Vietnam History Unit 2 Class: Combatants in the Vietnam War

Post date: Feb 06, 2012 6:56:25 PM

Vietnam History Unit 2 Class: Combatants in the Vietnam War

Alphabet Soup: Knowing Combatants in the Vietnam War

I will be hosting a live class at 10:00 am MT on Tue, 2-23, in order to go over the following topic: Alphabet Soup, Knowing Combatants in the Vietnam War. NLF, VC, ARVN, NVA, and GI: These are names of the various combatants in the Vietnam War, and it can get pretty confusing sorting them all out. In this class I'll be going over each acronym listed here and talking about the various groups involved in the fighting in the Vietnam War. In the unit essay, you'll be writing about why LBJ decided to commit American troops to the fighting in Vietnam, and knowing who was fighting and what each group's goals were is key to understanding why we fought. I promise that all students who attend this class or watch this video will walk away from this class with a clear understanding of all the combatants in the Vietnam War. To get into this class please click the following link: Trehal's Live Office/Classroom


Pictured here: NLF fighter. Note that the NLF used both men and women as combatants and these guerrilla fighters used whatever weapons they could, often turning our own weapons against us.

This class applies to the following courses:

Vietnam Era History, Unit 1

Missed the live version of this class? No problem, watch the video below: