Third Time's The Charm

Title: Third Time's The Charm

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an episode extension to 8.06 “Not Afraid” so it'd probably help to watch that first. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Closing the small gap between them, she nuzzled her nose against his before finding his lips and kissing him softly. “Actually,” she added, the corner of her mouth curving upwards into a half-smile, “I know a third thing you're pretty damn great at.”

Author’s Notes: A big thank you goes to the fabulous Kristen for all of her help and reassurances. You rock, sweets!

Slipping off her plum coloured robe and laying it across the armchair in the corner of their bedroom, Haley climbed into bed beside Nathan, turning over onto her side and resting her head in the palm of her hand so that she was facing him. “You know how I said you'd find something else that you'd be great at?”

“Uh huh.”

“Well, I know two things that you're already great at.”

“And what might they be?” he asked even though he had a fairly good idea of what she was going to say.

“You're an amazing husband and father.”

Nathan felt a strong sense of comfort and warmth surround him at hearing her say that and he smiled somewhat shyly at her as he, too shifted over onto his side. “Thank you, Hales.”

Cupping his face, Haley lightly ran her thumb back and forth along his cheekbone. “You're welcome.” Closing the small gap between them, she nuzzled her nose against his before finding his lips and kissing him softly. “Actually,” she added, the corner of her mouth curving upwards into a half-smile, “I know a third thing you're pretty damn great at.”

“Care to elaborate?” he murmured huskily, trailing his fingers along her forearm, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Raising a perfectly arched eyebrow, Haley laughed and shook her head. “How 'bout I show you instead?” Placing the flat of her hand in the middle of his chest, she gently pushed him over so he was lying on his back, propped up against his pillows. Before he could utter a word, she straddled his thighs and leaned towards him, pressing her mouth firmly to his and slipping her tongue between his lips the second he parted them for her.

“I love you so much, baby,” he said, threading his fingers through her blonde tresses and effectively holding her steady. His words seemed to spur her on when, a second later, she tilted her head and deepened the kiss.

“I love you, too,” Haley whispered when she finally drew back to breathe in some much needed air. Keeping her eyes fixed on his baby blues, her hands explored the sculpted planes of his chest before she dived back into the maelstrom and kissed him again; this time, scooting herself forward a little more and grinding her hips into his own. She couldn’t help grinning when she heard his muffled growl.

“You're pretty great at this, too,” Nathan teased, his fingers bunching up her tank top and slipping underneath it to caress her petal-soft skin.

“Mmm,” she mumbled. When the need for air again became too strong to ignore, she began kissing her way down the column of his throat; trailing her tongue over the bump of his Adam's apple before moving lower still and latching onto the base of his neck. She sucked hard on a patch of skin, determined to leave her mark.

Inching her top up even further, he rubbed his slightly calloused palms up and down Haley's back, liking the way she trembled at his touch and pressed herself even closer to him.

As she rocked herself against his erection, Haley felt her temperature soar and she desperately needed to get out of her clothes and feel his naked flesh touching her own. Pushing herself back up into a sitting position, she swiftly pulled her tank top up over her head, tossing it over the side of the bed. Before she had a chance to move forward and resume her previous position, Nathan took the opportunity to strike and he carefully flipped her over onto her back so she was lying on her side of the bed with him on top of her.


“What?” He chuckled at the pout she wore.

“I wanted to be on top,” she told him.

“Oh, don't worry, you will be. But you were moving too slowly for my liking,” he retorted, sliding his thumbs into her white shorts plus the panties she wore beneath them and sliding them down her hips and thighs. Once they were off, he covered her with the entire length of his body, both of them moaning at the feel of their bare skin coming into contact.

“I think you've forgotten something,” Haley teased, pinging the elastic waistband of the boxers he was still wearing.

Dropping butterfly kisses all over her shoulders and suckling on her collarbone, Nathan looked up at her and smirked. “I thought I'd leave those for you.” Moving lower, he swiped the flat of his tongue over her right nipple, making sure to keep his gaze locked on hers as he did so. He didn't fail to notice them turn a shade darker before they fell shut and her head tipped back, her teeth sinking into her plump bottom lip.

“You feel so good, baby,” he said, his voice thick with lust as he continued his journey south. Darting his tongue into her belly button, he laughed lightly - the sound muffled against her skin – when she wriggled beneath him.

“Nathan!” She laughed, clamping her hand over her mouth as she remembered their son who was fast asleep in the room just across from theirs.

He lovingly ran his palms over the swell of her stomach before pressing tender kisses all over it.

“C'mere,” Haley said, holding her arms out to him.

Shaking his head, he replied, “I'm not finished with you yet... not by a long shot.”

“Please,” she begged, busting out the pout again. Whenever Nathan touched or kissed her baby bump, it never failed to turn her on and now was no exception. It was like a fresh burst of hormones had just been released into her system and she was almost buzzing with the anticipation of what was to come.

Complying with her request, he crawled up her body, not missing an opportunity to drop more kisses along her feverish skin before he arrived at her lips.

As soon as he was within reach, Haley's hands fisted in his hair as she kissed him deeply with full tongue, savouring his familiar taste and the feel of him pressing her down into the firm mattress. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she rested her locked ankles in the small of his back while her inner thighs lightly squeezed into his sides.

Nathan was taken by surprise when, a moment later, she managed to flip them over and he was reminded of how she'd been during her last pregnancy. He hadn't christened her “Horny Haley” for nothing.

“What are you smirking about?” she asked him as she divested him of his navy blue boxers.

When she suddenly wrapped her fingers around his cock and began pumping him in her fist, a choked groan was his only response instead of the answer he'd been planning on giving her.

Giggling, Haley straddled his waist and leaned forward, rubbing her breasts against him as she sealed her mouth over his own, stealing his breath. She could feel him pressing hot and hard against her entrance and so, planting her palms in the centre of his chest, she pushed herself into an upright position and raised up onto her knees before lowering herself onto his throbbing erection; sighing at the blissful sensation that washed over her as he filled her to the hilt.

Settling his hands on her waist, Nathan helped her find her rhythm, thrusting his hips up to meet her each time she sank down on him; his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head as she held still for a few seconds and ground herself against his pelvis before sliding up again. He couldn't help digging his fingertips into her skin as the delicious sensations he was experiencing at her ministrations escalated and he knew she'd most likely be sporting bruises come tomorrow, though he didn't think she'd mind.

“God, Nathan... I'm so close...” she whispered several minutes later, hissing when he hit a particularly sensitive spot deep inside her. Placing her hands either side of his head, she fell forward and urgently pressed her lips to his, kissing him hard and when she felt his tongue trace her bottom lip, she immediately opened her mouth, allowing him instant access and she shivered when his tongue twined with hers.

His hands travelled all over her, stroking her back and shoulders before slipping between their sweat-slick bodies and cupping her breasts; his fingers sliding lower to caress the tender pearl of flesh between her thighs.

“Ohhh! Nathan, please…” Her climax was almost within reach but still just out of her grasp and the frustration was growing as she moved harder and faster against him, meeting every one of his thrusts, her hands gripping the pillow supporting his head so hard her knuckles were turning white. She panted heavily as he rubbed her clit and she screamed into his mouth when, a second later, he pinched the sensitive little nub which was her undoing and sent her careening over the edge, white noise rushing through her ears.

Knowing he wasn’t far behind, Haley clenched around him and her name fell from his lips repeatedly, almost like a mantra. She gasped in surprise when, without warning, he rolled them over so he was back on top and she bit her lip to keep from making too much noise when he hooked her thighs over his forearms and pushed them back so he could slide in even deeper. Holding on tightly to his shoulders, she continued squeezing her feminine muscles around his cock like a vice and it only took a few more thrusts for Nathan to spill himself inside of her before he collapsed bonelessly on top of her.

Nathan's face was buried in the crook of her shoulder and turning his head slightly, he kissed her neck, moving upwards to her throat until he hovered over her mouth. “You're amazing,” he whispered huskily, nuzzling his nose against hers before touching his lips to hers.

“Mmm, I could say the same about you,” she replied softly, sifting her fingers through his hair and then running her blunt nails along the back of his neck.

“We should probably get some sleep. It's been a pretty long day.”

“Yeah,” she agreed. Before he could move though, Haley pushed herself up onto her elbows and playfully nibbled on his earlobe. “Did I tell you how hot you looked in your Mad Men suit tonight?”

Nathan moaned in the back of his throat when she flexed her pelvic muscles around him again and, as previously, his breathing grew heavy. “Yeah, I think you might've mentioned it once or twice.”

Pulling him down on top of her so he was again pressing her down into the cool Egyptian cotton sheet, Haley giggled against his cheek before making her way to his mouth and kissing him hotly, flicking her tongue over the inside of his bottom lip. “Hmm, only once or twice? Well, I think third time's the charm... don't you, baby?” she teased.

Flashing her his trademark smirk, Nathan nodded his agreement as he began kissing his way down her body. “Oh, definitely.”


Author's Notes #2: In reference to the mention in my story of Nathan's Halloween costume being from the TV show Mad Men, while that wasn't actually confirmed on the show it's my assumption based on his response to Chase about bourbon being what “Ad men drink”. (For anyone who doesn't know, The TV show is set in an advertising agency in the 1960s.) Just thought I'd explain my reasoning behind it.

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