World History: Patterns of Interaction

A Story of 3 Textbooks

The three textbooks pictured here represent-at least in part-my own personal journey through world history. The Perspectives on the Past text pictured at left with the columns was my world history text in high school. I began to think I should become a history teacher when I had finished reading this wonderful book on my own by the last week in September in my sophomore year. I inherited my own history classroom 11 years later, in 2001, and amazingly enough my district was still using the text. I practically memorized the Perspectives text on the right as I taught world history with it for the next five years, and the fifth edition and its ancillary materials profoundly affected my view of world history. I taught from the Patterns of Interaction book only 1 year, but it’s my understanding that this is one of the most popular world history texts in the US, and Larry Krieger, one of the authors of the Perspective Series acts as the common element in all three texts.

The purpose of this page and its subpages on my site is to add a large amount of materials that world history teachers would find useful, and I decided to organize it around the Patterns of Interaction text because of my familiarity with the text and the fact that it's one of the most widely-used world history textbooks in the nation. My world history materials are already organized around this text, so why not? Also, teachers already come to my website for classroom materials, why not organize this in a way that's most useful to a large amount of world history teachers?

Want to help?

I've had this website for 7 years now, and I'm proud that it's helped teachers. My analytics reports tell me that my documentary pages are the most widely viewed, and I've had many people thank me over the years for the documentaries and movie worksheets that go along with them. Teaching is a hard job, and building your curriculum takes a massive amount of time and energy. I love teachers and I'm more than happy to pass along the good curricular materials I've accumulated over the years. I also have no problem with students and parents getting information from my site. That being said, though, if you are reading this and also teach from this textbook and/or have curricular material that you're willing to share, please reach out. You can contact me at If/when I get contributors, I'll acknowledge your contribution on the webpage covering the text.

World History, Patterns of Interaction McDougal Littell

Authors: Roger B. Beck , Linda Black, Larry S. Krieger, Phillip C. Naylor, Dahia Ibo Shabaka

This textbook covers the prehistoric era through modern times. It is organized into 8 units and 36 chapters. These units and chapters are the subpages of this webpage and curricular materials pertaining to the units and chapters can be found in the subpages. To access my syllabus for this book with links to the PDF version of the book, click here.