Waking Up The Neighbours

Title: Waking Up The Neighbours

Author: Diane

Prompt: 059 – Insomnia

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set in the college years between Seasons 4 and 5. Contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: “I can feel you staring,” Nathan mumbled a moment later in a heavily sleep-laden voice, his eyes slowly opening to meet hers.

Author’s Notes: This has been written especially for Pat as a birthday pressie from me. I hope you’re having an awesome day celebrating and that you like the ficlet. *hugs*

It’s also been written for theechochorus, a multi-fandom drabble community.

“Goodnight, baby,” Haley whispered as she placed her son, who had finally fallen back to sleep, into his crib; her fingers lightly brushing over his hair. “Sweet dreams.”

As quietly as she could, she left his room and pulled the door closed, making sure not to shut it completely. Once back in her and Nathan’s room, she slid under the covers and shifted around until she was comfortable, silently hoping that the rest of the night would be uninterrupted.

Turning her head on her pillow, she looked over at her husband who was fast asleep and sprawled out on his stomach, his face turned towards her. She smiled softly as she watched him for a few moments, hoping for sleep to soon claim her. Several more minutes passed and she continued watching him… her eyes roaming all over him. God, he was gorgeous.

“I can feel you staring,” Nathan mumbled a moment later in a heavily sleep-laden voice, his eyes slowly opening to meet hers.

“Sorry,” she said, giggling. “I can’t seem to fall back to sleep.” Inching closer to him, she ran her toes up and down his bare calf, her fingers coming up to thread through his thick hair.

“Did Jamie fall back to sleep?” he asked as he rolled her onto her back and covered her body with his own.

“Uh huh…” Cupping the back of his head, she pulled him down until his mouth met hers and they shared a soft kiss which soon spiralled out of control. Her tongue teased his lips and slipped inside his mouth as soon as he’d parted them. She gasped into his mouth when she felt one of his hands disappear beneath the baby blue tank top she wore to cup her breast. “Nathan…” she panted as she felt her temperature spike. Grabbing the hem of her top, she pulled it up and over her head.

“We can stop if you’re too tired,” he teased before slanting his head and kissing her again.

“Don’t you dare stop,” Haley told him, her legs coming up to hook around his hips. She could feel his hardness pressing against her and she unconsciously began rocking against it. Her fingers delved beneath the waistband of the boxer shorts he was wearing and she wrapped them around his length, slowly pumping him in her fist.


“I need you,” she told him in a breathy whisper, her eyes locked on his cerulean ones which were now as dark as midnight, a sure sign of the lust he was feeling in that exact moment.

Before she knew it, he was peeling off her pyjama pants and panties, throwing them onto the floor as he quickly removed his boxers. “God, I love you,” he told her huskily. “I want you so damn much…”

Haley bit her lip to keep from crying out when he suddenly thrust into her. Her blunt fingernails curled into the smooth skin of his shoulders as she savoured that initial sensation of them being so intimately joined.

“You feel so good,” he whispered against the smooth column of her throat before pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along it.

Pressing her heels into his firm buttocks, she urged him to start moving, wanting to feel the delicious friction she was desperately craving.

“Remember not to make too much noise,” he quipped as he slowly withdrew, his eyes almost crossing when she clenched her internal muscles around him. “Fuck!”

Giggling at his expletive which was a little on the loud side, she threw his words back to him. “Remember, honey, don’t make too much noise.”

“Seriously, I can’t wait for us to have our own place… or at least somewhere bigger where Luke’s room is as far away from ours as possible.”

“Do you really want to talk about that now?” she asked, squeezing her muscles around him again. A loud moan tore from her throat a second later when he thrust in even harder, shifting his angle slightly so that the base of his cock rubbed against her clit.

Nathan immediately covered her mouth with his in an attempt to muffle the sounds they were both making which, unfortunately, was a bit late given the banging they suddenly heard on the wall between their room and Lucas’.

“Are you two freakin’ kidding me? It’s three-thirty in the morning…”

“Sorry,” Nathan called back, a fully fledged smirk gracing his face.

“You two are gonna wake Jamie up and if you do, you can get up and get him settled again,” Haley warned.

“Sorry,” he said again, the smirk having faded slightly.

Whatever she was about to say next disappeared when he quickened his pace and his hips began pounding into hers. Her eyes fluttered closed as she gave herself over to the delicious sensations coursing through her entire body. She could feel the faint stirrings of her orgasm and when he sucked her nipple into his mouth and began rubbing her clit at the same time, she turned her head to the side and sunk her teeth into her upper arm to try and silence her moans as she climaxed.

Feeling her feminine muscles fluttering around his shaft was his undoing and with just a few more thrusts, he exploded deep inside of her. His face was buried in the nook between her neck and shoulder and he hoped that that helped muffle his own sounds, although he guessed it didn’t really matter now if they’d already managed to wake up his brother.

“Feeling a bit more tired now, huh?” Nathan asked when he pushed himself up onto his forearms and saw Haley yawning.

“Maybe I’m just feeling bored,” she teased.

“I’ll give you bored…” Lowering his head, he captured her lips in a fiery kiss, loving the sound of her stifled giggles.

“We’d better try and get some sleep since you need to be up early for practice,” Haley told him several minutes later when the kiss had finally ended.

Nodding his head in agreement, he shifted over onto his back and pulled her in close so that her body was flush against his; her head resting on her shoulder while their legs tangled together.

As she slowly felt herself drift away, she mumbled, “You’re better than a sleeping pill.”

Laughing softly, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Well, Doctor Scott prescribes another dose tomorrow night,” he joked before he too succumbed to the pull of sleep.


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