Greek Civilization from Athens to Alexander

Post date: Apr 03, 2012 7:16:14 PM

Greek Civilization from Athens to Alexander

I will host a live class at 1:00 pm MT on Thursday, 4-5 on the topic of Greek Civilization. From the beginning of Democracy in the 7th century BC to the conquest of Persia, Egypt, and Asia by Alexander in the 3rd century BC, the civilization that dominated the Mediterranean World and set the pattern for Western Civilization was the Greek Civilization. From Architecture, mathematics, literature, science, philosophy, and of course, government, many of our modern institutions are modeled after those set up by the Greeks. We will begin with Cliesthenes in Athens setting up the world's first democracy, we'll cover both the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, and we'll finish up with Alexander the Great taking over nearly all of his world.   Project Credit: Attendance in this live class will fulfill the requirements of your live class assignment for this unit. To get into this class please click the following link: Trehal's Office/Live Classroom. Hope to see you in class.

If you were unable to attend the live version of this class you may still earn project credit by watching the recorded version and answering the following question: What do I say Athens used the Delian League money for that ended up causing the Peloponnesian War?  To get credit, enter the answer to this question and the date you watched the recording into the unit live class assignment. You can watch the recording by clicking on the following link: View the Blackboard Collaborate recording  



This class applies to the following courses:

World History A, Unit 3