European Enlightenment

Post date: Jan 20, 2012 6:10:15 PM

European Enlightenment, 1642-1848

Hi All,

I will be hosting a live class at 1:00 pm MT on Thursday, 1-26 on the topic of the European Enlightenment. In 1642, English Parliament, fed up with the arbitrary and despotic policies of Charles I, began a Civil War against the king to decide whether their nation should enjoy the rule of law or endure the arbitrary will of a king who has no check on his power. The victory of the Parliamentarians over the king began a period of political reformation across Europe that would culminate in the creation of the United States Constitution in the New World and the eventual creation of constitutional monarchies or democratic republics throughout Europe. Historians later dubbed this period of scientific and political examination the Enlightenment, and the purpose of this live class is to tell its story. If you have ever wondered where the founding fathers got their ideas and/or what the origins of modern political thinking are, this is the class for you. Project Credit: Attendance in this live class will fulfill the requirements of your live class assignment for this unit. To get into this class please click the following link: Trehal's Office/Live Classroom. 

If you were unable to attend the live version of this class you may still earn credit for this project by watching the recording and answering the following question: What little known fact about the Revolutionary War do I mention in my discussion of it here? In order to get credit, please submit the answer to this question and the date you watched the recording into the Unit Live Class Assignment. You can watch this recording by clicking on the following link: View the Blackboard Collaborate recording.


This class applies to the following courses:

US Government A Unit 1

World History B Unit 2