Vietnam Protest Movement (1965-1975)

Post date: Apr 03, 2012 6:49:14 PM

Vietnam Protest Movement

I will be hosting a class at 1:00 pm MT on Wed, 4-4 to go over the topic of the Vietnam Protest Movement. The Tonkin Gulf Resolution of 1964 Gave President Johnson the power to wage war without Congressional assent, which essentially meant that the President didn't need to seek the permission of the American People. At first, when the US sent troops to Vietnam many Americans were supportive of the war effort, but as time wore on the protest movement grew in scope and strength, eventually becoming a major force in American society and politics, leading to a division of our society and sometimes to violence. We will go over some of the events from 1965-1975 and discuss the major facets of the Vietnam Protest Movement.  Project Credit: Attendance in this live class will fulfill the requirements of your live class assignment for this unit. To get into this class please click the following link: Trehal's Office/Live Classroom. Hope to see you in class.

If you were unable to attend the live version of this class you may still get credit for your unit live assignment by watching the recording and answering the following question: What do I use a picture of when I discuss the Tet Offensive of 1968? To get credit for this class, please submit your answer the and the date you watched the recording into the unit live class assignment. You can watch the recording by clicking on the following link: View the Blackboard Collaborate recording


This class applies to the following courses:

Vietnam Era History, Unit 3

US History Reconstruction to Present B, Unit 3