Patience Isn't Always A Virtue

Title: Patience Isn’t Always A Virtue

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Challenge: Multi-Fandom Man-Bits Euphemism Fic and Art Challenge at fcukficathons.

Euphemism: Honk the Magic Goose

Summary: The no-sex pact is taking it’s toll…

Author’s Note: Big thanks and hugs go to Brynne for her help and for beta-ing this for me.

Being the first one awake most mornings gave Haley the advantage of watching Nathan sleep for a little while before the inevitable ringing of their alarm clock would rouse him. The peaceful expression he wore in slumber made her heart feel light in her chest, happy to know that anything he was worried about during the day dissipated while he was fast asleep.

This morning, she noticed a smile, or could it be his usual smirk, tugging at the corners of his lips and for a moment she figured he might be feigning sleep but then she realised he was probably dreaming. Knowing him, it was no doubt something naughty, she thought to herself with a smile gracing her own face.

Their no-sex pact was definitely making things interesting and, if anything, it was making her notice certain things about him even more than she usually did. A simple hug was enough to have her imagining doing all sorts of wicked things to his gorgeous body. And he certainly wasn’t making things easy on her what with constantly walking around the apartment without a shirt on.

Last night had been particularly difficult when they had returned home after the game against Oak Lake. Seeing him on the court running rings against his opponents, particularly that jerk Damien West, had sent her arousal levels through the roof and she had known she would need to call on all of her reserves to keep herself in check and stick to the pact.

When they had returned home, she had busied herself with cooking them some dinner while she made Nathan relax on the couch and watch TV. What with the heat from the stove combined with the sexual heat she was feeling, it was a wonder she hadn’t exploded. Her palms had literally itched for her to go over to where he was sitting and climb on top of him and release all of her pent up frustrations. Instead, she had grabbed a bottle of ice cold water from the fridge and downed almost half of it in one go.

When she had turned around, she was startled to find him standing behind her, the smirk on his face practically stretching from ear to ear as his eyes roamed all over her. Without any words being spoken, she had pulled him to her and kissed him voraciously, loving the surprised gasp she heard come from him.

Coming out of her reverie, Haley’s eyes wandered and she couldn’t help but smile wider at how beautiful he looked while he was sleeping. Of course, he looked even better when he was wide awake. The sheet covering them was pooled at his waist and she let her eyes take in the muscular planes of his toned chest and abs and, once again, she felt her fingers begin to itch with the need to touch him.

This no-sex pact was killing her and she couldn’t wait until they renewed their vows so they could get back to what they did best. Well, one of the things they did best since she felt that way about everything they did together. She still couldn’t believe that he had proposed to her again; it had been so unexpected but it felt so much like the right thing to do. They had pretty much come full circle with everything that had happened between them over the past year or so and reaffirming their vows in front of all their family and friends was a perfect way to begin the next phase of their lives together.

Feeling him shift slightly, she thought he was about to wake up but nope, his eyes didn’t even flutter. She frowned until a thought suddenly popped into her head and she bit her lip as she felt her cheeks grow warm. Technically this wouldn’t be breaking the no-sex pact, she told herself as she mentally debated whether or not to go with her thoughts.

Bringing her hand up to his chest, Haley trailed her fingertips along the soft skin, circling his nipples in turn. All the while she was touching him, she kept her eyes trained on his face, looking for any signs that he was waking up. Moving in closer to him, she dropped tiny butterfly kisses onto his cheek and jaw before kissing his mouth softly. She frowned when there was still no sign of him coming out of his slumber. Oh well, she had a feeling she knew what would wake him up.

Her fingers moved from his upper chest, gliding down over the ridges of his defined stomach until they arrived at the waistband of his boxers. She debated whether to slip her hand beneath the elastic but decided against it and after tossing the sheet aside, she gently cupped him through the fabric. This time she felt his body shift while her eyes noticed the slight fluttering of his eyelashes against his skin and she bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from making any sound.

He was already semi-hard when she first touched him, as was often the case first thing in the morning, but as she continued to touch him through the soft, warm material, she felt him grow even harder. Changing her position, she moved down lower in the bed and rolled from her side onto her stomach so that her face was level with his lower body.

When the need to touch him skin on skin grew too strong to ignore, she slipped her fingers through the gap in the front of his boxers and she couldn’t contain the moan that tore from her throat at the initial contact. Wrapping her fingers around him, she couldn’t fail to notice how hot his skin was. He felt like soft velvet over hard steel and she unconsciously whimpered as she remembered the last time he had been inside of her. That evening on their couch had definitely been a memorable one and they had spent the whole night making love, knowing their no-sex pact would come into immediate effect the very next day.

“God, don’t stop, Hales.”

Her eyes flew to his face and the intense look on his face sent shivers through her entire body. His eyes were wide open and their usual cerulean blue was now a much darker shade, an obvious sign of his arousal. Moving her hand out so she could slip it beneath the waistband instead, she continued touching him while she slid up the bed to where he was and, smiling down at him, she pressed her lips to his and kissed him hard.

Using a pumping motion, she used a slow and steady pace to work him over and when he gasped into her mouth, she slipped her tongue between his lips to twine with his. Tilting her head further to the side, she slanted her mouth over his to deepen the kiss while her thumb collected the precum that had gathered at the head of his penis and smoothed it over the length of him.


Haley’s tongue flicked over the sensitive inside of his lip which she knew he loved her to do and she felt his body tremble beneath her. “Please what?” she teased. Releasing her hand from him, she ignored his groans of protest as she made quick work of removing his boxers.

“What about the…”

“No sex pact?” she interrupted. Receiving a nod from him, she replied, “Oh, that’s still in force.” She smiled when she saw the look on his face which showed his obvious displeasure at her words.

“Then why are you torturing me like this?” He pouted which caused her to giggle.

Lowering her head to his, she kissed his pout away. “Aww honey, I figured I’d give you a treat considering how amazing you were on the court last night.”

“And you couldn’t give it to me last night during our hot and heavy make-out session, huh?”

“Uh, well I thought I’d surprise you.”

Nathan smirked at his wife. “Uh huh. You woke up feeling horny, didn’t you?”

She felt herself blush as she answered his question with a gentle nod of her head. “This no-sex pact is killing you, too, then?”

“God, yes. I didn’t think it’d be this hard.”

“Really? Well, it’s pretty much this hard all the time with you around,” he teased as his hand slid down his body to wrap around hers which was still stroking his erection, albeit at a slightly slower pace than before.


He laughed at her reaction but when she touched a particularly sensitive spot, his eyes practically rolled into the back of his head as he released a deep moan. He couldn’t take anymore of her slow movements and keeping his hand over hers, he began using a faster pace. Seeing she was about to say something in protest, he pushed himself up and captured her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue inside as soon as her lips parted.

Haley’s free hand cupped his cheek as their kiss grew in intensity and she felt her body become even hotter than it already was. All she was wearing was a tank top and a pair of loose pajama pants but they suddenly felt so restrictive on her and she desperately wanted to strip them off but she knew if she did, it would be the end of their pact and as much as she wanted to be with Nathan right now, she wanted to make their wedding renewal night as special as their original wedding night had been.

“I love you,” Nathan panted against her lips once they broke the kiss. Seeing the beautiful smile she gave him caused him to smile back at her.

“I love you, too,” she told him before suckling his bottom lip between hers and tugging on it. “So, want me to finish honking the magic goose?”

He choked on the air he had just breathed in at hearing her choice of words. “W-what did you say?”

She shook her head as the laughter bubbled up and escaped. “I just heard some of the girls talking in the locker room after cheerleading practice and that one stuck in my head.”

“That one? What the hell kind of discussion were they having?”

Giving him a disbelieving look, she replied, “Uh, I think you can probably guess what they were talking about.”

He laughed. “Yeah, stupid question. I definitely wasn’t expecting those words to leave your lips though,” he said.

“Took you by surprise, huh?”

“You could say that.” His tongue snaked out and licked a path around her lips before seizing them with his and kissing her passionately.

“So, do you want me to finish or…”

“Yes,” he whispered breathlessly, releasing his hand from around hers so she could touch him more freely. His fingers tangled in her long, wavy hair and he looked at her adoringly for a long moment before the pleasure she was bestowing upon him became too much and he had no choice but to close his eyes.

Knowing he was close to the edge, Haley’s hand picked up speed, firmly stroking him up and down while her other hand light scratched over his lower belly. She squeezed and rubbed her thighs together in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing sensation she could feel between them as she became more and more turned on by what she was doing to her husband. Seeing the expression on his face and the way he was fisting the bed sheet beneath him gave her more pleasure than he probably realised. God, if she thought he looked beautiful when he was sleeping, there were no words to describe how he looked in the throes of passion.

Her hand moved faster and faster along his slick, hard flesh and it only took another few strokes before he exploded and came all over her hand. Her free hand rubbed over his tummy softly, savouring the softness of his skin while she brought her other hand up to her mouth and licked her fingers.

Seeing exactly what she was doing, Nathan groaned. “Don’t do that, baby. Not if you want me to be able to stick to the pact.”

Haley smirked as she took in the flushed colouring on his skin. “Don’t worry, honey, there’s not too much longer to go. And you know I’ll reward you for your patience.”

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her up so that she was lying completely on top of him. “You’d better.”

She lowered her head just as he raised his and their lips met in a soft, yet deeply intense kiss.

“Do you want me to…” he trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively which caused her to giggle.

“No, it’s fine.”

“You sure ‘cos I don’t mind at all,” he told her with his smirk fully in place.

Snuggling into his body, she rested her head just under his chin. “I’m positive. It’ll be something to look forward to.”

“You can say that again,” he whispered into her hair before confessing, “I can’t wait to marry you again.”

Smiling against his skin, she rubbed her fingers up and down his arm in a soothing motion as she admitted, “I can’t either. And I can’t wait until our wedding night.” After a few minutes had passed and he hadn’t said anything in response, she said, “Nathan?”

“C’mon, honey, do you really need me to reply ‘cos I think you know what I’m going to say.”

Glancing up at him, she laughed and said, “Silly me.”

Stroking his hand over her back, his fingers slipped under her tank top and he caressed her baby soft skin. “For the record, I can’t wait for our wedding night either.” Kissing the top of her head, he held her close as he breathed in her unique and familiar scent.

He could feel her falling back to sleep and as gently as he could, he eased her off of him a little and arranged them so that she was laying half on top of him, tucked into his side where she belonged.


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