Egypt's Golden Empire Episode 1

Post date: Sep 27, 2011 12:12:9 PM

In order to get credit for this project, you must watch the following film and submit the completed movie worksheet:

Egypt's Golden Empire Part 1: The Warrior Pharaohs

Egypt, 1500 BC: Ever wondered how Ancient Egypt became such a powerful civilization? In unit 1 we learned about mankind's transition from hunter gatherers to farmers and city builders during the Neolithic Revolution. Once the pattern of civilization was set, societies around the globe began to expand their reach and achievements, and eventually worked to carve out large and powerful empires. One of the greatest of the early empires was the nation of Egypt, and the golden age of Egypt is a period that begins in 1500 BC called the New Kingdom. This PBS documentary describes the story of Egypt's rise from the ashes of defeat to their conquest of a Middle-Eastern empire making them a powerhouse in the Fertile Crescent. Project Credit: Download the movie worksheet and submit completed worksheet . 

Original Link:

Egypt's Golden Empire Episode 1