American Industrialization

Post date: Jan 20, 2012 5:46:40 PM

American Industrialization, 1860-1914

Hi All,

I will be hosting a live class at 10 am MT on Thursday, 9-27 on the topic of American Industrialization. The decisive Northern victory over the South in the Civil War proved to American policy makers that industrialization was the key to economic and political power for the United States, and even during the war legislators created landmark legislation that would shape our economy for the next 100 years. Once the Transcontinental Railroad linked America's growing cities with the increasingly agriculturally productive West, our nation rapidly industrialized, becoming the world's premier industrial power by 1900. In addition to a massively improved infrastructure, 13 million people immigrated to the US at this time, and innovation after innovation made the America of 1900 unrecognizable to a person familiar with the nation in 1860. I will be covering some of the key developments of this era in this live class, so if this topic interests you, see you on Thursday.  Project Credit: Attendance in this live class will fulfill the requirements of your live class assignment for this unit. To get into this class please click the following link: Trehal's Office/Live Classroom. 

The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869

If you were unable to attend the live version of this class you may still earn points by watching the recording and answering the following question: What is JD Rockefeller holding in his hand in the picture we discuss titled, "What a peculiar little institution"? To get credit for the recording, please submit your answer to the question and the date you watched the recording in your Unit Live Classes Assignment. You can watch the recording by clicking on the following link: American Industrialization Class, recording


This class applies to the following courses:

20th Century American History, Unit 1

US Government B, Unit 1

US History Foundations to Present B, Unit 1

US Reconstruction to Present A, Unit 2