Birthday Wishes

Title: Birthday Wishes

Author: Diane

Pairing: Logan/Veronica

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is a future fic but doesn't make mention of any specific episodes. Contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Logan and Veronica celebrate his birthday…

Author’s Note: This was written in response to the “Gift of Love" challenge at loveathons. Cheesy fluff is what I love and so this is what I’ve written.

Sitting on the countertop in the bathroom, Veronica smiled at her husband who was standing in front of her, shaving foam covering half of his face while he ran a razor over it. Holding out her hand, she gestured for him to give her the instrument and she chuckled at his slight hesitation.

“C’mon baby, you know I’ll be careful.”

Handing it over, Logan smirked and placed both of his hands on her warm upper thighs, pushing the shirt of his she was wearing up even higher.

“Be careful with those hands, buddy, unless you want me to cut you.”

His hands stilled except for the occasional movement when he felt the need to feel her silky soft skin more fully. He couldn’t help smiling at the look of utter concentration of her face as she shaved him.

“So, are you excited for your birthday?” she asked when she dipped the razor into the sink to rinse off the collected foam.

He took the opportunity of letting his hands roam even higher, fingering the edge of her satin panties when they came into contact with the fabric. Chuckling, he replied, “I’m excited to know what you got me.” Each year she bought him two gifts; one was something he could show in polite company while the other…was not, and each year when he believed she wouldn’t be able to outdo the previous year she always managed to do just that.

“You say that every year and--”

“So? I can’t wait to see what my other gift is this year.”

“How do you know you’ll be getting two this time? I could decide that now we’ve been together for six years that there’s no longer any need to keep you on your toes.”

Logan laughed. “Riiight! You know as well as I do that I’ll always keep you on your toes, baby.”

“Okay, you need to shush now if you don’t want me cutting you,” she told him as she brought the razor up to his face and tried not to laugh. One thing she knew for certain when it came to her very hot and very sexy husband, he would certainly keep her on her toes and she didn’t want that to change. Ever.

Logan went back to stroking her upper thighs, revelling in the softness of her skin. He felt the urge to smile when she poked her tongue out as she focused on the task in hand. Whatever she did she always looked cute doing it…not to mention hot. His hand inched around her waist to her ass and he kneaded the firm flesh through her panties.



The innocent look on his face made her laugh. “Don’t give me that look, Echolls.”

“And what look might that be?”

“The butter wouldn’t melt look because you know it doesn’t work on me.”

“Really? ‘Cos if I remember correctly, that look worked pretty well last night and the night before and…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Veronica interrupted. “For your information, I was just letting you think it worked.”

Feigning shock, he took a step back and placed a hand on his chest over his heart. “Honey, you wound me.”

She tilted her head to one side as she forced herself not to laugh at his antics. “Aww, want me to make it better?”

“I don’t know… It depends on what you have in mind,” he said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Has anyone ever told you you have a dirty mind?”

“Constantly and I just happen to be looking at her.”

Before she could react, he swooped in and covered her mouth with his, kissing her hotly. He took advantage of her slightly parted lips and slipped his tongue past them to tangle wetly with hers. Without breaking the kiss, he managed to remove the razor from her hand and toss it onto the counter so that both their hands were free and he made short work of unbuttoning her shirt. While his lips devoured hers, his hands came up to cup her breasts and he gently kneaded them, loving the way they filled his palms perfectly.

Veronica ran her hands up and down her husband’s bare back and shoulders and, wrapping her legs around his hips, she pulled him in even closer to the cradle of her body which resulted in a tiny gasp leaving her throat as she felt his rock hard erection pressing against her. As best as she could given her position on the countertop, she rubbed herself against him while desperately wanting to feel him inside of her. One of her hands slipped from its place on his shoulder and she brought it down to teasingly play with the waistband of his black boxers before slipping it inside and grabbing a handful of his ass. She felt rather than heard the deep moan he released into her mouth and moving her hand to his front, she wrapped her fingers around his hardened length and began stroking it up and down.

“Ohhhh…god…Veronica…” Logan choked out. He was practically holding his breath as her hand slowly worked him over. For his part, his hands were still massaging her breasts but now his fingers were tweaking and pinching her nipples.

“You feel so good, baby… So hard… I can’t wait for you to be inside me,” she told him as she kept her gaze locked on his. His beautiful dark eyes had darkened with lust and she felt a shiver run through her entire body at the intense way he was watching her. Her core was practically throbbing in anticipation.

One of his hands slipped lower and he caressed her flat stomach before moving lower still and touching her through her underwear. He could feel the wetness seeping through the fabric and he smiled wolfishly. Leaning in, he again seized her lips and kissed her long and hard at the same time as his fingers pulled her panties to one side and he thrust two fingers inside of her. The sensation of her muscles clenching around the digits almost made him cum in her hand that was still working him but he just about managed to retain control.

“You’re so wet and tight…” he panted harshly against her lips as he fought to catch his breath.

Veronica’s head fell back and with one hand gripping the countertop, she rocked herself against his hand as she felt the first stirrings of her orgasm beginning in the pit of her belly. The feelings grew stronger and stronger as her lower body moved faster and just when she felt it was about to hit, Logan stopped what he was doing and removed his fingers from within her.

“No! Don’t stop! Please!”

“Are you begging?” he couldn’t help but tease her and he smirked at the pout that graced her beautiful features.

“In your dreams, Echolls.”

“Always.” As quick as a flash, he stripped off his boxers, kicking them to one side and placing his hands on each of her hips, he pulled her off the counter and pushed her up against the nearest wall where he thrust inside of her in one deep stroke.

She gasped loudly at that initial thrust, loving the way they fit together so perfectly and her fingers gripped his shoulders hard, her fingernails drawing half-moons on his skin. Her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist, her heels digging into his ass as he pounded away. Lips sought each other out and tongues duelled and stroked as they each revelled in the feeling of their bodies being joined. It didn’t matter how many times they did this; that first thrust when he would embed himself inside of her always felt like the very first time they had made love.

Logan forced himself to open his eyes, wanting to see Veronica’s face when she climaxed. She had been so close before and he knew that it wouldn’t take too long before she finally flew over the edge. One of his hands slipped between them and using his thumb, he circled her clit lazily before adding a little more pressure.

The little gasps and moans that caused made his lips curve up into a smirk and his heart raced wildly in chest when her eyes fluttered open and she regarded him. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she so obviously concentrated on that elusive orgasm. Shifting his position slightly meant that his pubic bone hit her clit on every down-stroke and it also meant that his hands were once again free to roam all over her sweat slicked body.

Pressing his lips against hers, he kissed her softly before kissing a path across to her ear where he sucked the lobe into his mouth and then grazed his teeth against it. He moved down slightly and sucked on a patch of her salty skin, determined to leave his mark. When he drew back slightly, a thrill shot through him as he saw the purplish mark he had just created.

“H-Harder…please Logan!”

In compliance with her request, he withdrew his cock until only the tip was inside and without warning, he thrust back inside and repeated the motion over and over. With just a few more strokes, she exploded around him, her feminine muscles first clenching and then fluttering around him seductively.

Slowing his pace, he continued thrusting inside of her and when her hand slid down his chest and stomach to circle the base of his cock, he couldn’t hold back any longer and he came, her name falling from his lips in a chant. Lowering his head, he buried it in the nook between her neck and shoulder and he took deep breaths as he felt his body begin to calm down. Her gentle hands rubbed his back and shoulders in a soothing motion which helped relax his body to the point where he felt he could no longer stand.

“That was--”

“I know,” she interrupted, a big smile on her face.

“I feel like taking a nap now,” he told her as he moved to intertwine his fingers with hers.

“We’re supposed to be going out shopping.”

“Do we have to?”

“I-I guess not. I’ve pretty much gotten everything for your birthday dinner tonight so--”

“So we can go back to bed?”

“Now, why is it I don’t think you’re talking about taking a nap all of a sudden?”

“Now who’s got the dirty mind?” he threw back.

Burying her fingers in his thick hair, Veronica smiled at him before leaning forward and kissing him softly. Cupping the back of his head, she held him steady as her mouth moved over his in a way that had him breaking out in goosebumps.

“I guess you caught me,” she said teasingly.

“Back to bed, then?”

“Maybe we should have a shower first?”

“Later…much later,” he told her as he tightened his hold on her and carried her out of the bathroom and back into their bedroom, the sound of their laughter echoing around the room.

* * * * *

“Hmm, maybe we should do this for my birthday from now on,” Logan said as he brought Veronica’s fingers up to his mouth and licked the chocolate frosting from his cake off of them.

While they had eaten dinner downstairs, they had brought his chocolate birthday cake upstairs where they had eaten it in bed, feeding pieces of the gooey confection to each other.

She bit her lip as she watched his lips sucking on her fingers and she felt a part of herself tighten in response. “Maybe we should.”

His lips found hers and he kissed them, softly at first but the passion soon intensified. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and he could taste the chocolate that lingered there combined with the subtle taste of the champagne they had drunk with it. Breaking the kiss to breathe in some air, he rubbed his nose against hers. “Thanks for my gift,” he said gesturing to the white gold watch that now adorned his wrist. Although he could tell it was expensive, it wasn’t over the top and flashy which suited him perfectly since his style had definitely changed as he had grown older.

“You’re welcome. I saw you looking at it a few weeks ago so you made gift buying a little easier for me this year.”

“Well, I aim to please,” he told her with a grin, popping a kiss onto the corner of her mouth. “So, where’s my other gift?” As he watched her face, he saw that she suddenly looked nervous and unsure and he frowned. “Hey, what is it?”

“Um, I-I…I’m not sure how--”

Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he brought her in closer to his body. Taking her hand in his free one, he interlaced their fingers and stroked his thumb across the tops of her knuckles. “It’s okay if you didn’t get me another gift this year… I was only kidding about that.”

Veronica shook her head. “No, it’s not that. I guess you could say I’ve gotten you three gifts this year.”

“Wow! I must have been a good boy,” he teased, trying to ease the tension he could feel in her body.

Shifting slightly, she turned and opened the drawer of her nightstand and removed a gift-wrapped box from inside it and after shutting the drawer, she turned back to face him. “I-I think you’ll like it,” she said, biting her lip as she finally handed it to him and she could feel her nerves jangling as she anxiously waited for him to open it.

Ripping the paper off, he held the white box in his palms for a moment as he wondered what it could be that would have Veronica so nervous about it. Removing the lid, he saw a folded piece of paper inside and taking it out, he unfolded it and saw their doctor’s details across the top of it. His breath caught in his throat as he read what it said and gripping the paper in his hand, he turned to look at her and he saw the tears in her eyes and the smile tugging at her lips.

“You’re… We’re…”

Veronica nodded her head. “Uh huh. We’re going to have a baby,” she told him before cupping his face between her palms and bringing his face closer to hers so she could kiss him.

Logan’s hands tightened around her waist as he held her tightly and kissed her with every ounce of love he felt for her. After breaking the kiss, he asked, “When did you find out? I mean, why didn’t you tell me you suspected?”

“I wasn’t sure and after the last time we thought we were…well, I didn’t want to tell you until I knew for absolute certain. I was going to use one of those home tests again but in the end I decided to just make an appointment to see Doctor Warner and she confirmed it. I wanted to tell you as soon as I got home the other day but…”


“I thought it would make a great birthday present for you,” she told him while her fingers stroked over the back of his neck and played with the hair at his nape. “You’re not mad that I waited, are you?”

One hand came up to cup her cheek and he shook his head. “No, I’m not mad. How could I be mad? You’ve made this into the best birthday ever,” he said, the grin on his face widening even more. “So, when do you think it happened?”

“Well, I’m almost six weeks gone so I’d say it was probably the last night of our vacation in Hawaii.”

“Nice,” he said teasingly which earned him a playful slap on his shoulder. “Have you told anyone else?”

“Nope. I wanted you to be the first one to know and I figured we could tell everyone else together once I’ve had my twelve week scan. I just don’t want to jinx anything, you know.”

“I know.” He hugged her to him knowing only too well what she was talking about. They had been trying for a baby for almost a year now and it had only been a few months ago that she had thought she was pregnant and the knowledge that it was a false alarm had upset her—and him—greatly. With confirmation of her pregnancy, he was prepared to do whatever it was she wanted and let her take the driving seat.

“Wait a second, you had champagne earlier on?”

Veronica giggled. “I only had a tiny sip to celebrate your birthday and that’s it. You know I haven’t been drinking since we decided to try for a baby so I don’t think one little sip will have done any harm.”

“Okay, if you say so.” His fingers threaded through her long, silky hair as he kissed the top of her head. “Anyway, where’s the final part of my present? Don’t think I’ve forgotten.”

“Would I do a thing like that?” she told him, getting out of bed wearing only his earlier discarded shirt and walking over to her closet. Opening the doors, she reached onto the top shelf and retrieved a flat gift-wrapped package which, upon returning to the bed, she handed to him.

Logan made short work of ripping away the paper and pulling the lid off the box and he practically swallowed his tongue when he saw its contents. “You—how did you…”

“You weren’t exactly subtle, honey. Wherever I looked I found that page of the Victoria’s Secret catalogue folded down and this particular item circled so it didn’t exactly take a genius to figure it out. And besides, I did work with my dad for a long time.”

“Damn! And I thought I was being so suave,” he kidded.

He fingered the delicate pink and black silk teddy he had been eyeing in that catalogue for weeks now, knowing it would look a million times better on his wife than it did on the model wearing it.

“Want me to go and put it on?” Veronica offered, raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“You know what, no. Not tonight. I just want it to be us…like this.”

She gave him an almost shy smile as she inched towards him and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth before repeating the action with his top one.

“I love you,” he told her, his hand coming down to rest on her still flat tummy. He felt a warmth spread through him at the knowledge that their child was inside there.

“I love you, too.” Kissing his lips softly, she pulled back before he could deepen it and giving him a tremulous smile, she whispered, “Happy Birthday, Logan.”

Slanting his mouth over hers, he kissed her long and deep before flipping her over so he rested above her, his weight being borne on his forearms. “Thank you, baby.”

Looking into his eyes, she knew he was thanking her for more than his birthday wishes and wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down so their bodies were touching completely. Just before their lips met again, she whispered, “You’re welcome.”


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