Lines Of Communication

Title: Lines Of Communication

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Mature Rated

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set sometime during Season 1 after Nathan and Haley have exchanged those three little words. Contains scenes and language of a sexual nature. I’m classing this as mature as I don’t think it’s anything too explicit. If anyone disagrees, please let me know and I’ll re-rate it accordingly.

Summary: She could hear Nathan’s own heavy breathing through the phone and she couldn’t help but smile. Knowing she had that effect on him too was a heady feeling.

Author’s Note: This is written for Annie as per her recent suggestion on my personal journal, and I’m also dedicating it to Sally as a birthday present. Annie, I hope this is something along the lines of what you were after and Sally, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. *hugs to you both*

Haley was just snuggling down under the covers when her cell phone starting ringing and, reaching over to her nightstand, she smiled when she saw the caller’s name displayed on the screen.

“So, what are you wearing?” Nathan asked as soon as his girlfriend had answered the phone, not giving her a chance to even say hello.

“Nathan!” Haley chided, her cheeks heating up and flushing despite the fact she was completely alone.


“Is that how you start all of your conversations?” she teased, pushing the covers down to her waist and trying to cool her suddenly too warm body. Just hearing his voice had her feeling like she was about to melt.

“Sorry,” he told her, although it was clear by the tone of his voice he wasn’t sorry at all. “Hi, baby.”

The husky tone he was using wasn’t helping her cool down any time soon and she released a tiny sigh as she kicked the covers away completely. “Hi, yourself.”

“Okay, now that’s outta the way, tell me what you’re wearing.”

Haley giggled and shook her head, the fingers of her free hand idly playing with the ends of her hair which was pulled up into a loose ponytail. “Well, it’s a long, flannelette nightie that buttons up right under my chin and covers me all the way down to the tip of my toes.”

“You’re funny, you know that,” he deadpanned.

She could easily picture him pouting on the other end of the line and she bit her lip to try and stop herself laughing out loud but without much success.

“I can hear you laughing!”

“I’m sorry, but I can just imagine your face right now,” she said before the giggles got the best of her.

“C’mon, Hales, it’s not that funny.”

“I can hear you laughing too, Nathan.”

“Okay, fine, you got me. Now how about we call a truce and you tell me what you’re really wearing?”

Glancing down at her choice of nightwear, Haley said, “It’s really not that…interesting.”

“Let me be the judge of that. C’mon, please?”

Haley closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “I, uh, I’m wearing a pair of pink and black boxers and, um…”

“Yeah?” Nathan asked eagerly when her words trailed off.

“Your white T-shirt that you left here a few nights ago when you stayed over to escape another one of Tim’s parties.”

It was Nathan’s turn to suddenly get a little hot under the collar. The thought of her in bed wearing his T-shirt against her naked skin… Christ!

“N-Nathan… Are you still there?”

He swallowed, his throat suddenly as dry as sandpaper. “Um…yeah.”

“Y-you don’t mind me wearing your shirt, do you?”

“God, no!” he was quick to answer.

Haley’s teeth bit into her bottom lip but this time it wasn’t to stop the sound of laughter from escaping. She could feel herself about to moan and, the strange thing was, Nathan hadn’t even touched her. The mere sound of his voice had her body feeling so…hot and tense, but in a good way. A really good way. She flexed her toes, the pastel colours she’d painted her toenails shimmering in the lamplight.


“I’m here,” she assured him.

“Do you know what you do to me?”

“What?” Her voice was soft, a breathless whisper.

There was a long pause before Nathan finally spoke. “You make me so…”

“Say it,” she coaxed, her fingers playing with the hem of her, his T-shirt.

“So hard.”

Haley’s breathing was ragged, her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. “Nathan…”

“I’m sor—”

“No! Don’t apologise. I-I know I’m not ready to…be with you completely, but I, um… I like hearing you tell me how I make you feel,” she admitted, her skin pinking even more if that was possible. She could hear Nathan’s own heavy breathing through the phone and she couldn’t help but smile. Knowing she had that effect on him too was a heady feeling.

“You make me feel so good, baby… I wish I was with you right now.”

Sliding down in her bed and making herself more comfortable, Haley asked, “What would you do if you were?”

“Hales, I—”

“Tell me, please.”

“I’d have you standing in front of me so I could see you wearing my T-shirt… See how it looks on you knowing you were completely naked underneath it.” Nathan paused, taking a moment to lick his suddenly too dry lips before continuing. “I’d walk closer to you… My eyes would be on yours as I came closer… My fingers would be desperate to touch you, to feel your skin under mine.”

Haley closed her eyes, picturing the scene Nathan was describing. Her fingers pushed the fabric of the T-shirt up a little so that she was now stroking her tummy, imagining that he was the one touching her there.

“As soon as I was close enough,” Nathan went on, “I’d cup your face, holding you still and looking into those big, beautiful eyes of yours before I kissed you long and slow, my tongue sliding between your lips. You’d kiss me back, sucking on my tongue while your fingers gripped my hair, your nails scratching against the back of my neck like they always do ‘cause you know I like it.”

“Nathan,” Haley moaned his name, her hand sliding further up under her T-shirt to cup her own breast, trying to imitate the way Nathan touched her during their heated make-out sessions.

Lying in his own bed dressed in just a pair of black boxer shorts, the comforter pooled at the bottom by his feet, Nathan’s skin felt feverishly hot, his erection throbbing almost painfully. A part of him was seriously considering throwing on some clothes and driving across town to Haley’s but he knew if he did, he wouldn’t be able to stop things from progressing too far and he knew she still wasn’t completely ready to be with him. The last thing he wanted was for her to regret her first time so, for that reason, he forced himself to stay where he was.

Taking a series of short, deep breaths, he whispered huskily, “What would you do to me if I was there with you?” As soon as the question had left his mouth, he regretted vocalizing it. This wasn’t going to make the situation any easier.

Haley sucked in some air before answering. Her mind was going crazy as it conjured up a series of vivid images having registered Nathan’s question. “I’d kiss you back, like you described, before I pulled off your T-shirt and let my hands wander all over your back and shoulders.”

Closing his eyes, he slipped his hand beneath the waistband of his boxers and wrapped his fingers around his aching erection, squeezing the base slightly to stop himself falling over the edge too soon. “W-would you let me take off your T-shirt?” He held his breath as he waited for her response.

“Yes,” she replied without any hesitation. “I-I want to feel your skin against mine without any barriers. Would that, uh, be okay?”

“More than okay,” he told her. The images behind his eyelids were pushing him closer and closer towards his climax and he forced himself to breathe slowly in an attempt to stop that from happening.

“I wish I was with you now,” she told him.

“Me, too.” He loosened his grip on himself, imagining her touching him like this. Her touch would be innocent and unsure…but hell! He knew it’d feel amazing. And knowing he was the first guy she’d ever touched… He gulped as that thought alone had his arousal reaching fever pitch.

When his lust-addled mind cleared several moments later, he realised the panting breaths he’d been hearing weren’t his own but were coming through the phone he had pressed to his ear. “Haley? A-are you…touching yourself?”

“No,” she lied, feeling glad he couldn’t see her face right now which was probably as red as a tomato. “Why, are you?”

“Yes,” he admitted, holding his breath and feeling slightly nervous as he waited for her reaction.

“I-I am, too,” she finally admitted long moments later.



He laughed which somehow seemed to help lighten the mood and he heard his girlfriend’s own giggles coming through loud and clear. “You know what this means, don’t you?” Sensing that the mood had changed, he reluctantly slipped his hand out of his shorts.

“What?” She fingered the waistband of her boxers as she waited for him to speak.

“We’re having phone sex.”

“No, we’re not!”

“I hate to break it to ya, Hales, but we kind of are. I mean, we’re on the phone telling each other what we want to do to each other while, you know, touching ourselves. If we were doing it properly, I’d be telling you how I wanted you to touch yourself and you’d be doing the same to me.”

The way she was blushing, Haley thought she’d never return to her normal skin tone ever again. Pulling one of her pillows out from beneath her head, she covered her face with it. She couldn’t believe she’d been having phone sex, well sort of having it, without actually realising what they were doing. All she knew was that Nathan’s deep voice, coupled with his heated words made her feel so damn good, way better than good. More like amazing and—

“Haley? You okay?”

“I-I’m fine,” she told him, breaking out of her reverie. “I was just lost in thought.”

“About me?” Nathan teased.


A smile tugged at his lips and he couldn’t help the next words that tumbled out of his mouth. “I love you, Hales.” He could sense she was smiling and his own smile deepened when she repeated those three words back to him. “Do you want to, uh, come over tomorrow night?”


“We could order some food and watch a movie.”

“Mmm, that sounds good.”

“And, uh, maybe you could stay over? I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t wa—”

“Okay,” she said, cutting him off before quickly adding, “I’m still not ready to—”

“I know,” he interrupted. “Nothing’s going to happen that you don’t want to happen, Hales. You know I’d never push you into anything you weren’t ready for.”

“I know,” she told him. And she did. Not once had he ever pushed her into going further and he’d never made her feel awkward or uncomfortable afterwards either. That was something she was very grateful for. “So, it’s food, movie and then smoochies,” she quipped.

“Hey, it doesn’t have to be in that order. It could be smoochies, food, smoochies, movie and then even more smoochies.”

“Uh huh. I’m surprised you’re not just suggesting smoochies.”

“Well, if that’s what you’re wanting.”

“Very funny,” she said, trying to keep a straight face but failing.

“So, what time should I pick you up?”

“You’d better not. If I’m staying the night, I’ll have to tell my parents I’m staying over at Peyton’s so I’ll see if she can pick me up and then drop me off at your place. Does seven sound good?”

“Seven’s fine,” he told her.

“Good. I’ll see you then.”


“It’s getting late so I guess we’d better hang up,” Haley said, the reluctance evident in her voice.

“Yeah, I guess so. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

“Uh huh.”

They listened to each other breathing for a few moments before he heard a distinctive yawn coming from the other end of the phone.

“Sweet dreams, Hales.”

“You, too.”

“Oh, before I forget, can you do me a favour and bring something with you when you come over tomorrow night?”

“Sure, what do you want me to bring?”

He couldn’t help smirking at the knowledge of what he was about to say. “Bring the clothes you’re wearing right now. Maybe we can recreate the scene.”

Haley’s mouth fell open in shock before a giggle escaped her throat. “You’re terrible!”

“I know. So, will you?”

She shivered at the deep timbre of his voice. “O-okay.”

“See you tomorrow, babe.”

“Night, Nathan. I love you.”

After they each ended the call, Nathan climbed out of bed and headed to his bathroom for a cold shower to hopefully cool his ardour while Haley reached out and turned off her lamp, pulling the covers over herself and snuggling down under them again, her temperature having returned to some semblance of normal. She couldn’t wait to see him at school tomorrow, although she had a feeling she’d be blushing when she first set eyes on him. Still, what was new about that. A soft smile graced her lips as she slowly fell asleep to thoughts of her beautiful, dark haired, blue-eyed boyfriend.


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