Mine All Mine

Title: Mine All Mine

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: Mine

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: Set post-Season 6 so everything up to and including what we've had so far. Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: “So, I like that shirt you’re wearing... It looks very much like one of mine.”

Author's Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme - stories mustn't be longer than the length of a LJ comment ie. 4,300 characters - on my personal journal and this has been written in response to scoob2222's request.

Slipping on her husband’s worn black and green sweatshirt, Haley breathed in the familiar scent that now filled her senses. While she loved that Nathan had finally made it to the pros and was living his childhood dream, she hated all of the travelling it entailed and that he was gone for several days, and sometimes even weeks, at a time. If it wasn’t for their son and her job keeping her busy, she knew she’d feel his absences even more acutely.

Still, having said that, they more than made up for it when he returned home.

Checking her appearance in the mirror, she ran her brush through her hair before applying some raspberry flavoured lip gloss to her lips and then spritzing herself with the perfume Nathan had bought for her last birthday.


Haley squealed when she heard his voice coming up the stairs and jumping up from her seat, she rushed to meet him. “Nathan!”

Nathan’s smile deepened when his wife suddenly ran out of their bedroom, wearing one of his old sweatshirts, and pounced on him. Wrapping his arms around her, he hoisted her up so she was at eye level with him, one hand sliding up her body to tangle in her long, dark curls before cupping her cheek and directing her lips towards his.

She needed no further invitation as she sealed their mouths together, kissing him back hard and making up for lost time.

“God, I’ve missed you,” Nathan told her, his voice a mixture of lust and breathlessness. “And I’ve missed this.” He gave her a gentle squeeze, needing to almost reassure himself that this was actually real and he was back home.

“I’ve missed you, too, baby,” she said, nuzzling her nose against his before kissing him again.

When the need for air became too strong to ignore, they reluctantly drew back from one another, smiles still decorating their faces, as he lowered her down.

“So, I like that shirt you’re wearing... It looks very much like one of mine.”

“Hmm, funny that. This one’s definitely mine.”

“Oh really? Well, I know one way we can find out for sure.”

“And how do we do that?” Haley teased. Keeping her eyes on him, her fingers began unbuttoning his shirt before moving onto his belt.

A smirk played on his lips as he replied, “The label on my shirt is illegible from all the times its been washed so if you take it off we can check.”

“You just want to get me out of my clothes.”

“Is it working?”

“Oh yeah...” she told him. “How ‘bout you take it off for me?”

Nathan didn’t need telling twice and taking a step closer, he grabbed the hem of the sweatshirt and slid it upwards. Haley helped him out by raising her arms and as soon as the garment was off, it was flung aside, landing who knows where, as his eyes roamed over her now naked body.

“Wow!” he whispered. His slightly calloused palms ran all over her baby soft skin and he felt her shiver in response. His cock was pressing painfully against his fly and he sighed with relief when Haley seemed to sense his discomfort and continued with her previous task of undoing his pants. She was going far too slowly for his liking though and picking her up, he carried her over to the nearest wall, backing her up against it before he shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees.

Lifting her once more, he seized her mouth in a dirty, hungry kiss as he plunged into her in one hard stroke, holding still for a long moment so they could both savour the sensation of being so intimately joined.

Haley gripped him between her thighs, her fingers kneading his warm skin as he repeatedly filled her. She knew it wasn’t going to take much to push them both over the edge given that it had been well over a week since they’d last made love and she was right. A deep moan tore from her throat as she suddenly climaxed, her body shaking and shivering with the intensity of it.

The tightening and subsequent fluttering of her feminine muscles around his shaft was Nathan’s undoing and he followed suit, shouting her name as he spilled his warm seed inside of her.

Several moments later when he’d found the energy to speak, he asked, “You want me to go grab the shirt so we can see if it is actually mine?”

Tracing his lips with the tip of her tongue, she shook her head. “Maybe later... much later.”


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