All That I Need

Title: All That I Need

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set during episode 6.24 ‘Remember Me as a Time of Day’ between the NH kitchen scene and the one where Nathan makes his debut with the Charlotte Bobcats. Story contains scenes and language of a mild sexual nature.

Summary: He’d wanted to do something special as a proper way of saying thank you to her for everything she’d done so he could realise his dream of playing in the NBA. He knew for certain that he wouldn’t be where he was today without her support and total belief in him.

Author’s Notes: This has been written in honour of The Romantics 1,000th Thread over on the OTH board at Fanforum. Congratulations to all the posters over there on reaching such an awesome milestone!

A massive thank you goes to Dawnie and Lori for all of their help, fab suggestions and beta-ing assistance. I couldn’t have finished this without you both. *hugs* Thanks also to Megan who was kind enough to read this through for me when I was struggling to get the ending written and who helped keep my spirits up. You rock, girlie!

Letting herself into the house, Haley saw her son racing down the stairs towards her, carrying his blue rucksack over one shoulder. “Woah, buddy! Slow down before you have an accident,” she said, ruffling his sandy-blonde hair. “What’s with the bag?”

“I’m sleeping over at Andre’s house,” Jamie informed her.

“Is that so? Does Andre’s mom know about it?”

“Yeah, she does,” Nathan replied as he came down the stairs. “I arranged it with her a few days ago.”

Haley tilted her head and regarded her husband curiously. “Any particular reason why you did that?”

Instead of answering her verbally, he simply smirked at her and raised an eyebrow, chuckling when her cheeks flushed a rosy pink.


“Hey, Jamie, could you grab me a bottle of water from the fridge?” Nathan asked.

“Can we go to Andre’s after that?”

“Uh huh.”

Dropping the rucksack, the little boy ran towards the kitchen leaving his parents alone.

“So, what’s with you wanting Jamie out of our hair for the night?” Haley enquired, closing the distance between them and trailing her fingers over his cheek before leaning up onto her toes and pressing a kiss to his lips.

“It’s a surprise.”

“Nathannn… you know I hate surprises!”

“I think you’ll like this one, Hales.” He was just about to capture her mouth with his own when he heard their boy heading back to them.

“Here you go, Daddy,” Jamie said, holding out the bottle for his father.

“Thanks, buddy. C’mon, say goodbye to your mom and we’ll get going.”

“Bye, Momma. Have a nice time tonight.”

Kneeling in front of the little boy, she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled him before drawing back and kissing his cheek. “Do you know what Daddy’s got planned for me?” she mock-whispered.

“Yeah,” Jamie said, nodding his head. “But I’m not s’posed to say anything ‘cause it’s a surprise.”

“Fine! Don’t tell me, then,” she teased, tickling his tummy and laughing as he squirmed away from her. “Have a nice time with Andre tonight and be good.

“I will.”

Kissing his face once more, she got up from the floor and opened the front door for him, watching as he picked up his rucksack and started running towards their car. Turning to face Nathan, she said, “Did you double-check his bag ‘cause you know he always forgets to pack—”

“His toothbrush,” he interrupted. “Yeah, I know and I did check to make sure he’s got the important stuff and hasn’t just packed his toys.”

“Sorry,” she replied sheepishly. “So, what exactly are we doing tonight?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. All I will say is that we’re going out and if you go into the big bathroom you’ll get the first part of your surprise.” Leaning into her, he kissed her forehead before heading out to take Jamie to his sleepover. “I’ll pick you up in a couple of hours, baby.”

“A couple of hours? Andre’s house isn’t that far from here.”

“Yeah, but I’ve got a couple of errands to run,” he explained. “Don’t look so worried, Hales; I promise you’ll like what I’ve got planned.”

Before she could say another word, he was gone and she shook her head as she closed the door and then made her way upstairs, anxious to find out what was awaiting her in the main bathroom.

Pushing the door open, she breathed in the familiar scent of her bath oil and looking down into the large tub, she smiled at the bubble bath he’d drawn for her. Several candles were dotted around the room and on the low windowsill beside the bath stood a glass of red wine together with the book she was currently reading. It seemed he’d thought of everything.

Stripping off her clothes and placing them in the hamper, Haley tied her hair up into a messy bun before she stepped into the bath and lowered herself into it; a pleasure-filled sigh escaping her lips as she sank into the hot, scented water. God, it felt good. The only thing missing was her gorgeous husband who, for whatever reason, had decided he’d rather run errands than share the bath with her. Oh well, she was sure he’d be making up for it later and taking full advantage of their child-free night, she thought to herself with a giggle. Picking up her glass, she took a long sip of the chilled wine before placing it back on the sill and then laying back and closing her eyes, luxuriating in the feel of the water lapping over her skin.

* * * * *

Although she would’ve liked to have stayed in the bath for a while longer, she figured she’d better get out and start getting ready, especially since she still had to pick out an outfit which was going to be tricky seeing as though she didn’t know where Nathan was taking her. She really hated surprises!

Wrapping herself in a large, white fluffy towel, Haley brushed her teeth before exiting the bathroom and heading towards her bedroom. She gasped when she saw the beautiful, midnight blue dress hanging on the outside of her closet which was very similar to the one she’d been looking at the other week when she and Nathan had been out shopping together.

The smile she’d been wearing ever since she’d come upstairs grew even wider at his latest gesture. Oh, he was so going to be getting lucky tonight, she thought, her smile turning into a smirk as she began getting ready for the night ahead.

* * * * *

Looking at herself in the full length mirror in the hallway downstairs, Haley smiled at her reflection. The halter-necked dress hugged her curves, its bodice pushing her breasts up and out; something she knew Nathan would love. The dress’s full, knee-length skirt swished around her thighs as she twirled, causing her to laugh. She’d teamed the dress with black strappy, high heels and a wrap to keep her warm when the evening breeze turned chillier, although she had a feeling her husband would be more than willing to do that job for her.

The sudden ringing of the doorbell brought her out of her reverie and looking through the peephole, she grinned when she saw a bunch of flowers hiding their owner’s face. Opening the door, her breath caught in her throat when she saw Nathan standing in front of her looking hot as hell dressed in his black suit and a light blue, open-necked shirt. The only thing her lust-addled mind could come up with was to ask, “W-Where did you get dressed?”

Nathan didn’t answer. His eyes were roaming all over his wife’s body decked out in the dress he’d secretly bought for her. The idea for tonight had all started when he’d seen her looking at it in the store window and he’d decided to come back and get it for her as part of her surprise night out. He’d wanted to do something special as a proper way of saying thank you to her for everything she’d done so he could realise his dream of playing in the NBA. He knew for certain that he wouldn’t be where he was today without her support and total belief in him.


He cut her off by sealing his mouth over hers and kissing her hard, his fingers threading through her glossy, chocolate brown curls as he held her steady and deepened the kiss. “You look gorgeous, Hales,” he whispered against her lips before kissing her again.

“I could say the same about you,” she replied breathlessly several moments later. “Where did you get ready?”

“At Luke’s,” he told her.

“Is everyone but me in on this surprise?” she quipped.

He laughed, shaking his head. “No. He and Peyton only know ‘cause I needed their help.”

A light-bulb went off in her head as she realised something. “Luke told you I was on my way home so you could run my bath.”

“Uh huh. Did you enjoy it?” Nathan nuzzled his nose against hers while he waited for her reply.

“Mmm, I would’ve preferred it if you were with me,” she told him.

“Yeah, I’d have preferred that, too,” he whispered huskily before popping a kiss onto her full, glossy lips.

Cupping the back of his neck, Haley ran her fingers back and forth along his skin, smiling against his mouth when he shivered at her touch. “Like that, huh?”

“God, yes…”

“You know, we don’t have to go out tonight. We could stay in and take advantage of our empty house.”

“And miss out on showing you off in that dress? I don’t think so, baby.”

She blushed at his words. “Nathan…”

Nathan smiled at the way her cheeks flushed a rosy pink and she ducked her head, looking at him from under her lashes. He loved making her blush and it amazed him that even after all of these years together, she still did it and pretty often. He hoped that never changed. “So, Mrs Scott, you ready to start our date?”

“I suppose so…” she huffed, the twinkle in her eyes giving her away.

“Okay, then. These are for you,” he said, holding up the bouquet of wildflowers he’d picked up a short while ago.

“They’re beautiful, Nathan. Thank you!” Taking them from him, she held them up to her nose and breathed in their heady scent.

“You’re welcome.”

“Let me just put them in some water and then we can get going.”

Nathan didn’t reply. His eyes were transfixed on her curvy behind sashaying from side to side as she walked towards the kitchen. He was already feeling hot under the collar and he was definitely glad he’d decided against wearing a tie with his suit.

“Okay, I’m ready,” Haley said as she returned a few minutes later. “So, do I get any clues as to what tonight holds in store for me?”

“Nope,” he replied, a smirk creeping onto his lips. “I think you’ll like it though. At least, I hope you do.”

“I’ll love it,” she reassured him, slipping her arm through his. “C’mon then, baby, lead the way.”

* * * * *

Haley’s eyes watered when she saw just where Nathan had brought her to and she squeezed his hand as she looked up at him. “This is—”

“Where we had our first date,” he finished for her. “I know that one didn’t end well but when I had the idea for tonight, this place just popped into my head and it seemed fitting for us to come back here.”

“Are we going to order our favourite meal for the other person like we did last time?” she jokingly asked.

“Yeah, I think we should, although the mac and cheese here isn’t a patch on the one you make,” he said, whispering the last part as they were led to their table.

“Wow, you even managed to get us the same one as before.”

“Of course. It wouldn’t have been the same otherwise.”

“Next you’ll be telling me that you’ve even managed to get Tim to make a special appearance.”

Laughing, he shook his head. “I hate to disappoint you but no… although, having said that, I’m sure he’d drop everything if I called him up right now.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me if he did,” she quipped, laughing along with him.

It was a fairly balmy night with a light, cool breeze blowing and removing her wrap from her shoulders, Haley placed it over the back of her chair; taking the opportunity to look around them as she did so. The restaurant’s outdoor tables weren’t all filled yet but she noticed a few of the other diners looking over at them and smiling. It had only been a week since the news had broken about Nathan being called up to the Bobcats and already their lives were changing. People were coming up and congratulating them and Jamie was even more popular at school than ever, something he was definitely milking, she thought to herself with a smile.

“What are you thinking about?” Nathan asked after he’d ordered their drinks.

“Jamie. I’ve got a feeling he’ll be hitting you up for game tickets for all of his friends.”

“Yeah, I don’t doubt that,” he agreed. “He’s already asking if he and a bunch of them can come up and watch the team train.”

“Now why doesn’t that surprise me,” she said, smiling up at their approaching waiter.

“Sir, madam… are you ready to order?”

Grinning at each other, Haley looked up at the young man and said, “Yes. He’ll have the macaroni and cheese…”

“And she’ll have the prime rib with the sautéed potatoes,” Nathan finished.

“Oh, and a side salad,” she added.

“Anything to start?”

Before Nathan could say anything, Haley jumped in. “No, thanks.”

“Very well,” the waiter replied, writing down their orders before retreating.

“What was that about?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Giving her husband a knowing look, she replied, “The sooner we start our meal, honey, the sooner we get back home.”

For the second time that night, he felt more than a little hot under the collar and while he wanted to give Haley a special night out, a part of him felt disappointed that he hadn’t taken her up on her earlier offer to stay at home. They could’ve ordered takeout and made very good use of the time it would’ve taken their food to arrive.

“I’ll bet I know what you’re thinking,” she teased, her voice low and sultry.

“Yeah, I bet you do.”

“So, while we’re waiting for our food, care to finally share the secret you never got around to telling me the first time we came here?”

“I think you know all of my secrets by now, Hales,” he retorted.

“C’mon, what were you going to tell me that night before we were so rudely interrupted by Tim and the other guys?”

“I, uh, can’t remember… I think old age is creeping up on me.”

“Nice try, hotshot. I’ll make it worth your while if you tell me.” Her tongue snaked out to lick her lips before she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip, in a perfect imitation of how she did it when in the throes of passion to keep herself from moaning too loudly.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

She giggled, shaking her head as she did so. “Now why would I want to kill you, especially before we’ve had a chance to enjoy the best part of our night?”

“You are an evil, evil woman, Haley James Scott.”

“I know… and you love it.”

“I do love it.” Reaching out his hand, he took her fingers in his and laced them together. “And I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she whispered. “More than anything. And I’m so proud of you for everything you’ve achieved. I knew you could do it.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you, Hales. You’ve been there for me and with me every step of the way and I am so grateful for everything you’ve done to help and support me. God, when I think about what you’ve given up for me—”

“What are you talking about?” Haley interrupted, frown lines creasing her forehead.

“Stanford,” he simply stated before adding, “Duke.”

“I’d do it all again, Nathan. If it meant helping you fulfil your dream, I’d do it again. No regrets,” she said, gently squeezing his hand which she was still holding.

“I don’t des—”

“You do deserve me just as much as I deserve you,” she cut in. “Now, enough of turning our smiles upside down, okay?” she said, a smile illuminating up her face as she attempted to lighten the mood and return to their earlier playfulness.

“Okay,” he agreed, smiling back at her. Just when he thought he couldn’t love this woman anymore than he did already…

“So, that secret of yours,” Haley prompted.

“Fine… Remember our very first tutoring session down by the docks?”

“How could I forget. You turned up late.”

“That’s what you remember about it?”

Laughing, she shrugged her shoulders before saying, “I also remember the Crackerjack bracelet you slipped onto my wrist.”

“That’s better,” he said, smirking across at her.

“So, what’s the secret?” Haley looked at him curiously, waiting with baited breath to find out just what it was.

“When you were giving me your ‘I am math’ speech… I, uh… I wanted to kiss you.”

“That’s your secret? I was expecting something juicier than that.”

“Wait, you knew?”

She shook her head. “No… I already had my suspicions that you were using me to get to Luke and didn’t think you had any interest in me other than for that but…”

“But what?” he prompted when she didn’t continue.

“During some of our later sessions… before we got together, I mean… I kind of thought maybe you wanted to kiss me.”

“How’d you guess?”

“Well, the fact you were often staring at my lips was a big clue,” she quipped.

“Kind of gave the game away, huh?”

“A little but I was never sure…”

“Did you want me to kiss you back then?” Nathan asked.

“Yes,” she whispered, her cheeks infusing with colour.

They stared longingly at each other and only looked away when their waiter brought over their food.

As they tucked into their meals, Nathan grinned as he said, “I thought you’d be into lobster.”

Haley laughed as she remembered that particular conversation which felt like a lifetime ago now. “Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.”

“Yeah, if the Gods are five year olds.” Joining in with her laughter, his eyes strayed behind her and he did a double-take as he saw who was walking towards them. “I don’t believe it…”

“What? Don’t tell me Tim’s coming after all,” she quipped as she turned around, a frown creasing her forehead when she saw just who it was. “Jamie.”

“Hi, Momma… hi, Daddy,” Jamie said as he approached his parents with Andre and Mrs Fields in tow.

Denise Fields smiled as she watched the young couple, both wearing confused looks on their faces. “Jamie and Andre wanted to come out for ice cream,” she explained, adding, “And since it was a nice evening I thought we’d take a walk down here… see if it would tire them out some.”

Nathan and Haley nodded their heads, knowing exactly what the older woman meant.

“I hope you’re being good for Mrs Fields,” Nathan said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“I am, Daddy. Right, Andre?”

“Uh huh,” the other little boy agreed.

“They’re fine,” Mrs Fields told them. “C’mon, boys, let’s go back home and get you both ready for bed. Enjoy the rest of your night, you two.”

“Thanks, Denise. And thanks for taking Jamie tonight. Maybe Andre can come over to ours next weekend and sleep over,” Haley said.

“Yay!” Both boys shouted, jumping up and down and pumping their fists, causing the restaurant’s other patrons to look over at them.

“Okay, time to go,” Denise said, shaking her head at the boisterous duo. “That’d be great, Haley. Thanks.”


“Yes, baby?”

“You look really pretty tonight.”

Her heart melted at her son’s words and she smiled. “Thank you, sweetie. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay.”

“Okay.” Hugging both of his parents, Jamie turned and followed his friend and Mrs Fields; the two boys running and chasing after each other.

“I swear, this table’s got a curse on it or something,” Nathan joked.

“Yeah, I think you might be right,” she agreed, laughing along with him before adding, “Wonder who else might stop by tonight?”

A little while later when they’d almost finished eating, he asked, “So, are you up for some dessert?” He knew what he wanted her answer to be and the lascivious look she threw his way sent a jolt of pure, unadulterated lust to his groin and he swallowed the moan he could feel threatening to escape. Oh, yeah… his girl was definitely on the same page as him.

“I thought we could have our dessert at home,” she told him, raising one perfectly arched eyebrow.

“You read my mind,” he whispered huskily.

Smirking across at him, she put down her knife and fork and picking up her glass, she took a long sip of her wine before setting it back down. “I don’t know about you, honey, but I’m ready to leave.”

Nathan returned her smirk. Spotting their waiter, he gestured to him for the check.

“In a hurry, are we?” Haley teased.

“Hell yeah,” he retorted, laughing at the blush that suddenly infused her cheeks. “How come you weren’t blushing a minute ago when you were giving me that look?”

“What look?”

“You know what look,” he said, lowering his voice.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, biting her lip to keep from laughing.

“Uh huh… we’ll see about that,” he told her. “You’re not as innocent as you make out.”

“Damn,” she whispered, picking up her glass and taking another drink, “I’m so transparent.”

The sexy smile she graced him with in that moment made him want to grab her and kiss her senseless and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d get the chance to do that and so much more. “Where’s that damn waiter?”

Haley couldn’t contain at her giggle. “Patience is a virtue, baby.”

“Yeah, right now, being patient is the last thing on my mind,” he murmured.

The deep timbre of his voice made her shiver, something she knew he was very aware of given the smirk he now wore which seemed to stretch from ear to ear. God, there was something about that smirk which still had the power to turn her insides to mush even after all of their years together. She had a feeling that it’d still have that effect on her when they were both old, grey and she was wheeling him around when he was eighty like he’d teased on their wedding anniversary.

“You ready to get out of here?” Nathan asked, breaking into her thoughts. Standing up, he held his hand out to her.

“What about the check?”

“I paid it while you were having your little daydream,” he teased. “What were you thinking about?”

“You,” she stated simply as she moved her chair back and got up, slipping her hand into his and giving his fingers a gentle squeeze.

* * * * *

Haley snuggled against Nathan as they made their way back to their car along the River Walk.

“You cold?” He rubbed his hand up and down her arm, over the silky fabric of her wrap that was covering her upper body.

“No,” she replied. “Are you okay to drive?”

“Yeah, I only had one beer and I didn’t even finish it.” As they approached the car, a wicked thought popped into his head and his earlier smirk was back in full force. “I’ve got an idea on how to make sure there’s no danger of us getting pulled over.”

Glancing up at him, she looked at him questioningly. “And just what might that be?”

Retrieving his keys from his pants pocket, he pressed the button to release the central locking system and instead of opening the passenger side door for her, he opened the rear one and gestured for her to get in.

“Nathan, I—”

Pressing his lips against hers, he effectively cut her off. His fingers tangled in her hair as he held her steady while his free arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her body in closer to his. When he pulled away several minutes later, their breathing was ragged and he rested his forehead on hers as it slowly returned to some semblance of normal.

His kiss was Haley’s undoing and before she talked herself out of it, she was bundling him into the back of the car, climbing in after him and closing the door behind herself, her wrap falling from her shoulders.

“Hales… we don’t have t—”

Hitching up her dress slightly, she straddled his lap and fused her mouth to his, teasing the seam of his lips with her tongue until he parted them for her which he did a split-second later. Threading her fingers through his thick hair, she raked her nails along his scalp and down the back of his neck; one hand sliding down his front a moment later, popping the buttons on his shirt as she went, desperate to touch his warm, bare skin. She smiled with satisfaction at the undecipherable sounds coming from him as he succumbed to her caresses.

It was her turn to gasp and moan when she felt his slightly calloused fingers disappearing beneath her dress, drawing lazy patterns on her inner thigh as he inched his way upwards. “Nathan…”

Stilling his movements, Nathan watched her through heavy lidded eyes before the sensation of her rocking her hips against him grew too much to bear and they fell closed. He was so tempted to reach up and undo the ties behind her neck holding her dress up but he restrained himself. While it was now dark and he’d parked in a relatively secluded area, people were passing by and the last thing either of them wanted was to get caught in a compromising position.

“Haley… we’ve gotta stop, baby…”

“No… don’t stop… please…” she begged, sucking on his bottom lip before repeating the action with the top one.

“Let’s go home,” he whispered, running his palms up and down her back. “Just think how much fun we can have there, not having to worry about making too much noise or being interrupted.”

Drawing back from him slightly, Haley shivered when she saw how his cerulean eyes had darkened to a shade which almost matched her dress and was another sure sign of his arousal; the first being the hard appendage she could feel pressing against her thigh. “Damn you for starting this in the first place,” she teased, although even she could hear the frustrated tone in her voice.

“Hey, you bundled me in here, babe.”

“Only after you put the idea into my head,” she said, swatting his bicep, giggling when, in return, he lightly spanked her ass.

“All I did was open the door,” he responded, flashing her his smirk again.

“Uh huh… keep telling yourself that,” she told him, kissing his lips before sliding off his lap and climbing over the seats into the front.

“Hey, where’d you go?”

Looking back at him from over her shoulder, she smiled. “C’mon, slowcoach. The sooner we get home, the sooner we can start on our… dessert.”

The heat-filled look Haley was giving him was sending his temperature through the roof and opening the car door, he stepped out of the vehicle and let the fresh air wash over him. His shirt was hanging open and the cool breeze felt good against his feverish skin.

“You okay out there?” she teased.

Nathan heard her giggle and he chuckled under his breath as he closed the rear door and then opened the driver’s side and climbed in. “I’m fine except for a severe case of blue balls,” he quipped.

“You’re the one who wanted to stop and wait until we got home,” she pointed out, resting her hand on his thigh and sliding it up towards a certain destination.

“If you want to get home in one piece, you might want to cut that out.”

Giggling, she took pity on him and moved her hand to his knee, giving it a light squeeze. “Seriously though, thanks again for tonight, Nathan. I had a really great time.”

Shifting in his seat so he was facing her, he gave her a broad smile. “You’re welcome and I’m really glad.” Leaning forward, he seized her lips in a sinfully hot kiss, his tongue curling around her own and coaxing it into his own mouth. He growled when he felt her blunt nails gently scraping up and down the planes of his chest.

Knowing that it wouldn’t be long before either of them lost control, Haley reluctantly pulled back and softly said, “Take me home, baby.”

Pressing one more kiss against her too tempting lips, he nodded his head before sliding the key into the ignition and starting the car. Returning her smile, he said, “Your wish is my command.”

Pulling away from the curb a few moments later, Nathan interlaced their fingers, placing their joined hands on his knee, Haley’s head resting on his shoulder as they made the journey home. “Don’t fall asleep on me now,” he said playfully and he laughed at her sound of mock-outrage.

“As if,” she muttered under her breath. Disentangling her fingers from his, she ran them up and down his bare chest, liking the way he sucked in his breath at her ministrations. Wanting to goad him a little more, she lowered her voice to a sultry tone and asked, “How far into the house do you think we’ll get before you ravish me?”

The images her words conjured up in his mind had him lifting his foot off of the accelerator. “Christ…”

“Maybe we won’t make it into the house at all,” she whispered and when several minutes had passed and he hadn’t responded, she continued, “Ignoring me, huh?”

“Yeah ‘cause if I don’t I’ll either end up driving us off the road or I’ll pull over and have my wicked way with you in the car after all.”

“Mmm, that second option sounds good.”

“I know but with our luck we’d end up getting caught by the cops and I’m not sure how the Bobcats would feel about their newest recruit getting caught up in a scandal before he’d even made his debut with the team.”

Haley laughed at that. “It’d probably be the first time a scandal involved a player and his own wife and not someone else’s.”

“True,” he said, laughing along with her.

Less than ten minutes later, Nathan released a sigh of relief when their house finally came into view. As soon as he’d parked the car, he was out of it like a shot, jogging around to the passenger side and opening Haley’s door for her. Judging by the speed of her own movements as she exited the vehicle, he knew she shared his mindset and his lips quirked upwards as he wondered which of them would reach the front door first.

Deciding that he couldn’t wait to find out, he picked her up and placed her over his shoulder, holding her firmly as he all but ran to the door, the key already in his hand and ready to slide into the lock. “Hmm, no arguments about how you’re able to walk by yourself,” he mused.

“This is quicker so hurry up and get the door open so we can finally get started.”

“God, I love it when you talk dirty,” he teased, earning him a slap on his lower back. “Ow!”

“Serves you right,” Haley said, giggling.

As soon as they were inside and Nathan had closed and locked the door behind them, all talking ceased as they stripped each other’s clothes off and pressed their bodies together; both of them sighing with relief at the blissful contact, their lips tenderly meeting repeatedly before passion took over and the kisses turned hungrier and more frantic.

When she retreated to breathe in some much needed air, a bubble of laughter escaped as she took in the look of total concentration Nathan wore and she was pretty sure she knew what he was thinking. “Haven’t made up your mind where to have your nefarious way with me, huh?”

“Maybe,” he mumbled, his cheeks flushing slightly which had her laughing harder and she buried her face against his shoulder in an attempt to muffle it. “I can still hear you, you know.”

“Sorry,” she replied, raising her head and wiping away a stray tear.

“Yeah, you sound it,” he said, lowering his head and kissing her hard.

Her laughter instantly died away and all thought flew from Haley’s mind as she gave herself over to the taste and feel of him surrounding her and filling her senses. As he lowered them both to the floor of their hallway, her last real thought before total and absolute pleasure took her over was of how, for a variety of reasons, this was going to be a night she’d always remember.


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