PSAT Mathematics Preview Class

Post date: Oct 07, 2013 3:39:50 PM

PSAT Mathematics Preview Class

PSAT Mathematics Preview Class

I will host a live class at 2 pm MT on Tuesday, 10-8, in order to go over the following topic: PSAT Mathematics Preview. The purpose of this class is to go over the the next section of the PSAT exam: Mathematics. Please turn in your review questions for the Critical Reading section of the test prep materials prior to coming to class on Tue.  To get into the live class, please click on the following link: PSAT Mathematics Preview Class, 10-8.

If you were unable to attend the live version of this class, you can watch the recording by clicking on the following link: PSAT Mathematics Preview Class, recording.

This class applies to the following courses:

PSAT Exam Prep Course