Unit 3 Essay

Post date: Nov 15, 2012 11:57:52 AM

Unit Essay: Civilization 2.0

In order to get credit for this project you must write an essay on ONE of the following topics:

Civilization 2.0:

The philosopher Thomas Hobbes once described life in the early Bronze Age as, "Nasty, brutish, and short." Early civilizations were often characterized by massive social inequity, rigid class structures, and near constant warfare. In the Iron Age, things often got better for the common man: in many cases government improved, citizens often had rights, and many empires experienced extended periods of peace and prosperity. In many societies throughout the world, the Iron Age (1200 BC to AD 500) brought improved government and a better quality of life. Using knowledge of historical developments you have gained from the lessons in this unit, write a five paragraph essay of 600 or more words illustrating this idea.

The City State of Athens as it appeared about 500 BC.

Some civilizations to discuss in your essay:

The Persian Civilization

Classical Greek Civilization

Hellenistic Civilization

Roman Civilization

Mauryan Civilization

Han China

The best way to organize this essay would be to pick three civilizations from the list above to discuss and find good things about these civilizations to list in your body para. For your analysis, ask yourself, "How did this civilization represent an improvement from life in the Bronze Age? What makes this better than what came before it?