Making It Official

Title: Making It Official

Author: Diane

Pairing/Category: Nathan/Haley, AU

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: No spoilers as it's an AU fic. The story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Even though Haley was officially moving in today, they had practically been living together ever since their first date. He was either always at her place or she was over here with him and it just seemed the most natural thing to do when he asked her to move in with him after just six months.

Author's Notes: This is a snapshot which fits in between 'Top That' and 'Surprise' in my 'Crash Into You series', and it has been written for The "Moving in" Challenge at nhlovenest. This does work as a stand-alone fic so you don’t necessarily have to read the previous stories in the series to understand what’s going on.

Sitting in the middle of the carpeted floor with her back resting against the couch, Haley James unpacked another one of her boxes, only pausing to look up at her boyfriend when he entered the room with yet another. "Sorry," she mumbled sheepishly.

"What for?"

"I guess I didn't realise just how much stuff I had crammed into my place." Biting her lip, she tilted her head to the side and asked, "Are you regretting asking me to move in with you?"

"No," Nathan replied without any hesitation. "You could have triple the amount of boxes we've already brought in and it wouldn't make any difference." Putting down the box he was still holding, he went over and sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her towards him. He pressed a kiss onto the top of her head and joked, "I love you, even if you do have a lot of crap."

"Hey!" She swatted his chest. "I may have a lot of stuff but it's not crap."

Laughing, he lowered his head to hers and found her lips instantly. "How 'bout we leave the unpacking until tomorrow and have an early night?"

"I don't know, Nathan. We've still got lots to do and we haven't even rearranged the furniture yet or—"

"C'mon, Hales, it's been a really long day."

"You're adorable when you pout, you know that?" That puppy dog face of his always had her caving.

"Yeah, so you've told me. Does the fact I'm so adorable mean I win this time?"

If she was being totally honest, she was feeling pretty damn exhausted. They'd been up since 6am, double-checking that everything was packed and labeled and she'd lost count of how many trips it had taken them both to load up the van they had hired for the day. Her feet were killing her and her body ached all over and she had a feeling Nathan was feeling the exact same way. "Okay, just this once," she teased.

Standing up, Nathan held his hands out for her to take which she automatically did and he gently pulled her up. Before she had a chance to say a word, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into their bedroom. Even though Haley was officially moving in today, they had practically been living together ever since their first date. He was either always at her place or she was over here with him and it just seemed the most natural thing to do when he asked her to move in with him after just six months.

She snuggled into him as he held her and she breathed in his warm, familiar scent which she loved. Grazing his earlobe with her teeth, she whispered, "I'll bet I'll be fast asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow."


Giggling, she tightened her hold on him. "What's the matter, baby? I figured you'd want to go to sleep since, like you said, it's been a reeeaaally long day."

Once inside their room, he dropped her onto their bed and smirked as he watched her bounce. "Yeah, it has but we need to mark the occasion by, you know, christening our bed."

"I thought we already did that the first time I stayed over," she said, her voice taking on a husky tone as she got up onto her knees and shuffled towards him, her fingers playing with the belt loops on his jeans before popping the button and then lowering the zipper on them.

"That was before you'd moved in though and anyway, this is our brand new bed," he informed her. "We need to make it all proper and, well, official."

Releasing a mock sigh, Haley's eyes twinkled with amusement as she quickly removed the yellow tank top she was wearing followed by her bra. "Fine, if you insist."

Nathan's breath caught in his throat when she raised her arms above her head and gently pulled off the scrunchie that was holding her hair up in a messy bun, causing the mass of honey blonde curls to tumble around her shoulders and down her back. "I'm so gonna get you for that," he told her when he eventually came to his senses.

"Promises, promises," she sing-songed as she helped him remove his own clothes. Her eyes roamed all over his naked muscular body as it came into view with each article of clothing he took off and her fingertips literally burned with the need to touch him. She sighed with blissful pleasure when mere seconds later his body covered hers and their mouths fused together. They were practically devouring each other; their tongues tangling playfully as they each fought to gain the upper hand while their hands lovingly explored one another.

Breaking the kiss to breathe in some much needed air, Nathan kissed his way down Haley's throat and neck, his teeth grazing her sensitive skin until his face hovered above her right breast. He smiled lasciviously at her before his head lowered a fraction of an inch and he sucked her warm, pliant flesh into his mouth, earning him a delighted gasp. The feel of her fingernails digging into the tops of his shoulders added a delicious bite to what he was already feeling which was heightened even further when he felt her fingers slip between them to wrap around his erection. He growled into her mouth at the same time as he pushed his hips forward, encouraging her to take more of him into her hand.

"I want you so much," he murmured against her skin, kissing his way upwards to find her lips once more. His fingers threaded through her thick, golden hair as he held her steady; his lips suckling on hers before nipping them with his teeth. Her hand was stroking up and down his cock, her thumb collecting the moisture at the tip and using it to aid her movements. He moaned into her mouth when he felt her move slightly lower and cup his balls, gently rolling them in her palm. That familiar tingle he could feel told him he was close and he marveled at the fact that he wasn't even inside her yet and he was almost over the edge.

Covering her hand with his own, he placed himself at her entrance and waited for her to open her eyes which she did a few seconds later. Their gazes locked as he thrust inside of her in one long stroke, holding still for a long moment to savour the feel of her tight, wet sheath clutching at him.

Haley wrapped her legs around him, her thighs pressing into him as she gripped his biceps, preparing herself for the delicious friction that was to start any second now. "N-Nathan...please."

"Please what?" The tip of his tongue traced a pattern around her lips as he waited for her to answer him.

"Fucking move!"

Nathan couldn't help laughing and to tease her further, he moved his hips forward just a tiny little bit before asking, "That enough for you?"

Haley somehow managed to flip them over so that she was now on top which took him a little by surprise. "No!" she stated, giving his nipple a pinch. Straddling his waist, she got herself into position and sank down upon his thick, hard length, moaning in the back of her throat when she'd taken him in completely. She held still for a moment, much the same way as Nathan had done previously, before she began slowly moving up and down. Taking his hands in hers, she placed them over her breasts, telling him without words what she needed and she cooed happily when he began kneading them and pinching her nipples in the way he knew she enjoyed.

Nathan couldn't tear his eyes away from her as he watched her every move; not failing to take in the way her brown eyes had darkened, a sure sign of the lust she was feeling. Raising his knees up behind her, the ends of her hair tickled his skin as she bounced up and down on him, her firm breasts jiggling enticingly with the rosy red nipples topping them making his mouth water. Moving his hands to her hips, he pushed himself up into a sitting position and took one of the sensitive little nubs into his mouth, suckling and playfully biting at it before switching to the other one to lavish it with the same attention.

"God, Nathan! That feels so good!" Haley gripped his shoulders as she slid up and down his cock, making sure to clench her muscles around him on every upstroke which she knew drove him wild. One of her hands moved to cup his face in her palm and she covered his mouth with hers, kissing him passionately, licking at the inside of his bottom lip. She nearly swallowed his tongue when he began feverishly rubbing her clit, bringing her even closer to the orgasm she could feel fast approaching. The knot in her belly was getting tighter and tighter and she knew it wasn't going to take much more for it to snap.

"I love you so much, Hales... I love the way you touch me... The way you kiss me..."

"I love you, too, baby..." she whispered against his lips as her hips moved faster and faster. Her body felt like it was on fire, her senses on overload as their bodies moved in tandem and she was so desperate to come. She knew he could feel her desperation and she moaned loudly when he began doubling his efforts in an attempt to finally push her over the proverbial edge. "Fuck!" she cried out when he suddenly slipped two fingers inside of her alongside his cock and crooked them forward to touch her G-spot. The sensations were so strong her body trembled and shook and if it wasn't for his knees propped up behind her, she would have fallen backwards.

Carefully turning them over so he was once more on top, Nathan smiled down at her as he hooked his arm underneath one of her thighs and brought it up higher, changing the angle which caused his pubic bone to grind against her clit on each and every down-stroke. The pace was now fast and furious, something he knew they both wanted in their desperate need for each other. Their lips met again and again, each kiss becoming dirtier and more visceral than the last, their tongues slick as they tangled together and their teeth occasionally clashing.

He tugged at her nipples, pinching them in turn before his head moved south to capture one between his lips. His eyes were focused on hers the whole time, wanting to memorise each expression on her beautiful face as she became lost in the feel of their sweat slicked bodies writhing together.

"I-I'm so close, Nathan..."

"I know... I am, too."

Quickening the pace even further, he felt her sheath flutter around him and, a few seconds later, Haley's grip on his shoulder tightened and she screamed as her orgasm suddenly hit. Her feminine muscles clenched and released rhythmically as she slowly came down from her high and it only took a few more thrusts for him to explode deep inside of her. He collapsed on top of her, his breathed ragged as he sucked in lungfuls of air.

"Wow!" He heard Haley giggle several minutes later when her own breathing had returned to normal and he smiled against the soft skin of her shoulder.

Pushing himself up onto his forearms, he nuzzled his nose against hers and asked, "You okay?"

"Uh huh," she managed to answer. "Are you okay?"

"Okay doesn't even begin to cover it," he told her, pressing a kiss onto her lips.

"So, that was the official christening of our bed, huh?" Her eyes crinkled with amusement while her fingers threaded through his thick hair, coming to rest on the back of his neck.

"Yep! Now we just need to officially christen the other rooms in the apartment. You know, the bathroom, kitchen, living room…"

Haley laughed. "Please tell me you don't mean right now 'cause I don't think I've even got the strength to move and turn out the light."

Laughing along with her, he shook his head before resting his forehead against hers. "I know the feeling. No, don't worry, I was thinking we could get started on that tomorrow."

"Mmm, tomorrow sounds perfect," she said, cuddling into him when he turned over onto his back, her fingers tracing idle shapes on his chest. “So much better than unpacking.”

"Yeah, perfect," he whispered. Stretching his arm out, he managed to turn off the bedside lamp and as soon as he was once again entwined with Haley, he joined her deep in slumber.


Sequel : Surprise

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