Wash Away The Pain

Title: Wash Away The Pain

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an alternative version of the shower scene we got in episode 5x10 insofar as there’s no nasty nanny ‘cause in my world she doesn’t exist. The story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Turning around to face her, Nathan smiled at her as he pulled her under the powerful spray of the water and lowering his head to hers, he kissed her softly, his hands coming up to thread through her dark hair.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for The “Water Babies” Challenge at nhlovenest.

She admired his gorgeous body through the steamed up glass, her eyes taking in the way the muscles in his shoulders and back slid around beneath his lightly tanned skin as he ran his hands through his wet hair. Licking her lips, she quickly undressed and, as quietly as she could, slowly opened the shower cubicle door and then stepped inside.

“I missed you,” he said, his voice coming through clearly over the sound of the cascading water.

“I missed you, too,” Haley told him, taking a step closer and wrapping her arms around him from behind. Her lips pressed against the centre of his back and she smiled when he shivered.

Turning around to face her, Nathan smiled at her as he pulled her under the powerful spray of the water and lowering his head to hers, he kissed her softly, his hands coming up to thread through her dark hair.

She twined her arms around his neck, her fingernails lightly scratching across his scalp which she knew was a real turn-on for him and for her, too given the reaction it always seemed to cause. His hands were wandering all over her now and it was her turn to shiver and tremble. God, the things his hands could do should be illegal.

“God, you feel so good,” he whispered into her ear when the kiss eventually ended long moments later.

“So do you,” she told him, her hands kneading his shoulders as she pushed herself up onto her toes so she could kiss him again. A tiny yelp escaped from her when he suddenly lifted her up and pressed her against one of the cubicle’s tiled walls. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his firm buttocks.

“You don’t know how much I want you…”

Her lips curved up into a smirk and brushing her lips against his, she slipped a hand between them and wrapped her fingers around his thick, hard length. “Oh, I think I do,” she teased.

Nathan couldn’t stop himself from moaning and his eyes fluttered closed as she continued to stroke him. Slanting his lips over hers, he kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth and mimicking what their bodies would soon be doing. He pinned her against the wall with his body, freeing up his hands which immediately zeroed in on her full, firm breasts; cupping and kneading them before tugging on her sensitive nipples which had her mewling into his mouth.

“Like that?” His breathing was ragged as he spoke and he licked a path around her lips while he waited for her answer.

“Uh huh,” Haley managed to choke out. Her body felt primed for an explosion and she knew it wouldn’t take much for it to happen. Sliding her tongue into his mouth, she stroked it against his and then flicked the tip of it along the inside of his bottom lip knowing it was an erogenous zone for him.

Placing his hand over hers, he stilled her movements and placing himself at her entrance, he began stroking his cock against her slippery wet folds. “Keep looking at me,” he demanded, his voice thick and husky with lust.

Her eyes were on the verge of closing but she did as he asked and kept them open. His blue eyes had darkened and were looking back at her so intensely that she felt a full body shiver run through her from the top of her head all the way down to the tips of her toes. Her stomach hollowed out with the anticipation of what was about to happen and she found herself almost holding her breath as she waited for his next move.

Sealing his mouth over hers to swallow her cries, Nathan slowly pushed inside of her, loving the tight feeling that surrounded him. His hands gripped her hips as he moved in and out, shifting his position slightly so that his pubic bone rubbed against her clit on every down-stroke.

Haley’s fingernails dug into the rounded tops of his shoulders as the sensations coursing within her escalated to a fever pitch. “Ohhh…faster…please…”

He did as she requested and sped up his movements, knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer given the telltale tingle he could already feel at the base of his spine. When she began suckling on his neck, he tilted his head to one side to give her greater access and his entire body tingled when he felt her teeth grazing against his pulse point. That combined with the feel of her sharp little nipples rubbing against his chest was pushing him closer and closer to the edge and, in an attempt to bring her over with him, his hips began pounding into her.

“Yessss,” she hissed, her legs tightening even further around him. She was pretty sure she’d have bruises on her inner thighs come morning, not that she cared in the slightest though. This was more than worth it.

Nathan’s fingers rhythmically squeezed Haley’s hips in time with his movements and it took just a few more thrusts before she suddenly climaxed, her teeth sinking into his shoulder in an attempt to muffle the noises she was making. The feel of her feminine muscles contracting around him as she rode out her orgasm triggered his own and he held her steady as he spilled himself inside deep inside of her.

Their hands wandered all over each other as they slowly came down from their respective highs and their breathing returned to some semblance of normal. The hot water that continued to rain down on them seemed to add to the blissful pleasure and their faces slowly inched closer together as they shared a soft, tender kiss.

“I love you,” Haley said when the kiss had ended and she gave him a shy smile, her thumb running back and forth along his cheekbone.

The smile he gave her at hearing those three words from her seemed to stretch from ear to ear. It had been a while since she had been the one to say it first and he took that as a good sign. “I love you, too, Hales… So much.”

Cupping her cheek in his palm, he kissed her long and slow, his tongue teasing at the seam of her lips and then sliding inside when she parted them. “How ‘bout we finish up in here and, uh, have an early night?”

She nodded her agreement. “That sounds good.”

Withdrawing from her, Nathan carefully untangled their bodies and set her back down so she was standing in front of him. Grabbing her raspberry scented shampoo from the shelf, he poured some into his hands before applying it to her hair and massaging it into her scalp. “This stuff smells so good on you,” he whispered into her ear.

“You don’t have to do that, Nathan. You’ve had just as long a day as I have and—”

“I don’t mind,” he interrupted, “and besides, I’m feeling pretty damn relaxed all of a sudden.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I am, too. I wonder why that is…”

He laughed along with her. “Okay, lean back so I can rinse the shampoo out.”

She did as he asked and then sighed with blissful pleasure as he massaged some conditioner into her hair before rinsing that out, too. “You didn’t happen to be a hairdresser in a previous life, did you?” she joked.


“I don’t know… You just seem to be really good with your hands.”

Cocking an eyebrow, he smirked at her. “Is that so?”

“Oh, yeah. Really good!”

Taking her hand in one of his, he pressed kisses to her fingertips before sucking her forefinger into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. “You’re not so bad yourself, Mrs Scott.”

Haley blushed and looked at him from under her lashes. Reaching out to grab her shower puff, she poured some of Nathan’s shower gel onto it and lathered it up before soaping him up. His body was looking better than ever with the muscles even more defined than they had been previously and she couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from him.

Things hadn’t been easy these past few months but they were finally starting to get better and the awkwardness that had been there even after Nathan had started his physiotherapy sessions was beginning to dissipate which was a relief. She’d hated feeling…uncomfortable in his presence but as hard as things had been for him, they’d been just as difficult for her.

That passionate kiss they had shared when he’d found her putting his basketball trophies back on display, their first proper kiss in what had felt like forever, had been a real turning point and, thankfully, things had began improving ever since.

“Hey, where’d you go?”

“Nowhere,” she replied, her hands directing him under the shower spray so she could rinse the soapy suds from his body.

“Are you sure?” The look he was giving her showed his concern but the smile she was bestowing upon him made him feel a bit better.

“Uh huh.” Pushing up onto her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss onto his lips. “We’d better finish up just in case a certain little person comes looking for us. He was fast asleep when I checked on him before I came in here, all dressed in his Ravens uniform.”

Nathan smiled. “He asked if he could sleep in it and I told him he could just for tonight.”

“He’s got you wrapped around his little finger,” she said, giggling.

“Hey, you can talk!”

“Okay, he’s got us both wrapped around his little finger.”

“That’s better,” he said, swatting her on the butt.

“Watch it, Mister. Your “pre-game ritual” thing won’t work on me this time.”

“Yeah, we’ll see about that.”

Finishing up in the shower, Haley turned the water off while Nathan grabbed their towels off of the heated rail, passing one to her and watching her hungrily as she wrapped it around herself.

“Oh, you know I told you I got locked in the library with the other girls? Well, guess who turned up while we were in there?” she asked, snagging a towel from the cupboard to wrap around her hair.

He shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea. Give me a clue?”

“Okay… He was your biggest fan in high school and worshipped the ground you walked on.”

Nathan shook his head at her description of his former best friend. “You saw Tim tonight?”

“Yep! Oh, and he has a son. I’ll bet you can’t guess what he called him.”

He groaned, having a pretty good idea of what the kid’s name was judging by the grin gracing his wife’s face. “Please tell me you’re kidding?”

“No can do, honey,” she said, laughing. “It was pretty cute seeing how happy Tim was at being a dad and showing me a picture of his little boy.”

“I’ll bet he’s not as cute as Jamie,” he said, giving her a wink.

“Well, duh!”

Popping a kiss onto her cheek, he took her hand in his and led her out of the bathroom and into their bedroom, closing the door quietly behind them and immediately pulling off her towel.


“What?” he asked, the innocent tone not matching up in the slightest with the naughty twinkle in his eyes.

“I want to go and check on Jamie before we…uh…”

“Before we what?”

“You’re terrible, you know that?”

“Yeah, I think you might’ve mentioned that once or twice,” he said, his fingers snaking around her hip to her lower back and tracing over the ‘23’ that was indelibly marked on her skin. He still found that so incredibly sexy and the fact that she’d done it before they’d even told each other how they really felt about one another… It just made it even more special.

Cupping the back of his head, she directed his mouth to hers and they shared another sizzling kiss which sent her temperature rising. “Let me just check on Jamie and then I’m all yours.”

He loved how breathless her voice was and he nuzzled his nose against hers before nodding. “Okay. Try not to wake him up,” he murmured.

“I think the excitement of watching his first Ravens game will have tired him out so I think we’re safe tonight,” she told him as she quickly finished towelling herself off and then grabbed her pale blue nightgown. She quickly slipped it on and then removed the towel from her head and ran her comb through her damp hair. “While I’m gone, you can make yourself useful and hang these up,” she said, handing him the wet towels and smirking at him.

Before she left the room, he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her hotly, his tongue delving inside her mouth to tangle wetly with her hers. “You do know that nightie isn’t staying on for long, right?”

Swatting his arm, she could feel her face blushing at his words. “I won’t be long.”

He smiled warmly at her and nodded. “I’ll be waiting.”

Their eyes locked for a long moment before Haley took a deep breath and left the room, already eager to get back to him and the night ahead.

Checking on Jamie who was fast asleep and cuddling his favourite stuffed dinosaur, her heart felt light in her chest and she felt the smile stretch across her face as she continued to watch her little boy who was so like his daddy.

Whispering goodnight to him, she left the room as quietly as she’d arrived and made her way back to where Nathan was waiting for her. He was already in bed, the covers pooled at his waist and she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip as she closed the door behind her and walked towards him.

Climbing onto the bed, she straddled his waist and sighed into his mouth when his hands began pushing up her nightgown and the kiss was only broken so he could pull it over her head.

“Told you it wouldn’t be staying on for long,” he teased before flipping them over and covering her body with his own.

Her laughter turned into passionate moans as his talented lips and hands began to work their magic all over her.

It looked like their night was only just beginning.


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