled him up for another all consuming kiss.

Her body felt like it was on fire… All thought and reason had flown out of the window and all she wanted was him and this delicious torture he was bestowing upon her. Nothing had ever felt this good!

Haley changed her mind about that a second later when Nathan pulled her panties to the side and was now stroking her wet, bare flesh with his index and middle fingers. What he was doing now felt even better than before and reaching behind her, she grabbed the headboard, seeking purchase, and held on tightly as her lower body rocked at a faster pace against his slightly calloused fingers, the delicious friction sending shivers up and down her spine and making her toes curl.

“You’re so wet, baby,” Nathan whispered against the tender skin of her throat before sucking a patch of it into his mouth, wanting to mark her. His thumb circled her clit as he continued sliding his fingers in and out of her, loving the feel of her sheath clenching around him, trying to keep him from withdrawing. Her body was so soft beneath his… so warm and pliant and just watching her was pushing him close to the edge. She wasn’t even touching him and he was already on the brink of orgasm. God only knew what would happen when they finally made love… He’d probably die from an overdose of pleasure or something, he thought to himself with a smile.

Sensing how close Haley was to her own orgasm, he carefully eased a third finger inside of her and watched as her lips formed an ‘o’ of surprise. “Is that too much?” he asked, holding still as he waited for her reply.

She shook her head. “No… Don’t stop… Please don’t stop, Nathan!”

His lips found hers again and he kissed her hotly as his hand started moving again, his pace slowly increasing and causing her to pant heavily. Kissing his way down her body, he suckled each of her nipples in turn before moving lower still and swiping the flat of his tongue over her clit which had her hips arching right off the bed.


He was just about to ask her if she wanted him to stop when she beat him to it.

“Don’t you dare stop!”

Chuckling against her skin, his lips tugged upwards into his trademark smirk and he repeated his previous action. The tip of his tongue traced idle patterns over the sensitive little bundle of nerve endings and he had to place his hand over her lower stomach to help keep her steady. He was rubbing himself against the mattress as he lavished her with his undivided attention, desperate to feel some friction, too.

A few moments later when he suckled the little nub and crooked his fingers forward, Haley screamed his name as she suddenly climaxed, her juices coating his hand.

Nathan continued licking her through her orgasm, wanting to prolong the sensations for as long as possible. Her breathing was ragged and he couldn’t help smiling at the fact he was responsible for the way she was looking and sounding at that very moment.

Haley watched with heavy-lidded eyes as he slowly removed his fingers from her, a sound of displeasure escaping her lips at the sense of loss she suddenly felt. Her eyes stayed on him as he began kissing his way up her body and as soon as he was within her reach, she grabbed him and pulled him forward so that she could kiss him again, tasting herself on his lips.

She ran her hands all over him, everywhere she could reach. The feel of his strong muscles sliding around beneath his smooth, tanned skin… God, he felt so good… He made her feel so good… so beautiful.

Cupping his face between her palms, she fought to catch her breath and once she had, she said, “I love you, Nathan.”

Her words had him smiling down at her. “I love you, too… So much.” Sealing his lips over hers, he kissed her soft and slow, his tongue exploring every nook and cranny of her mouth, memorizing the taste and feel of her for those times when he was alone.

Nathan growled into her open mouth when her slim fingers slipped beneath the waistband of the boxers he still wore and wrapped around his cock. “Y-You don’t have t—”

“I want to,” she interrupted. “I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel.”

“You already make me feel good,” he told her.

She gave him a soft smile before saying, “Turn over.”

Seeing the determined look in her eyes, he did as requested and rolled over so that he was now lying on his back with her kneeling beside him. His eyes roamed all over her, watching the way she was biting her lip to the rise and fall of her full, pert breasts with each breath she took.

Gesturing to his boxers, she asked, “Can I... um... take them off?”

He nodded eagerly as his hands clenched and unclenched the fabric of his comforter. Raising his hips to aid her in removing his underwear, he watched her toss them over the side of the bed before her gaze locked on his throbbing erection.

After what seemed like an eternity but in reality was probably less than a minute, Haley reached out her hand and wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock, the way she had done previously but the fact he could now see what she was doing definitely made a big difference.

Nathan’s breathing was laboured as he watched her hand move up and down at a torturously slow pace before she circled the head and spread the moisture that had gathered there at the tip. “H-Haley… Faster! Do it faster!” he instructed.

Knowing he was enjoying what she was doing to him had her feeling less nervous and complying with his request, she sped up her movements, keeping her eyes on his face and watching as it contorted with the pleasure he was experiencing at her hand.

The pressure was building for him stroke by delicious stroke and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out for. One hand was still gripping the comforter while the other was now bent behind his head holding on tightly to his pillow. He thought he heard himself yell as she alternated between stroking him and rolling his balls in her palm. All thoughts left his mind as he concentrated on the feel of her slick hand moving up and down and he couldn’t help closing his eyes as the sensations became too much for him. With a final shout of her name, he came all over her hand. His breathing was heavy and he took deep breaths to calm his racing heart.

Opening his eyes slowly, he was greeted by the sight of Haley licking her fingers as she watched him and despite having just climaxed, he felt himself harden again at her actions. He made to sit up but she quickly placed a hand on his chest preventing him from moving. “Haley?”

Her face was flushed red as she forced herself to ask the question. “D-Do you have… anything?”

A wave of excitement washed over him at what he thought she was saying but, like before, he needed to make sure they were talking about the same thing. “What are you saying?”

Scooting forward, she threw one of her legs over him so that she was straddling his waist and leaning into him, she brushed her lips against his. Much of her earlier nervousness had vanished and everything they had done so far tonight made her feel so… alive and she didn’t want that feeling to end. “I want more, Nathan… I-I think I’m ready to—”

Pushing himself up onto his elbows, he seized her mouth in a dirty, voracious kiss, cutting off what she had been about to say. Right now, all he wanted to do was flip them over, rip off her underwear and plunge inside her hot, silky depths but he knew he couldn’t. Despite what she was saying, he was pretty sure she wasn’t ready to take that final step with him and, like he’d told her earlier, the last thing he wanted was for her to ever regret anything that happened between them.

Carefully turning them over, Nathan braced his weight on his side and with his free hand, he cupped her cheek, loving the way she leaned into his touch. “I’m not sure we’re ready, Haley…”


“You said you think you’re ready but those words kinda make me think that maybe you’re not quite there yet and that’s okay. It’s more than okay, baby.”


“Yeah,” he said, smiling at her and hoping to reassure her. “Besides, I’m discovering that the journey is just as fun as the, uh, final destination.”

Giggling, Haley swatted his chest. “You’re so cheesy!”

“Hey, I resent that!”

“Seriously though, you’re okay with waiting… I mean, after what we just did. It’s not going to make things…”

“What, harder?”

She blushed furiously at his words but found herself nodding her head.

“I’m fine with waiting especially since I’ve got a feeling I might not be waiting all that long,” he quipped before turning more serious. “I love you, Haley, and that’s not going to change just because we’re not sleeping together. When we do make love, I want it to be something you’re completely ready for and that you won’t look back on with regret or mixed feelings.”

“That would never happen, Nathan,” she promised.

Popping a kiss onto her lips, he smiled. “Good ‘cause I’d hate it if it did. Anyway, now we’ve, uh, moved things forward a bit, I don’t think the waiting’s going to be too much of a problem,” he teased.

“Mmm, I think you might be right,” she agreed, raising her face towards him to meet his kiss. “Just out of curiosity though, do you have any, uh, protection?”

“Believe it or not but no, I don’t.” Seeing the surprised look on his girlfriend’s face, he explained. “I kinda figured that if I didn’t have any condoms here, it would maybe stop things from going too far and have us giving into temptation.”

“Maybe you should get some…” Haley suggested, her eyes lowering to his lips before meeting his gaze once more. “Just in case.”

The intense look she was giving him combined with the feel of her dainty toes running up and down his calf had him groaning into her neck, her silky auburn hair tickling his nose. “You really are trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

“What, I’m just saying… It’s better to be prepared, right?”

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts. Just because we’ve got them doesn’t mean we have to use them right away.” Running her hands through his hair, her eyes darkened as she spoke. “The way you make me feel, Nathan... I know you’re going to be my first... I want you to be my first.”

Her words were making Nathan’s heart beat wildly in his chest and closing the tiny gap between them and positioning his body over hers again, he kissed her hard, telling her without words how he felt about her. “God, Hales…”

“So, you’ll get some?”

“Uh huh,” he replied a moment later as he savoured the feel of her hands stroking all over his chest. “I’ll buy some tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” she murmured, pressing a kiss onto his cheek and then pulling him down so he was lying beside her.

“There’s no need to thank me… Believe me,” he said, giving her a wink which made them both laugh.

Grabbing the comforter which was hanging off the bed, they straightened it out and pulled it over themselves as they snuggled together and got comfortable with Haley lying on her side with Nathan spooning behind her, his arm wrapped around her and resting on her tummy. He’d half expected her to grab his discarded shirt to sleep in but she seemed happy to sleep in just her underwear so he decided to keep quiet.

“Sweet dreams, Nathan,” she whispered quietly, breaking the silence.

“Oh, I think I’ll be having some very sweet dreams tonight,” he told her, his thumb caressing the underside of her breast.

“Hmm, me too,” she agreed.

Wrapped in each other, their breathing soon evened out and they fell fast asleep, their dreams filled by one another and what hopefully lay ahead for them.


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